1、1.Now complaints are heard in all parts of that country.目前目前, ,该国各地已怨声载道。该国各地已怨声载道。2.Theory is something but practice is everything. 理论固然重要而实践更重要理论固然重要而实践更重要1.No one in the company likes their boss, who is stingy and bad-tempered.公司里没人喜欢他们的老公司里没人喜欢他们的老板板, ,因为他脾气暴燥人又小气。因为他脾气暴燥人又小气。2.He was wrinkled a
2、nd black, with scant gray hair. 他满脸皱纹他满脸皱纹, ,皮肤很黑皮肤很黑, ,头发灰白稀疏。头发灰白稀疏。1.She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.她心地厚道她心地厚道, ,为人乐观为人乐观, ,性情温柔性情温柔, ,待待人和人和 善善, ,慷慨大方。慷慨大方。2.Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取更从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失
3、败中吸取更重要。重要。3.There were no speeches, no foreign diplomats, no “ordinary Chinese” with paper flags and bouquets of flowers.没有发表讲话,没有各国外交官到场,也没没有发表讲话,没有各国外交官到场,也没有有 普通中国人普通中国人 挥舞纸旗、花束的场面。挥舞纸旗、花束的场面。4.University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.报考大学的报考大
4、学的人人, ,有工作经验的优先录取。有工作经验的优先录取。1.He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲 情情,最终宣布儿子有罪最终宣布儿子有罪。2.Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, however, morale remained intact, and people still smile in the stree
5、t.尽管供应不足,伤亡增加,然而士气并未尽管供应不足,伤亡增加,然而士气并未受到影响。街上,人们照常脸有笑容。受到影响。街上,人们照常脸有笑容。3.But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.可是他可是他老婆不断地在他耳边唠叨个没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,老婆不断地在他耳边唠叨个没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他的一家人都要毁在他的身上。并且说他的一家人都要毁在他的身上。4.When it is dark
6、 in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north.东方不亮西东方不亮西方亮方亮,黑了南方有北方。黑了南方有北方。1.To explore the Moons surface, rockets, satellites and airships were launched again and again.为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭、卫星和飞船。2.There was no snow, the leaves were g
7、one from the trees, the grass was dead.天未下雪,但叶落草枯。3.Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines.强国有强国的策略,小国也有小国的路线4.But considered realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good.但是现实的考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样的事实:我们的前景并不妙。1.Scientific explorati
8、on, the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man.科学的探索,知识的追求,使人类获得了避免天灾人祸的实力。2.Wherever severe oppression existed, there would be revolution.哪里有残酷的压迫,哪里就有革命。3.Without a sense of your
9、 fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected?如果对自己的错误都不能认识到,怎么能指望你会悔改呢?.4.The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear.厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫布立特尔关,布立特尔又叫补锅匠关,而补锅匠装着没有听见。1.One after another, speakers called
10、for the downfall of imperialism, abolition of exploitation of man by man, liberation of the oppressed of the world.一个接一个,发言人呼吁要打倒帝国主义,要消灭人剥削人的制度,要解放世界上的被压迫人民。2.The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green grass.蛇吃癞蛤蟆,癞蛤蟆吃虫子,虫子吃绿叶。3.Dont lose time in posting this letter.赶快把这
11、封信寄出去。4.A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.从他的办公室窗口可以看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念馆的全景。1.What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range.他的诗形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴,这是显而易见的。2.On the wings of hope, of love, of j
12、oy, Miss Meadows sped back to the music hall, up to the aisle, up to the steps, over to the piano.带著希望、爱情和愉悦之翅,美多斯小姐朝带著希望、爱情和愉悦之翅,美多斯小姐朝著音乐厅飞跑而回,穿过走廊,登上阶梯,越过钢琴。著音乐厅飞跑而回,穿过走廊,登上阶梯,越过钢琴。3.Premier Zhou might have spoken with understandable pride of the policy of “self-reliance”. 周总理在谈到“自力更生”的政策时,也许 有些自
13、豪感,这是可是可以理解的1.It could be argued that the radio performs this service just as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more real.也许有人争辩说,无线电台也能提供这种服务;可是在电视上,一切都更加生动逼真,更加真实可靠。2.The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 他在青年时期留下的自卑感还没
14、有完全消失。3.We think it certain that American English does have a considerable influence upon British English. 我们认为美语必然对英语产生相当大的影响。4.The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites and rockets.论文总结了在计算机、人造卫星和火箭三方面的新成就。1.They are striving for the ideal which
15、is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.他们在为实现一个理想而奋斗,这个 理想是每个中国人所珍爱的。2.All graduates from the Foreign Languages Institutes will not be appointed to do translation work.并非外语院校的毕业生都分配去做翻译工作。1.Talking with his son, the old man was the
16、forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings.在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年轻人所干的坏事。2.In the films of those days, all too often it was the same one: boy tractor driver meets girl tractor driver; they fall in love and drive tractors together.在那时候的电影里,总是老一套:男拖拉机手和女拖拉机手始而相遇,继而相爱,终而并肩开拖拉机了3.What he emphasized over and o
17、ver again was that, no matter how difficult it might be, they should never retreat even for an inch.他所再三强调的是不管多么困难,他们决不应该后退寸步。4.You are talking delightful nonsense. .你虽信口胡诌,倒也蛮有情趣。5.Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families.6. 男人为了任何能让他们家人生活的工作而变得很拼命。
18、1.Incidentally, I hope to get better medical treatment in these countries than I can possibly get here in the United States.顺便提一下,我希望能在这些顺便提一下,我希望能在这些国家得到比我在美国这里所能得到的更好的治疗。国家得到比我在美国这里所能得到的更好的治疗。2.Please make serious efforts to get the goods dispatched with the least possible delay.望尽力迅速发货,不要延误。An obedient son, I had accepted my fathers decision that I was to be a doctor, though the prospect interested me not at al
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