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1、时态是一种语法范畴,用以表示各种时间和动作方面的动词形式。时间有四个主要部分,即现在、过 去、将来和过去将来;动作方面也有四种,即一般、完成、进行和完成进行。四个动作特点,如:1、一般方面:叙述一个事实,时间可以不具体。动态动词一般方面,常表示动作已完成。2、完成方面:表述一个动作已完成。跨两个时间,动作发生在前一个时间而说话人站在后一个 时间。3、进行方面:表示动作在一时段中进行。往往有一定的场景,可以生动体现。4、完成进行方面:兼有完成进行两方面的特点。跨两个时间段。下面将具体阐述这十六种时态的各自用法。二、一般现在时1 、表经常一般现在时的基本用法: 一般现在时常表示经常发生的动作或经常

2、存在的状态。 这也是一般现在时 的基本用法, 一般现在表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态时, 常和 always、 often、 usually、 sometimes、 every day等表示时间的状语连用,但有时可以不表示出来。如:He gets up very late every day.She often goes to school early.He is always like that.Where do you work?What s your job?He never speaks to strangers.We don t have classes on Sundays.Gen

3、erally, she is shy.(2)表示人的习惯、能力、职业、特征和现实的情况或状态等。如:He likes to have a work in the park(. 表示习惯)She dances very well(. 表示能力)Miss Wang teaches English(. 表示职业)The flower looks very beautiful.(表示特征)He studies at a teachers college in Anhui province(. 表现实的情况)She is angry and sad(. 表示现实的状态)表示客观真理、客观事实和客观规律,

4、也用于格言中。如:The earth moves round the sun.Light travels faster than sound.Knowledge is power.Fire burns.Water boils at 100C .Spring follows winter.No man but errs.Time and tide wait for no man.A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.表示强硬语气、警告或指点道路。如:You mind your own business.If you do like that, you g

5、o to prison.You work along the street, and turn left at the second corner.在新闻标题、小说章节或电影、戏剧情结介绍或报纸、杂志、书籍,不强调过去时间时,常用一般 现在时。如:What does today s paper say?US president holds talks with British Prime Minister.Bank robbery: Robbers take $20,000.2、表现在一般现在时表示现在时刻发生的动作或存在的状态, 这一时刻往往即是说话时的时刻, 往往是短暂 的。如:Now,

6、look, I cut the cake.What time is it now?My watch says it is eight oclock.表示现在时刻的一般现在时, 可以表示作为整体已经完成的动作。 动词常用 see、 hear、 learn、 forget、 read understand等表示 已知、已忘”等,可用一般现在时代替现在完成时;It be+时间+since结构中 也可用一般现在时代替现在完成时。如:I forget (have forget) her address.He learns (has learnt) the news.It is (has been) ma

7、ny years since he died.用于延续性动词或静动词,表示持续的状态、内心活动、各种知觉、爱憎等。如:The contract holds good.The boy lies on the grass.I want a cup of coffee.I wish you happy every day.He hates drinking wine.I love nature.Supper tastes delicious.The material feels soft.What upsets you?I owe nothing to anybody.3、表示将来一般现在时可表示最

8、近的将来,说话人在说话时动作尚未开始,但即将开始。另外,表示最近将来的一般现在时常和 why don t yo连用,表示请求或劝告。如:Now, I leave.Here give you an example.I m off.Why don t you to have a rest.表示按客观时间表将要发生的动作或事先安排好的动作, 这种安排很固定, 不易改变, 好像变成了 事实一般。这种一般现在时多用于转移动词。如:arrive、go、come、leave、start、begin、sail、come、depart、end、open、close、finish、dine 等,往往后接时间状语。

9、如:The train arrives at 2:00 p.m.The bus leaves at 8:00 a.m.When do you start?The meeting begins at 8:00 oclock. Is there a film tonight?He retires next year.The plane takes off at 11:00 p.m.对此要注意以下三点:a、这种一般现在时常与一般将来时连用。如:Tomorrow, my brother goes abroad, I will see him off.He departs next week, you

10、will never see him again.b、动词 suppose、assume、decide、know 等后的宾语从句中,一般现在时可表示较近的将来。如:I hope that you stay at my home until the next month.I suppose that our summer holiday begins in the next month.Tomorrow at this time we will know which team wins the football game.They are discussing to decide who cha

