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7、莀螀蚃膀薂薃肂腿节袈羇膈莄蚁袃膇蒆袇蝿膆蕿虿肈膆芈蒂羄芅莀蚈袀芄蒃蒁螆芃膂蚆螂节莅蕿肁芁蒇螄羇芀蕿薇袃芀艿螃蝿荿莁薅肇莈蒄螁羃莇薆薄衿莆芆蝿袅羃蒈蚂螁羂薀袇肀羁芀蚀羆羀莂袆袂罿蒅虿螈肈薇蒁肆肈芆蚇羂肇葿蒀羈肆薁螅袄肅芁薈螀肄莃螃聿肃蒅薆羅肂薈螂袁膂芇薅螇膁莀螀蚃膀薂薃肂腿节袈羇膈莄蚁袃膇蒆袇蝿膆蕿虿肈膆芈蒂羄芅莀蚈袀芄蒃蒁螆芃膂蚆螂节莅蕿肁芁蒇螄羇芀蕿薇袃芀艿螃蝿荿莁薅肇莈蒄螁羃莇薆薄衿莆芆蝿袅 肇芁莀薀螆肃芆薀衿艿膂蕿羁肂蒀蚈蚀芇莆蚇螃肀节蚆袅芆膈蚅肇肈薇蚄螇羁蒃蚄衿膇荿蚃羂罿芅蚂蚁膅膁螁螄羈蒀螀袆膃莆蝿羈羆节螈螈膁芈螈袀肄薆螇羃芀蒂螆肅肃莈螅螅芈芄莂袇肁膀蒁罿芆葿蒀虿聿莅葿袁芅莁蒈羃膇芇蒇







14、袈罿莇蒅羀膄芃薄蚀羇腿薃螂膂蒈薂羄羅蒄薁肇芁莀薀螆肃芆薀衿艿膂蕿羁肂蒀蚈蚀芇莆蚇螃肀节蚆袅芆膈蚅肇肈薇蚄螇羁蒃蚄衿膇荿蚃羂罿芅蚂蚁膅膁螁螄羈蒀螀袆膃莆蝿羈羆节螈螈膁芈螈袀肄薆螇羃芀蒂螆肅肃莈螅螅芈芄 目录contents第一章 摘要.1chapter i description 1 第二章 公司介绍2chapter ii brief introduction to the company 2第三章 商业发展计划7chapter iii business development program 4一、南非投资环境7 1. investment environment of south afric

15、a 4二、投资计划9 2. investment program 4三、人员培训计划14 3. personnel training program 6四、企业的发展趋势18 4. development trend of the enterprise 8第四章 公司管理23chapter iv management 11一、组织管理结构图23 1. schetch of organizing and management structure 11二、人力资源23 2. human resources 11三、管理体系35 3. management system 16第五章 市场分析40ch

16、apter v market analysis 19一、市场需求情况40 1. market demand 19二、市场的确定43 2. target market 20三、市场营销计划45 3. marketing program 21四、竞争者情况和市场占有额47 4. competitors and market share 22第六章 生产过程49chapter vi process of production 23一、原料供应商情况49 1. situation of suppliers 23二、产品制造过程的描述52 2. description on process of man

17、ufacture 24(一)预处理工序的制作过程54 1) process of preliminary treatment 24(二)钢化工序的制作过程58 2) process of tempering(三)夹层工序的制作过程60 3) process of laminating 27第七章 财务计划63chapter vii financial program 29一、财务管理63 1. financial management 29二、资金的来源、使用及回收期预测63 2. estimation on source and use of fund and payoff period 2

18、9三、财务成果预测63 3. estimation on financial outcome 29第八章 结论66chapter viii conclusion 32摘要chapter i description这份商业计划书是南非旭日安全玻璃有限公司为在南非建厂而制作的一份文件。this business program is specially compiled for rise safety glass co., ltd of south africa to set up a manufacture factory in the country.这份文件主要阐述了在南非建厂的战略目标和投

