已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、My New Teachers, I have never seen the film.(事实上)that the lights are switched off when you leave.( 确保)Modulel【知识点精讲】:翻译下面短语:I. admit havi ng done sth3. play a joke on sb about sth5. on time for7. be strict in sth9. all the timeII. tell the differe nee betwee n A and B12. be different fromin 14. be p

2、opular with/amongimpressi on on sb.16. make sure18. the private school20. be in terested in =have/ take/ show in terest i n21. make sb feel stupid22. make mistakes24 be well orga ni zed and clear26 fall asleep28 be fu n完成下列句子:122. show/ have respect for sb4. be patie nt withwith patie nee6. be stric

3、t with sb8. as a result10. be true of13. be similar to in 15. leave/ have/ make a good17. make no tes19. the state school23 make progress 25 do well in27 wave one s hands29. get bored第1页共12页young people.( 受欢迎) us.(对严格) .(尊重老师)3 This film is4 Our maths teacher5 Stude nts should重点单词及句型:A. patient adj.

4、容忍的,忍耐的;有忍耐力的n.病人You should be more patie nt with others.He was patient of hardships. 他能吃苦。I have run out of patie nee with her. = lose oneI ve lost all patienee with gu and your excuses.归纳拓展(反)impatients patie neebe patie nt with sb.patie nee n.be patient of sth.忍耐某事 have patie nee with sb.归纳拓展第3页共

5、12页be out of patienee with 对忍无可忍 have no patienee with 对 不能容忍have the patie nee to do sth.with patie nee = patie ntlyB. make sure of/ that 确保make sure of the time and plaeeWe should start early if we want to make sure of getting there in time.Make sure all the win dows are elosed whe n you leave.be

6、sure of /about/ that有把握,确信be sure to do sth.The exhibiti on is sure to be popular.C. strict adj.严格的;严厉的They were always very striet with their ehildre n.归纳拓展be striet with sb.be striet in sth.strietly speak ing 严格的说D. so that1以便,为的是(引导目的状语从句)2.因此,以至于(引导结果状语从句)I want to leave now so that I wont be la

7、te.Jay studied day and ni ght so that he eould pass his entrance exams.sothat如此以至于(引导结果状语从句)A. adj./ adv.so adj. + a(n) + n.many/ mueh/ few/ little + n.B. a(n) +adj. + 9 单数suehadj. + C 复数-adj. + U + that-elause+ that-elauseShe is so tall that she has to have her elothes made for her.It s sueh a good

8、 eha nee that we canit. t missE. avoid vt.避免I deliberately/ i nten ti on ally avoided publie plaees where I might be reeog ni zed.With a little eare, these problems can be easily avoided.Try to avoid doing anything whieh might hurt his feeli ngs.Avoid using this route during the rush hour.归纳拓展escape

9、 doing sth.逃避作某事avoid (doing) sth.避免做某事F. appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感激Any con tributio n you can make will be gratefully appreciated.归纳拓展appreciate sth./d oing sth. 对 表示感激He即preciates your tale nts.他很欣赏你的才能。I appreciate your finding time to see me.appreciate it if/ when 从句 对 表示感激I would appreciate it if y

10、ou would tur n the music dow n.7. admit vt.承认(错误、罪行等);容纳,接受;准许进入归纳拓展admit sth. 承认(事实、过失等)admit doing sth. / having done sth.The Vice Preside nt admitted taki ng bribes.副总统承认受贿。He admitted havi ng stole n the car.admit that 承认admit sb./ sth. to/ into接纳某/某物进入;吸收某人/某物参加;许可 进入Each ticket admits one adul

11、t.The n arrow wi ndows admit little light i nto the room.be admitted to被接收(入学、入会、组织等)How many stude nts have bee n admitted to the school this year?8. as a result (of)因为;由于Jenny n early missed the flight as a result of doing too much shopp ing.result in 导致result from 由导致Many ill nesses resulted from

12、 lack of exercise.The accide nt that resulted in the death of two passe ngers resulted from careless drivi ng.9. wave about/ around 向四周挥手;wave aside对不予理会wave on挥手示意向前走wave through挥手示意通过10. respect vt.尊敬;尊重 n.尊敬,尊重;敬意,问候( pl.)(反)disrespectrespect sb./ sth. for sth. He was respected for his integrity.