11、irs the meeting.Assuming it rains tomorrow, what should I do?c、一般现在时和现在进行时都可以表示将来,但两者是有区别的,前者多表示非个人计划,指按时 间安排将要发生的事;后者则表示说话人自己打算要干什么。如:I leave according to the arrangement of my company.I am leaving tomorrow.(11) 般现在时可用于从句中表示将来。a、状语从句中:在由 when、if 、before、after、as、as soon as、the momen(t minute、second

12、)、the next time、whe never un til、till、though、eve n if、in case uni ess so long as where、wherever 等弓丨导的 表示时间、条件、让步等状语从句中,用般现在时代替般将来时,其他状语从句如原因、目的、 结果等则不可。如:When I grow up, I will become a doctor.I will sleep until my wife comes back.Next time we meet, we will have a dinner together.If you want to stud

13、y English well, I will help you.Unless you kick the bad habit, your whole life will be ruined.The moment I arrive, I will send a message to you.Wherever you go, I will accompany you.Whatever you say, I wont believe you.I will do it as you say.b、定语从句和宾语从句中:这时主句常用般将来时。如:I ll give you anything you ask

14、for.Anyone who breaks the law will be punished. Tomorrow, we ll know who is elected.I ll make sure that the door is kloecd.4、表示过去(12) 般现在时可以用来表示不确定放入过去时间,但只限于少数动词。如forget、hear、tell、say等,被称作历史现在时。如:That is long long ago.He is long dead.The film is set in the spring of 1945.He says you asked him to ea

15、t the apple.Oh, I forget what he said.(13) 般现在时可以表示死者的动作或状态,如果死者的理论、著作仍旧存在且有一定影响。如:Marx says that a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet.Darwin thinks that natural section is the chief factor in the development of species. 三、现在进行时1、表示现在现在进行时的基本用法是现

16、在正在进行的动作,常与now、at presen、at the moment、these days等现在时间状语连用,也可不用时间状语。如:Now, the girl is crying.What are you doing now?The telephone is ringing.The sun is rising.表示现阶段正在进行的动作或发生的事。如:He is studying English abroad.John is translating a book.The man is losing weight.现在进行时用于少数瞬间动词, 表示反复多次或习惯性动作。 常用的这类瞬间动词

17、有 jump、 knock、kick、hit、nod、tap、wink、drop、shoot等。如:The boy is jumping with great joy.He is nodding his head.Somebody is knocking at the door.I don t know why she is blinking her eyes.The baby is kicking and screaming. 但有些短暂性动词的现在进行时并不表示动作的重复,而表示动作的开始。如:The sun is setting.The sky is clearing.The ambul

18、ance is coming.动作动词的进行时与副词 always、forever、continually、constantly等连用,表示重复的动作,表示 赞赏、满意、不满、厌倦等感情。这种用法的现在进行时带有一定的感情色彩。如:He is always helping others.You are always leaving something.It s always raining in this place.The man is constantly changing his mind.He is always boasting.现在进行时常用来描写一种状态,具有感情色彩。如:My

19、head is splitting.I am missing you dreadfully.Peter, I am telling you, you should say sorry to her.I am aching all over my body.The situation is killing me.现在进行时可用来表示一种临时或目前的情况。如:I m going to school at 7 o clock this week.Meat is costing more these days.During the summer vacation, we are having dinn

20、er at 6 o clock.表示原来设想 “将发生而未发生 ”的情况,有不耐烦、遗憾等含义。如: He is attending the meeting, but he has an emergency to deal with.My best is always calling me every other week.用来描述、归纳、总结、阐释前面所说的话。如:She keeps silent. She is considering the problem carefully.When I say that, I m thinking of you.I had not any desir

21、e to sleep at all. Something is worrying me.表示较为温和的命令。如:You are sleeping in that room.You are not shouting.表示两个动作进行对比。如:He is studying, while his brother is playing.Some people are smiling while others are crying.(11) 表示两个动作是同一动作。如:If you do that, you are doing a foolish thing.People who help others

22、 are helping themselves.(12) 表示一个被动的动作。如:The dictionary is compiling.The house is building.The document is printing.这种进行时也可用于过去式和将来时中表示被动。如:The building was constructing.Nothing will be doing.(13) 现在进行时也可和since (自从)与for (经历)引导的词语连用,表示的动作不仅现在在进行而且 继续进行并持续下去。如:He is teaching math since his graduation