19、资计划。从财务状况、管理体系、产品销售渠道,人力资源诸方面分析了企业优势。文件从市场信息诸方面考察了市场的需求空间和竞争者的情况,策划了应对措施。文件针对财务方面,从资金的分期投入到回收和资金收支平衡及利润分配诸方面都做了预测。this document mainly elaborates strategic target and investment program of setting up a factory in south africa. advantages of the company are analyzed in terms of financial situation, m

20、anagement system, sales channel, and human resources etc. the margin of market demand is investigated as well as the situation of competitors, corresponding measures are also programmed. in financial aspect, forecast is made from periodic input of investment to payoff term thereof, balance between e

21、xpenses and receipts, distribution of profits and so on.这份“商业计划书”是对在南非投资建厂运作程序的一份指导性文件。this business development program is a guideline document on setting up a factory in south africa.公司介绍chapter ii brief introduction to the company旭日安全玻璃有限公司位于南非东开普敦省,东伦敦市,于2006年6月19日注册。rise safety glass co., ltd i

22、s located in east london, east cape of south africa and is registered on jun 19th, 2006.公司注册号:2006/017811/07。number of registration:2006/017811/07公司性质:民营独资企业 nature of the company: wholly owned private company所属行业:玻璃深加工 industrial category: further processing of glass中国秦皇岛奔牛商贸有限公司是投资主体,在南非注册成立-旭日安全玻

23、璃有限公司,生产安全玻璃,与南非usg公司进行商业合作共同发展。qinhuangdao benniu commercial & trade co., ltd of china is the principal investor, which registered rise safety glass co., ltd to produce safety glass and seek business cooperation and mutual development with usg in south africa.旭日安全玻璃有限公司拥有高级技术人员与高级管理团队;具有完整精湛的生产

24、工艺技术,与世界生产安全玻璃的行业同步发展,能够对生产实施有效控制,能够根据市场的需求进行科研开发。完善的管理体系是公司正常运营的保证。具备取得任何质量管理体系和产品质量认证的能力。(中国秦皇岛北戴河渤海安全玻璃有限公司已通过iso90012000质量管理体系认证、产品质量通过gb96562003汽车安全玻璃标准、取得3c产品质量认证)rise safety glass co., ltd owns high level technical staff and management team, complete and sophisticate productive process and te

25、chnologies which keep pace with world level development. the company is therefore capable enough to execute effective control over production and execute efficient r & d according to market demand. complete management system guarantees regular operation of the company. the company is capable eno

26、ugh to face any quality control system and obtain any certificate on quality control. (beidaihe safety glass co., ltd of qinhuangdao, china has obtained certificate of iso90012000 quality control system, quality of its product satisfies the gb9656-2003 auto safety standard, the company also gets the

27、 3c quality certificate)公司产品的生产范围:汽车用安全玻璃、工程机械用安全玻璃、建筑用安全玻璃、照明灯具、家用电器、家具用安全玻璃、特种安全玻璃。product scope of the company: auto safety glass, safety glass for construction machineries, safety glass for architectures, safety glass for illuminating appliance and home electric appliance, special safety glass e

28、tc.汽车用安全玻璃有:大型高级客车前挡风夹层安全玻璃、侧窗用弯型钢化安全玻璃、后挡风多曲面钢化安全玻璃、货车全车用安全玻璃。auto safety glass include laminated safety glass for front wind shield of large passenger cars, curved and tempered safety glass for side windows, tempered and multi-curved-face safety glass for rear windows, safety glass for universal u

29、se of cargo vehicles and so on.建筑用安全玻璃有:超大尺寸幕墙玻璃,包括平、弯型钢化,平、弯钢化夹层,平弯钢化中空安全玻璃。厚度在419mm范围内任意选择。可大批量生产门窗用安全玻璃,满足南非市场发展的需求。safety glass for architectures covers super large curtain wall including flat and curved tempered glass, flat and curved laminated glass and flat and curved vacuum safety glass with

