已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、九年级英语知识点Unit 1I、重点词汇:1.pronouncepronunciation 2. differentlydifferentdifference3. slowlyslow 4. softhard5.easyeasily 6.learnlearnerII、重点短语:1.lisen to tapes 听录音 2. ask the teacher for help 向老师请求帮助3. read aloud 朗读 4. speaking skills 口头表达能力5.spoken English 英语口语6. end up 结束7.later on 以后,随后 8. make mista

2、kes 犯错,出错9.laugh at 嘲笑,取笑10.take notes 做笔记,做记录11.look up (在词典、参考书等中)查阅,查找12. make up 编造,组成13.deal / do with 处理,应付14.be angry with 生的气15.go by (指时间)过去,消逝16.try ones best to do sth. 尽力做17.break off 突然中止,中断18. with the help of 在的帮助下19.regardas 把当做20.be afraid of doing / to do sth 害怕做某事21. first of all

3、首先,开始 22. have trouble / a difficult / hard time doing sth. 做某事有困难III、重点句型:1.Its too hard to understand the voices. 理解那些话有困难。2. How do you study for a test? 你怎么为考试而学习的?I study by listening to tapes. 我通过听磁带学习。3. Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.学语法是学习语言的一个好办法。4.I was afraid to spea

4、k in class. 我害怕在课堂上说话。5. If you dont know how to spell new words, look the6.Its our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.在老师的帮助下,尽我们最大努力对待教育中的每一个挑战是我们的责任。7.I dont have a partner to practice English with.我没有可以一起练习英语的伙伴。IV、语法:1、复习一般现在时;2、by的用法

5、:(1)在旁;靠近 near to; beside (2)经过 (3)用;靠;通过表示手段或所用的工具,后面可以接动名词作宾语。(4)“不迟于”,也可用来引导时间状语,意为“到时候为止”“在时候之前”,句中谓语动词用完成时态。如引导的是过去时间状语,谓语动词用过去完成时。(5)“被;由”常用于被动语态 (6)(指交通等)乘;用【辨析】 by;with;in by通常表示方法或手段,也可以接动名词表示某种手段;with表示使用具体的工具;in表示所用的原料、材料或途径。Unit 2 I、重点词汇:1. diedeaddeath 2. onoff 3. fullfill 4. knifeknive

6、s II、重点短语:1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事否定形式:didnt use to do sth. / used not to do sth. 2.play the piano弹钢琴3. 害怕 be terrified of sth. 如:I am terrified of the dog. be terrified of doing sth. 如:I am terrified of speaking/ being alone.4.on 副词,表示(电灯、电视、机械等)在运转中/打开,其反义词off. with the light on 灯开着5.spend 动词,表示

7、“花费金钱、时间” spendon sth. 在某事上花费(金钱、时间) spend(in)doing sth. 花费(金钱、时间)去做某事 pay for 花费 主语 pay/ paid 钱 for sth6. take 动词有“花费”的意思常用的结构有:It takes/took sb. to do sth. 商品 costs sb. 钱 7. chat with sb. 与某人闲聊8. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/某事worry 是动词 be worried about sb./sth. 担心某人/某事worried 是形容词9. all the time 一直

8、、始终10. take sb. to + 地方送/带某人去某个地方11. in the last few years. 在过去的几年内常与完成时连用12. be different from 与不同the same as 与相同be similar to 与相似13. make sb./ sth. + 形容词make you happy make sb./ sth. + 动词原形 make him laugh 14. it seems that +从句 与现在时态相关15. help sb. with sth. 帮某人某事 help sb. (to ) do sth. 帮某人做某事16.支付不

9、起 cant /couldnt afford to do sth. cant / couldnt afford sth.17. as + 形容词./副词as sb. could/can 尽某人的能力如: Zhou run as fast as her could/can. 她尽她最快的能力去跑。18. in the end 最后;at the end of在末尾;by the end of 到为止19. make a decision 下决定下决心make up ones mind to 20. take pride in sth. 以而自豪be proud of sth.21. pay at

