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1、第十二章 练习题答案请将下面6句话译成英语。如果你想对一种特殊的风险投保对一种特殊的风险投保,将向你收取一笔额外的保费一笔额外的保费。If you desire to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will be charged.货物装船装船后,你必须找保险公司为货物投为货物投保保。After loading the goods on the board of the ship, you must go to an insurance company to have them insured.After shipment有歧义,

2、用loading更好或者说insure the goods贵方货物适合投保水渍险及破碎险。W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage suit your goods.或者用consignment除了水渍险和破碎险,你们还保其他险吗?Do you cover risks other than W.P.A. and Risk of Breakage?或者用 insure against risks5. 按照国际惯例,我们不投保这些险种,除非买主提出要求。According to international practices, we do not insure against suc

3、h risks unless the buyer call for them.6. 请确保上述货物在6月5日前装运,并按发票金额的150%投保一切险。Please see to it that the above mentioned goods should be shipped before the end of December and the insurance should be covered for 150% of the invoice value against All Risks.我们知道按照你们的一贯做法,你们只按发票金额的110%投保,因此额外保费由我们负担。We kno

4、w that according to your usual practices, you insure the goods only for invoice value plus 10%, therefore, the extra premium will fall on us.也可以说will be for our accountUnit 13 Shipment装运一、什么是装运?概念:合同签订之后,交易的一方完成安排运输安排运输的义务。装运的过程第一步:买方发出“装运须知”(Shipping instrctions)第二步:卖方按照要求完成装运第三步:卖方向买方发出“装船通知”(Ship

5、ping advice)第四步:卖方向买方寄送“装运单据”(Shipping documents)装运的环节 通关(pass the customs) 租船订舱(charter a vessel, book shipping spaces) 制作装运单据(prepare shipping documents) 发出装船通知(send out shipping advice)二、装运条款的内容装运条款(Terms of shipment): 装运时间(Time of shipment) 装运港(Port of shipment) 目的港(Port of destination) 分批装运(Par

6、tial shipment) 转船装运(Transshipment) 装运单据(Shipping Documents)的有关事项三、与装运有关的单词当事人 consignor 托运人,货主 carrier 承运人(船公司) consignee 收货人 forwarder (货运)代理装运单据 装船指示表 Shipping Instructions Form 装船单 shipping order 货运收据 cargo receipt 装货证明书 loading certificate 提单 bill of lading提单(Bill of lading)的种类 直达提单 Shipped B/L

7、联运提单 Through B/L 不记名提单 Open B/L 记名提单 Straight B/L 转船提单 Transshipment B/L 运费到付提单 Freight at Destination B/L 清洁提单 Clean B/L四、装运信函信件目的:说明装运条件,催促对方尽快装运。第一部分:指明合同We refer to our contract第二部分 说明装运要求We shall appreciate it if you will ship the goods as follows第三部分 希望对方合作Please give us your definite reply wi

8、thout further delay.五、重点词汇ship v.运输,装运Will you ship them to us when finished? 完工后你们会运给运给我们吗?We have to ship this order by Friday.我们必须在星期五前装运装运这批货。shipment n.运输,装运forward v. 运输They shall be forward to you within a fortnight. 它们将在两周内运给你。v. 转交Please forward my letter to this address .请将我的信件转到这个地址。regar

9、d v.认为I regard this as of great importance. 我认为这极为重要。n. 尊敬I hold her in the greatest regard. 我非常尊敬她。regarding prep. 关于Regarding this, we extremely thank! 对此,我们十分感谢!regardless of 不注意,不计较regardless of gains or losses 不计利害实用语句P.203 (16)load 装货 / unload 卸货 These goods will be unloaded in 2 hours. These cargoes will be discharged in 2 hours.六、练习题请将下面4句话译成英语。假如货物在运输途中转换交通工具,这就是“联运”(combined transport)。1. 如果你们能把货物装上东风轮(s.s. East Wind),并于7月1日启航,我们将深感荣幸。3. 从纽约到大


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