30、 thickness of 419mm at customers option. the company is also capable of producing large batch of safety glass for doors and windows to satisfy the market demand of south africa.工程机械用安全玻璃有:可生产挖掘机、推土机、装卸机、矿山机械车辆用夹层、钢化特异型多曲面钢化安全玻璃、多曲面夹层安全玻璃。safety glass for construction machineries include common lamin

31、ated glass, special shaped and tempered multi-curve-face safety glass and multi-curve-face laminated safety glass for excavators, bulldozers, loading and unloading machines, mine machineries and vehicles etc.特种安全玻璃有:可生产用于安全防范领域的防弹玻璃、防爆玻璃、防火玻璃,可根据不同的要求生产平型和弯型的产品。special safety glass includes bullet p

32、roof, explosion proof and fire proof glass which is to be used in security defensive field. either flat or curved product is available according to different demands.其他种类有:照明灯具、家用电器和家具用安全玻璃,可生产各种形状、各种磨边要求的平型钢化、弯型钢化安全玻璃、各种曲面形状的家具用玻璃。other species include safety glass for illuminating appliance, elect

33、ric home appliance and furniture. the company can produce varied tempered flat and curved safety glass of different trimming demands as well as furniture glass of varied curve and shape.注:以上多数产品在南非是没有的,而且不具备生产此类产品的生产工艺技术和设备。n.b: most of the above mentioned products are not available in south africa,

34、 nor is related technical process and equipment.先进设备与工艺技术的投入,多种专业设备的优化组合投入,计划中的后期设备投入,能够满足市场增长的需求。工艺技术的优势、生产能力的优势、专业管理的优势使公司具备了长期发展的基础。the combined input of advanced equipment and technology, selected input of combined professional equipment and equipment to be invested during middle and late stages

35、 of the investment program will satisfy the requirement of growth of the market. advantages in technical process, productive capability and professional management empower the company with foundation of long term development.质量的保证:依托中国母公司的基础,公司具有先进的生产工艺技术、可靠的生产过程控制、专业的管理体系,能够保证产品质量在长期生产中的稳定性。quality

36、 guarantee: depending on foundation of headquarter company in china, the company in south africa enjoys advanced technical process, reliable control over productive process, professional management system人员的培训:对员工进行全方位的培训,以当地人员为主体,经过管理培训、工艺技术培训、生产操作培训,培养出高级管理人员、工程技术人员、生产操作人员和专业的市场营销人员,使公司更快的融入当地的文化中

37、。personnel training: the company will execute overall training program for its personnel with local employees as the majority. through training on management, technical and process, productive operation and so on, the company will foster high level management team, engineering and technological team

38、, production operation team and professional marketing team. thus the company will become more localized soon as possible.稳定的产品质量、精湛的工艺技术、完善的管理体系、诚信的服务和长远的发展思想,是南非-旭日安全玻璃有限公司的追求。stable quality, exquisite technology, complete management system, sincere service and long term development concept combin

39、e to present permanent pursuit of south africarise safety glass co., ltd 注:奔牛商贸有限公司是秦皇岛市北戴河渤海安全玻璃有限公司为向南非投资成立的一家公司。n.b: benniu commercial & trade co., ltd is a company established by beidaihe bohai safety glass co., ltd to make investment in south africa.第三章 商业发展计划chapter iii. business developme

40、nt program南非投资环境i. investment environment of south africa旭日安全玻璃有限公司将在南非的东伦敦市投资建厂。南非东开普省东伦敦市是一座美丽的城市,依山傍海、环境优美,有机场、码头、高速公路、交通便利发达、人力资源丰富,基础设施配套齐全。优惠的投资政策,稳定的社会秩序、温和友善的人民,造就了良好的投资环境。中国秦皇岛市与南非东伦敦市结成友好城市,为进一步的交往、方便中国企业到南非投资 ,在东伦敦市成立了秦皇岛市工业园区。根据以上的条件和环境,中国秦皇岛市奔牛商贸有限公司选定南非东伦敦市投资建厂,成立旭日安全玻璃有限公司,生产安全玻璃。rise

41、 safety glass co., ltd is going to invest and set up a factory in south africa. adjacent to both mountain and sea, east london of east cape is a beautiful city, which has convenient transportation in terms of airport, berths and expressway rich human resources and complete infrastructure. preferenti

