1、A:i am going to study at University of New Heaven for two years.First thing i want to do is to pass the ESL class,and then i am going to start my master degree classes.7. A:America is the most modern country in the world. It is my dream to get an education there. 8 what is your goal?A:i want to get
2、a masters degree.10.A:i found this school online, and i believe it has best ESL education program.19 A:tuition is 20 thousand per year, and my living expenses will be 15 thousand per year.20.A:i have some money saved up, (here is my bank statment).it is good enough to cover all my 2 years needs.21 A
3、: no,here is all my own money.22. I am definitely going to come back to here, because i have my family here.26A: the fall semester start at(.)30.ESL:english as second language.51. noTalk about yourself. /Introduce yourself.说一说你自己 . my name is shuang chen, I am 38 yearsold and married. I have a son w
4、ho is a junior high schooolstudent.i work at a junior high school as an accountant.I have been working there for 10 years.1. Whats the purpose of your visit? ( why are you going to America?) 你来访的目的 ? i am trying to go to school there and finish my education.2. What do you do now? /What did you do af
5、ter graduation? /What have you been doing lately? 你现在在干什么 ?我在学校的会计室工作,是一名财会人员。 i work at a junoir high school as an accountant.3. When and where did you graduate? (do you have college degree in china?) 你什么时候 , 在哪里 毕业的 ? i graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in 1995.i majored i
6、n acounting.4. What did you study in college? / What is it about?你以前学习的什么专业 ?accounting5. What will you do in USA? /What is your purpose for the visa? /What s your study plan inthe states /Tell me your education plan.你的学习计划 . .what is your edcation plan ?我想在纽黑文大学学习两年时间。我计划在校先读ESL课程,语言过关后我会加速研究生课程的学习
7、,两年时间对于我来讲会很紧张。假期我会安排自己多了解一些美国本土的会计模式或企业经营管理模式,进 行一些社会实践。如果我不能如约的完成学业,也会带着满载的收获回国,我相信两年的学习和社会实践 会让我受益匪浅,会给我回国回国发展注入源源不断的动力。 i amgoing to study at University of New Heaven for two years.First thing i want to do is to pass the ESL class,and then i am going to start my master degree classes.6. Why do y
8、ou want to study in USA? /Why do you intend to study in USA rather than in China? 为什么想去美国学习 ?8年前,我陪同孩子在一个外语机构学习英语,曾与一个叫MIKE的外教多次交流,我很欣赏MIKE 的教学方法,美国教育的灵活多样让我深深回忆。所以此次我继续深造自己选择了美国。 (照片 美元卡 片)。而且全球有1 /3的留学生都在美国接受教育,所以我想给自己个机会走进美国。7. 1).What degree will you pursue in USA?2) .What is your ultimate acade
9、mic goal?3) .What level of education are you pursuing in America?4) .What was the last degree you obtained?5) .What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?你在美国将要获得什么学位 ?/你最终的学习目标 ?/你准备在美国继续什么层次的教育 ?研究生, master s degree. 取得学位对我来讲有双重意义,学位取得的同时自身能力的提升和视野的放开对于我来讲更有意义。 America is the most moder
10、n country in the world. It is my dream to get an education there.what is your goal?i want to get a masters degree.8. What school will you go? 你将要去哪个学校 ?University of New Haven9. Howdo you know this university? 怎么知道的这所学校 ? Whydid you choose that university? 为 什么选择这所学校 ? How much doyou know about the
11、university?/Tell me about something aboutthis university. 对这所学校了解多少 ?如您所知网上信息是最详实和准确的, 是坐在家里走向世界的窗口, 而且纽黑文大学有近百年的历史 (1920 年建校 )14%的国外留学生。我相信这所大学能有更加科学有效地机制帮助我完成学业。而且我没有语言成绩,可在校先读 ESL课程。10. Whoapplied the university for you? Howdid you apply? /Tell meabout the application process. 怎么申请的这所学校 ?中介学校的网址1
12、1. Whats the web-site address of the university?12. How much is the application fee? 学校申请费 50dollars13. 1).To how many universitieshave you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you?2) .Did you consider other universities while you are applied?3) .How many schools did you consider?4) .H
13、ow many schools did you compare your school to? 申请了几个学校 , 是哪个?其他的录取了没 ? 中介转了多少学分 ?14. Did your university transfer credits for you? If yes, how many? 中介15. Whats your intended major? /What will you study? 选择的专业是什么 ? Whydo you want to study this major in the USA? /Why did you choose this major?为什么选择这
14、个专业 ? How did you getinterested in your major? 你是怎么样喜欢上你的专业的 ?会计学。性格特点决定我选择这个专业, 我本人本身较认真严谨且善于理财, 所以大学时就选择了此专业, 而且毕业后一直从事这方面工作。因为这项工作专业性较强,而且随着中国改革开放的步子加大,会计制 度在不断地改革更新与国际接轨,自己这方面技能也需要完善。16. 1).What will you study in this major?2) .In what aspect of your major will you study?3) .Which subjects are y
15、ou required studying for your major?4) .Tell me about some classes you required to take? 专业有哪些必修课 ?中介17. Do you have TOEFL/IELTS? If yes, whats your score, if no, why?你有托福或雅思成绩吗 ?18. How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States? / How muchwill one year of study cost?
