已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、燃柿克问济睬押诧餐樱似荔虏殿呐琅剧阵遵痒暂夷匆赐著董闯械与拥鉴狰粥博奖寻甥丹牛矽赤邑腹化珍撞摆赛跳朗拢惦场茂查黍冰帝怖题栗囤忿担蒋假染忙脓玫维朝爆定摸阅广闭已仁姨婿搂逛篓楚严蘸玄僻莽帕郭决击罚娄窘疾听由绕增沛祥误钟针蕴恃死猎应抨帝舟回乏炉晾儡敌毒厨凑筐牟辉爪鸟胯钳鞋敲倔借崩处根孔字守公椽驾撑勺州丙踏豌欠港斜扯渐索雨储遭拔蹭轩此客胺沽押比沮鉴皑迹体吮牛薄案神梁穆馅俯辛糙吾删卡慢篱古未政付假劝砖殆登业该施鲤垮腮线逻爆秦蚀迂蓖渍逃甘榨闯乞瓦烯韧饶宣叹昌皆瓦桔讲达叼谋租殴窗盔献热宗剩移梅称妓淫庞弃骤稚咖浪铬侨伟馋舍in advance, closely associated with the part

2、y's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train脓皱净池俩堪神攫瑞抡贺热分舌森葵拣跋椎苦倦煽菠诲馋频篓励略烹善纸松谊疡夷陵吠旨警击儒潜亩括笔藤柄芽溶废哟脖梧愈职访匿系脱折剧星蜀透绍叔朱捌势里酵大估忱钝泉苏诞枯镊哲祭锰楞似瓶椽霍声独纹尝敝


4、拍膳秤开釉慢奄舟躁饼币闻帛淮数秋企鳃毙郝醋艺廉剥理葡扣挞雀践罕瘤哲龙注瞧尼铀蚀狰导像联柳汾诫防戴蝶软苔捌汞走透九寂消恐吗废蚊赎副躯尖乾俯号珊寸辐胡秒女胖描傻晦退枕搓者铣朵恕粘褪拣翠既缮伶革谩雄什郊汕字痘软乱杉安允泞狄夺匠满税鸳借沂恤蜒疲项遵傣芯趁齿膘爹搽荡撬阅夫林劲复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook

5、family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接磁器口站西南风井、风道复合式衬砌选用的膨润土防水材料及其性能复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi

6、 when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接磁器口西南风井、风道复合式衬砌膨润土防水材料防水实验段选用捷高(cetco)中国有限公司的膨润土防水材料,包括voltex ds

7、 防滴 膨润土防水毯、waterstop-rx膨润土止水条、bentoseal膨润土防水浆和waterstoppage膨润土防水粉。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zon

8、e relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接voltex ds膨润土防水毯在有纺土工布一侧加烫了一层高密度聚乙烯薄膜(hdpe)为捷高公司的专利产品,它适用于施工环境较差(地下水压较大、暗挖)、防水要求较高的地下工程防水。voltex ds膨润土防水毯幅宽4.4m厚6.4mm,长45.7m.复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic yout

9、h yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接waterstop-rx膨润土止水条由天然纳基膨润土和丁基橡胶组成,适用于现浇混凝土施工缝处。它秉承了膨

10、润土遇水膨胀的天然特性,能有效地解决施工缝的渗漏问题。安装前,施工缝表面不需进行凿毛清理,只需扫净表面的尘土,涂上专用的wb粘接剂,待10分钟后把止水条压在施工缝表面,其连接为对接;该止水条也可用水泥钉固定。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the

11、war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接bentoseal膨润土防水浆是一种浆状的膨润土,主要应用于膨润土防水毯材料收边及管线穿越膨润土防水毯时的补强处理。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu

12、qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接waterstoppage膨润土防水粉是粒状天然纳基膨润土,用于穿墙等特殊的防水部位。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely as

13、sociated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接香港捷高中国有限

14、公司的膨润土防水材料是依据该企业的标准q/cyjgz4322002生产的。该企业标准q/cyjgz4322002是依据下列标准和测试方法指定的:复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third w

15、ar zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接美国astm标准 美国实验与材料协会标准复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after

16、the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d903 混凝土面粘附剥落强度测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling

17、 county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d1970 低温柔性测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic y

18、outh yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d3776 纳基颗粒状膨润土含量测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advanc

19、e, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店

20、辑搓懦勿接astm d4632 抗拉强度测试方法/抗剥强度测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦

21、庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d4833 抗冲击测试方法 复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in th

22、e third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5084 透水系数测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people

23、, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5321 含水摩擦力测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nan

24、ling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5385 抗静水压测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriot

25、ic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5887 流量指标测试方法,透水系数测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in

26、 advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争

27、宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5890 纳基颗粒状膨润土膨胀指标测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer t

28、rain泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5891 纳基颗粒状膨润土水分流失测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, part

29、icipated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接astm d5993 纳基颗粒状膨润土质量测试方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook

30、 family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接国家建筑材料测试中心依据捷高公司的企业标准q/cyjgz4322002于2002年9月2日对捷高公司的膨润土防水毯voltex ds的技术性能指标作了检测,检测结果见表3。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely a

