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1、Chapter One Entering a CountryOnce aboard on an international airplane, travelers often need to speak English when asking for drinks and food or consulting the attendant. So is the case during the journey to the destination country in checking the passport, transferring, or claiming the baggage, etc

2、. This chapter shows how to enter a foreign country smoothly. 出国旅游的游客一旦登上国际航班的飞机,常常需要使用一些诸如选择饮料、食品以及向空乘服务员咨询问题等简单的英语。入境他国检验护照、在异国机场转机、认领行李等也将使用必要的英语。本章以不同方式展示与入境英语相关的对话、句型、词汇,拟从语言的角度上帮助游客从容顺利地入境他国。Chapter One Entering a CountryTypescripts:Airline AnnouncementsPre-boarding AnnouncementGood afternoon

3、passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight CA987 to Los Angeles. We are now inviting those passengers (1) _, and any passengers (2) _, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your (3) _ ready. Regular boarding will begin (4) _. Thank you.with small childrenrequiring special ass

4、istanceboarding pass and identification in approximately ten minutes timeChapter One Entering a CountryTypescripts:Airline AnnouncementsFinal Boarding AnnouncementThis is the final boarding call for passengers Meihua Song and Zhanping Kong from China booked on flight UA502 to Washington. Please (5)

5、_ immediately. The final checks are being completed and (6) _ for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Meihua Song and Zhanping Kong. Thank ceed to gate 29 the captain will order Chapter One Entering a CountryType

6、scripts:Airline AnnouncementsPre-flight AnnouncementLadies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight UA 483 with service from Orlando to New York. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please (7) _ at this time

7、and (8) _ underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are (9) _ for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including (10) _. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing United Airlines. Enjoy y

8、our flight.fasten your seatbelts secure all baggage in the upright position laptops and cell phonesChapter One Entering a Country旅游签证及出入境(卡)常用英语词汇或表达 surname / family name / last name first (given) name sex male/female birth date month/date/year nationality passport No. Issue At Issue Date (or On)/

9、date issue expiry date ( or before) for stays of visa type (class) 姓姓 名名 性别性别 男男/女女 出生日期出生日期 月月/日日/年年 国籍国籍 护照号护照号 签发地签发地 签发日期签发日期 失效日期失效日期(或必须在或必须在.日之前入境日之前入境) 停留期为停留期为 签证种类签证种类 Chapter One Entering a Country旅游签证及出入境(卡)常用英语词汇或表达 occupation professionals & technical legislators & administratorsclerk

10、commerce service farmer worker jobless country of origincountry where you live destination countrycity where you boarded职业职业专业技术人员专业技术人员行政管理人员行政管理人员办事员办事员商业人员商业人员服务人员服务人员农民农民工人工人无业无业原住地原住地前往目的地国前往目的地国登机城市登机城市Chapter One Entering a Country旅游签证及出入境(卡)常用英语词汇或表达 address while innumber and streetaccompan

11、ying numbersignatureofficial use only passport visa 前往国家的住址前往国家的住址街道及门牌号街道及门牌号偕行人数偕行人数签名签名官方填写官方填写护照护照签证签证Chapter One Entering a Country飞机上主要的英语词汇或表达aisle seatwindow seatseatbeltcabinlife jacket / life vestheadsets / earphonescall lightcaptainco-pilotcockpit overhead bin / compartmentsteward (male)

12、/stewardess (female) /flight attendant / airhost靠过道座位靠过道座位靠窗座位靠窗座位安全带安全带机舱机舱救生衣救生衣耳塞,耳机耳塞,耳机呼叫灯呼叫灯主飞行员主飞行员副飞行员副飞行员驾驶舱驾驶舱头顶上方的行李舱头顶上方的行李舱空乘服务人员空乘服务人员Chapter One Entering a Country飞机上主要的英语词汇或表达pillow blanket refreshments soft drinksorange/apple/tomato juicediet cokehot teasmashed potatomenu枕头枕头毛毯毛毯茶点,

13、小吃茶点,小吃饮料饮料橘子橘子/苹果苹果/西红柿西红柿 汁汁无糖可乐无糖可乐热茶热茶土豆泥土豆泥菜单菜单Chapter One Entering a Country飞机上主要的英语词汇或表达bumpy /roughturbulencejet lagcomplimentaryitinerarytax free, duty freeairsicknessmotion sickness飞行不稳的;抖动的,颠簸的飞行不稳的;抖动的,颠簸的湍流,颠簸湍流,颠簸飞行时差反应,时差感飞行时差反应,时差感免费的免费的行程行程免税免税晕机晕机晕(车、船、飞机)晕(车、船、飞机)Chapter One Enter

