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1、西安交通大学应聘教授人员个人情况统计表App lication Form for P rofessorshi p at XJTU一、基本情况姓名Name性别Gen der出生 年月D.O.B.Year/Mo nth照片(P hoto)国籍Nati on ality籍贯Pl ace ofBirth最终学历Fi nalQualificati on最终学位Fi nalDegree毕业 时间Time ofGraduati on毕业学校Uni versity of Graduati onApplicant s Details讲师任职时间Lecturer &Durati on副教授任职时间Associat

2、eProfessor&Durati on现任职单位Curre ntIn stituti on现从事专业方向Curre ntResearch应聘学院(系、所)Faculty ofApp licati on应聘岗位类型Type ofP ositi onApp liedEmailEmailIn terests应聘学科Disc ip li neofApp licati on配偶情况SpouseA类:教学科研型教授岗位() B 类:科研为主型教授岗位(Type A: Professorshi p in lecture and teach ingType B: Professorsh ip in scie

3、 ntific research姓名Name联系电话Telephone现在何处任何职Curre ntEmp loyme nt二、学习(大学及以上)与工作经历Educati onal and Work ing Exp erie nee (Bachelor Degree or Above起止时间Exp erie nee Date学习或工作情况Qualificati ons & Employment三、主要学术成就简介(限1000字)Summary of Mai n Research Achieveme nts (Max. 1000 words)四、近五年教学工作Lecture & Teach in

4、g Exp erie nee in the Last Five Years授 课 情 况TeachingInformatio起止时间Teach ingDate独立培养研究生数Number ofPo stgraduates课程名称Title of Course对象Teachi ngObject硕士Number of Masters博士Number of PhDs届数Number ofGrades学时Teachi nghours承担教改项目情况P rojects onTeach ingReform起止 时间Project Date项目名称Title of Project来源Source ofP r

5、oject经费(万元)ResearchOutlay (/10 thousa nd)本人承担角色Respon sibilityin P rojectSup ervised五、近五年科研工作Scie ntific Research in the Last Five Years承担 科研 项目 情况ResearchProjectsUn dertake n立项号及项目名称P roject No. and Title ofP roject起止年月Project Date项目来源Source of Funds项目经费Research Outlay完成情况P roject Status本人承 担角色Resp

6、on sib ility in P roject合同经费Con tractOutlay累计到款AccumulatedOutlay六、近五年发表咼水平论文、论著、教材情况Academic Pap ers, Books and Textbooks P ublished in the Last Five Years论文题目Title of Paper著作名称Title of Book发表时间Date ofP ublicati on出版时间Date ofPublicati on教材名称Title of Textbook刊号及刊物名称Issue and Titleof Jour nal本人排名(通讯作者

7、请注明)NoteCorres pondent author被 SCI、SSCI、EI收录情况whetherin cluded inSCI, SSCI orEI出版时间Date ofPublicati on书号及出版社名称ISBN and Publisher影响因子IF本人承担任务Respon sibili ty in Project书号及出版社名称ISBN and Publisher本人承担任务Respon sibilityin P roject他引次数Cites备注Remarks备注Remarks七、近五年获奖情况Awards and Honors Received in Last Five

8、 Years获奖年月Award Date获奖项目名称Award Title奖励等级Award Grade本人角色Respon sibility颁奖单位Award-givi ng Un it获得其它学 术荣誉、奖 励或社会兼 职情况OtherAcademicHono rs.AwardsandSocialAppoin tme ntsAchieved荣誉、奖励与社会兼职Hono rs, Awards and Social Appoin tme nts获得/受聘日期Date ofAcce ptan ce/E mployme nt授予/兼职机构Issui ng Authority orIn stitut

9、io n八、近五年获得国家发明专利情况P ate nts Inven ted in the Last Five Years专利名称Title of Pate nt专利授权号Pate nt No.授权时间Authorized Date本人排名Byli ne Order九、近五年担任国际会议重要职务及在国际会议作大会报告、特邀报告情况Imp orta nt Intern ati onal Conferen ces Atte ndedand the Po st Held in the Last Five Years十、五年前承担的重要科研项目以及发表的高水平论文、论著Research P rojec

10、ts and High Academic Sta ndard Publicati ons Comp leted Five Years Ago立项号及项目名称Project No. and Title起止年月Project Date项目来源Source of P roject项目经费ResearchOutlay完成情况Project Status本人承担角色Respon sibility inPr oject论文题目Title of Paper发表时间Date ofPublication刊号及刊物名称Issue, Volume and the Jour nal本人排名 (通讯作 者请注 明)By