10、tention to sth./ v.ing 对注意,留心22. be able to do sth. 能做某事23. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事24.不再 no more = no longer not any more = not any longerIII、重点句型1. -You used to be short, didnt you? 你以前个矮,不是吗? - Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 是的 / 不,不是2. You used to have long hair. 你以前梳长发。3. I go to sleep with my bedr

11、oom light on.我开着卧室灯睡觉。5. It seems that he has changed a lot. 他似乎变化很大。6. His mother looked after him as well as she could.他的妈妈尽可能的好好照顾他。7.It is necessary for him to talk with his mother. 他有必要和妈妈谈谈。IV、语法过关1. used to“过去常常”表达过去经常或持续的行为,表示现在不是这样了。在疑问句和否定句中通常与did连用,通常不需要过去的时间状语。注:be used to “习惯于” 后接名词、代词或

12、动名词。Unit 3 I、重点词汇:1. sleepsleepyasleep 2. teachtaughttaught 3. importantimportance 4. succeedsuccesssuccessful 5. inventinventorinvention 6. throwthrewthrown 7. tastetasty 8. centurycenturies 9. createcreative 10. belowabove 11. developdevelopingdevelopeddeveloping12.salt-saltyII、重点短语1. instead of /

13、 doing sth 代替,而不是2. stay up 熬夜,不睡觉3. concentrate on 全神贯注,专心于4. at present=at the moment 目前,现在 5. in the way (of) 妨碍()6. care about 照顾7. be used for doing / to do 用来做 8. by mistake 错误地9. by accident / chance 偶然地,碰巧地10. according to 根据,按照,据所说11. fall into 落入,陷入12. in this way 这样13. in the sixth centur

14、y 在六世纪14. take an active in 积极参加15. in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代III、重点句型1. Students should not be allowed to have part time jobs.应该允许学生们有兼职工作。2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.十六岁的青少年应该被允许扎耳洞。3. They talk instead of doing homework. 他们说话而不是做作业。4. He should stop wearing that s

15、illy earring. 他应该停止带那个可笑的耳环。5. He doesnt seem to have many friends. 他似乎没有很多朋友。6. He needs to spend time with friends.他需要和朋友一起度过。7. On Saturday afternoons, Im allowed to go shopping with my friends.周六下午允许我和朋友一起购物。8. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.父母不应该对青少年太严格。9. That would be a good

16、way to keep both teachers and students happy.那将是让老师和学生们都开心的好办法。10. We learn a lot from each other.我们互相学到很多东西。11. We sometimes have a special day to help others.有时候我们有特别的一天来帮助别人。12. His parents wont allow him to train as much as he would like to.他父母不会允许他按照他想的那样去训练。13. Its a very difficult dream to ac

17、hieve.这是一个很难实现的梦想。14. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.只有那时我才会有实现梦想的机会。IV、重点语法被动语态:英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。如:He answers the questions in public. (主动语态)The questions are answered in public. (被动语态)被动语态各时态构成表TENSE主动语态被动语态一般现在时be / V / Vsam / is / are +Vpp

18、一般将来时Will +Vwill be +Vpp现在进行时am / is / are +Vingam / is / are + being + Vpp一般过去时was / were/ Vedwas / were+ Vpp一般完成时have / has + Vpphave / has + been + Vpp过去完成时had + VppHad + been + Vpp过去进行时was / were +Vingwas / were+ being +Vpp情态动词Can +VCan + be +VppUnit 4 I、重点词汇:1.medicinemedical 2. worryworried 3.