14、ing a Country机票主要的英语词汇或表达datename of passengerflight No. seat No. classgate起飞日期起飞日期旅客姓名旅客姓名航班号航班号机座号机座号座舱等级座舱等级登机口登机口Chapter One Entering a Country行李主要的英语词汇或表达registered / checked luggageexcess baggageoversized baggagelight luggagebaggage elevatorcarry-on baggagebaggage receipttrolleybriefcasesuit b

15、agtraveling bagshoulder bagtrunkname tag托运行李托运行李超重的行李超重的行李超大行李(无法放入行李箱的超大行李(无法放入行李箱的)轻便行李轻便行李行李电梯行李电梯随身行李随身行李行李收据行李收据手推车手推车公文包公文包衣服袋衣服袋旅行袋旅行袋背包背包大衣箱大衣箱标有姓名的标签标有姓名的标签Chapter One Entering a Country机场主要英语词汇或表达Airport TerminalInternational TerminalInternational DepartureDomestic DepartureRegular Flight

16、Non-scheduled Flight International FlightDomestic FlightFlight NumberControl Tower Jetway Visitors TerraceLoading BridgeLanding Field机场候机楼机场候机楼国际候机楼国际候机楼国际航班出港国际航班出港国内航班出站国内航班出站正常航班正常航班非正常航班非正常航班国际航班国际航班国内航班国内航班航班号航班号控制台控制台登机道登机道迎送平台迎送平台候机室至飞机的连接通路候机室至飞机的连接通路停机坪停机坪Chapter One Entering a Country机场主要英

17、语词汇或表达touch down take off taxi in Scheduled Time (SCHED)Actual Time Landed Arriving from Departure to Departure Time Delayed Boarding Arrivals Gate / Departure Gate Departure Lounge 降落,着陆降落,着陆飞机起飞飞机起飞滑入机坪滑入机坪预计时间预计时间实际时间实际时间已降落已降落来自来自前往前往起飞时间起飞时间延误延误登机登机进港、到达进港、到达登机口登机口候机室候机室Chapter One Entering a C

18、ountry机场主要英语词汇或表达Check-inBoarding Pass (Card)Luggage TagPassport Control ImmigrationLuggage /Baggage ClaimTransfer CorrespondenceV. I. P. RoomTicket/Booking OfficeRail TicketLost and FoundInformation CenterMoney Exchange; Currency Exchange Luggage Depository登机手续办理登机手续办理登机牌登机牌行李牌行李牌护照检查处护照检查处行李领取处行李领

19、取处中转处中转处贵宾室贵宾室购票处购票处出售火车票出售火车票失物招领处失物招领处问讯处问讯处货币兑换处货币兑换处行李存放处行李存放处Chapter One Entering a Country机场主要英语词汇或表达Toilet / W. C / Lavatories / Rest Room Mens / Gents / GentlemensWomens / LadysOccupiedVacantRestaurantCoffee Shop; CafDuty-free ShopBusiness HoursOffice HoursShutOpenPauseClosed厕所厕所男厕男厕女厕女厕(厕所)

20、有人厕所)有人(厕所无人厕所无人)餐厅餐厅咖啡咖啡免税店免税店营业时间营业时间办公时间办公时间此路不通此路不通营业营业暂停暂停下班下班Chapter One Entering a Country机场主要英语词汇或表达air Ticketairfareairport feeshuttleto transfer from A airline to B airlinedirect flight/fromtofromtoviastopovertransfer passengersCustoms declarationgoods to declarenothing to declaree-ticketc

21、harter飞机票飞机票票价票价机场费机场费机场接驳巴士机场接驳巴士 转机(换乘另一航班号的飞机转机(换乘另一航班号的飞机)直航(从直航(从至至)经停(同一架飞机,同一个航班号)某地经停(同一架飞机,同一个航班号)某地飞行中途在某地停留飞行中途在某地停留中转旅客中转旅客海关申报表海关申报表报关物品报关物品不需报关不需报关电子票电子票打折航班打折航班Chapter One Entering a Country机场主要英语词汇或表达Hands OffKeep SilenceStaff OnlyNo EntryNo AdmittanceNo VisitorsNo SmokingNo Photos/P

