



1、名词复数一、 可数名词:。1. 可数名词复数构成方法:(1) 一般在复数名词后加s; (2)以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加es辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i加es,女口: country,注意:monkey以o结尾的名词,初中只有potato(土豆),tomato(西红柿)加es构成复数。以f、fe结尾的名词,变 f、fe为v再加es,女口: knife2. 单复数形式相同的词:sheep fish, Chinese, Japanese3. 特殊变化:tooth,foot,child,man,woman,policeman,Frenchman 注意:German4. 常以复数形式出现的名词:pe

2、ople, clothes(衣服),trousers, glasses(眼镜), chopsticks(筷子),stairs(楼梯)police等作主语时谓语应用复数。5. 有些名词似复数实为单数。应注意。女口: news,maths,physics No news is good news.6. 可用 how many, many,a few,few,a lot of, some,any 等来修饰可数名词复数。How many are there in your pencil-box?(knife)7. 定语名词的复数sports meeting 运动会,man, woman, gentle

3、man作定语,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。数词+名词作定语,名词用单数。二、不可数名词:1. 常 见不可数名词 water, tea, milk , rice, bread , fish ,medicine, work, homework,housework, mon ey, weather, help, time, food,2. 不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数。如:Some breadover there.(be)3. 常用 how much,much,a little,little,a lot of,some,any 等来修饰不可数名词。4. 常用a piece of, a

4、 cup of等来表示不可数名词的量。如:two pieces of bread注意:可数名词也可用量来表示,如:three boxes of即ples名词的所有格1. 构成方法,有生命名词加s。单数名词词尾加s,复数名词词尾没有S,也要加s, the boys bag, mens room。若名词复数词尾有 s,只加川2. 无生命名词用名词+of +名词结构表示,the name of the hospital.但时间、距离、国家等词可力口 s,todays newspaper, ten minutes walk.3. 如果两个名词并列,且分别有s,则表示分别有;只有一个s,则表示共有。女口

5、: Johns and Marys room (两间) John and Marys room (一间)4. 可用名词所有格表示地点。女口: my aunts我姑姑家。 go to the doctors去医生家。5. 双重所有格表示所属物的名词前有 a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such, another, which 时,用:a, an, this, that + 名词 +of + 名词的所有格 /名词性物 主代词表 所有。如:a friend of mine. the book

6、of my fathers名词复数、名词所有格专项训练写岀下列名词的复数形式:1.desk2.class3. pen cil-box4.watch5.dish6.m on th7.city8 Sunday9.half10.wife11.potato12.tomato13. zoo14.foot15 tooth16.child17.woma n18.E nglishma n19.Gerna n20.Chi nese21.Japa nese22.America n23.sheep24.a pieceof paper25. aman doctor二、单词拼写:26、I have a lot of (

7、作业)to do every day.27、His (裤子)are new, but mine are old.28、It is the best one of the (照片)in my family.29、Are they building any (图书馆)in the city?30、Can you cut this big pear into two (半)?三、用所给词的适当形式填空:31、 Different people may have different . (idea)32、Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of . (glass)33、Please

8、 give them their. (photo)34、Are there anyin the box? (watch)35、There are twelvein a year. (month)36、Would you like some? (tomato)37、Look at thosein the boats! (people)38、There are four bags ofon the floor. (rice)39、There are many books about music on those .(shelf)40、I often drink a glass ofin the m

9、orning. (milk)41、Jim has some. (knife)42、How much are these? (vegetable)43、He read someabout Zhou Enlai. (story)44、 Manyare playing in the park. (child)45、There are many beautiful in this picture. (flower)46、Miss Gao is one of the most popularin the school. (teacher)47、We have fourin the morning. (c

10、lass)48、How manyare there in your country? (city)49、I have twostamps. (hundred)50、There areof workers in a factory. (thousand)51、Thein the room come from Tianjin. (man)52、I know one of the(boy)53. Chinese is one of the most importantin the world. (language)54. She fell off the bike, and hurt both of

