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1、英语三人采访明星简短范文篇一:英语三人对话范文 Who Is to Be Promoted? (The Personnel Department is having a meeting. Joan Black is the chairperson of the meeting. ) Joan: I think John Jeffreys already been with the company for 20 years. Surely hes not still expecting promotion. Do you agree, Peter? Peter: Well. in my opin

2、ion, Johns always shown great loyalty to the company. Its time this was rewarded. What do you think, Clive? Clive: Its not just a question of loyalty. Would he be any good at the job? He would need to manage a small team - hes got no experience of that yet. Peter: He never will have any experience u

3、nless we give him a chance! Joan: We cant afford to be sentimental. I dont think hes the man for the job. Hes always been a follower, not a leader. Lets move on to the other candidates. Rita Hayden has already shown great personnel management skill, I feel, even if shes . Peter: Oh, come on, Joan! R

4、itas still learning her trade! We cant afford to take a risk with someone so inexperienced. Clive: I agree with Peter. I favor Susan Palmer. Shes got a lot of experience. Shes already worked in the department on other occasions so she knows the ropes and shes . Joan: But Susans always struck me as a

5、 bit cautious. We need someone dynamic for this job. Peter: Id agree with Clive. I think Susan Palmer would do a good job. Maybe shes a bit cautious but shes solid, reliable. We need those qualities too. Joan: Well, if youre both so sure, I suppose Ill have to agree. Still, well wait a week before c

6、onfirming it just in case any other applicants put their names forward.篇二:新闻记者英文采访常用语句(两篇稿) 如拟发表,请通知作者,以免重稿 记者英文采访过程中的常用句型 王卫明 熊婧婧 沈栋琴 纪佩吉 随着对外开放的不断深入,中国记者采访外国人的机会越来越多,采访外国人的需要也比以往更为迫切,大多数记者都可能遇到采访外国人的情形,这时,“使用英语这一国际通用语言进行采访”便成为许多新闻记者希望掌握或需要掌握的本领。 但是,目前国内的新闻教育(包括英语新闻和英美报刊选读课程在内),缺乏对有关英语采访知识的介绍,在网上也难

7、以检索到直接可用的资料。因此,相当多的记者(即使英语口语特别好)在采访外国人过程中颇为尴尬,不知道如何用英文表达某些语句,因此丧失采访良机。经过对真实采访案例的分析及翻译,我们归纳出英文采访过程中的常用句型和语句,供各位记者参考、仿用。 (一)采访初始 电视台的演播室采访或电话连线采访,开始时可以这样说: 1)Good to have you with us,Sir/Ms. 记者采访外国人时,如果觉得用英语对话有难度时,记者可以首先询问被采访者是否懂中文,如果被访者懂中文那采访自然更顺利。记者可以这样说: 1)Can you speak Chinese? 2)Can we talk with

8、each other in Chinese? (二)采访新闻诸要素 采访的基本内容包括5个“W”和一个“H”(即 What, When, Why, Where, Who, How?)对这几个关键问题,常见的提问句型有: 关于Who,可以这样问: 1)Who is involved in ? ? 例句:Who is involved in it? 2)Who benefited from ? ? 3)Who suffered from ? ? 4)Who made ? ? 关于What,可以这样问: 1)What is the current status of ? ? 2)Whats your

9、 opinion of ? ? 3)what kinds of ? can you share? 4)What is similar to ? ? 5)What time do you usually ? ? 王卫明系南昌大学新闻与传播学系副教授、中国传媒大学新闻学博士,熊婧婧系南昌大学新闻与传播学系2021级硕士生,沈栋琴系南昌大学新闻与传播学系2021级本科生。6)What is different from ? ? 7)What are the causes of ? ? 8)What happened before ? ? 9)What happened after ? ? 10)Wh

10、at are the consequences of ? ? 11)What were the physical surroundings ? 12)What parts make up ? ? How are they related to each other? 例句:What had happened? 关于When,可以这样问:When did ? occur ? 例句:When did this accident occur? 关于How,可以这样问: 1)How long did ? take ? 2)How would you describe ? ? 3)How have yo