13、 他因为清廉而备受尊敬。v respect on eself.自尊;自重、show/ have respect for 对表示尊重女口: I have an enormous respect and admiration for your brother.我对你的哥哥非常尊重和敬佩。He has/showed no respect for her feeli ngs.in respect of 关于 ;就 而言 如口: WW II discuss the problems in respect of air pollution. in this respect 在这个方面如口: In this

14、 respect, we are very fortunate.in all respects = in every respect 在各方面in many respectsv give/ send oneespscrts/ regards to 代某人向 问候11. keep + adj.保持keep sb. doing sth.如口: Sorry to keep you wait ing for such a long time.s keep in touch with sb.如口: My parents asked me to keep in touch with them once a

15、 week.keep sile nt/ warm/ awake12. suggest vt. 1.建议; 提议 =propose搭配:suggest doing sth. / suggest (that)/ suggest wh如口: She suggested (that) we have lunch at the new restaura nt. = She suggested havi ng lunch at the new restaura nt.2.暗示如口:All the evide nee suggested that the crime was carried out by a

16、 professi on al.Please suggest where we should have dinner.13. (1) would rather (not) do sth.宁愿(不)做(2) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.(宁愿 也不)=would rather do sth. than do sth. =would do sth. rather than do sth.A lot of my friends eat sweets every day but I would rather eat some fruit.Faci ng t

17、he en emies, our soldiers would rather die tha n surre nder.(3) would rather后接从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气。 would rather sb. did sth.宁愿某人做某事(用一般过去时表示对现在和将来的虚拟) would rather sb. had done sth.宁愿某人做过某事(用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟)如口: I would rather you didn t smoke in the office.I d rather you hadn t told him the news that day.14

18、. relationshipbuild/ develop / foster a relatio nship 建立、发展、培养关系stren gthe n/ improve the relati on ship 加强、改善关系the relatio nship breaks dow n/ fails/ worse ns 关系破裂 / 恶化15. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.with独立主格结构(作时间、原因、条件、方

19、式、伴随状语 )with Mrs Che n teachi ng me通常被称为 with的复合结构。在句子中多做状语。 with的复合结构: with +宾语+ V-ing (宾语与动词是主动关系)With the old man leadi ng the way, I can easily find his house. with +宾语+ V-ed (宾语与动词是被动关系)With the work fini shed, I can now watch TV. with +宾语+ to do (动作还未发生)With a lot of work to do, I have to stay

20、 up toni ght. with + n/ prep. + adj./ adv./ prep.He entered the room, with his hands red with cold.( 伴随状语)They went out of the room, with the light out. (时间状语)She saw a brook with red flowers and gree n grass on both side.(定语)Language Points 21)relationship n.关系relationship between And B with sb (人、

21、团体、国家之间的)关系,联系She has a very close relationship with her sister.她和她妹妹关系非常的亲密。I have established a good work ing relati on ship with my boss.我已经和我的老板建立起良 好的工作关系。a father-s on relati on ship 父子关系2)formal 正式的,礼节的反义词in formalThe Prime Minister made a formal declaration. 首相发表正式文告。formal clothes 礼服 拘泥形式的,

22、刻板的 You needn t befoomal with me.你对我不必要如此拘谨。3)relaxed adj轻松的,松懈的,宽松的He appeared relaxed and con fide nt before the match. 比赛之前,他显得镇定而自信 .She had a relaxed ma nn er.她的举止特别自然.a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere.家庭经营的旅店,气氛自由随便.relaxed about sth 不加以拘束的I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards wh

23、at the kids wear to school. 孩子们穿什么上学 ,我觉得无所谓。relaxing令人放松的,轻松的a relaxing drink/walk/evening 使人感到轻松的一杯饮料 /一次散步/一个夜晚4)be true of (某种情况)适用于,适宜于 洽乎事实的It is true of everybody.这件事适用于每个人.come true变成现实 be true to life 栩栩如生5)have problems with 会碰到的问题6)similarly相同的,同样的(可以修饰动词,也可以修饰整个句子)Husband and wife were s

24、imilarly successful in their chosen careers. 夫妻俩在各自选择的事业上都很成功。The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming,the topthree places went to America ns.美国赢得了田径比赛大多数项目的胜利。同样,在游泳方面,美国人也囊括了前三名。7).ca n可能性Childre n can be tiresome .孩子们有时很烦人。Jogging can be harmful for the hea

