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1、学习必备欢迎下载初三英语第二次月考试卷、单项选择题(1 ×40=40 分)1.Tommy ,do you know if Frankto the zoo this Sunday if it?A.will go ; is fineB. goes; is fineC. will go ; is going to be fineD. goes; will be fine2. please give meabout how to learn English well.A.an adviceB.some advicesC.some suggestionD.some advice3.We bel

2、ieve scientists willa way to solve (解决 )the problem ofair pollution.A. set offB. put off C. come up with D. catch up with4.I read some good books than watch bad TV program.A. would ratherB. would likeC. had betterD. prefer to5.Have you gotto tell me?A. something importantB. important somethingC. any

3、thingimportantD. important anything.6.Must we finish our homework now , Mrs Read?Oh no, you .A. mustntB. cant C. wont D.neednt7.The music is wonderful , because we canit.A. danceB. dancingC. to danceD. dance to8.Action moviesme of Jackie Chan.A. remind B. thinkC. hearD. miss9.It s time to say goodby

4、e to my school. Ill always remember thePeoplehave helped me .A. who B. whatC. which D. where10. Sorry,we dont have the coatyou need.A. whatB. who C. whomD. which11. This is the bookis written by Lu Xun.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. /12.Theres somethingI would like to tell you.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. which13

5、. The old lady is ill. Youd better take her to the hospital.A. at timesB. at onceC. not far awayD. soon14. Listen! There must be someoneat the door.A. to knockB. knockingC. knockD. knocked15. Beofthe dog that does not barkA. carefulB. carefullyC. careD. caring16. Tom prefersto.Let s ask him to take

6、part in our dancingclub!A. singing ; dancingB. dancing ; singing C. to sing ; danceD. to dance ; sing学习必备欢迎下载17.To keep healthy, he tries his best tocigarettes(香烟 ).A.stay away fromB.stay away C.staying away from D.staying away18.-He cleaned the classroom yesterday.-.A. So does heB. So did heC. So h

7、e did D. So he does19.I d like to visitvacation , Sam.A. somewhere interestingB. interesting somewhereC. anywhere interestingD. interesting anywhere20.The two menwalkedtheforest(森林) and got toa small houseA. acrossB. throughC. byD. over21.Can you provide ussome informationthe computer?A. for ; withB

8、. with ; about C. about ; with D. with ; with22.Quite a few girls dreambeing a famous singer.A toB ofC inD by23.Accordingthe survey., most students like to travel by trainbecause it s cheap.A . toB. in C. atD. as24.There were 10 peoplekilledinthe earthquake ,aforeigner.A. includingB . includeC. incl

9、udedD. except25.I d like to buy your house if you areto sell itA. willing B. afraidC. ableD. angry26.Now I spend timewhat I love to do.A. to doB. doingC. doD. did27. of them like to play basketball.A. EachB. EveryoneC. Every D. Both28.Mother would like toA. cheer him upB.cheer up him C. cheered up h

10、im D .cheeredhim up29.Why did you come back so early?The English party has beenuntill next Friday.A. put on B. put offC. put awayD. put out30.Not only you but also Ia stuendt.A. areB. isC. amD. be31. My God! My bicycle is broken. Dont worry. Let mefor you.A. put it upB. fix up it C. put up itD. fix

11、it up32.The rich man has decided toeverything he has to charity.A. set upB. turn on C. put offD. give away.33.The box is filledbooks.A. with B. aboutC. ofD. over34.Jimhis mother. He is quite similarher.A. takes after ; withB. takes after ; toC. looks after ; withD. looks after ; to35.My teacher made

12、easier to work out that problem in his way.学习必备欢迎下载A. thisB. itC. oneD. that36. Pepper (胡椒粉) can be usedour food more delicious.A. for makingB. to keepingC. to makingD keeping37. The studentsnot to swim in the river.A. are toldB. tellsC. tellingD. told38. How many students are there in your school?T

13、he students in our schoolover two thousand.A. The number of ; is B. The number of ; are C. A number of ; isD. A number of ; are39. Do you often plant trees in spring?Yes. Many treesin our school every year.A. plantB. are plantingC. are plantedD. planted40.I dliketojointheschoolvolunteerproject,butI

14、m notsure.A. how I should doC. how should I doB. what should I doD. what I should do、 完形填空 (1 ×10=10 分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day ,Peter went to see his doctor.“I am always tired when I41in the morning. ”he said.“Do you sleep well? ” the doctor asked . ”Well