11、 her . (foot)55. Some of theare hard to reach. (pear)四、选择56. They like Chinese .A. food and peoples B.foods and people C.foods and people D.food and people57. Lucy and I go to school every day.A. on feet B. on foot C. by foots D. by buses58. -re those? -No, they aren They re.A. sheep; cows B. sheep;

12、 cow C. sheeps; cow D. sheeps; cows59. What are you listening to, Jane? or ?A. a music; a news B. music; news C. music; news D. music; a news60. How many and are there in your class?A. boy student; girl onesB. girls students; boys onesC. boys student; girl one D. girl students; boy ones61. A group o

13、f are talking with two over there.A. Fren chme n; Germa nsB. Frenchmen; GermenC. Germa n; Fren chme nD. Germa ns; Fren chma ns62. That bus driver drank two .A.glass of waterB. glasses of waters C. cups of tea D.cup of tea63. There is tree in our school.A.a 8-metres-tallB.an-8-metre-tallC. an 8metres

14、 tall64. In time,thosemountains willbe coveredwith trees.A.few year B.a fewyears . fewyears D. afew year s65. We bought for my mother birthday.A. some meats B.some pieces meat C. a piece of meat D. pieces of meats66. - Would you like coffee? -No, thanks. I vdrunk two _.A. any; bottles of orangeC. so

15、me; bottles of orange67.A.69.A.-How many do youkilos of egg B. kilo of eggs C.There rea lot of down there,people B. horses; peoplesinB. little; bottle of orangesD. a few; bottle of orange want?horse;LucyA. sugar;C. sugar;put a lot of the two cup the two cups,please.kilos of eggs D. kilo of bread but

16、 hardly any .C. cow;of tea.-Twopeople D. sheep; people71. Mr. Lin often gives usB. sugars; theD. sugars; two by e-mail.two cupscupsA. some good information B. some good informationsC. good informations D. a good information72.-What can Ido for you? -I dlike two .A.box of appleB. boxes ofapplesC.box

17、of applesD. boxes ofapple73.-Help yourselfto some .-Thank you.I really like themA. fish B. orange C. bread D. cakes74. This is an old photo of mine when I .A. have short hairs B. had short hairs C.have short hair D.had short hair75.The littlebaby has two _ already.A.toothB. toothsC.teethD.teeths76.J

18、une 1stis Dayall over the world.+A.Child sB. Childs C.ChildrensD. Childrens77.September 10th is _Dayin China,isn itt?A.Teacher sB. Teachers C.TeacherD. Teacher of78.- Igilvleyou tofinishthe work.-OK.A. two week s timBe. two weeks tiCm.etwo week time D. two weeks time79. Who is the man in the blue ca

19、r? -He isfather.A.Kate s and MaryB.Kaste and MaryC.sKate and Mary D.of Kate and Mary80. We all had last month. Did you travel to anywhere?A. seven days holiday B. seven day s holidayC. seven-days holidayD. a seven-days holiday81. I found my black cat inroom.A. Jim and MikeB. Jim and MikesC. Jims and

20、 MikesD. Jims and Mike82. -s this your room? -No, it sroom.A. the children B. the childrenC. osf the children D. the childrens83. Have you read ?A. a newspaper of todayC. a piece of newspaper today84. The hospital is a bit farA. forty minutess walkC. forty minutes walks B. today newspaperD. today s

21、newspaper from here. Its about B. forty minutes walkD. forty minutes walk85. The railway station is two from our house.D. hours driveA. hour s drive B. hours drivCe. hour-drive86. -Whose is this new desk? -It s .A. Sue and JimB.sSue and Jim C. Sue s and JimA. police B. policemen Cs. policemans D. policemens 88. In time, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. few year B. a few years C. few years D. a few years89. Mrs. Smith is an old friend of .A. Bob s mthoer B. Bob s mother C. msother of BobC. Bob mother s90. The tall man with a big nose is teacher.A. Tom and CarlB. Tom


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