1、offer and counter-offerHollyrevision What is an offer?What is an offer? An offer is a proposal to give or do something. An offer of goods is a promise to supply or buy the goods on the terms and conditions stated by a seller or a buyer. -Clear, definite, complete, final Leave no room of ambiguity or
2、 uncertainty, avoid the use of such words as “perhaps ”, maybe, about. - Once accepted, it becomes a contractual obligation -Should not withdraw a firm offer within its validitypractice Dear sir, Thank you for your letters of June 28, 2009 and _ (我们现报盘)as follows: _(产品): Green Beans, Hebei origin, 2
3、009 crop Quantity: 200 metric tons _(价格): at RMB 2,500 per metric ton CFR Antwerp Packing: in ordinary second-hand gunny bags. _(装船): in September, 2009 _(支付): by irrevocable I./C, payable by draft at sightwe were pleased to offer youCommodityPriceShipmentpractice This offer is firm, subject to your
4、 immediate reply that should _ (在这个月底之前送达我方)。There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed. If you find it acceptable, _ (请尽快答复)。 Yours faithfully, *reach us not later than the end of this monthPlease let us have your reply as soon as possible Non-fir
5、m offer is a quotation subject to final confirmation and is not legally binding. The offeror can withdraw it anytime before the offeree accepts it. 发盘人没有肯定的订立合同的意旨,例如反映在发盘内容不明确(Not clear),或者主要条件不完备(Not complete),或者不是最后的(Not final),这种发盘对发盘人无约束力(Without engagement),也称邀请发盘。 虚盘是发盘人有保留地表示愿意按一定条件达成交易,不受发盘
6、内容的约束,也不做任何承诺,任何时候都可以改变、修改甚至取消。因此,虚盘是不受约束的、试探性的报价,其目的在于了解顾客、了解市场。虚盘的表达方式:1) The above offer is made without engagement. 以上报盘没有任何约束力。2).We offer sth subject to our final confirmation. 我方报盘 (各项交易条件) 以我方最后确认有效。3).We submit you this offer subject to prior sale. 我方向你方报盘,以先售为条件。 4). We make you an offer s
7、ubject to the goods being unsold. 我方向你方报盘,以未售出为准。5)We offer you subject to change without notice. 我方向你方报盘,此报盘如有变化不另行通知。situation 1: making a non-firm offer in reply to 作为的回复 without engagement 无约束性的 the following offer 以下报盘 be agreeable to= agree with 同意Conclusion:how to make an offer? An expression
8、 of thanks for the enquiry Details of the goods and trade terms, including Name of goods, quality or specifications, quantity, unit price and price terms, discounts and their conditions, terms of payment, time of shipment/delivery, package Firm offer: the period for which the offer is valid Non-firm
9、 offer: a remark to the effect that the offer is without engagement Favorable comments on the goods themselves, if appropriate An expression of hope that the offer will be accepted完整的报盘应该包括以下内容:(1)对询价表示感谢(2)提供所要求的所有信息,如名称、质量、特征、价格、折扣、付款条件等。(3)对交货期或者装运期的承诺(4)如是实盘,注明有效期(5)希望对方接受报价定购货物 A counter-offer
10、is an expression by the offeree of his disagreement, either in part or as a whole, to the offer made by the offeror. A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer. 还盘还盘 Cou
11、nter-Offer 当卖方提出的offer , 买方在收到后一般需做一定的表示。当他请求变更交易条件时,firm offer 失去效力,产生新的offer,这称为还盘(counter-offer). 还盘一般是对价格的还盘,对最低起定量的还盘,对支付方式的还盘。出口商写讨价还价的方法:(一)卖方不同意见减价时1、贵公司觉得本公司的价钱太高,本公司实在抱歉。 2.拒绝减价的理由: (1)人工成本上升或人民币升值造成出口成本上升。 (2)强调本公司的产品在品质上绝对比同价位其他供应商的优良。 (3)本公司的报价只含最少利润。3、为了表示配合对方的需要,推荐对方买品质、款式及外形类似而价位低的产品
12、当替代品。(二)卖方附带条件的同意减价时1.本公司从贵公司某月某日来信得知贵公司觉得本公司的价钱太高,本公司自认报价比其他厂商的报价低。2如果贵公司的订单超过了多少金额或多少数量,本公司将给予贵公司多少折扣。3.鼓励买方在出货前若先将货款用电汇汇过来,将再给予多少现金折扣,而且买方愿意这么做的话,将跟对方分享汇率的好处。 4.提醒买方该报价单的有效期只有多少天,过了这段时间,我们将会涨价。所以请买主尽快下单不要迟疑。 Price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods Place and time of delivery Extent of on
13、e partys liability to the other the settlement of disputes An expression of thanks for an offer. Regret to be unable to accept the offer and state reasons. Make a counter-offer or suggest other opportunity to do business together. Hope for early reply. We regret to inform you that your price is rath
14、er on the high side though we appreciate the good quality of your products. 我们很遗憾告知你方,尽管我们很满意你方产品的质我们很遗憾告知你方,尽管我们很满意你方产品的质量,但我们认为你方价格偏高。量,但我们认为你方价格偏高。 We are regretful that your price is out of line with the prevailing market. 我们很遗憾你方价格与现行市场价格不符。我们很遗憾你方价格与现行市场价格不符。 in line with符合符合 Although we are d
15、esirous of doing/keen on doing/keen to do business with you, we regret to say that your price is unacceptable to us. 尽管我们渴望与你方成交,但我们遗憾地说你方价格不尽管我们渴望与你方成交,但我们遗憾地说你方价格不可接受。可接受。 Much as we are interested in your products, we cannot place an order with you because of the high price. 尽管我方对贵公司产品很感兴趣,但由于价格过
16、高,我尽管我方对贵公司产品很感兴趣,但由于价格过高,我方不能订货。方不能订货。 When comparing with the other suppliers prices, your price is almost 10% higher than theirs. 与其他货源的价格相比,你方的价格比他与其他货源的价格相比,你方的价格比他们的报价几乎高出们的报价几乎高出10%。 As the market of Walnuts is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by
17、 5%. 由于核桃行市下跌,除非你方能够降价由于核桃行市下跌,除非你方能够降价5%,否则无法成交。否则无法成交。 To step up trade, we counter offer as follows:500 tons of Walnuts at USD 600/ton CIF NewYork. 为促进贸易,我方还盘为:为促进贸易,我方还盘为:500吨核桃吨核桃 CIF纽约纽约600美美元元/吨。吨。 We dont deny the quality of your products is superior to that of Indian makes but the differenc
18、e in price should in no case be as big as 10%. Our counter offer is USD 900 per ton CIF Hamburg. 我们不否认你方产品质量比印度产品好,但差价绝不我们不否认你方产品质量比印度产品好,但差价绝不可能大于可能大于10%,我们还盘是,我们还盘是CIF汉堡汉堡900美元美元/吨。吨。situation 3 end-users 最终客户 out of line with 不符合 the prevailing market lever 现行市价 parcels of Japanese make 日本制造的几批货物 such being the case 情况既然如此 be prepared to do 准备并愿意做某事 persuade sb. to do sth 说服某人做某事 come to terms 达成交易 in view of 鉴于 reduce 降低 cable 发电报 figure 数字,数目Exercise II translation 敬启者: 您2009年7月18日关于200公吨2009年产河北绿
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