16、你一年需要花费多少 ? What are your tuition fees? 你的学费是多 少? What are your living expenses?你的生活费是多少 ? How much pocket money do you needper-month? 每月需要多少零花钱 ? Do you have any additional expenses? 你有额外的开销吗 ?4 万多美金。学费 2 万、生活费 1 万 5 ,大约 3 万 5,额外开销就是会旅游,要花一部分资金。19. Who will be your sponsor? /Who s going to pay for
17、your studies in the States?谁支助你上学? How much money have your parents saved for your education? /How much money have you been set aside? /How much moneydo you have been fund? 存了多少钱? Do you have a bank deposit certification (Bankbooks)? May I see your bankbooks/bank statements/C.D./certificate9deposit?
18、 你有存款证明吗 ?我能看一下吗 ? Do you have the necessary fund for your study?你有足够的钱学习吗 ? Howlong have you been saving money? 钱存了多久? Does it include any stocks, bonds or investments? 你的钱包括股票 ,存款或其他投资吗 ? Does your family has more money than that you have shown me? 有其他的存款吗 ?我已成家多年,丈夫支持我出国深造,所以我们提早准备了留学费用。有两部分组成,一部
19、分是近几年的 股票收益另一部分是平时的生活积累。我有足够的钱完成我的学业,余下的钱我会考虑旅游。留学的资金 不包括股票。20. Did your parents borrow any of the money? 你父母为你上学借钱了吗 ? What do your parents do?/ Where does your father or mother get the funds from?你父母的工作是什么 ?/ 你父母的钱是从哪里来的 ? What are you parent s annual/usually income?你父母的年薪是多少 ? Who do yourparents
20、work for? 你父母为谁工作 ? What are your father s/mother s responsibilitiesat work?/Describe your fathers/mother s job to me.你父母的主要工作是 ?我留学的费用跟父母没有关系, 都是有我和丈夫自己承担。 我们的父母已经退休, 他们的收入都是退休金。21. What is your plan? /What will you do after graduation? /What kind of job can you find in the future? 你毕业以后得计划 ? How m
21、uch will you earn if you come back? /What do you think of your future salary? 你觉得你将来的薪水是多少 ?Will you come back after graduation? /Do you plan to return to china after graduation? 后打算回国吗 ? 1).In USA you can earn much more money than in China .So, why do you say you will return to China?2) .You can al
22、so make more of this kind of money in US, why donwant to earn more?3) .Why won t you stay in the US?4) .Why will you comeback to China instead of finding a job in America? 5).Give methree reasonsthat you will come back to China?为什么要回国 ?留学是我成长过程中的一次充电,对我的事业和家庭迈向更高起点起到推动作用。回国后22. 1).Do you plan to see
23、k financial support in the US?2).Do you plan to find a job while you are studying?3).Will you look for a part time job while going to school? 你在学习期间会做兼职吗 ?不会,我的学业将会非常繁重,我带有足够的资金去完成学业,所以根本不会考虑做兼职的事情。假期我 或许会考虑做义工来参与一些社会实践,充实在校学习的不足。23. 1).Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have complet
24、ed your studies?2) .Do you looking for employment in USA?3) .After graduation do you plan to find a job in USA? 你毕业后打算在美国找工作吗 ?我觉得对于我这个年龄回国发展会有更广阔的前景,而且我和丈夫的社会关系经济基础很适合我们在国内 发展。What is the TOEFL requirement of your school?t you24.你学校要求的托福成绩是多少 ?25.When is the opening date of your university? /When d
25、oes your university start? 么时候开学 ?26.When are you going to enter USA? 你打算什么时候去美国 ?27.Where are going to live? 你打算住在哪里 ?28.Does your university require you to take ESL?你的学校要求参加ESL课程吗?毕业你学校什29. What does the ESL mean? ESL 是什么意思 ?30.Is this your first trip to the embassy?这是你第一次来大使馆吗 ?31.When did you ar
26、rive to the US consulate?你什么时候到达美国大使馆 ?32.Are you confused? 你感到很困惑吗 ?33.Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed? /Are you fit enough to be interviewed? 准备好面试了吗 ?34.Is this your application form? /Is this you non-immigrate visa application form? 的(非移民)申请表吗?这是你35.What is another name for your no
27、n-immigrate visa application from? 个名字是 ?非移民签证申请表的另一36.Is this your D-S form? 这是你的 D-S表?37.38.Did you read the form? 你已经读了这份表格了吗 ?Did you fill in/complete your D-S form?你填完 D-S 表了吗 ?39.Is this your I-20 form? 吗?这是你的 1-20 表?Did you fill out your 1-20 form?你填完 I-20 表了40.Have you signed your I-20 form
