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1、and urban medi cal rescuework,conscienti ouslystrengthen leadership,sound system.County Government was set up by the magistrate asheadof the Government,civil affairs, finance,healt h, labourand other relateddepartments mainly responsibleas members of the leading group for ruralcooperative medical ca

2、re. Formed a Government, thehome of theCount y supervi sors, operation mechanism of collaboration. This year, theCounty startedimplementi ng Medicaid "one-stop" real timeservice, medical assistance,basic medical insurance, Effectiveconvergence of insurance andmedical relief implementation

3、plan for 2015 Icountie s to reconsider anamendment will be accepted to extend thehoursof medicalaid on June 30, and county-widepovertypopulation rangeof seri ous di sease incl uding medical assistance,prote ction of agricultural andMedicaid coverage.So far, the total investment 2.8772 million Yuan r

4、elief 955 visits the si ck poor people in urban and r ural areas, 155,000 to rescue 65people in patient s with serious disease s.(D) efforts to the development of social welfare service, constantly improve the five-guarantee system. Implementing regulati ons of the rural five-guarantee work, further

5、 increa se the intensityof day-to-day management and services to t he five objects, ensure that the five shoulddo, a ccording to Shi Bao on thebasis of further perfecting rural five-guaranteesystem, raise the level of support. So far, funding for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meanwhi le, as a regio

6、n-wide severe disabilities agedcare subsi dies this year pilot counties,our County hasbeenseriously disabled elderly nursing allowance pilotprogram, completing survey work for severely disabled older pe ople t hroughout the County, and in Junebegan issuing subsidies, up to now, thenursing allow ance

7、 total 79200 Yuan. For a betterimplementation of thesystem of funding for raising, my County in 2015 revisedBur qinCounty of new rural cooperative medicalcare program, will include the fullscope of medical aid.Existing 149 orpha ns i n our County arescattered forthe community support officers,standa

8、rd 700 Yuan/month/person, up to now, the total life subsidies for the 149orphans 983,400 winter coal subsidies for 180,000 yuan.(E) optimize rescue, relief work strengthe ning t he vagrants and beggars. Under the "voluntary aided, voluntary aid" bailout princi ples, further strengthe ning

9、t he work of relief for vagrants andbeggars, vagrants and beggars provide a ssista ncesuch as accommodation, return travel by car, especially for children, t he elderly,and the sick,disabledpe ople and young homelessperson to implement a point-to-point "first aid, after clearing" protectiv

10、e relief, and safeguard the basic right s of ba ilouts. Meanwhile, coordinatingpubl ic security,urba n management, maniagainst organizations such as theuse of minors, begging for thedisa bled and to disrupt public order andother illegal panhandli ng. Up t o now, a totalof 31,000 toRelief for vagrant

11、s andbeggars of 42 passengers.(Vi) with a focus on safeguarding thepeople's livelihood, promote homeprojects. Adhere to theproject as thestarting pointpositiveproje cts, schedul e, quality, safety, and to quicken the construction of projects, has made a new breakthroug h. In 2015, two projects,

12、Burqi n County communityday care centre for the elderly in friendship peak pr oject , BurqinCounty hemu kanas Mong olia人教版二年级语文上册1-8 单元知识点汇总第一单元一、字词。1、词语:景色宜人春华秋实五谷丰登金秋时节层林尽染山河壮美秀丽神奇天高云淡波浪电灯作业生字苹果劳动尤其特区巨石它们安全几块车站已经甲板豆芽 知识纷纷如果好事娃娃山洼2、默写古诗两首(赠刘景文、山行)。二、作业。1、看拼音写词语。金 (jn)秋 (qi)时 (shí)节 (ji é)

13、天(ti n)高 (go)云 (yún)淡 (dàn)四(sì)海(hi) 为(w éi) 家 (ji )秀(xi ù)丽(l ì)神 (shén)奇 (qí)春(chn)华(huá)秋(qi)实 (shí)安 (n)全 (quán)如 (r ú)果 (gu)波 (b )浪 (l àng)华 (huá)灯 (dng)壮 (zhuàng)丽(l ì)2、形近字组词。华(中华) 容(容易)壮(壮丽)屋(房屋)波(波浪)化(化学) 谷(山谷)