15、, not _4 2 .I dream so much. I have being like this for a longtime. ”Peter answered .“ Well ,sometimes dreaming is good _43_ us .” said the doctor.“ Maybe.”Peter said.“But my troubleis _44_ I always dream about hardwork! Last night ,as soon as I fell _45_ ,I dreamt that I went to the _46_ to plant t

16、reesallnightlong!Then severalnightsago ,I dreamt thatI was on an old 47_in a terrible storm(风暴 ) at sea .We had to work forhours to stop the shipfromsinking.Itseems that,inmy dreams I alwayshave very difficult jobs to do.”“What about the sleeping pill (安眠药 )48_ were given to youseveral days ago?Dont

17、 they work?” the doctor asked .“Yes ,but not well.But if I dont take one,I will be awake allnight. ”学习必备欢迎下载“ Then try _49_before you go tosleep ._50_,listen to lightmusic . ”the doctor said.41.A.wake upB.go to bedC.sleep42.A.hardlyB.suddenlyC.really43.A.forB.ofC.with44.A.whatB.thatC.how45.A.sleepB.

18、sleepingC.asleep46.A.houseB.gardenC.library47.A.shipB.trainC.plane48.A.thatB.whoC.it49.A.relaxB.to relaxC.relaxed50.A.By the wayB.And so onC.For example、阅读理解 (2 ×10=20 分)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“ A” 表示,不符合的用“ B”表示。Arctic foxA( 北极狐 ) isa kindofsmall foxthat lives inthe Arctic(北极 ). It gr

19、ows about 50 centimeters(厘米 ) long, not including its tail,30 centimeters tall and weighs(体重) from 3 to 7 kilos.The Arctic foxes are white or blue in color. The white ones are whitein winter,but grey-brown insummer. The blueones are blue-greyallyearround.The Arcticfoxeshave long,thickhairthat iscall

20、edfur (绒毛) .And thelongfurcoverstheirwhole bodies, includingboththeircateyesand rabbit feet, to keep them warm in the low temperature in the Arctic.The Arctic foxes feed(吃) mainly on birds, birds eggs and othersmall animals. Teamwork (协力) is the way they look for food, and theydont like to do that a

21、lone.BabyArcticfoxes are ver y lovely. They dont open theireyes untila week after their birth(出生) . For the first half of the year, theirparents offer them food. They begin to look for food on their own whenthey are about six months old. The next year they can live alone.Today,the number of( 的数量) th

22、eArctic foxesis becoming smallerand smaller,because people killthem fortheirfur to makebeautiful coatsfor money. Something must be done to protect the Arctic foxes.51.Notall (不是所有的) theArcticfoxeschange theircolorsindifferentseasons.52.The Arctic foxes have rabbit eyes and cat feet.学习必备欢迎下载53.Baby A

23、rctic foxes are born with their eyes open.54. Birds, birds eggs and other small animals are the main food for the Arctic foxes.55.According to the passage, there are more Arctic foxes now.第二节 阅读短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。BDo you know why differentanimalsor pests ( 昆虫 )have theirspecialco

24、lors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly(主要地) to protect(保护) themselves.Somebirds likeeatinglocusts ( 蝗虫 ),but birds cannoteasilycatchthem. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with thechange of the colors of crops(庄稼 ). When crops are green, locusts lookgreen. But as the harve

25、st time comes, locusts change to the same browncolor as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plantsare easilyfound and eatenby others.So theyhave tohidethemselves forlives and appear only at night.If you study the animal life, you ll find the main use of coloringis to protect them

26、selves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietlythrough forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters (猎人 ). This isbecause they have the colors much like the trees.Have you evernoticedan even strangeract? A kindoffishinthe seacan send out a kindof veryblackliquid( 液体 )when itfacesdanger. Whilet

27、he liquidspreadsover ( 散开 ),its enemies ( 敌人 )cannotfindit.And itimmediatelyswims away. So ithas lived up tonow though itisnotstrongat all.56.From the passage we learn that locusts_.A. are small animalsB. are easily found by birdsC. are dangerous to their enemiesD. change their colors to protectthem

28、selves57.How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of(置身于外) danger?学习必备欢迎下载A. They run away quickly.B. They have the colors much like their enemies.C. They hide themselves by day and appear at night.D. They have to move quietly.58.Bears and lions can keep safe because _.A. they have t

29、he colors much like the treesB. they move quietlyC. they like brown and gray colorsD. they live in forests59.Why can the kind of fish live up(快乐的生活 )to now?A. Because it is very and strong.B. Because the liquiditsends out can help itescape fromitsenemies.C. Because the liquid it sends out can kill i

