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1、unit 12 culture shock section warm­up & lesson 104课后演练提能夯实·基础知识. 单词拼写1. we can _(闲逛) through the fields and even pick a few mushrooms to have with our breakfast.答案:wander2. he casually waved at the _ (服务员) and settled the bill.答案:waiter/waitress3. plants _ (吸收) carbon dioxide from the

2、air and moisture (水分) from the soil.答案:absorb4. _ (无论如何), i must finish this job today.答案:anyhow5. the _ (大多数) of people seem to prefer tv to radio.答案:majority6. if his demands are r_, we should meet them.答案:reasonable7. shenyang is situated in the n_ of china.答案:northeast8. the hole in the net is b

3、ig enough for a m_ to climb in to suck your blood.答案:mosquito9. you'll have to b_ air tickets and rooms in advance if you go out for travel during the national day holiday.答案:book10. he gave us a b_ introduction about his pany.答案:brief. 用适当的介词填空1. i am so looking forward _ your visit.答案:to2. tal

4、king _ moneyit's really easy to exchange traveler's cheques at banks.答案:of3. they discussed it for a long time and _ the end he agreed to the festival.答案:at4. i can't believe that i have been in london _ 6 months already!答案:for5. there is so much here that is different _ home.答案:from. 完成

5、句子1. i found the job tiring at first but i soon _ it.起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但很快就习惯了。答案:got used to2. _, the meeting was a disaster.总之,那会议糟透了。答案:in brief3. he was so _ a book that he did not hear the bell.他如此专心致志地读书以致没听见铃响。答案:absorbed in 4. would you like my old tv _ this camera?用我的旧电视机换这架照相机,你愿意吗?答案:in exchan

6、ge for5. obama's winning the nobel peace prize was _.奥巴马获得诺贝尔和平奖出乎许多人的预料。答案:beyond many people's expectation.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. after the class was over, the student apologized _ the teacher _ his cheating in the exam.答案:to; forapologize to sb. for sth.“因某事向某人道歉”,固定搭配。2. what is the way georg

7、e thought of _ (get) enough money to buy the house?答案:to get/of gettinggeorge thought of是way的定语从句,可以去掉,则该句变为what is the way _ enough money to buy the house? way的定语可用to do或of doing。3. which do you enjoy _ (spend) your holiday, going abroad or staying at home?答案:to spend此题极易受enjoy后接动词­ing形式的干扰。其实

8、,enjoy的宾语是which,即在going abroad与staying at home中作出选择,to spend your holiday是动词不定式作目的状语。4. when asked about the secret of his success, steven spielberg owed much of his success and happiness _ his wife and children.答案:to句意:当问到斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格成功的秘诀时,他把自己的成功和幸福主要归功于他的妻子和孩子。owe sth. to sb.“把归功于”。5. the key

9、you have just got is used _ (open) the front door.答案:to open句意:你刚得到的那把钥匙是用来开前门的。be used to do“被用来做”,you have just got为定语从句,修饰the key。6. when he came in, he found that his son was at the desk, pletely _ (absorb) in a magazine.答案:absorbed句意:当他进来的时候,他发现他的儿子坐在桌子前,专心致志地读杂志。be absorbed in“专心于”,分词短语作状语。7.

10、his success was a long history, but _ brief, he succeeded after many failures.答案:in句意:他取得成功的故事很长,但简单点说,他是经历了多次失败后才成功的。in brief“简言之”,固定搭配。8. we used to walk in the moonlight, talking about _ we were interested in.答案:what/all (that)句意:我们过去常常在月光下散步,讨论我们感兴趣的话题。what引导的是宾语从句,在从句中作宾语,what可换作all that, all作为

11、先行词,that引导定语从句,that可以省略。9. the country life he was used to _ (change) greatly since 1992.答案:has changed句意:自1992年以来,他习惯的乡村生活发生了巨变。仔细分析句子结构可知,he was used to为定语从句,修饰the country life;题干中缺的是主句的谓语,the country life表示单数概念,且由since 1992可知应用现在完成时。10. where have you been?i got caught in the traffic; _ i would h

12、ave been here sooner.答案:otherwise根据空格后的i would have been here sooner可知,此处表示与过去事实相反的情况,otherwise“要不然,否则”,表示含蓄条件,符合句意。提升·实战能力. 完形填空while vacationing in chicago, i felt it necessary to buy a pair of casual(休闲的) shoes. i found myself in a _1_ called the walking pany, which was very satisfying _2_ a

13、 friend. it was crowded, and therefore i almost _3_, but one of the salespeople made eye contact with me, which wasn't the _4_ of eye contact saying, “oh no, another customer.” instead, it was eye contact saying, “i'll be right with you.” it was _5_ eye contact.therefore i looked around for

14、several minutes, finding a pair of shoes i especially liked. _6_, the salesperson came up and said, “sorry about the _7_, let's get you some shoes.” i _8_ her the pair i wanted and asked to try size 10. she said, “let's measure your feet just to _9_.” she measured my feet and said, “size 10

15、is correct, _10_ the arches (足弓) in your feet have fallen a little. the type of shoes you've _11_ won't be the most fortable for you. therefore i suggest this other style would feel much better.” i _12_ the price of her suggested shoes, finding it was the _13_ price as the pair i liked. with

16、 nothing to _14_, i tried on the style she suggested, and they were extremely fortable. i must _15_: they're the most fortable pair of casual shoes i've owned.as i _16_ the shoes, the salesperson continued, “if you ever buy a pair of shoes somewhere else, be sure to tell the salesperson you