22、hotographingNo PassingNo Littering请勿用手摸请勿用手摸保持安静保持安静本处职工专用本处职工专用勿进勿进闲人免进闲人免进游人止步游人止步禁止吸烟禁止吸烟请勿拍照请勿拍照禁止通行禁止通行勿乱扔杂物勿乱扔杂物Chapter One Entering a Country机场主要英语词汇或表达Airline Coach ServiceTaxi Pick-up PointCoach Pick-up PointCar hireBus / Coach ServicePublic Phone / Telephone航空公司汽车服务处航空公司汽车服务处出租车乘车点出租车乘车点汽车

23、乘车点汽车乘车点租车处租车处(旅客自己驾车旅客自己驾车)公共汽车公共汽车公用电话公用电话Chapter One Entering a Country Gap Fillingoverhead bins; boarding pass; passport; excess baggage; baggage claim; stopover; cockpit; complimentary; over-sized baggage; e-ticket; charter; jet lag; bump; taxi in; motion sickness; refreshments; life vests; cal

24、l light; aisle seat; seatbelt1) Its not a direct flight. Were making one-hour _ in Tokyo, but passengers must stayseated on the plane during that time.2) Please have your _ out when you go through security.3) We offer _ coffee or tea, but you have to pay for alcohol.4) Infant car seats and sporting

25、equipment can be picked up at the _ counter.5) Youll have to put your carry-on bag under your seat because all of the _ are full.6) If you take a _ it will cost you half as much.7) If you need anything, just press the _.stopoverpassportcomplimentaryover-sized baggageoverhead binschartercall lightCha

26、pter One Entering a Country Gap Fillingoverhead bins; boarding pass; passport; excess baggage; baggage claim; stopover; cockpit; complimentary; over-sized baggage; e-ticket; charter; jet lag; bump; taxi in; motion sickness; refreshments; life vests; call light; aisle seat; seatbelt8) There is a pape

27、r bag in front of you in case you experience _.9) Im used to travelling now. My body doesnt suffer from _ anymore.10) Your must present your _ at the gate.11) Ill give you an _ in case you need to walk around with the baby.12) You can either pay for your _ or leave one of your bags behind.13) After

28、you have paid your airfare on line, you should print out your _.14) The announcement will direct you to the correct _.motion sicknessjet lagboarding pass aisle seat excess baggage e-ticketbaggage claimChapter One Entering a Country Gap Fillingoverhead bins; boarding pass; passport; excess baggage; b

29、aggage claim; stopover; cockpit; complimentary; over-sized baggage; e-ticket; charter; jet lag; bump; taxi in; motion sickness; refreshments; life vests; call light; aisle seat; seatbelt15) It might be a _ ride because we are flying through a large pocket of turbulence.16) Its a short flight, so we

30、will be serving _ but not a meal.17) Please remain in your seats while the _ light is on.18) The captain and his co-pilot sit in the _, and they are happy to see a smooth touch down.19) Please remain in your seats until we _ in to the gate.20) In case of a water landing, _ could be located underneat

31、h your seats.bumpyrefreshmentsseatbeltcockpittaxilife vests Chapter One Entering a Country1. On the AirplaneA = Attendant ; T = TouristA: Good morning/afternoon/evening.T: Could you show me my seat? (showing the attendant your boarding pass)A: Go straight forward. Its near the wing; on your left sid

32、e.T: Thank you.T: May I have a blanket and a pillow? Its a little bit cold.A : Ok. Ill bring you them soon.T: Many thanks.Chapter One Entering a CountryA: Coffee, tea, or juice?T: What juice do you have?A : Orange, apple and tomato.T: Tomato juice, please. Id also like some cocktail.A : Would you li

33、ke rice or steak?T: Steak, please.A : Fish or chicken?T: Fish, please. Id also like some whiskey.A: Ok. No problem.1. On the AirplaneA = Attendant ; T = TouristChapter One Entering a Country2. At the Port of EntryI = Immigration Officer (U. S. Customs and Border Protection Officer) ; T =TouristI: Go

34、od afternoon. May I see your passport, please?T : Here is my passport / Here it is.I: Where are you staying?T : I will stay at a hostel in Los Angeles.I: Whats the purpose of your visit?T : Sightseeing ( Business).I: Do you have a return ticket to China?T: Yes, here it is.I : How long will you be st