19、 energyenergetic 4. confidentconfidence 5. permitpermission 6. sheherhersherself7. listenlistener 8. shelfshelves 9. downstairsupstairs 10. hurthurthurt 11. helphelpful II、重点短语1. millions of 数百万2. medical research 医学研究 3. what if 如果将会怎么样4. not in the slightest 一点也不,根本不5. plenty of 很多的,足够的6. get alon

20、g / on with 与相处7.letdown 使失望或沮丧e up with 提出,想出(主意,回答等)9. come out 出版,发表10. go upstairs / downstairs 上 / 下楼11. treat / consider / regardas 把当成12. without permission 未经允许13. be in a movie 演电影14.introduce sb / oneself to 把自己或某人介绍给15. the rest of 的剩余部分16. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事17. give sb some advi

21、ce on sth 给某人关于某方面的建议III、重点句型1. If I were you, I would take a small present. 如果我是你,我会带一份小礼物。2. What if I dont know anyone? 如果我不认识任何人怎么办?3. If I were you, Id be a little late. 如果我是你,我会晚一点儿。4. If you dont know anyone, you can talk to Tom.如果你不认识任何人,你可以和汤姆聊天。5. I dont know what to say or do. 我不知道该说什么,做什

22、么。6. Im too tired to do well. 我太累了做不好。7. If I were you, Id take a long walk before going to bed.如果我是你,我会在睡前长时间散步。8. If I were you, Id talk to someone who looks friendly.如果我是你,我会和看起来友好的人聊天。9.What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school? 如果老师让你在全校师生面前演讲,你该怎么

23、办?10. I would rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. 我宁可呆在家里看一本好书也不愿去参加宴会。11. You are easy to get along with. 你很容易相处。12. If I were you, Id talk to your friend about the dangers of smoking.如果我是你,我会和朋友谈论吸烟的危险。IV、重点语法1)、虚拟语气:虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,或与事实不符或正好相反。1、条件句中虚拟语气的形式从句

24、中提出一种与客观现实不相符或根本不可能存在的条件,主句会产生的一种不可能获得的结果。条件句中的虚拟语气根据不同的时间有三种不同的形式。时间 从句谓语形式主句谓语形式将来动词过去式(be用were)should + 动词原形were to + 动词原形would / should / might / could + 动词原形现在动词过去式(be 用 were)would / should / might / could + 动词原形过去had +动词过去分词would / should / might / could have + 动词过去分词【虚拟语气口诀】现-过,过将;过-过完,过将完;将-

25、过将,过将。【注】对现在条件的虚拟,从句的谓语动词用过去时,主句的谓语动词用过去将来时;对过去条件的虚拟,从句的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句的谓语动词用过去将来完成时;对将来条件的虚拟,从句及主句的谓语动词均用过去将来时。2)宾语从句 Unit 5 I、重点词汇:1. possibleimpossiblepossibly 2. dropdropped 3. finalfinally 4. ownowner 5. catchcaught 6. noisenoisynoisily 7. happyunhappyhappily 8. windwindy 9. directordirection 10.

26、 dishonesthonest11. scientificsciencescientist 12. hardsofteasy 13. truetrulytruth II、重点短语1. belong to 属于2. if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。3.try to do sth. 尝试做某事如:I try to climb the tree. 我尝试爬树。4 because of + 名词/代词/名词性短语because + 从句5. catch a bus 赶公车6. call the police 报警7. anything strange 一些奇怪的

27、东西。当形容词修饰 something, anything, nothing, everything 等不定代词时,放在这些词的后面。8. there be sb./ sth. doing 9. escape from 从哪里逃跑出来10. an ocean of + 名词极多的,用不尽的如:an ocean of energy.11. get on 上车 get off 下车12. use up 用光、用完13. attempt to do 试图14. wake 动词唤醒常用的词组:wake up意为醒来15. look for 寻找,指过程 find 找,指结果。16. hear 听指听的

28、结果 listen 听 指听的过程17.try ones best to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力去做某事18.remind sb. of sb./sth. 提醒 使记起.III、重点语法1、 情态动词表示猜测的用法2、 现在完成时态Unit 6 I、重点词汇:1. preferpreferred 2. likedislike 3. sinksanksunk 4. fishermanfishermen 5. photographphotographerphotography 6. suggestsuggestion 7. energyenergetic 8. honestdishone

29、st 9. tastetasty 10. mainmainly 11. laboratorylaboratories II、重点短语1. remind of 提醒,使记起 2. learnby heart 熟记,记住3. on display / show 展览,陈列4. take an interest in 对感兴趣5. an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩6. to be honest 老实说,说实在的7. be good for 对有益 8. stay away from 与保持距离9. be in agreement 意见一致10. over the years 这些年来11.

