



1、无锡某纺织厂染整废水处理工程设计该厂属大中型棉纺织印染企业,生产棉布,粘棉布,的确凉布,绒布等纺织 产品。主要有漂染废水,印花废水,染色废水以及少量生活污水,废水水量大, 水质成分复杂。而印染废水是一种难处理的工业废水,具有有机污染物含量高、 色度深等特点。随着人们对环境质量要求越来越高,印染废水排放标准也越来越 严。对于高及中难度处理的印染废水,单独的生化或者物化处理难以达到排放要 求。目前国内的印染废水处理多采用以生化法为主,物化法为辅的手段。本次设计水量为10000m3/d,出水执行国家纺织染整工业水污染物排放标 准一级标准。进出水水质见下表。表1进出水水质序号项目进水水质出水水质1CO

2、Dcr/mg/L11001002BOD 5/mg/L500253SS/mg/L300704色度/倍40040本工程方案设计依据有关环境保护在污水中的要求,采用水解酸化-SBR-混凝沉淀工艺处理印染废水,工艺流程如下:关键词:印染废水;水解酸化;SBR;混凝沉淀WuxiWuxi KnittingKnitting FactoryFactory WastewaterWastewater TreatmentTreatmentProjectProject DesignDesignAbstractAbstractThe Knitting Factory is a set of knitting, dyei

3、ng and clothing in the one-stop product ion line associates. The wastewater gen erated from the bleach ing and dye ing workshop machine bleaching and dyeing workshop. And printing and dyeing wastewater is an in tractable in dustrial wastewater with high orga nic polluta nt content and deep color. As

4、 people increasingly high quality requirements on the environment, printing and dyeing wastewater discharge standards have been much more strict. Separate biochemical or physical-chemical treatment is difficult to meet emission requirements for the high and the difficulty of handling the printing an

5、d dying wastewater. Domestic prin ti ng and dying wastewater treatme nt, the use of the mea ns of the mai n biochemical methods, suppleme nted by the chemical method.3The design of water is 10000m/d, Water the implementation of the national “ Discharge standard of water pollutants for dyeing and fin

6、ishing of textile industry first sta ndard. And out of water as follows.Table-1 access to waterSerial nu mberItemRaw water qualityEmissi on qualityOneCODcr/mg/L1100100TwoBOD 5/mg/L50025ThreeSS/mg/L30070FourColority/Times40040The desig n of this project is in accorda nee with requireme nts of the en

7、vir onmental protect ion in the wastewater. It uses the hydrolytic acidificatio n SBR coagulati on sedimentation process to deal with the wastewater in textile printing. We select the follow ing process:KEYKEY WORDSWORDS : textile printing and dyeing wastewater; hydrolytic acidification; SBR; coagulati on.精品文档你我共享沁园春雪北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪 飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河 上下,顿


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