25、lth.慢跑也可能会对健康有害。Grammar: Verbs followed by -ng(动名词)1)直接接动名词的有 :admit,avoid,advise,allow,appreciate,consider(考虑),delay,enjoy,escape,fancy,fini sh,forbid,imag ine,keep,mind,permit,practice,risk,suggest,我们可用这样一个虚构词madpsfameicarfe,其汉语谐音为卖的不是发霉咖啡”帮助归纳记忆海一个字母代表一个英语单词.m-mind(介意),a-avoid(避免),d-delay(推迟),p-p

26、ractise(练习),s-suggest(建议),s-stand(忍受),s-stop(停止),f-finish(完成),f-forgive(原谅),a-advise(建议), m-miss(错过),e-escape(逃脱 ),i-imagine(设想),c-canrt help(禁不住),a-admit(承认),r-risk(冒险), f-fancy(认为,想象),e-enjoy(喜爱).2)直接接动名词的短语有 :feel like,give up,can htelp,be used to,keep on,insist on,Iookforward to, put off,devotet

27、o,stick to, object to, tha nks to, be busy in,get dow n to, havesome trouble/difficulty /problems(i n)e.g. I am looking forward to seeing you. 我盼着再见至M尔。The book advised taking more exercise.医生建议多运动。The boy refused to admit stealing my money.这个男孩拒绝承认偷了我的钱。We missed the 5:30 bus, which means waiting f

28、or another hour. 我们误了 5:30 的班车, 这意味着还得等一个小时。.I really enjoyed working on the farm. 我真的喜欢在农场干活。She had finished listening to the new.她听完了新闻。注: 有些动词,如:remember. forget, stop, try, mean , regret等,后既可以跟动名词,也可以跟 动词不定式,但意义不同。| remember doing sth.记得曾经做过某事(动作已发生)Lremember to do sth.记住做某事(动作还没有发生)女口:I rememb

29、er see ing you somewhere in Beiji ng. 我记得在北京什么地方见至U过你.Do you remember to post the letter?你记住寄这圭寸信了吗 ?forget doing sth忘记曾经做过某事(动作已发生)、forget to do sth忘记做某事(动作还没有发生)女口:I shall never forget hearing her singing that song.我再也不会忘记听她唱那支歌的情景I have forgotten to bring my umbrella. 我忘了带伞 .stop doing停止做某事L stop

30、 to do sth停下来去做某事如:Please stop doing.请不要说话.They stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 他们停下来一听 ,但已经没有什么声 音了。try doing试着做某事(看行不行)L try to do sth尽力做某事女口: Why not try doing it some other way?何不用其他办法试一试?广mean doing sth意味着做某事Jmean to do sth打算做某事女口: That will mea n waiti ng an other hour.那意味着还要等一

31、个小时。What do you mean to do with it? 你打算把它怎么处理?regret doing对某事感到抱歉I regret to do sth后悔做过某事女口:I regret to tell you that you failed the test.我遗憾的告诉你你没有通过考试。I regret lending him so much money. He never paid me back. 我很后悔借给他那么多钱。 他从来没有还过我。 动词like , love, prefer后接不定式或动名词作宾语均可。如表示经常的动作可用动名词,如表示具体的行为常用动词不定式

32、。但要注意:如果like, love, prefer前有would/should时后面则接动词不定式。如:I like swimmi ng , but I don liketd swim this after noon. 我喜欢游泳,但我今天下午不喜欢 游泳。第9页共12页I d like tgo swimming this weekend.本周我愿意游泳。 begin, start, continue后跟不定式和动名词,通常没有差别。但在下列三种情况下,其后需用动词不定式:A. 当begin/start用于进行时时;B. 当begin/start的主语是物时;C. 当其后的动词为不可以用于进

33、行时的表示心理活动或精神状态的动词时。 need表示 需要”,require表示 要求”,want表示 想要时后面接动名词或to be done即:sth n eed/require/wa nt doing/to be doneThe house wan ts/needs/requires repairi ng/to be repaired 动名词有时可有自己的逻辑主语,构成动名词的复合结构one( s)doing st其中其逻辑主语不可使用主格代词。Would you mind my ope ning the door? 我打开门你介意吗 ?【过手练习】:1. In some parts o

34、f London, miss ing a bus meansfor ano ther hour.A. waitingB. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting2. The discovery of new evidence(证据)led to.A. the thief havi ng caughtC. the thief being caughtB. catch the thiefD. the thief to be caught3. One lear ns a Ian guage by making mistakes andthem.A. correctB. co