14、状(形状)层(层次)破(破坏)浪(浪花)昨(昨天)字(生字)怦(心怦怦)劳(劳动)良(良好)作(作 业 ) 仔(仔细)苹(苹果)牢(牢 记 )龙(龙灯)棋(下棋)区(区分)快(快慢)己(自己)尤(尤其)其(其它)巨 (巨石 ) 块(一块)已(已经)甲(甲虫) 帜(旗帜)娃(娃娃)枝(树枝)由(由于) 识(认识)佳(佳节)技(技术)3、给下列多音字组词。行为降都作尽4、照样子写词语。进出 (进进出出 )许多 (许许多多 ) 高兴(高高兴兴)快乐(快快乐乐)说笑(说说笑笑)认真(认认真真)来往 (来来往往 )弯曲(弯弯曲曲)开心(开开心心)5、写出带有下列偏旁的字。木(植)(树) (村 ) 月(脸

15、)(胆)(脖)艹(花)(草) (著)第二单元一、词语。二胡唱戏下棋钢丝培养休息伸手香甜歌声小院消除您好牵挂困难员工青春 安宁教室榜样学校亲切响亮班级哈欠元旦背包闹钟迟到及时身体仔细层次队礼更加怦怦地观看弹琴二、作业。national rural home for theproje ct. According to the County's general plan, integration of resources, in2014, newBurqin County Seni or Center project, t he currentproje ct has bee n compl

16、eted, inter nal equipment purchasing and workingcult ure decoration iscomplete, start review acceptance,put intouse by t he end. My County isbased on thebasic liveli hood needs to activelyseekpublic service facilities, 2015 todecl are mutual assista nce i n building ruralold happiness in Burqi n Cou

17、nty 8projects, i nvested 400,000 yuan lottery ticket equi pmentpurchased during the year for the rural mutual happiness.While actively works with development and reform Department, fighting for constructi on pr oje ct of BurqinCountydisaster relief material reserves, at present the projecthas comple

18、ted feasibility studyprocedures, feasibility study a pproval. In 2015, the County invested 500,000yuan,perfect M uslim funeral home facilities,upgradi ng services a ndproject acceBurqin County non-Muslim funeralhomeworks,so far the projecthas completed the project site, is for theearly procedures.(V

19、II) working steadilyamongothers, the full implementationof the special careand placementpoli cy. To furt her improve thequalityof activitiesamongothers as the goal,close to militarypractice, deepening theCounty among others. During the Spring Festival, the Eid al-Adha period with condolence s reside

20、nt waspaid 125,000 yuan forces and the soldiersback, specialcare and activities,while increasingworkof demobilized stability control, regular or irregular visit condolence activities, under stand the i deological tre nds, solve difficulties in life, increase the spear Shield troubleshooting to resol

21、ve and implement a poli cy, effectivelysafeguarding social sta bility.As of now, 148 of the County issued liviretired veteran cadres 7,800 Yuan, 70 rural veterans agedover 60 issued living subsi dies of 176,000 yuan, issued for27 veteransa one-time employmenteconomic benefit of 1.286 million Yuan.(H

22、) strengthen measures, promotingdivisi onnames and basicpower. Divi sion name: according to the autonomous region'surbanization development plansCounty finishe d Wo yimoke Xia ng town, Xiang to withdraw monthly,haspasse d the HomeOffice reviewof the autonomous region, continued this year to comp

23、lete the scope StackXiang Jia n Zhe n Xiang withdrawal of de clarations, while completing yili State Government approval, reported to the Home Office for approval.Meet thenee ds of Bur qin County's economic a nd social development, address some villagesdue to the largepopulati onbaseand widedist

24、ri buti on, i s not easy to manage, as well as t he jurisdi ction of the new pastoralsettlement from villages far, masses of inconveorganizational Department jointly organized,on the part of the township (town) villages (communities) splits and reorganization, achievingnew villages throughout theCou

25、nty, 11 communities 1. After adjustment, the County has jurisdiction over7 townships (towns) 74 villages, 7community.This year, the re-inspection work for peace t hroug hout the County the county seat, I work closely with the campaigns in villages and towns bor der theunit complete 5 2 town within t