28、yet?美国移民局的表格 在I-20表上签名了吗?How long do you want to stay in USA? /What is the maximum time you want to stay in USA? /How long do you need a visa for? /How long will you study in USA?你打算在美国待多久 ?Two years 42.F1 43.41.What type of visa do you need? 你需要那种签证 ?Do you know anyone who has been refused a visa t
29、o America or any other country? 美国或其他国家拒签过的人吗 ?你认识被no44.no45.no46.no47.yesHave you ever been refused a visa?Are you a member of any political parties?你曾经被拒签过吗 ?你是政党的成员吗 ?Have you ever applied for a visa to another country?Is this your first time applying for a visa?你向其他国家申请过签证吗 ?这是你第一次申请签证吗 ?48. Are
30、 you traveling alone? 你是自己一个人去吗 ? yes你和其他人一起去吗 ?49. Are you traveling with someone else?50. Are any of your relatives in USA?/Do you have any relatives in the United States? Is anybody51.52.in your family outside of China now?你在美国有亲戚吗 ?Is anyone of your family in the other country?你的家人有在其他国家的吗 ?1).H
31、ave you ever been to nations aside of china?2).Have you ever traveled outside of China?3).Have you ever gone abroad?4).Have you ever traveled other nations?你出国过吗 ?no53.No54. Yes.55.Do you know anyone who intends to travel to USA?Is this your first time going out of china?56.你认识其他想去美国的人吗 ?这是你第一次出国吗 ?
32、Have you got any scholarship? /Did your school offer you scholarship? 给你吗?你的学校提供奖学金May I see your transcript? /Can I look at your transcript? /I need to see your transcript? 我能看看你的成绩单吗 ?How many hours per-week will you study? /How much do you plan to study? /How long will you study every week? 你每周学习
33、几个小时 ?I study 5 or 6 hours every day,so I can do 30-40hours every week.58. How did you prepare the interview? /Have you prepared the interview? 中介59. How long have you prepared your visa interview? 大概一年时间 .about one year.57.你是怎么准备签证的 ?你为了签证准备了多长时间 ?60. Do you want American Citizenship?你想要美国公民资格吗 ?No
34、,I do not.61. Will you immigrate?你想要移民吗 ?no62. Will your return to China on holidays?你假期回中国吗 ?如果没有特殊情况,我不会考虑回国,因为两年时间对于我的学业太紧张了,而且假期我会考虑做义工或 参与一些社会实践,充实在校的不足。63. On your holidays do you plan to see any sites in American? 市吗?是的,64. If I cant give you a visa today / If I refuse your visa /If I dont be
35、lieve you are student /If I say I think you want immigrate /If I dont believe your paper work is real, what willyou do? 如果我拒签你 , 你将怎么做 ?中介,65. Who do you think has been the best president in American history? 的领导人是谁 ?林肯66. Who do you think has been greatest leader in the world? 周恩来67. Do you think y
36、ou can graduate from this university? 会在假期中你打算在美国去看一些城你认为美国历史上最伟大你认为世界上最伟大的领导人是谁 ?你觉得你会毕业嘛 ?68. How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?你的兴趣爱好是什么 ?69. Whats your hobby? / What do you usually do in your spare time? 游泳、慢跑70. Tell about your favorite movie/book/star基督山恩仇记、魂
37、断蓝桥、71. Tell me about your hometown. 我的家乡是一座小城市,但它是风水宝地、人杰地灵,太子河有美丽的传说,但是它真正的养育和保护着 那里世世代代的人民。面签时,当签证官问到学生的归国计划时,其实签证官是在重点考察申请者是否具有移民倾向。因此申请 者在回到这个问题的时候,提前一定要做好相应的准备,重点不能偏离一点,就是你的归国计划一定不能 偏离你所申请和攻读的专业,以下一些问题是我从事多年签证培训得出的结论,请同学们可以作为参考:1. Why do you want to continue your study in the US rather than in
38、 other countries?2. Why do you want to study in the US at this time?3. Many universities in China provide the equal opportunity for study in your major. Why did you only apply the US universities?4. Your current job and life is wonderful. Why do you still want to study in the US?5. What s your caree
39、r plan in the future (after graduation)? Where do you plan to find a job? Wha t kind of job do you want to do? Why?6. Are you sure you will come back to China after finishing your study? Please give me three reasons.7. If you come back, what are your short-term and long-term goals in your career?8. How will you accomplish your career goals?9. Will the study in the US further serve your career in China a lot? In what specific aspects?10. Can you guarantee tha
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