11、li ne Order(N oteCorres p on de ntAuthor)被 SCI、SSCI、EI收录情况 whetheri ndexed by SCI, SSCI or EI影响 因子IF他引 次数Cites著作名称Title of Book出版时间Date ofPublication书号及出版社名称ISBN and Publisher本人承 担任务Respon sibili ty in Project备注Remarks承诺Commitme nt本人承诺以上所填内容属实。I declare that all in formatio n p rovided in this form

12、is true and accurate. 申请人签字 Sig nature of App lica nt:年 Year 月 Mon th 日 Day学院审 核意见Faculty/I nstit uteApp roval审核人 Appr over :(单位公章 Seal )年 Year月 Mon th日Day西安交通大学应聘副教授人员个人情况统计表App lication Form for Associate P rofessorshi p at XJTU一、基本情况Applicant s Details姓名Name性别Gen der出生 年月D.O.BYear/Mo nth国籍Natio n

13、ality籍贯P lace ofBirth最终学历Fi nalQualificat ion最终学位Fi nalDegree毕业时间Time ofGraduati on毕业学校Un iversity ofGraduati on照片(P hoto)讲师任职时间LecturerDurati on副教授任职时间AssociatePro fessor &Durati on现任职单位Curre nt In stituti on现从事专业方向Curre ntResearch应聘学院(系、所)Faculty of ApplicationInterests应聘学科Disc ip li neofApp licat

14、i on应聘岗位类型Type of Po siti onApp liedEmailEmailA类:教学科研型教授岗位(B类:科研为主型教授岗位(Type A: Professorsh ip in lecture and teach ingType B: Professorsh ip in scie ntific research配偶情况Spouse姓名Name联系电话Telephone现在何处任何职Curre ntEmp loyme nt二、学习(大学及以上)与工作经历Educati onal and Work ing Exp erie nee (Bachelor Degree or Abov

15、e起止时间Exp erie nee Date学习或工作情况Qualificati ons & Employment三、主要学术成就简介(限1000字)Summary of Mai n Research Achieveme nts (Max. 1000 words)四、博士毕业后教学工作Teach ing the App lica nt En gaged in with a Doctorate Degree授课情况TeachingInformation起止时间(Teach ingDate课程名称Title of Course对象(Teachi ngObject届数Number ofGrades学

16、时Teachi ng hours五、博士毕业后承担科研项目情况(Research P rojects the App lica nt Un dertook with a Doctorate Degree立项号及项目名称Project No. and Title起止年月(P rojectDate项目来源Source ofP roject项目经费(Research Outlay合同经费Con tract Outlay累计到款AccumulatedOutlay完成情况P rojectStatus本人承担角色Respon sibilityin Pr oject六、博士毕业后发表咼水平论文、论著、教材料

17、情况Academic Pap ers, Books and Textbooks the App lica nt P ublished with a Doctorate Degree论文题目Title of Paper发表时 间Date ofPublica tion刊号及刊物名称Issue and Titleof Jour nal本人排名 (通讯作者 请注明)NoteCorres pon dentAuthor被 SCI、SSCI、EI收录情况 whether in cluded in SCI, SSCI orEI影 响 因 子IF他引 次数Cites著作名称Title of Book出版时 间D

18、ate ofPublica tion书号及出版社名称ISBN and Publisher本人承担任务Respon sibilit y in P roject备注Remarks教材名称Title of Textbook出版时 间Date ofPublica tion书号及出版社名称(ISBN and P ublisher本人承担任务Respon sibilit y in P roject备注Remarks七、博士毕业后获奖情况(Awards and Honors the App lica nt Received with a Doctorate Degree获奖年月(Award Date获奖项目

19、名称Award Title奖励等级Award Grade本人角色Respon sibi lity颁奖单位Award-givi ng Unit获得其它学术 荣誉、奖励或社 会兼职情况Other AcademicHono rs. Awards and SocialAppoin tme nts Achieved荣誉、奖励与社会兼职Hon ors. Awards and Social Appoin tme nts获得/受聘日 期Date ofAcce ptan ce/E mpl oyme nt授予/兼职机构Issu ing Authority orIn stitutio n八、博士毕业后获得国家发明专

20、利情况P ate nts the App lica nt Inven ted with a Doctorate Degree专利名称Title of Pate nt专利授权号P ate nt No.授权时间Authorized Date本人排名Byl ine Order九、博士毕业后参加重要国际会议情况Imp orta nt Intern ati onal Conferen ces the App lica nt Atte nded with a Doctorate Degree十、博士毕业前承担的重要科研项目以及发表的高水平论文、论著Research P rojects and High Academic Stan dard P ublicati ons the App lica nt Comp leted as a Ph. D Can didate立项号及项目名称Project No. and Title起止年月P rojectDate项


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