35、aying in the U. S. ?T : 20 days.I: How much money do you have with you?T : About 4 , 000 dollars.I: All right. Have a good time.Chapter One Entering a Country3. At the Tourist InformationI = Inquiry Assistant ; T = TouristA : Can I help you?T: May I have a list of the hotels in London?A: Here is the

36、 hotel list.T: Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?A: Yes. Would you like one in the city center or in the suburbs?T: In the city center, please.A : Look here. I recommend Forest House Hostel to you. It costs less than 50 pounds a night.T: Thank you very much. How can I know whether

37、 they have vacancies?A: You can call them. There is a public phone over there.T: What if they do not have vacancies?A : Then you may try Goldsmiths House Hostel. It costs less than 50 pounds a night as well. But it is a women only hostel.T: Thatll be fine for us three girls. Thanks a lot.A : Youre w

38、elcomeChapter One Entering a Country1.行李遗失行李遗失 出国旅行令人比较郁闷的事情之一就是站在行李领取处,看着传送带一圈又一圈地传送着行李,他人都拎走了各自随机托运的行李,唯有自己望眼欲穿,却始终没有等到。一旦发生这类不幸的事就需要用英语向当地人员请求协助。那么该如何使用简单而清楚的英语,向工作人员描述自己的行李特点,提供充足信息,以便顺利及时找回丢失的行李呢?C = Clerk; T = TouristT: Excuse me. Im afraid my baggage has been lost.C: Come with me to the Lost

39、Luggage/Baggage Office, please.T: Here is my claim tag. Could you please check it urgently?C: Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.Chapter One Entering a CountryC : We now make a lost baggage report. How many pieces of baggage have you lost?T : Two.C : Can you describe your baggage?T:

40、 One is a medium-sized Crown suitcase, and its gray. The other is a red leather trunk with my name tag.C : Please sign your name here.T : How soon will I get my baggage?C : In about two days.T : Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as youve located it.C : Which hotel are you staying in?T :

41、 Forest House Hostel. This is their phone number.C : Ok, no problem. We are sorry for the mistake.C = Clerk; T = TouristChapter One Entering a Country2.飞机中转飞机中转 中转如果是同一个航空公司的话,就不需要拿着行李重新入境,直接带着随身行李就可以了;有的需要重新过安检,有的直接在机场里面转。当然前提是前后两班航班是联程的,一起购买的,登机牌也要在出发地一起换好了的。要是自己分别买的,要出机场,在行李到达处领取行李,再重新办理登机牌,托运,过安

42、检,不过在较大的机场有可能出现认不清方向之类的问题,请看下面的对话。Chapter One Entering a CountryT : Excuse me. Where can I transfer to Manchester?C: May I see your boarding pass/air ticket?T: Here it is.C: Youve got to the wrong terminal. Take the shuttle over there to Terminal 4 and you may find it on the second floor.T: When wil

43、l the shuttle leave?C: In about a quarter. You just missed one.T: Then do we have enough time?C: There are only 40 minutes left. You have to hurry up. Otherwise you might miss the connection.T: Thank you very much.C: Thats all right.C = Clerk; T = TouristChapter One Entering a Country3.兑换零钱兑换零钱 有些机场

44、的行李车或公用电话等需要使用硬币,那么如果没有零钱怎么办呢?机场设有的专门货币兑换处就可兑换零钱。C = Clerk; T = TouristT; Excuse me. Id like to break this 50-pound note. Could you give me some small change?C: What would you like to have?T: Please give me two 10-pound notes, three 5-pound notes, ten 1-pound coppers, and the rest in pence.C: Sorry.

45、 We are short of 5-pound notes at the moment.T: Then more coins will do.C: Here you are.T: Thanks a lot.C: Any time.Chapter One Entering a CountryRole PlaySituation 1: You are seated at aisle side on the plane, an old lady who sits by the window wants to change seat with you. When the flight attenda

46、nt asks your opinion, how can you refuse the request politely?Situation 2: You are travelling with your two-year old son. Unfortunately, when you pick up your registered luggage at the luggage claim, your son get lost. What would you do? Chapter One Entering a Country TranslationI) Im afraid _ (箱子的尺寸超出规定了箱子的尺寸超出规定了).2) Im afraid _ (你的护照已经过期了你的护照已经过期了).3) Ill need to _ (查看一下你小孩的出生证明查看一下你小孩的出生证明).4) Will you be _ (带随身行李么带随身行李么)?5) Please be at the


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