1、fossil fuels 85% of the worldscommercial energycoaloilnatural gas1严选文书2严选文书3严选文书20 richest countries consume: 50% of coal 80% of natural gas 65% of oil4严选文书5严选文书u.s. energy consumptionmining/metalsother industrytransportationother9%6严选文书coalfossilized, condensedcarbon-rich fuel10 x reserves of oil/g
2、as, last 200 years at present rate7严选文书8严选文书coal minessurface (strip) mine,western u.s.underground (shaft) mine,eastern u.s.9严选文书coal cheaper,but pollutingmuch eastern u.s. coal hashigh-sulfur content,more expensive to minemuch western u.s. coal haslow-sulfur content,cheaper to minebut mining in sem
3、i-arid westmore damaging to land.10严选文书heat value of coal typesanthracite bituminoussubbituminouslignite51% of u.s. use in coal11严选文书energy lost from coal10% lost ontransmission lines(stray voltage) 65% lost in power plants12严选文书effects on health black lung disease (miners) respiratory illnesses (pu
4、blic)13严选文书effects on land coal sludge releases hardpan at strip mines mountaintop removal huge water use slurry pipelines14严选文书effects on air greenhouse gases 3/4 sulfur dioxide 1/3 nitrogen oxides 1/2 carbon dioxide toxics mercury uranium15严选文书acid rain16严选文书acidity of rain ph of 6.0 kills insects
5、, crabs ph 5.0 kills fish, trees17严选文书sources of nitrogen oxides nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide create acid rain tall stacks deposit farthertransportationelectricalplantsother18严选文书coal scrubbers19严选文书20严选文书the future? hydrogen fuel cells21严选文书natural gasmethane, othergases in bedrock22严选文书23严选文
6、书advantages of natural gas cleaner to burn half as much co2 as coal more efficient 10% energy lost 60-year supply at current rates 24严选文书disadvantages of natural gas difficult to transport pipelines liquified natural gas (lng) tankers can be polluting, dangerous when extracted methane bed drilling p
7、ollutes 25严选文书oil (petroleum)buried organic matter rich in hydrocarbons26严选文书27严选文书oil consumption by sector (1998) utilitiesquads of oil28严选文书29严选文书30严选文书31严选文书32严选文书33严选文书34严选文书proven oil reserves 465 billion barrels con
8、sumed 1 trillion barrels left 22 billion consumed a year 45 years to go! party now!35严选文书180022002600global oil production for resources of 1800, 2200, and 2600 billion barrels05101520253035195019601970198019902000201020202030billions of barrels per year36严选文书distribution of estimates of ultimately
9、recoverable world crude oil (1975-1993)0510152025303514001600180020002200240026002800billion barrelspercentage of estimates37严选文书world crude oil production0510152025301950196019701980199020002010billions of barrels per year38严选文书world crude oil prices(economic crises in oil states)010203040506019701
10、97519801985199019952000$1992 per barrel39严选文书global trends in oil growing use in china (+10%/year) japan, europe depend on mideast new reserves around caspian sea nearly size of saudi arabia increasing source of major wars, human rights abuses 40严选文书kuwait oil well fires, 199141严选文书42严选文书persian gul
11、fand caspian sea43严选文书44严选文书oil & natural gas pipelines45严选文书46严选文书u.s. trends in oil diverse sources (not mideast) venezuela, nigeria, etc. opening domestic sources alaska controversy polluting technologies? oil shale extraction synthetic fuels (coal-to-oil)47严选文书exxon valdez, alaska 198948严选文书
12、attempts tocontain spill49严选文书clean-up efforts50严选文书prince william sound fishing industry damaged51严选文书52严选文书oil in ecuador ecuador 2nd largest s. america producer 70% of exports drilling in amazon rainforest53严选文书opposition to oil companies construction of roads, pipelines on indian lands displacem
13、ent of indians, deforestation oil leaks into rivers larger than valdez spill54严选文书ecuador indian occupationstexaco withdrew 1992,arco met demandslawsuit againsttexaco inu.s. courts, 199955严选文书oil in nigeria largest producer in africa, mainlyin niger deltanigeria had militarygovernments in 1990s56严选文
14、书environmental problemsin niger delta regionhomeland of ogoni, ijaw groupsgas flaring hazards oil spills in mangrove swamp57严选文书ogoni environmental protests 58严选文书oil companies collude with military many ogoni killed by militaryogoni leaderdr. ken saro-wiwa executed in 1995shell oil pays,transports soldiers59严选文书nigerian women protest,
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