42、al investment policies, stable social order and friendly people combine to forge sound investment environment in south africa. the city of qinhuangdao of china has twin city relationship with the city of east london of south africa and therefore to make further contact and provide convenience for in

43、vestment from china to south africa, the qinhuangdao industrial park is established in east london. it is for above mentioned factors that qinhuangdao benniu commercial & trade co., ltd selected the city of east london to set up a factory namely rise safety glass co., ltd to produce safety glass


45、企业可享受3年免税现金补助;在3年内每年按照投资额的一定比例返还企业,并可直接返回国内;设备折旧在3年内折清等优惠政策。这些优惠政策更使投资者增强投资信心。we invest in south africa for its optimistic market prospect. in south africa, auto glass has been monoplied by shaterprufe. price is kept at high level. auto producers try to seek more suppliers to reduce cost. we shall b

46、reak the monopoly, accelerate development of auto industry, promote quality of safety glass and make the price more reasonable. the government of south africa requires that tempered or laminate glass should be applied in all civil construction, which indicates great market potential. our product, up

47、on entrance into south african market will meet such increase of demand. power consumption is encouraged in south africa and power price is low, this is a favorable factor for enterprises majoring in further processing of glass. what makes investors more confident is that government of south africa

48、provides varies preferential to foreign investment include subsidies in cash during 3 years to newly invested small and medium enterprises or enterprises with additional investment. inspected and approved enterprises may enjoy tax exemption subsidies in cash during 3 years with certain proportion of

49、 the investment. the refunded cash can be directly refunded to china. equipment depreciation can be finished during 3 years.投资计划ii. investment program在对南非市场进行了充分的考察后,决定在南非东伦敦市投资建厂,成立玻璃深加工企业-旭日安全玻璃有限公司,生产汽车、建筑、工程机械、照明电器、家具用安全玻璃。经过仔细研究,拟定分三期对在南非建厂进行投资。upon sufficient investigation to south african mar

50、ket, we made the decision to invest in the country and set up a factory namely rise safety glass co., ltd to major in glass further processing. products cover safety glass of auto, architecture, construction engineering, illumination appliance and furniture. through detailed study, our investment is

51、 to be made in 3 stages.(一)第一期投资 第一期投资总额300万美元。其中租赁厂房、专业设备和辅助设备的投入为170万美金,流动资金为130万美金。前期准备工作中的厂房租赁已于2006年10月1日签署了租赁协议。针对市场的需求确定了第一期投入的专业设备,购置工作已全部完成。(详见设备清单附表)1. the first stage of investmenttotal investment of the first stage is us $ 3 million, 1.7 million of which goes to workshop leasing and inve

52、stment in professional and auxiliary equipment, 1.3 million goes to circulating fund. contract of leasing for workshop of preliminary and preparation work is done on oct 1st of 2006. professional equipment for the first stage of investment is procured according to market demand (see attachment table

53、 of equipment for detail information)在设备运抵工厂前两个月,派3-4名工程技术人员前去南非,对车间厂房内生产设备的整体布局,基础设施和电气工程,进行设计与施工,计划用60天时间完成。主机设备(平、弯钢化机组)运抵南非后,进行安装调试,派3名安装调试人员前往南非,需用45天时间完成,调试完毕后人员回国。在主机设备安装调试期间,前期预处理设备运抵南非,派3人前往进行安装调试,同时派往南非生产操作控制人员2名。预处理设备调试完毕后,调试人员返回国内。3 or 4 engineers will be sent to south africa 2 months pr

54、ior to the date of arrival of the equipment to do design and construction work of overall layout of the equipment infrastructure and electric engineering in the workshop, which will take about 60 days. 3 engineers will be sent to south africa to install and adjust the crucial equipment (tempering flat and curved unit) upon its arrival which will take about 45 days. the workers will come back to china when the work is finished. preliminary treatment equipment will be shipped to south africa during the period of installation and adjustment of the crucial unit, 3 engineers wi


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