30、 get together 聚会12. suit sb fine 合某人的的意,对某人很合适III、重点句型1. -What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢哪种音乐? -I like music that I can sing along with. 我喜欢能随着一起唱歌的曲子。2. I love singers who write their own music. 我喜欢自己写曲子的歌手。3. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 这首曲子让我想起巴西舞曲。4. Hes made some great mo

31、vies over the years.这些年来他拍了一些很好的电影。5.Some of her most famous photos are on display in this exhibition.她的一些有名的照片在这次展览中展出。6. Were looking for a quiet place to go on vacation.我们在寻找一个安静的可以度假的地方。7. Food that is bad for you can tastes good. 对你有害的食物尝起来都很好。8. These are musicians who make us happyeven on a M

32、onday morning.这是些甚至在周一都能让你开心的音乐家。IV、重点语法1、定语从句:定语从句在句中作定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。关系代词:who, whom, whose, that, which等;关系副词:when, where, why等。2、prefer 的用法Uint 7 I、重点词汇:1. educateeducationeducational *2. peacepeaceful 3. trektrekkingtrekked 4. includeincluding 5. ch

33、urchchurches *6. translatetranslator 7. lightheavy / dark 8. reportreporter 9. organizeorganizedorganization 10. lendlentlent 11. wonderwonderful *12. directdirectiondirector 13. leadleader 14. crowdcrowdeduncrowned II、重点短语1. go trekking 去长途跋涉 2. trek through 穿越3. in general 通常,大体上,一般而言4. translatei

34、nto 把翻译成5. thousands of 成千上万的6. as soon as possible 尽快的7. be willing to do sth 乐意(做某事)8. quite a few 相当多,不少9. dream of / about 梦想,幻想10. hold on to 继续,坚持,保持11. consider doing sth 考虑做某事12. dress up (as) 装扮(成)13. hand in 交上,提交14. one / some day 有一天15. on the second floor 在二楼16. take dance lessons 上舞蹈课1

35、7. across China 全中国18. make a telephone call 打电话III、重点句型1. Where would you like to visit? 你想到哪参观?2. Id like to go somewhere relaxing. 我想去轻松的地方。3. I hope to go to France some day. 我希望有一天能去法国。4. Paris is the capital of France and one of the liveliest cities in Europe.巴黎是法国的首都,是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。5. Why not c

36、onsider visiting Paris? 为什么不考虑参观巴黎呢?6. France is quite an expensive place. 法国是一个消费相当高的地方。7. Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?你能给我一些旅游景点的建议吗?8. It seems that some students would like to start work as soon as possible.一些学生似乎想尽快开始工作。9. Quite a few said they dream of going to

37、 the moon one day.相当多的人说他们梦想有一天到月球上去。10. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job.大多数的学生似乎希望接受好的教育并找到一份好工作。11. Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 你能告诉我怎么到邮局吗?12. Hold on to your dream, they may just come true one day. 抓住你的梦想,他们有一天可能会实现。13. Can you t

38、ell me where theres a good place to eat?你能告诉我哪有吃东西的好地方吗?14. Theres always something happening. 总是有事发生。15. Is that a good place to hang out? 那是闲逛的好地方吗?16. I wonder if you can help me. 我想知道你是否能帮我。17. Some students want to hand in their homework later than the teacher asked for it. 一些学生想在老师要之后晚些交作业。IV、

