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1、2018 版上海房产证翻译模板签证(英国)Shan ghai Certificate ofRealShan ghai Real Estate Certificate XXXX ( 200X ) No. xxxxxDate of Issue: 0301/2018In accorda nee with the Low of Land Admi nistrati on of the Peoples Republicof China, the Law of Real Estate Administration of the Peoples Republic of China and Shanghai

2、Regulations for Real Estate Registration and other rele vantlaws and regulations, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of th e ownersof Ian d-use rights and the house own er, registrati on is hereby grant ed andthis certificate is give n to such owner for the land, house and other appurten

3、ances listed in this his/her registration application after due examina tionand verification.This certificate is the proof of the own ership rights to the real estate onState-ow ned land lot.Shan ghai Housing and Land Resource Adm ini stration、Bureau (Seal)CProperty ownerLocati on of the HouseLand s

4、tatusSource of usufructSellUse of landReside ntialLand plot No.XX 区 XX 街道 XX 街坊 XX 丘(地 块)XXth plot, XX block, XXSub-district, XX DistrictArea of plotPeriod of UseTotal areaHerei ntoArea of selfArea in aporti onmentHousestatusBuilding No.详见附记see the postscript,XX Zone, XX BuildingRoom No./ LocationCo

5、nstruction areaTypeApartme nt / Busin ess buildi ngUse of houseResidence / Busin essTotal building storeysdate of completionIssuing authority:(Real Estate Registry of Slnghai XXXXJZ)istnct(Seal)Area Unit: Square Meter附记postscript附记postscriptThe nominal storeys名义楼层The actual storeys实际楼层Buildi ngNo.Room No./Locati onConstruct!on area(Square Meter)TypeUse ofhouseTotalstoreysCompleti ondate-ysXXPark ingSpaceTotalBia nk part belowReal Estate Registry of Shan ghai XuhuiDistrict (across-page seal)骑缝章以下的翻译都是符合英式的建筑地产名词、中国官方的行政机构用词


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