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1、单位代码10475学号104753090793分类号h0-0硕士学位论文the study of the chinese construction “you+vp” from the perspective of grammaticalization theory汉语中“有+vp”结构的语法化理论视角研究学科、专业:外国语言学及应用语言学研究方向:认知语言学申请学位类别:文学硕士申请人:孙焕焕指导教师:刘辰诞 教授 二一二 年 二 月the study of the chinese construction “you+vp” from the perspective of grammatica

2、lization theory汉语中“有+vp”结构的语法化理论视角研究a dissertation submitted to the graduate school of henan universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of master of artsbysun huanhuansupervisor: prof. liu chendanfebruary, 2012abstractthe present study is mainly about a chinese language pheno

3、menon, the “you + vp” construction, and takes the grammaticalization theory as the theoretical basis and theoretical perspective to have a theoretical and systematical explanation of the grammaticalization process of “you”, and has a general concluding on the characteristics of grammaticalization of

4、 chinese. in modern chinese, the usage of “you” has changed a lot, for example, in cases like我有吃饭。(wo you chi fan.), 他有来。(ta you lai.), the usage of “you” is totally different from its original usage as a possessive verb which means possession and existing. in these cases, which is seen as the “you

5、+ vp” construction by the author, “you” has the grammatical function, and the grammatical category it belongs, the meaning sense it conveys both have changed a lot. the other reason for choosing this language phenomenon as the object of study is that whether in ancient chinese or in modern chinese,

6、“you” plays an important role as a high frequency vocabulary and people are very familiar with this word, so even the smallest change about the word will be caught by language researchers and put this on the studying level. therefore, recently, especially after the western linguistic theories are br

7、ought into our country, many more researches on “you + vp” construction begin to appear. different people have different explanations about this phenomenon. however, their researches are partial to be descriptive, which are lack of the theoretical basis and theoretical analysis. based on this, espec

8、ially on the plenty descriptions and studies of this linguistic phenomenon by previous scholars, this thesis tries to have an all-sided and systematic study on the question of the grammaticalization of “you”, using the grammaticalization theory. this is the orientation of this thesis. the theoretica

9、l basis of this thesis is the grammaticalization theory, especially the applying of the reanalysis mechanism and analogy mechanism of this theory. among the various schools of linguistic theories, grammaticalization theory is one of these that take the synchronic and diachronic change of the languag

10、e as their object of research. grammaticalizaion is “the attribution of grammatical character to an erstwhile autonomous word” (meillet 1912:131; hopper and traugott, 2003: p.19). strictly speaking, what is grammaticalized in this process is not the word itself, but the whole system of structures an

11、d usages about this word. the grammaticalization process is an unidirectional one, that is from a content word to a grammatical one, from a grammatical one to a more grammatical one.the reanalysis and analogy are the two important internal mechanisms in the grammaticalization of content words which

12、works at the different stages in the grammaticalization process and together put forward this process. reanalysis, which always happens in the early stage of the grammaticalization process, causes the change of the sentence structure which is shown clearly in the bracketing of the sentence. the chan

13、ge caused by reanalysis is a covert one which can not figure out in the surface, but things behind the words, the structure, the constituents and the usage, the function of some words have all changed. on the contrary, changes caused by analogy are overt. changes about this kind are based on some ce

14、rtain rules and inferred under these rules, so we also call this mechanism the rule generalization. the analogy makes the changes caused by the reanalysis obvious in the surface of language. in the process of the grammaticalization of a certain content word, the reanalysis and analogy may not happen

15、 only one time or two, but many times maybe. the detailed contents about reanalysis and analogy are in chapter three.in chapter four, the author has a general description and classification about “you + vp” constructions. the author describes the usage change of “you” synchronically from ancient chi

16、nese to modern chinese. these usages are divided into usages of “you” in ancient time and usages in present chinese. the purpose of this description is to let people have a general understanding about the synchronic change of “you”, and also lay the foundation for the following analysis. chapter fiv

17、e is the central part of this thesis. in this part, the author gives a detailed analysis of “you + vp” in the theoretical level. the analysis is going from the perspectives of reanalysis and analogy, and the whole grammaticalization process is shown out. according to the analysis, in the grammatical

18、ization of “you”, there are two obvious times of reanalysis and two obvious times of analogy. even though these are seemed obvious changes, they are also based on the several times of minor changes.in this process, at the work of analogy, “you” can not only be followed by noun phrases, but also can

19、be followed by the nominalized verb phrase, and then can also be followed by verb phrase. but in this time, the status of “you” as a main verb in the sentence has been weakened and grammaticalized a lot. through the work of reanalysis, “you” becomes a bound morpheme with empty meaning in the one asp

20、ect, like in “有待”, “有违”; and an auxiliary used in the perfective aspect of verbs in the other aspect. the concrete analyzing process is in chapter five.as a conclusion, the author points out in chapter six that in this thesis, through plenty of descriptions and studies on “you + vp” construction, an