26、he administrative area of the CountyPlanning, 12 and 5 pillars of joint inspectionof the border. Grass-roots democracy: one is to promote grass-rootsand urban medi cal rescuework,conscienti ouslystrengthen leadership,sound system.County Government was set up by the magistrate asheadof the Government

27、,civil affairs, finance,healt h, labourand other relateddepartments mainly responsibleas members of the leading group for ruralcooperative medical care. Formed a Government, thehomeof theCounty supervi sors, operation mechanism of collaboration. This year, theCounty startedimplementi ng Medicaid &qu

28、ot;one-stop" real timeservice, medical assistance,basic medical insurance, Effectiveconvergence of insurance andmedical relief implementation plan for 2015 Icountie s to reconsider anamendment will be accepted to extend thehoursof medicalaid on June 30, andcounty-widepovertypopulation rangeof s

29、eri ous di sease incl uding medical assistance,Medicaid coverage.So far, the total investment 2.8772 million Yuan relief 955 visits the si ck poor people in urban and r ural areas, 155,000 to rescue 65people in patient s with serious disease s.(D) efforts to the development of social welfare service

30、, constantly improve the five-guarantee system. Implementing regulati ons of the rural five-guarantee work, further increa se the intensityof day-to-day management and services to t he five objects, ensure that the five shoulddo, a ccording to Shi Bao on thebasis of further perfecting rural five-gua

31、ranteesystem, raise the level of support. So far, funding for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meanwhile, as a region-wide severe disabilities agedcare subsi dies this year pilot counties,our County hasbeen seriously disabled elderly nursing allowance pilotprogram, completing survey work for severely

32、disabled older pe ople t hroughout the County, and in June began issuing subsidies, up tonow, the nursing allowance total 79200 Yuan. For a betterimplementation of thesystem of funding for raising, my County in 2015 revisedBur qinCounty of new rural cooperative medicalcare program, will include the

33、fullscope of medical aid.Existing 149 orpha ns i n our County arescattered forthe community support officers,standard 700 Yuan/month/person, up to now, the total life subsidies for the 149orphans 983,400 winter coal subsidies for 180,000 yuan.(E) optimize rescue, relief work strengthe ning t he vagr

34、ants and beggars. Under the "voluntary aided, voluntary aid" bailout princi ples, further strengthe ning t he work of relief for vagrants andbeggars, vagrants and beggars provide a ssistance such as accommodation, return travel by car, especially for children, t he elderly, and thesick,dis

35、abledpe ople and young homelessperson to implement a point-to-point "first aid, after clearing" protective relief, and safeguard the basic right s of bailouts. Meanwhile, coordinating public security,against organizations such as theuse of minors, begging for thedisa bled and to disrupt pu

36、blic order andother illegal panhandli ng. Up t o now, a totalof 31,000 toRelief for vagrants andbeggars of 42 passengers.(Vi) with a focus on safeguarding thepeople's livelihood, promote homeprojects. Adhere to theproject as thestarting point,positiveproje cts, schedul e, quality, safety, and to

37、 quicken the construction of projects, has made a new breakthroug h. In 2015, two projects, Burqi n County communityday care centre for the elderly in friendship peak pr oject , Burqin County hemu kanas Mong olia1、看拼音写词语。青 (qng)山 (shn)队 (duì)礼 (l )牵 (qi n)挂 (guà)亲 (qn)切 (qiè)仔 (z )细 (

38、x ì)下(xi à)棋(qí)身 (shn)体 (t )教 (ji ào)室 (shì)休 (xi )息(x )尽(j ìn)力 (l ì)2、形近字组词。伸(伸手 )歌(歌曲)胡(二胡)观(观看)休(休息)困(困难)湖(湖水 )现(现在)体(体育)身(身体)哥(哥哥)因(因为)员(员工 )青(青蛙)宁(安宁)到(到达)样(样子)次(一次)圆(团圆)晴(晴天)宇(宇宙)室(教室)洋(海洋)欠(哈欠)元(元旦)包(书包)迟 (迟到 ) 极(极点)礼(队礼 )架(书架)园(公园)抱(拥抱)尺(直尺)及(及格)扎(扎彩)加(加法