23、from college.For fifty years, my family is living in the village.(14) wonder、hope等少数动词进行时,可以表示委婉语气。如:Im wondering if I can use your bike.I m hoping you will help me.2、表示将来(15) 现在进行时除表 现在”外,还可以表 将来”现在进行时表将来时常有 意图”安排”或 打算”等含 义,常表示最近或较近的将来,所用的动词多是转移动词(即一次性动词) 。如: go、 leave、 come、 arrive、 travel、 stay、

24、move、 return、 meet、 dine 等。如:I ,I m going.Shes coming.I m leaving this afternoon.Where are you dining?The patient is dying.The sun is setting.We are travelling abroad.表将来的现在进行时,有时含有 “决心”的意思,多用于否定句中。如:I m not leaving.I m joining you in the activity.When I grew up, I am becoming a scientist.3、表示过去(16)

25、 现在进行时可以表示离现在较近的过去。如:What are you saying?Why are you laughing at me?All that I m telling youfaicst.a4、泛指经常(17)有时现在进行时并不表示具体时间,而是泛指一切时间,表示经常或强调。如:Whenever I enter his office, he is working hard.When children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief.Rivers and lakes are constantly flowing into the s

26、ea.5、be 的进行时系动词 be 的进行时加动态形容词表示暂时出现的某种情况和本质。主语通常是人,作为一种修饰手 法,多含不满、讽刺等意。常见的这类形容词有:carefully 、careless、 foolish、nice、slow、clever、selfish、patient、cruel、attentive、helpful 、naughty、friendly 、modest、polite、serious、talkative、sensitive、 greedy、calm、thoughtful、wrecked、brave、troublesome等。如:You are not being p

27、olite.I am being serious.He is being modest.You are being foolish.The boy is being naughty.She is being noisy today.Doctors are being patient with patients.You were being stupid.6、表示感觉、精神活动等的状态动词不可用于进行时。 有些表示感觉、 情绪、感情、精神活动和拥有关系等动词一般不用于进行时态。 常见的这类动词有: belong、 contain、 hold、 look、 adore、 own、 have、 re

28、present、 like、 love、 dislike、 hate、 prefer、 despise、 understand、 remember、 wonder、 cost、 want、 mind、 hope、 wish、 agree、 believe、 mean、 realize、 intend、 please、 respect、 forgive、 signify、 seem、 consist、 recognize、 recall、 recollect、 appear、 forget、 expect、 know、mi nd、desire fear、exist、appreciate care

29、 等。如:He is holding the opposite opinion.(误 is holding 改为 holds)I am believing what you said.(误 am believing 改为 believes) 但是要注意,上述某些动词在表示无意识的动作时,不能用于进行时态;而表示有意识的动作时,又 可以用于进行时态。比如“see”个动词,作为看见”解时,是无意识的动作,不能用于进行时态;但 作为“接见、访问”时,可以用于进行时态,在谈到 “看电影、戏剧 ”时,也可以用于进行时态。如: Can you see that tower?He is seeing his

30、 uncle. The families are seeing the film.He is seeing the doctor now.It weighs 100 kilos.The man is weighing himself on the scale now.The room measures ten miles long and ten miles wide.The constructing workers are measuring the land.The flower smells nice.The dog is smelling the bones.He heard the

31、girl sing.We are hearing the lecture.Food tastes delicious.The boy will always taste dishes before eating.He holds half the share in the company.He is holding a book in arms.另外,某些非延续性动词也不能用于进行时,常见的这类动词有:deny、decide、accept、 complete、doubt、admit、allow、refuse promise、resolve、determine permit、consent等。如

32、:He is admitting that he has done tha(t. 误 把 is admitting 改为 admits) 状态动词用于进行时, 可以强调某一具体时间的特殊状态或暂时的心理状态活动, 也可表示某种认 识、感情、思维的发展过程,有时则表示 “刚刚开始 ”的含义。如:He is understanding the meaning of your words now.The soup is tasting better now.The boy is remembering his father more and more.I m recognizing him litt

33、le by little.As the time goes on, I m forgetting math. 状态动词用于进行时,常同 always、forever、continually、constantly等连用,表示某种行为、情感 或思想反复发生,含有赞叹、不满、烦躁等感情色彩。如:She is always believing that bad boy.He is constantly reminding me of the money I own him.7、表示进行时态的词或短语 带前缀a-的单词有些带前缀a-的单词表示进行意义,大都相当于现在分词,表示主动。女口: awake a