39、重点语法1、宾语从句:如果一个复合句的宾语是由一个句子充当,这个复合句就叫宾语从句。三要素:时态、语序、连接词2、表示请求允许的句型:(1)Can / Could you please ?意为“请你好吗?”是表示有礼貌的请求的交际用语,后接动词原形,后者比前者语气更委婉。(2)Would you mind?意为“做你介意吗?”后接动词的ing形式。(3)Would you please?同(1)(4)Would you like ?意为“你想吗?”后接动词不定式。Unit 8 I、重点词汇:1. hungryhunger 2. homehomeless 3. advertisementad 4

40、. setsetset 5. coachcoacher 6. fixfixes 7. fillfull 8. shutshut 9. speciallyspecial 10. fetchfetches 11. carrycarried 12. playplayful13. suitsuitable 14. buildbuilt 15. pullpush 16. certaincertainly 17. prideproud 18. educateeducationeducational 19. pollutedpollution 20. recentrecently II、重点短语1. cle

41、an up 把打扫干净2. cheer up 使高兴起来,振作起来3. give out / hand out 分发,发放4. put off (doing sth) 推迟,延期5. set up 建立6. think up / come up with 想出7. take after (在外貌,性格方面)与(父母等)相像8. fix up 修理,修补9. put up 张贴,搭建10. ask for 要求,请求11. work out 产生结果,发展成功12. help (sb) out 帮助解决困难13. at once / right away 立刻,马上14. putto good

42、use 把投入使用15. give away 捐赠,赠送16. callup 给打电话17. hang out 闲逛18. be suitable for 适合19. in ones spare time 在的业余时间20. pull down 摧毁,拆掉III、重点句型1. Lets cheer her up. 让我们一起让她高兴起来。2. Were going to set up a good bank to help hungry people.我们打算建一个好的食品库来帮助饥饿的人们。3. We need to come up with some ideas. 我们需要想出一些主意。4

43、. We cant put off making a plan. 我们不能延期制定计划。5. I get to spend time doing what I love to do. 我逐渐花些时间做自己想做的事。6. He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital. 他花费每个周六上午的时间在动物医院工作。7. He had run out of money to buy old bikes. 他花光了钱买自行车。8. It would be possible for me to get a specially t

44、rained dog.对我来说得到一只经过特殊训练的狗是可能的。9. Ill send you a photo of him if you like.如果你喜欢,我会送你一张他的照片。10. Im writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town.我写信是要说我反对在我们镇上建一个新的动物园。11. I was very surprised to find hardly anyone there. 我惊讶地发现那几乎没有人。12. They wont have enough money to take care of

45、 so many find animals.他们没有足够的钱来照顾那么多可爱的动物。/ 13. What does he do in his spare time? 他的业余时间做什么?IV、重点语法1、used to结构2、短语动词分类:(1)动词+介词:(2)动词+副词:(3)动词+名词+介词:(4)动词+副词+介词:(5)动词+形容词+介词:3、几种常见时态的用法比较时态构成形式常用标志词语备注一般现在时除第三人称单数要加-s/ -es外,其他均用动词原形(be除外)always, often, usually, every day(year, week, month),in the m

46、orning(afternoon, evening),twice a year等否定句要借助助动词do(does)+not+动词原形;一般疑问句要借助于助动词do(does)构成,后用动词原形一般过去时动词的过去式yesterday, yesterday morning(afternoon, evening), the day before yesterday, last night(year, week), two weeks ago, just now, in 1990等。否定句要借助助动词did+not+动词原形;一般疑问句要借助助动词did构成,后用动词原形。现在进行时系动词am / is / are+动词的ing形式now,look,listen等否定句在系动词am / is / are后加not;一般疑问句将系动词am / is / are提前放到句首。过去进行时系动词was / were+动词的ing形式then,this time yesterday, from 8 to 11 yesterday, at that time, when


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