35、rrect ingC. correctsD. to correct4. She meantbut the look on your face suggested“ No”A. expla iningB. to expla in C. expla natio nD. to be expla ined5. - When did you go to the States?-I rememberthere whe n I was ten.A. havi ng take n B. to be take n C. being take n D. to take6. He is so busy that h

36、e can t helpthe classroom.A. clea ningB. to clea ningC. to clea nD. clea ned7. - I have bee n kn ock ing the door, but no one an swers.-Why n otat the back door?A. try kn ock ingB. try to knockC. to try kn ock ingD. to try to kn ock8. As a young man from a rich family, can you imagi nein such a smal

37、l and dirty place?A. to workB. yourself to workC. worki ngD. work9. My uncle is con sideri nghis heath.A. improveB. to improveC. improvi ngD. to be improved第8页共12页10. We should keepEnglish every day.A. to practice speak ing B. practice speak ingC. practic ingspeak ing D. practici ng tospeak【家庭作业】:1.

38、 -You should apologize to her,Barry.-but it snot going to be easy.A. I suppose so B.I feel so C.l prefer to D.l like to解析:A I suppose so意为我认为是那样”,表示同意对方的看法或意见。I prefer to和I like to都表示“我愿意”2. Yoube hungry already-you had lunch on ly two hours ago!A.wouldn B.cantC.mustnD.neednt解析:B考查情态动词。cant表示推测时,表示肯

39、定不,一定不” 。A项表示过去将不会 发生某事;C项表示禁止”,不能表示推测;D项表示不必”,都不符合所给语境。3. He runs every day.,he has lost weight and become healthier.A.As a result B.As a result of C.Result in D.Result from解军析:A As a result因此,结果,在句子中作状语,其前面有一个表示原因的句子;As aresult of由于,因为的缘故;Result in导致;Result from 起因于,是动词短语。4.1 could n do my homewor

40、kall that no ise going on.A.because B.with C.as D.like解析:B本题考查 with的复合结构。Because/as是从属连词,应连接句子;句中going on是一个现在分词短语,所以选择with,构成“ with+宾语+现在分词(短语)”结构。5.1m considering buying a laptop now.lve saved as much as I can,and my mother has agreed tothe rest of the mon ey.A.keep up B.hold up C.take up D.make u

41、p解析:D考查动词短语辨析。从句意可知,这里表示“妈妈答应补贴买电脑不够的钱”,用make up表示“补上”6.1 likein the autu mn whe n the weather is clear and bright.A.thisB.thatC.itD.o ne解析:hate love like dislike 的用法基本相同, 皆可这样用:hate sth/hate (ones)doing sth./hate to do sth./hate sb.to do sth.,而it常在此类动词后作形式宾语。7.She is a bit shy and the teachers ques

42、ti on.A.dares not an swerB.does n;t dare an swerC. dare not to an swerD.dares not to an swer解析:B从本题的题干及选项中可看出,本题是一个否定句,dare作为行为动词用于否定句时,后面的不定式有时可以省去to。8. Ma ny of themtur n a deaf ear to his advice,they knew it to be valuable.A.as ifB.now thatC.eve n though D.so that解析:C 本题考查连词的用法。本句的意思是“即使他们知道他的建议很

43、有价值,他们中很多人却对此置若罔闻” 。as if引导方式状语从句,意思是“似乎” ;now that引导原因状 语从句,意思是“既然” ;even though引导让步状语从句,意思是“即使” ;so that引导目 的状语从句。意思是“以便”。9. Don take too much of the medicine;it does more harm than good if you.A.do B.take C.likeD.have解析:A if you do是省略形式,do代替上文中的take too much of the medicine。Have用于代替上文中的现在完成时。10. 二Havenseen Lucy recently;What shappened?-Oh,it more than two monthsshe worked here.A.whichB.that C.beforeD.si nee解析:D 考查its.since.结构。此结构表示动作自过去发生至今有多久。但该结构的从句 中谓语动词的性质决定最终的意义。若从句中谓语动词为短暂性动词,则表示该动作从发生至今时间有多久;若从句中谓语动词为延续性动词,则表示该动作终止至今有多久。Work属于延续性动词,这里意为“她不在这工作已经有两个多月了”11. the storm,the


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