21、d under the grammaticalization theory, especially the applying of reanalysis and analogy mechanisms, the analysis is going in steps and logically, and gives out the reasoning and explanation of its own about the whole change of the linguistic phenomenon. based on this analysis, there are two charact

22、eristics of the chinese grammaticalization found in this thesis, which are: language change is of no relation to the change of the word form; and the change of chinese language is meaning centered. whats more, on the method of reasoning, the author propose that wed better take the analysis from two

23、levels, which means explaining the situation of change from meaning level and structure level respectively.in one word, this thesis is working on the explanation of “you + vp”, this chinese construction, from the perspective of grammaticalization theory. and the author hopes this study is of, even a

24、 little help to the research of the language change of chinese. key words: “you + vp” construction; grammaticalization theory; reanalysis; analogy 摘 要本论文主要研究“有+vp”这一汉语语言现象,运用语法化理论作为理论基础和理论视角,对“有”的语法化过程进行理论性和系统性的释解,并对汉语语法化的特点做一简要概括。在现代汉语中,“有”一词的用法发生了变化,如在例句“我有吃饭。”“他有来。”中,“有”的这一用法不同于“有”作为领属动词表领属和存在的用法


26、论文的第一章都已做详细交代,此外作为本论文的理论基础和实践基础,在论文第一章中也做了简要讲述。本研究的理论基础是语法化理论,特别是对该理论中重分析机制和类推机制的运用。在众多语言学理论中,语法化理论是其中的以对语言的历时和共时的变化为研究对象的。语法化就是之前的独立词现在拥有了语法用能,有了功能词的特点(meillet 1912, traugott and hopper 2003: 19)。严格的来说,在这个过程中,语法化的并不是一个词,而是有关这个词的结构和用法的整个体系。语法化的过程是一个单向性的过程,即由实词到功能词,从一般功能词到更为虚化的功能词。重分析机制和类推机制是实词语法化重要的




30、化为中心的观点。除此之外,在论证方法上,本人提出了分层论述的方法观,即从语义层和句法结构层分别阐述变化情况。但由于研究的不足,此理论分析还需进一步巩固和扩展,对语法化理论本身的运用尚需深化。本论文致力于对“有+vp”结构这一汉语语言现象的语法化理论视角释解和论证之上,也希望此研究能对研究汉语语言变化的语言学研究方面做出片瓦之贡献。关键词:“有+ vp”结构,语法化理论,重分析机制,类推机制contentsabstracti摘 要vchapter one introduction11.1 orientation11.2 rationale21.2.1 theoretical basis of t

31、he study21.2.2 practical basis of the study31.3 theoretical framework51.4 research questions61.5 methodology and data collection71.5.1 methodology of the study71.5.2 data collection81.6 conclusion81.7 structural organization9chapter two literature review112.1 studies on grammaticalization of content

32、 words in china112.1.1 earlier research about abstraction112.1.2 modern research on grammaticalization of content words122.2 studies on grammaticalization of content words abroad132.2.1 earlier research on grammaticalization142.2.2 later research on grammaticalization152.2.3 recent trends of researc

33、h on grammaticalization162.3 researches on the grammaticalization of “you” at home and abroad162.3.1 studies on “you” in ancient chinese172.3.2 studies on “you” in modern chinese182.4 summary19chapter three theoretical framework213.1 introduction213.2 grammaticalizaion theory213.2.1 definition of gr

34、ammaticalizaion213.2.2 principles of grammaticalizaion233.2.3 mechanisms of grammaticalizaion253.2.4 pragmatic factors303.2.5 grammaticalizaion across clause313.3 some important concepts323.3.1 language change333.3.2 abstraction(虚化)333.3.3 grammaticalization343.3.4 conclusion343.4 summary34chapter f

35、our study on the chinese verb “you”364.1 introduction364.2 the usage of “you” in ancient chinese364.2.1 “you” followed by noun phrases364.2.2 “you” followed by verb and verb phrase374.2.3 other usage of “you”404.2.4 conclusion414.3 the usage of “you” in modern chinese414.3.1 “you” as a content word4

36、14.3.2 special usage of “you” in “you + vp”424.4 the characteristics of the usage change of “you + vp”434.5 summary44chapter five the analysis of “you + vp” under grammaticalization theory465.1 the reanalysis of the construction “you + vp”465.1.1 “you” reanalyzed to be a bound morpheme465.1.2 “you”

37、reanalyzed to be an auxiliary used in perfect aspect515.2 the analogy of the construction “you + vp”555.2.1 “you + vp” in ancient chinese555.2.2 “you + vp” in modern chinese575.3 the pragmatic factors of the usage change of “you + vp”575.4 the characteristics of the grammaticalization in chinese595.

