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1、Vocabulary TeachingHou yunjieVocabulary teachingPronunciationFormMeaningUseVocabularyPrinciples of teaching vocabulary 1.Situational principle 2. Various presentation 3. Representation or review 4. Cultivating students vocabulary learning strategies 5. Cultivating learner autonomy 6. Feedback princi

2、pleStrategies of Vocabulary Teaching Presentation strategies (呈现策略) Learning strategies (记忆策略) Representation strategies(复现策略)Presentation Strategies 1.Use real objects, pictures, sketches, role-play, body language, avoiding translation. 2. Provide the context, learn from reading, the use of the lan

3、guage. 3. Use synonyms and antonyms. 4. Utilize word formation knowledge: roots, preffixation, suffixation, conversion, compounding. 5. Apply Lexical approach 6.Find students confusion over words learned.词汇呈现的语境 1)词句相连的语境词句相连的语境 2)与生活相连的语境与生活相连的语境 3)创设游戏比赛的语境创设游戏比赛的语境 4)虚拟生活场景的语境虚拟生活场景的语境 5)角色扮演创设语境

4、角色扮演创设语境Memorizing Strategies 1. Distributed or focused 2. Cognitive and Affective 3. Whole-body response 4. One form and one function of the words to remember each time 5. Clarify Synonyms from time to time 6. Students interest and relevance to life词汇记忆策略 1)语义场联想法语义场联想法 比如教师可以让同学把所有与职业有关的单词列出记忆 Act

5、or actress cook doctor dentist dancer driver engineer farmer fisherman librarian model nurse pilot policeman postman reporter salesman scientist secretary shopkeeper singer soldier teacher waiter waitress worker writer 2)拼读联想法拼读联想法 把相似发音的词归纳在一起,既可以学会发音规律,又可以记单词。 Fact active actor factory practice ac

6、t 事实(fact)是,哪个积极的(active) 男演员(actor),正在工厂里(factory)练习(practice)如何表演(act)。 3)拆分记忆法拆分记忆法 Again-again(获得)-又 Almostamost(最多的)几乎 Borderborder(命令)边境 Boilb-oil(油)-沸腾 Chillchill(小山)-冷的 Climbclimb(臂、腿)攀登 4)语音记忆法语音记忆法 同音词记忆 Auntaret Basebass Bear-bare Bred-bread breakbrake by-bye be-bee career-Korea dye-die 音

7、近、形近记忆法 Bad-bat bag-back baby-body ball-bell break-bread calm-come cool-coal cause-course cast-cost count-cant class-glass dusk-dust 5)谐音记忆法 Dangerous 危险的( 等着惹事) pumpkin南瓜 (胖金) feast 盛宴(肥死它) Defend 捍卫,提防 (提防) deliver 投递 (递礼物)candle蜡烛(看到) Representation Strategies复现策略 1. Building semantic field Food,

8、 Fruit, Color, Sports 2. Synonyms Largebig, fallautumn, hideconceal Antonyms Malefemale, truefalse, alivedead Concepts of wholeness to partiality Arm-wrist-hand-finger-thumb 3. Labling, picturing, drawing etc. 4. Games 5.Chanting, singing, corpus 6. translationRepresentation strategies 7. Lexical approach Collocation: widely traveled, rich and famous, set the table Verb Phrase: get up, log on, run out of Sentence structure: would you mind if Id if I were you Idioms: mind your own business Polite conventional use in certain situ


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