34、sleep ablaze、agapeafloat、aglow、amiss、astir、awash 等。如:The baby is asleep(. =sleeping)The fire is ablaze.(=burning)The boat was afloat(. =floating ) 某些短语a、 有些短语表示进行意义,相当于现在分词,表示主动。如: on the in crease在 增力卩on the watch在值班,在看守 on the decli ne 在下降 on the ebb在退潮on the prowl 在徘徊on the gamble 在赌博on the rise在

35、上升on the laugh 在大笑on tour 在旅行on tramp在徒步旅行 in a quiver 在颤抖 in the fight 在作战 in study 在学习 in motion 在运动 at work 在工作on the decrease在 减少on the wane在衰退on the match 在行进on the boil 在煮on the way在路上,在行进on the drink 在喝酒on the adva nee在前进on the whimper在啜泣,在埋怨on strike在罢工on the look-out 在寻找in a roar在吼叫in the f

36、light 在逃跑in flight 在逃跑at feed在进食at rest在休息at table在吃饭at prayer在祈祷b、 有些短语含有进行意义,但表示被动,相当于分词被动式。如:on show在展出on sale在出售on exhibition 在展出in rehearsal 在排练 in dispute 在讨论un der discussi on 在讨论un der con structi on 在建设un der study 在研究in operati on 在手术in negotiation 在谈判8、现在进行时和一般现在时的用法比较 暂时性动作和经常性动作。如:The m

37、achine is working well.(暂时性)The machine works well.(经常性)His bike has broken down. He s going to school(暂时性)He goes to school by bus(. 经常性) 永久性动作和短暂性动作。如:He lives in a flat.(永久性)He does n t have eno ugh money so he is liv ing in a rent room短暂性) 持续性动作和短暂性动作。如:The car is stopping.(渐渐停下来)The car stops(.

38、 迅速停下来) 带有感情色彩和不带感情色彩。如:He always looks for mistakes.(事实)He is always looking for mistakes.(不满)She is constantly offering her seat to the old people(. 赞扬)She constantly offers her seat to the old peopl(e. 事实)四、一般过去式1、表示过去 一般过去式常表示过去某个特定时间或某一段时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 这是一般过去式的基 本用法,一般过去式时常和过去时间状语连用。 如: a minute

39、 ago、yesterday、last week、in 1982、in those days等。如:His father fell ill yesterday all of a sudden.They got married last week.It happened after a month.I went to Beijing last summer.一般过去式可与 today、this morning、this week、this year、this month 等时间状语连用,但这些时间 状语要指过去,绝不包括现在。如:I finished my work this morning.D

40、id you see him today?I learnt a lot this year.一般过去时可与si nee (自从)和for (经历)引导的词语连用。如:Nothing happened since then. I lived there for two months. 表示过去的习惯性动作。如:When he was at home, he often watched T.VWhenever he went in those days, he paid special attention to the people and life in a place. 一般过去式用于 sin

41、ce 从句,主句的谓语动词如同现在完成时,其后接的 since 引导的从句一般须 用一般过去时。如:You haven t changed much since we last met.It has been three years since I went back to my hometown. 一般过去时表示完成的动作,一般过去时所表的动作多已完成。如:I received a letter from my friend yesterday.He cut the tree yesterday. 一般过去式表示某种感情色彩。如:You asked for it.(责备)I told you

42、 so.(你不听就是了)Did you ever hear of such a thing? (当然没有)2、表示现在时间 这种用法使句子在语气上较为婉转客气,能这样的动词有:hope want、intend、think、wonder等。如:I didn t know yoeurwe here.I wondered if you could help me.What did you want? (婉转)What do you want? (较生硬)3、表示将来和过去将来 表示将来发生的事或过去将来发生的事。如:It will be a great thing for a man to say

43、that I died like a hero in the future.He told me that school opened the following morning. 在表示时间或条件等的状语从句中代替过去将来时。(同前面提到的现在时用法相同)五、过去进行时1、过去进行时的基本用法 :表示过去某一时刻或时间段正在发生的动作 ,和一般过去时一样常和表示过 去的时间状语连用。如:I was watching TV at eight o clock yesterday.When I returned, he was playing computer games.We were expe

44、cting you yesterday(. 贯穿整个昨天)Mrs Li was praising you today, Tom.(用来打开头话)当上下文过去时间清楚时,时间状语也省略。如:Oh, I wasn t noticing the sign.2、不与时间状语连用可以表示逐渐的变化或发展。如:The wind was blowing.It was getting dark.3、表示最近的过去发生的事情。如:I was hearing that a serious traffic accident happened in that street.My father was telling