39、)3、给多音字组词。兴担弹宁切背4、照样子写句子。(1)小军是我的好朋友。(我的好朋友)是(小军) 。( 2)今天的值日生是他。(他)是 (今天的值日生 )。5、造句。亲切地:老师亲切地说: “你今天的表现真好! ”兴奋地:我兴奋地走在回家的路上。仔细地 :我仔细地检查试卷。顺利地:我顺利地做完了所有的作业。6、照样子,给下面的字加部首,组成新字,并组词。例:白(怕)(害怕)青(清)(清早)只(织)(织布)中(钟)(钟表)合(哈)(哈欠)各 -(客 )(客人)分(纷)(纷纷扬扬)7、查字典填空。),再查( 8)画。“算”字先查部首(“钟”字的部首是(),除去部首有( 4)画。第三单元一、 词语

40、。夕阳与其山川神州讲台争取民族 亿万 洁白欢庆祖国旗帜乐曲中央城市路旁花坛图案申请布匹 互相北京泪水海洋拥抱飘扬拍打手指接着惊奇 故事 时候风景优美绿树成阴二、 作业。1、 看拼音写词语。问 (wèn)候 (hòu)拥 (yng)抱(b ào)民(m ín)族 (zú)互(hù)相 (xi ng)飘(pi o)扬 (yáng)山(shn)川 (chun)神(shén)州 (zhu)海(hi)洋 (yáng)风(fng)景 (jng)优(y u)美(mi)national rural home for th

41、eproje ct. According to the County's general plan, integration of resources, in2014, newBurqin County Seni or Center project, t he currentproje ct has bee n completed, inter nal equipment purchasing and w orkingcult ure decoration iscomplete, start reviewcceptance,put intouse by t he end.My Coun

42、ty isbased on thebasic liveli hood needs to activelyseekpublic service facilities, 2015 todecl are mutual assista nce i n building ruralold happiness in Burqi n County 8projects, i nvested 400,000 yuan lottery ticket equi pmentpurchased during the year for the rural mutual happiness.While actively w

43、orks with development and reform Department, fighting for constructi on pr oje ct of BurqinCountydisaster relief material reserves, at present the projecthas completed feasibility studyprocedures, feasibility study a pproval. In 2015, the County invested 500,000yuan,perfect M uslim funeral home faci

44、lities,upgradi ng serviBurqin County non-Muslim funeralhomeworks,so far the projecthas completed the project site, is for theearly procedures.(VII) working steadilyamongothers, the full implementationof the special careand placementpoli cy. To furt her improve thequalityof activitiesamongothers as t

45、he goal,close to militarypractice, deepening theCounty among others. During the Spring Festival, the Eid al-Adha period with condolence s resident waspaid 125,000 yuan forces and the soldiersback, specialcare and activities,while increasingworkof demobilized st ability control, regular or irregular

46、visit condolence activities, under stand the i deological tre nds, solve difficulties in life, increase the spear Shield troubleshooting to resolve and implement a policy, effectivelysafeguarding social sta bility.As of now, 148 of the County iretired veteran cadres 7,800 Yuan, 70 rural veterans age

47、dover 60 issued living subsi dies of 176,000 yuan, issued for27 veteransa one-time employmenteconomic benefit of 1.286 million Yuan.(H) strengthen measures, promotingdivisi onnames and basicpower. Divi sion name: according to the autonomous region's urbanization development plansCounty finishe d

48、 Wo yimoke Xia ng town, Xiang to withdraw monthly,has passed the HomeOffice reviewof the autonomous region, continued this year to complete the scope StackXiang Jia n Zhe n Xiang withdrawalof de clarations, while completing yili State Government approval, reported to the Home Office for approval.Mee

49、t thenee ds of Bur qin County's economic a nd social development, address some villagesdue to the largepopulati onbaseand widedistributi on, i s not easy to manage, as well as t he jurisdi ction of the new pastoralsettlement from villages far, masseorganizational Department jointly organized,on

50、the part of the township (town) villages (communities) splits and reorganization, achievingnew villages throughout theCounty, 11 communities 1. After adjustment, the County has jurisdiction over7 townships (towns) 74 villages, 7community.This year, the re-inspection work for peace t hroug hout the County the county seat, I work closely with the campaigns in villages and towns bor der theunit complete 5 2 town within the administrative area of the CountyPlanning, 12 and 5 pillars of joint inspectionof the border. Grass-roots dem ocracy: one is to


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