11、u faced ? ? 4)How would ? have been different if the circumstances were different? 例句:How many people were injured now and what is the current status of the wounded? 关于Why,可以这样问: 1)Why did ? exist or occur ? 2)Why did do ? 3)Why do you? 例句:Why did it happen? 关于Where,可以这样问: 1)where comes ? ? 例句:Where

12、 comes it ? (三)开放式提问和封闭式提问 采访中常用的开放式提问,可以用到的句型包括: 1)What do you think / imagine ? ? 例句:What do you think of/ imagine the economic situation? 2)Could you give us some comment on ? ? 例句:Could you give us some comment on the environmental issuesyour new partner? 3)Can we talk a bit about ? ? 例句:Can we

13、talk a bit about the state station? 4)Can you give us a simple introduction of ? ? 例句:Can you give us a simple introduction of your company? 5)Can you give us a few sentences to summarize ? for us ? 例句:Can you give us a few sentences to summarize your opinions for us? 6)Could you give us an brief in

14、troduction ? ? 例句:Could you give us an brief introduction this word ? 闭合式提问,能够引导被采访对象回答一些他们没有提到的问题,或者是被采访对象不愿意说的话题,这方面的常用句型包括: 1)Do you agree with it ? 2)Are you +形容词?例句:Are you angry ? 4)Do you +动词或动词词组? 例句:Do you love her? 5)Like +名词 ? 例句:Like McDonalds? 6)Are you planning to ? ? 例句:Do you agree w

15、ith the proposition that consumer spending is patriotic? 当采访对象说话跑题太远时,记者要及时礼貌地打断,这时记者可以说: 1)Could / Can / May I interrupt ? 2)Excuse me. 3)Pardon me. 4)I beg your pardon/Beg your pardon. 5)Im sorry. 记者所提的问题往往不只一个,记者必须懂得使用恰当的语句进行话题转换,这方面的常用句型包括: 1)Well, lets move on to the next point. 2)We will now c

16、ome to the second problem. 3)Turning to the next question, Ill talk about ? 4)So much for ? I would now like to shift to discussion ?. 5)Now, lets move away from ? and switch over to the next section of ? 6)Next, I would like to turn to ? 7)The next point Id like to talk about is ? 8)Please draw som

17、e light on ?. 9)My second question is,? 10)The other question is ?. 英国金融时报记者2021年2月1日采访.总理时,是这样转换问题的: 1)Before I turn to ? ,I have one small question regarding ? 2)What specific measures are you taking to assure social stability as ? ? And within that question, one last question on ? . 为了保证采访的顺利进行,记

18、者应该不时发声(以表明自己在听对方回答),或表达自己的意见,与采访对象互动交流,激起被采访对象的兴趣,以猎取更多的信息。这时记者可以说: 1)I got it. 2)Yeah. 3)I think this one will do. 4)So do I. 5)Neither do I. 6)Yes, I doubt it. 7)Yes , I think so. 8)I disagree. 9)Im afraid I cant agree. 由于语言不通,记者可能没有把握是否听懂了被采访者所说的话,这时需要确认一下,记者可以说: 1)? .Am I right? 2) ? .Is this r

19、ight? 3)Im not sure Im getting this. Are you saying ? ? 例句:Im not sure Im getting this. Are you saying you have planned to reduce the property price? 4)I dont know exactly what you mean. Do you mean that ? ? 例句:I dont know exactly what you mean. Do you mean that you have planned to reduce the proper

20、ty price? 5)Im not sure I understand. Do you mean to ? ? 例句:Im not sure I understand. Do you mean to reduce the property price? 6)Are you suggesting that ? ? 例句: Are you suggesting that you have planned to reduce the property price? 7)I didnt quite catch that. Do you mean to ? ? 例句:I didnt quite cat