17、need shoes with some arch _17_like these.” when getting good service like this, i want to keep it _18_. i asked her whether there's a walking pany in orlando where i _19_. “sure, it's at the millennium mall.” afterwards, i bought two pairs of shoes at the orlando walking pany, again with _20

18、_ service, and i couldn't imagine buying shoes anywhere else.本文讲述“我”在the walking pany连锁店的一次买鞋经历。售货员热情、友好的目光,像磁铁般吸引着“我”;她真诚、细致的服务,又让“我”深受感动。1. a. store b. club c. restaurant d. cinema答案:a由本段中的关键词salespeople和customer可知,“我”发现自己进了一家商店(store)。2. a. thanks tob. because ofc. according to d. except for答

19、案:c据(according to)朋友说是非常令人满意的一家商店。3. a. left b. jumped c. shouted d. cried答案:a根据前面的it was crowded以及but后的内容可知,“我”看到店里很拥挤,几乎要离开(left)。4. a. subject b. topic c. story d. kind答案:d不是那种(kind)对于又多一个顾客感到不耐烦的眼神。5. a. new b. true c. certain d. good答案:d根据上文“it was eye contact saying, i'll be right with you

20、.”可推断售货员与“我”进行了友好的(good)眼神交流。6. a. actually b. finally c. luckily d. fortunately答案:b根据上文的“it was eye contact saying, i'll be right with you.”可知,售货员用眼神示意“我”,她马上会为“我”服务,以及下句“the salesperson came up and said,.”可知售货员最后(finally)果真过来了。7. a. bargain b. charge c. wait d. mistake答案:c根据上文“it was eye conta

21、ct saying, i'll be right with you.”可知,售货员忙得没能及时过来招呼“我”,因此,她对“我”的等候(wait)表示歉意。8. a. lent b. sent c. offered d. showed答案:d“我”把想要的那双鞋指(showed)给她看,并要求试穿一下10码的鞋。9. a. make sure b. e aroundc. take up d. turn up答案:a量一下“我”的脚的尺寸只是为了确保(make sure)挑选的鞋子合适。10. a. and b. but c. or d. for答案:b此处表示“没错,你穿10码的鞋,但是

22、(but)你的足弓有点塌陷”。11. a. ordered b. selected c. checked d. bought答案:b根据上文“i looked around for several minutes, finding a pair of shoes i especially liked.”可知,这双鞋是“我”挑选(selected)出来的。12. a. watched over b. looked overc. glanced at d. stared at答案:c见14解析。13. a. same b. higher c. acceptable d. normal答案:a见14

23、解析。14. a. explain b. lose c. ignore d. break答案:b“我”瞥了一眼(glanced at)售货员推荐的鞋子的价格,发现和“我”挑选的鞋子的价格一样(same),因此,“我”认为没有什么损失(lose),于是试穿了她推荐的样式。15. a. imagine b. promise c. recognize d. share答案:c根据“they were extremely fortable”可知,对于售货员推荐的鞋子,“我”试穿起来很舒服。“我”必须承认(recognize)这双鞋是“我”所有的休闲鞋中最舒适的一双。16. a. fell for b.

24、 paid for c. looked for d. asked for答案:b“我”付钱(paid for)时,售货员继续叮嘱“我”,以后在别处买鞋时一定要告知其他售货员“我”需要特殊的鞋子。17. a. support b. limit c. change d. problem答案:a根据上文“the arches in your feet have fallen a little.”可知,“我”的足弓有点塌陷,因此,足弓需要支撑(support)。18. a. growing b. moving c. staying d. going答案:d“我”当然想让这种良好的服务持续(going)

25、下去。19. a. hide b. stand c. live d. visit答案:c根据第一段的“while vacationing in chicago”可知,“我”想问的是“我”所居住(live)的城市奥兰多是否有the walking pany连锁店。20. a. reserved b. unusual c. great d. mon答案:c由本段开头的“good service like this”以及本空前的again可知,“我”在奥兰多的the walking pany连锁店再次享受了这样好的(great)服务。. 阅读理解jazz was originally sung or

26、 played by the african slaves in america. in the 18th and 19th centuries, africans were sold in america as slaves to work in large plantations (种植园). after a hard day's work, these people would gather together and sing, both to forget their worries and also to teach their children about the land

27、 and culture they came from. early jazz music was basically the soulful and sad position performed by black musicians who had little or no training in western music.many different kinds of music helped to create jazz. jazz probably had its roots in the 19th century. african americans created blues m

28、usic from church music and sad songs from the times of slavery. in large cities, african americans mixed these songs with music from other immigrants and then formed jazz. sounds from west african, spanish, french and even arabic cultures can be heard in jazz music. in this way, jazz is like america

29、n culture. jazz brings many ideas together from around the world to make something new.there are many different ideas about where the word “jazz” came from. some experts think that the word just borrows ideas from many different languages. they think that people may have made up their own word to de

30、scribe the excitement of hearing and playing a new kind of music. others think that the word es from the arabic word “jazb”. middle eastern jazb music and jazz have similar sounds. several musicians from the middle east have e to america to study jazz. they mix traditional jazz sounds with music fro

31、m their own countries. this kind of jazz is called “fusion” and it is one of the most popular forms of jazz in america today.本文介绍爵士音乐的背景、起源和形成以及jazz这个名字的由来。1. african slaves in the plantations played early “jazz” to _.a. earn some moneyb. entertain their slave ownersc. develop a kind of soulful and sad musicd. forget worries and keep their la


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