45、me that my family would have a trip this morning.4、表示过去未实现的愿望或打算。如:I was coming.She was calling on me.I was seeing my grandpa tomorrow.5、表示原因She didn t go to school yesterday. She was having a cough.I didn t notice her. I was lookingmaytbook.How did you witness the fire?I was walking in the street.W

46、hy you haven t finished your homework yet?I was taking care of my sick mother all day yesterday.6、表示对比My mother was doing housework. My father was sitting idle.While most students were wasting time at school, their parents were working in the scorching sun.7、表示婉转语气,只限于 want、hope wonder等动词,用以提出请求。如:I

47、 was hoping that you could lend some money to me.I was wondering if you could help me with my poor math.8、 表示某种持续性动作为背景(一个画面或情景),以引出一般过去时表示的新动作。如:The procession was going. Suddenly a thundering explosion was heard.The dog was biting and suddenly biting stopped.I was leaving home when the telephone r

48、ang.We were talking when the light went out.9、与 always、forever、constantly、 continually 等连用,表示某种感情色彩。如:He was always finding fault with others.She was constantly grumbling.The kind lady was thinking of others.10、用在时间或条件状语从句中表示过去将来正在进行的动作。如:He asked me to wake him up if he was sleeping at about 7 o cl

49、ock.11、表示按计划安排过去将来要发生的动作,同现在进行时一样与转移动词连用。如: He was leaving his hometown a month later.She was arriving ten minutes later.The plane was taking off in ten minutes.12、过去进行时和一般过去时的区别。 过去进行时表示正在进行尚未完成的动作,而一般过去时则表示动作已经完成。如:They were discussing about the plan, we should keep quiet.They discussed about the

50、plan and made the final decision.He was doing homework at ten last night.He did homework and went out to play. 过去进行时可以表示反复做的动作,而一般现在时表示一次性的动作。如:The baby was waving its hand.The baby waved its hand.The bird was jumping up and down in the cage.The bird jumped up and down.快要完成,即 转移动词 arrive、come、go、lea

51、ve、depart、start、die、take off 等的过去进行时表示 将”而一般过去式表示 已经完成”女口:The bus was arriving.The bus arrived.The old man was dying.The old man died. 过去进行时同 always、forever、constantly、frequently、continually 等连用,带有感情色彩;而一般 过去时则陈述一个客观事实。如:He was always helping others.He helped the lost boy to find the way.The man was

52、 forever playing jokes on others.The man played a joke on the boy to make us happy.六、现在完成时1、表示影响或结果 这是现在完成时的基本用法,现在完成时身跨两个时间之上,一是过去,一是现在。它的动作发生在过去,但对现在有影响或结果。现在完成时常与不确定的时间状语连用,如口: just、yet、before、recently、 once等;也可同表示频度的时间状语连用,如: ever、never、often、twice、on several occasionS等; 也同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用,如: now

53、、today、this、morni ng、this mo nth、this year等, 但不能同特定的过去时间状语连用( yesterday、 last year、 in 1990等)。如:The rain has stopped.The sky has cleared up.Have you seen the film?He has bought a car.I haven t seen much of you lately.I have already laid the table.He hasn t finished his homework yet.He has just gone.

54、We were experienced a lot this year.He has bee n to Beijing他去过北京(但现在不在北京)。He has gone to Beijing他已经去北京了(现在还在北京)。have been和 have gone的意思相同:have been表示 去而复归”;have gone表示 去而未归”。 表示一个从过去某个时间开始延续到现在,并可能延续下去的动作。 这时常同表示一段时间状语连用,如: since、 up and now、 so far、 up to presen、t for the past( last) few years、 for

55、 a long time、 these few days (weeks、mon th、years)等。如:So far, I have learned over 8,000 words.He has lived here for a long time.The writer has written about 20 books for the past (last) few years. 表示某人的经历或已故某人的言论,某个国家的作用对现在和将来具有长久现实意义和深远影响。如:My mother has suffered a lot in the last twenty years.The v

56、eteran has experienced much these few years.Li Bai has left us many great poems.Newton has explained the movements of the moon from the attraction of the earth.The West Europe has had a great impact on the development of word history. 现在完成时可同进行时未完成的动作进行对比。如:I don t know what he is doing and what he has done.Everything is changing or has changed. 现在完成时可以表示反问口气,带有一定的感情色彩。如:What have you done?Now you have done it?2、表示持续和重复 现在完成时用于延续性动词, 用来表示一种持续性的动作或状态。 现在完成时表持续的动作或状态 时常和si nee (


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