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1、有关于金融的英语口语 英语范文一 iwao tanaka ,making his first business trip to the united states ,is talking to an american banker about the financial and monetary system of the u.s. 田中岩夫第一次因公出差工到美国,他正在与美国的一位银行家谈到美国金融和货币制度。 tanaka:what is meant by the term federal reserve system is that the central bank of the uni

2、ted states 田 中:什么是美国联邦储蓄系统它是美国的中央银行吗 banker :technically it is not ,mr.tanaka,but it functions in that capacity . 银行家:从法律上讲,它不是,田中先生。但是它发挥了那样的作用。 the federal reserve system ,or the fed as it is usually called,is the fiscal agent of the united states . 美国联邦储备系统即平常称之为联邦的是美国财政机构。 it has authority to is

3、sure notes which are the main currency of the country , 它有权发行作为国家主要货币的纸币, to control the money supply and to supervise banks and banking practices in the country . 有权控制货仙的供应量,并有权监督国内银行及银行业务活动。 t;its owned by the government ,isnt it 田 中:它属于政府所有,是吗 b:no ,it isnt .actually ,the fed really consists of 1

4、2 banks which are owned by all the nationally chartered banks in their respective districts. 银行家:不是的。实际上,美国联邦储备系统包括十二家银行,这些银行都是由所在地区的国家立案银行掌握所有权。 but the supervisory board ,called the board of governors,is a government agency responsible to the congress. 但是他被称为总裁理事会的具有监督作用的理事会是一个政府机构,它向国会负责。 t:what

5、do you mean by nationally chartered banksdont all banks have to have charters 田 中:您所说的国家立案的银行是什么意思难道不是所有的银行都必须立案吗 b:yes,every bank must have a charter or license to do business .but we have a dual banking system here in the united states. 银行家:是的,每个银行都必须立案或者得到准许证才能营业。但是在美国,我们这里实行的是双重银行体制, that means

6、some banks are licensed by the federal government and some by individual states. 就是说,有些银行是由联邦政府签发的准许证,而有些则是各个州签发的。 there are approximately 5,000 national banks and 10,000 state banks in the country . 在美国大约有5000所国立银行和10000所州立银行。 t:are they all supervised by the fed 田 中:这些银行受美国联邦储备系统监督吗 b:only the nat

7、ional banks are . 银行家:不,只有国立银行是这样的。 英语范文二 ms.johnson and mr.black continue their discussion of the international monetary system . 约翰逊小姐和布莱克先生继续讨论国际货币制度。 black :is that when the smithsonian agreement was signed 布莱克:史密森协定就是在那时签订的吧 johnson:yes,in december 1971.under that and subsequent agreements ,the

8、 fixed rate exchange system has been changed to a floating exchange rate system in which the value of various currencies fluctuate to restore balance-of-payments equilibrium . 约翰逊:对,是在1971年12月签订的。在史密森协定和随后的一些协定的指导下,固定的外汇汇率制度转变为浮动汇变幻无率制度。在这个制度中,以各种货币价值的波动来恢复国际收支差额的平衡。 b:so you mean that foreign excha

9、nge rates are new free to change according to the laws of supply and demand 布莱克:那么,您是说,现在外汇汇率是按照供需规律自由是变化 j:not quite .actually ,we now have a managed floating exchange rate system,or what many people call a dirty float system . 约翰逊:也不完全是这样。实际上,我们现在建立了一个受管制的浮动汇率制度,即许多人称之为:受限制的浮动外汇制度。 this means that

10、 ,while there is a great degree of flexibility in exchange rates according to balance of payment factors, 就是说,虽然按照国际收支差额的因素,汇率有很大程度的灵活性, central banks still intervene in the market by buying or selling large amounts of foreign currencies to prevent wide-ranging fluctuations. 但中央银行仍然使用买进或卖出大量外币的办法来防止

11、大幅度的外汇浮动,以此来干预外汇市场。 b:why do they do this wouldnt a clean float be better 布莱克:他们为什么要这样做呢 不受限制的汇率浮动会不会更好些呢 j:well,a clean float means that the parity rate of various currencies would go up or go down to restore balance-of -payments equilibrium. 约翰逊:不受限制的汇率浮动意味着各种货币的比价能以涨价或跌价来恢复国际收支差额的平衡。 therefore ,a countrys international trade position could be affected by an appreciation of its currency . 因此,一个国家的外贸地位会因为它的货币的增值而受到影响了。 b:oh ,i see.so governments must consider their internal fiscal and political requirements ,too. 布莱克:噢,


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