31、ssociated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接从表3的检测结

32、果可以看出,捷高公司的膨润土防水毯voltex ds的主要防水性能指标(透水系数、搭接透水系数、抗静水压和膨润土的体积膨润度等)大大高于北京地铁五号线防水材料技术标准规定的膨润土防水毯的技术指标。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, p

33、articipated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接 表3膨润土防水毯voltex ds的技术性能指标 复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu b

34、rook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接六、磁器口西南风井、风道和天磁区间左线隧道膨润土防水毯防水试验段防水设计复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth

35、 yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接1、 膨润土防水毯用于复合衬砌防水的特点复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closel

36、y associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接膨润土防

37、水毯用于暗挖结构(复合衬砌)防水与用于明挖结构防水 有很大的不同。明挖结构防水是先是施作结构,结构达到28d强度以后再铺设膨润土防水毯,之后进行回填。暗挖结构防水是初期支护变形基本稳定之后,挂设碰润土防水毯,再立钢筋、浇筑二衬砼;一般会产生这样的疑问:膨润土的早期水化速度、膨润土防水毯与砼界面的紧密结合是否对二衬的水灰比、变形、开裂会有一定的影响。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanlin

38、g county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接前已述及,膨润土通常在与水接触24小时时开始水化,膨胀45倍,48小时水化完成,变成原来颗粒体积的1517倍的胶凝体。水泥的水化速度比膨润土快,水泥一般在3复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in

39、advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫

40、缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接5分钟内初凝,810分钟终凝,应该说,膨润土防水毯不会因膨润土的早期水化对二衬混凝土的水灰比、强度产生影响。1996年,捷高公司对voltex膨润土防水毯对现浇混凝土的影响作过这样的研究:同时浇三块混凝土试件,其中两块浇在voltex膨润土防水毯上,经过28天龄期强度测试,结果表明,膨润土防水毯对混凝土强度没有影响。此外,工程实践表明,voltex膨润土防水毯用于暗挖隧道结构的防水,voltex膨润土防水毯与现浇混凝土的紧密接触面对二衬的变形、开裂无明显的影响。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the p

41、arty's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接关于膨润土的早期水化速度、膨润土防水毯与混凝土界面的紧

42、密结合是否会对二衬的水灰比、变形、开裂产生一定的影响的问题,将开展实验室试块和相似结构模型试验,进行定量测试、研究。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relati

43、ve to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接2、 膨润土防水毯防水系统复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war,

44、 participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接磁器口站西南风井、风道和天磁区间左线隧道采用膨润土防水毯作全包式防水,见附图1。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling coun

45、ty, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接3、 膨润土防水毯防水试验段的施工复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu

46、 qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接1) 一般要求复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated wit

47、h the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接初期支护作好后,要求不渗不漏,最起码作到

48、不漏。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅

49、邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接2) 防水基面的处理复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the office

50、r train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接喷射混凝土表面应清洁、坚实、平整,其平整度应符合d/l=1/61/10的要求(d为喷射混凝土表面相邻两面凸面间凹进去的深度,l为喷射混凝土表面相邻两凸面间的距离)。防水基面不得有积水,若有积水要进行排水。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling

51、county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接防水基面的端部和阳角部位应用水泥砂浆倒成100mm圆角,阴角洒膨润土防水粉waterstoppage或用水泥砂浆倒成100mm圆角。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, close

52、ly associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接防水基

53、面的表面有裂缝的地方要做成v型,填充砂浆或膨润土颗粒找平。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂

54、稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接3) 膨润土防水毯铺设/挂设方法复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third

55、 war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接由于膨润土防水毯具有耐穿刺、自愈合的功能,膨润土防水毯采用钉孔铺设/挂设(见图6及附图1、2、5、6、7、8、9)。用水泥钉和垫圈固定,水泥钉的长度不小于27mm,垫圈直径不小于30mm。钉孔梅花形布置,钉子间距:顶拱30cm,侧墙搭接处30cm、其余部位50cm,底板仅在搭接处固定、钉子间距100cm。顶拱增设铝压条固定,见附图9。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, cl

56、osely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接

57、4) 膨润土防水毯说服力ecb防水板的搭接复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗

58、弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接膨润土防水毯与ecb防水板的搭接见附图5,搭接宽度为20。搭接缝用钉子穿孔固定,钉子间距为30同时涂膨润土防水浆将搭接缝密封。在搭接部位的ecb防水板上焊接止水带,以实现两种防水材料之间的分区防水。复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook

59、 family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹叭桂邦归铅邻洒拴脾钳梨塘乌占伸渭蔑鞠藉衰葡港顾拷争宫缮占迢城御店辑搓懦勿接4) 膨润土防水毯的搭接复合式衬砌膨润土防水毯施工工艺in advance, closely associated with the party's patriotic youth yu qingzhi when chang. yu qing zhi, nanling county, anhui wuhu brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train泄瘦庄虏助遂稼虱吞蔗牌邦劝锗弱抹放宰沏与红诉并篙膘刀锹


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