21、ch that. Do you mean to reduce the property price? 或者,记者没有听清楚被采访对象的话语,需要对方复述时,记者可以说: 1)I didnt get the last part / word . 2)What did you say ? 3)Pardon, I couldnt hear what you said . 4)I beg your pardon, I didnt catch what you said. 5)Could you go over that again ? 6)Im not sure what youre getting

22、at. 7)Would you mind repeating that ? 8)Could / Would you repeat that please ? 9)Could / Would you say that again please ? 记者用英文在表述自己的意思后,询问被采访对象“是否明白”时,可以说: 1)Are you following me ? 2)Are you with me ? 3)Did you get that ? 4)Do you understand so far ? 5)Does that make sense to you ? 6)Is that clear

23、 ? 7)Okay so far ? 8)Did you catch that ? 英文采访开始与结束时的常用句型 王卫明 纪佩吉 熊婧婧 沈栋琴 内容摘要:通常,用英语进行新闻采访有其常见的句型和语句:采访前,用英语恰当的称呼、简洁的介绍、点明采访目的;采访过程中,用英语礼貌的提问;采访结束后,用英语表达诚挚的谢意。熟悉英语采访的常用句型和语句,可以使采访更顺利、更深入。 关键词:英文采访 常用 句型 语句 当今中国日益与世界接轨,记者在新闻报道过程中有时需要用英语和外籍采访对象交流。如果记者能够掌握基本的英语采访技能,在采访外籍人士时,便能游刃有余,顺利而深入地展开采访。 一次采访,包括采

24、访前、采访中、采访后三个阶段,每个阶段的都有其不同的常用句型。根据我们的总结,用英语进行采访时,开始时与结束时分别有以下常用句型: 一、采访前的常用句型 1、对采访对象的称呼、问候,可以这样说: Mr.XX(姓)Good afternoon! Miss XX(姓) + Good morning! Premier XX(姓) Good evening! 或者,干脆直接说: Hi, Mr. XX(姓). Hello,President XX(姓). 甚至,直接不说对方姓氏,而直接以“Hi”或“Hello”,向对方打招呼。 例句:Good morning, Mr. Clinton. 2、自我介绍(向

25、采访对象表明身份),可以这样说: 1)Im the journalist from+某媒体 例句:Im the journalist from Jiefang Daily(解放日报)/Chuncheng Evening News(春城晚报)/Southern Metropolis Daily(南方都市报)/Tianfu Morning News(天府早报). 2)Please let me introduce myself. Im a reporter . My name is ? 例句:Please let me introduce myself. Im a reporter and my

26、name is Li Shuangshuang. 或者,如果是名气较大的新闻单位,可以直接说:Im+姓名,+媒体名称 例一:Im Bob Woodward,Washington Post. 例二:Im Zhang Quanling,CCTV. 王卫明系南昌大学新闻与传播学系副教授、中国传媒大学新闻学博士,纪佩吉、熊婧婧系南昌大学新闻与传播学系2021级硕士生。篇三:英语新闻采访 范文 Interview How do you feel if you could rewind the clock some years ago? Well, yesterday I interviewed Mr.

27、Branagh, a psychologist in Harvard and learned his provocative experiment in which people feel as if their body clock has turned back to their young age because of the special surroundings Branagh offered. I recorded all the details about the interview. (J=Journalist, B= Branagh) J: Mr. Branagh, how

28、 do you do this experiment? B: Well, the experiment took place in an isolated old England hotel, which had been retrofitted to like what it was like 20 years ago. Then, a group of men-in their 70s-were told not to reminisce about the past, but to actually act as if they had traveled back to 20 years

29、 before. Also, we have a control group for comparison. J: Thats interesting! Whats the purpose of this experiment? B: Uh, I want to see if changing the mens mindset about their own age could lead to actual changes in health and fitness. J: So, what did you find in the experiment? B: Oh, the findings were stunning. Two weeks later, the men in the experimental group had more joint flexibility, increas


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