30、ts enemies.D. Because it swims faster than any other fish.60.Which is the best title for this passage?A. The Change of Colors for Animals and PestsB. Colors of Different Animals and PestsC. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and PestsD. Some Animals and Pests、完成句子 (1 ×10=10 分)根据所给中文意思,完成下面各句,每空

31、一词。61. 垃圾食品对人们的健康不利。Junk foodpeople s health.62. 如果我是你的话,我会多吃水果和蔬菜。If,I would eatmore fruitand vegetables.63. 西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称。Spain used toits strong armada.64. 每天读书是个好习惯。65. 他通常在放学后踢足球。He usually plays soccer.66. 对一些残疾人来说,比如开关门这样的正常事是很困难的。学习必备欢迎下载Normal things likedifficult for some disabled people.

32、doors are very67. 请把杯子装满水。Please fill the cup.68. 对不起,我刚才把你的钢笔拿错了。Sorry, I took your penjust now.69. 孩子们总是被告诉不要抽烟。Children are always told.70. 据说数千人在复活节飞到了巴黎。Its said thatpeople flew to Paris at Easter(复活节) .、短文填空 (1 ×10=10 分)用方框中所给单词填空,使短文完整。 (每个单词限用一次)flysidemoonhadvisitingChinatraveledsights

33、whythatI m Cathy BrownI am now working forthe Sunshine Travel Service( 阳光旅行社 ) in Fuzhou, Fujian.I have justcomeback from Taiwan, the largestisland of(71).Last week, I took a group of officials(官员) fora weeks triptoTaiwan.We(72)allaroundtheisland.Therearelotsoffascinating(73) on the island.My favori

34、teis the Sun MoonLake.You may ask(74) people call it so. If you(75) high upover the lake and look down from your plane, youll find the answeryourself.In the middle of thislake,there s a small island(76)is called Lalu. Onone(77) of Lalu the lakelooks like a sun,and on the other side it looks like a(7

35、8). That is why peoplecall it the Sun Moon Lake.There are many mountains around thislake.One of the nearest is MountAli.Westayed thereforthree days. Wealso(79) a dancing partywith Gaoshan people there.Why not consider(8 0) Taiwan for your next vacation? Itsa wonderful place to visit.、任务型阅读 (2 ×

36、5=10 分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下面各题。( 答题方法:带着问题读短文)Have you ever heardof the Watoto Childrens Choir(合唱团 )? It isa music group from Africa.Itworks to improve the way oflifefor children学习必备欢迎下载in Africa.The choiris travelingallover the world with a team of adults.Theirperformances mix nativeAfricanmusic and d

37、ance withmodern style.The choir was started in Kampala, Uganda. Watoto means“children”in Swahili( 斯瓦希里语 ).The choirismadeup of people who have lostoneor both of their parents.The Watoto ChildCare Ministries( 部门 ) providecare fororphans ( 孤儿 )inUganda. The WatotoVillageisa collectionofhouses builtesp

38、eciallyforthe orphans. Each house has a womanwho takes care of abouteight children. At present the Watoto Village is looking after 1,600children by placing them in families. The children will be looked afterwith health care and food and get the love that every child needs.Dennis Kiima is the team le

39、ader of the Watoto Childrens Choir. Hesaid,“Our goal is to raise the future leaders of Uganda. We hope theywill change the countryfor the better.We cant tell what willhappen.It s either good or bad, and were hoping for the best.”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。81. What is the Watoto Childrens Choir?It is a music grou

40、p.82. What is the Watoto Childrens Choir for?To improve the way of life for.83. What do the Watoto Childrens Choir s performances mix?They mix native African music and.84. What people is the Watoto Childrens Choir made up of?The choir is made up of people who have lost.85. What s the woman s job in

41、each house in the Watoto Village?Taking care of about.、补全对话 (1 ×5=5 分)根据下面的对话内容,从对话前的选项中逃出最佳选项填入空白处上 . 选项中有一项为多余选项 .A. Where are you from?B. How do you like China?C. I'm Katy.D. I went there with him.EYes,it's my first day.FI often go to California on business.A: Good morning .Are you mew here?学习必备欢迎下载B:_(86)A: I see.My name s Jack. B:_ (87)A: Nice to meet you , Katy._(88) B:America.A: Really? It's a great country. _(89)B:Thanks. Actually , I m from New York, but California is one of my favorite states.A:_ (90)B: I love it. The people are fiendly, and the food is


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