38、5 summary60chapter six conclusion626.1 summary of the present study626.2 main findings of the thesis636.3 theoretical implications of present work646.4 limitations of the present work and suggestions for future research65bibliography67chapter one introduction1.1 orientationin our daily life, the aut

39、hor finds that people always use expressions like these to communicate with each other:我有吃饭。他有来。“you” looks special in these cases, because “you” is a common used word in modern chinese and it is mostly used as a content verb which means existing, possessing, like in:山上有一座庙。我有一本书。however, here “you”

40、 dont have these concepts. in the authors point of view, “you” in these cases is an auxiliary, with the function of expressing perfect aspect. it has the sense of conveying the “have happened” of the event expressed by the following verb phrase. the hypothesis about this is that this kind of usage o

41、f “you” is the result of the grammaticalization of this word. in modern chinese, there are also phrases about “you” as in: 有劳, 有请, 有失(矜持), 有待, and so on. “you” in these cases do not have the concrete meaning and used as a bound morpheme in these disyllable words.these three kinds of usage of “you”:

42、(a) “you” as a content verb means existing, possessing; (b) “you” as an auxiliary expressing perfect aspect; (c) “you” as a bound morpheme in the disyllable words. they co-exist in modern chinese, and the last two kind of usage are the results of the grammaticalization of “you” in its different stag

43、e. therefore, in this thesis, the central work is to study this grammaticalization process of “you” and this study is based on the grammaticalization theory, which is a theory about the language change, especially about the grammaticalization or functionalization of the former content words to the p

44、resent grammatical or functional elements.so the aim of this thesis is mainly to study the grammaticalization process of “you” from the perspective of grammaticalization theory, especially from the perspective of reanalysis and analogy.1.2 rationale1.2.1 theoretical basis of the studywilhelm von hum

45、boldt, the german philosopher and humanist, proposed the most sophisticate speculations about the origins of grammar. “he suggested that the grammatical structure of human language was preceded by an evolutionary stage of language in which only concrete ideas could be expressed. grammar, he suggeste

46、d, evolved through distinct stages out of the collocation of concrete ideas (humboldt 1825).”(traugott and hopper 2003:19)george von der gabelentz did much research on the root source of grammatical forms and their evolution. in his survey, he pointed out that the linguistic forms were the employees

47、 of a certain state; they were hired, promoted, put on half-pay, and finally retired, while other new forms queue up for jobs (gabelentz 1891: 241). he proposed that there were two tendencies leading to the grammaticalization, one was towards to the ease of articulation and the other was to the dist

48、inctness, and this grammaticalization process was a cyclical process, not a linear one. (traugott and hopper 2003:21)antoine meillet, the french linguist, was also among the first scholars who started to study the grammaticalization and he coined the term “grammaticalization” to designate that the g

49、rammatical morphemes were developed from the earlier lexical formatives. “it was also anchored in a more positivistic view of language, which stress regularity in linguistic change and systematicity in synchronic description. meillet (1912) describes how new grammatical forms emerge through two proc

50、esses, one is analogy, whereby new paradigms come into being through formal resemblance to already established paradigms; (an example of analogy in recent english would be the replacement of the plural shoen by shoes through analogy to such established plurals as stones.) the second way is through g

51、rammaticalization, “the passage of an autonomous word to the role of grammatical element” (1912: 131).”(ibid)traugott and hopper (1993, 2003) gave the systematical research of grammaticalization theory in their works grammaticalization based on the research of the former scholars. they proposed that

52、 the internal mechanisms of the grammaticalization were reanalysis and analogy and they were not worked separately, but effected the grammaticalization of the language together, and they were not worked only one time in this process, but maybe many times at different stages in this process.1.2.2 pra

53、ctical basis of the studylanguage is changing all the time. many new expressions appear while the old ones will be displaced and disappear from the present language system. the grammaticalization is one part of the change. however this part attracts many linguists to study this changing process and

54、what is reflected behind this change. through this way, people can have a deep understanding of our languages. until now, there are many linguists in this field, and many ways of explanation of the change are proposed.in this thesis, the author also focuses on the language change. this change is abo

55、ut the grammaticalization of the lexical word to the functional word. like in:(a) 我有一本书。(b) 山上有一座庙。(c) 我有吃饭。in (a), “you” is a lexical word, a content verb, which means the possessing of something by person expressed by the subject in this sentence. in (b), “you” is also a content word meaning the e

56、xisting. “you” in (c), does not have the sense of possessing or existing, but relates to the happening of the action expressed in the sentence, and “you” here has the function of an auxiliarys used in the perfect aspect. in this sense, the function of “you” has changed, or we can say until now a new

57、 function of “you” appears. in ancient chinese, this kind of usage of “you” didnt exist, but the time sense was displayed sometimes, like in: 燕人,其妻有私通与士.here, “you” has the time sense, and we can replace it with “曾经”, a temporal adverb. in this case, the constituent after “you”, the “私通” , is a nomi

58、nalized verbs, so in the surface it is a “you + nominalized verb phrase” construction. this sense aspect of “you” was salient in the latter time and the result of this change was that “you” became an auxiliary in forming the perfect aspect. on the other hand, “you” also has experienced another way of grammaticalization. as in: 有劳,有请,有失,有赖,有待, “you” is a bound morpheme with empty meaning. this is also an


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