1、L/O/G/O 人力资源管理规划篇 Human Resource Planning GUO XUN 人力资源管理规划篇 Contents HRP and its Relation to Organizational Planning Steps in the HRP Process Tools and Techniques of HRP Other questions about HRP 4 1 2 3 人力资源管理规划篇 1.1 The Concept of HRP The process of getting the right number of qualified people int
2、o the right job at the right time. The system of matching the supply of peopleinternally and externallywith the openings the organization expects to have over a given time frame. Right time Right people Right job The target of HRP 1. HRP and its Relation to Organizational Planning 人力资源管理规划篇 1.2 Stra
3、tegy-linked HRP Strategy-linked HRP Strategy-linked HRP is based on a close working relationship between human resource staff and line managers. (LLOYD LBYARS) Human resource mangers Line mangers Consult Respond to implication of HR strategies. 人力资源管理规划篇 2. Steps in the HRP Process Step 1 Step 2 Ste
4、p 3 Step 4 Determining the impact of the organizations objectives on specific organizational units. Defining the skills, expertise, and total number of employees required to achieve the objectives Determining the net human resource requirements in light of the organizations current human resources .
5、 Developing action plans to meet the anticipated human r esource needs . 人力资源管理规划篇 Step 1: Determining Organizational Objectives Organizational objectives it give the organization and its members direction and purpose, should be stated in terms of expected results. Cascade Approach it is a manner th
6、at establishing organizational, divisional, and departmental objectives. 人力资源管理规划篇 Cascade Approach (Page 119) Statement of organizations mission Long-range objectives and strategic plans Short-range performance objectives Division or department objectives Subunit objectives Top management Supervisi
7、on Top management Middle management 人力资源管理规划篇 Step 2: Determining the skills and Expertise Required Managerial EstimatesManagers make estimates of future staffing needs based on past experience. Statistical and modeling methodsTime series analysis/Personnel ratios/Productivity ratios/Regression anal
8、ysis. Delphi TechniqueEach member of a panel of experts makes an independent estimate of what the future demand will be. Scenario analysisusing work force environmental scanning data to develop alternative work force scenarios Methods of Forecasting Human Resource Needs: BenchmarkingThoroughly exami
9、ning internal practices and procedures and measuring them against the ways other successful organizations operate. 人力资源管理规划篇 Estimate the current human resources of the organization Anticipate human resources of the organization Skills Inventory: names/characteristics/ skills of employees Management
10、 Inventory: managers past performance/strengths/ weaknesses/potential for advancement. Step 3: Determining Additional Human Resource Requirements Retirements Transfers Deaths Discharges Resignations Promotions 人力资源管理规划篇 Step 4: Developing Action Plans The Net Human Resource Requirements The Desired
11、Results addition reduction Early Retirement Lay offs Permanent hires Temporary hires Net Requirements Outsource Terminations Reduction Voluntary Resignations Reclassification Transfer Work sharing 人力资源管理规划篇 Economic activity Competition Government Historical data Other Organizational objectives Divi
12、sional and departmental objectives Skills and abilities required Human resources demand Net human resource requirements Skill inventory Anticipated change Recruitment Attrition, layoffs, terminations, early retirements voluntary resignations SelectionOrientationDevelopment Promotions, transfers, ret
13、irements, deaths, discharges, resignations Step 5: Synthesizing the HRP Process 人力资源管理规划篇 3. Tools and Techniques of HRP Skill Inventory Succession Planning Identifying specific people to fill key positions throughout the organization. Organization Replacement Chart (Page 126) Showing both incumbent
14、s and potential replacements for given positions. Commitment Manpower Planning Getting managers and their employees thinking about and involved in HRP. Ratio Analysis 人力资源管理规划篇 4. Other questions about HRP Time Frame of HRP Organizational plans are classified as short-range(0-2 years)、)、 mediate ran
15、ge(2-5 years),or long-range(beyond 5 years),), HRP should correspond with the organizational plans in time frame. HRP: An Evolving Process Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Add Your Text Stage 1 Do some HRP, but little of them are integrated into the long-term business plan Have a long-term business p
16、lans Realize HRP is important No long-term business plans No HRP Do a good deal of HRP, at least one component integrated into the long-term business plan. HRP is a vital part of the long-term business plan, 人力资源管理规划篇 Strategic Human Resource Management Three Major Subfields of HRM (Boxall, Purcell,
17、 and Wright,2007) 人力资源管理规划篇 The Definition of SHRM The pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals. (Wright (2) Shifting form a focus on managing people to creating strategic contributions(1980s); (3) Expanding the scope of SHR
18、M(1980s); (4) Elaborating HR system components and structure (Early 1990s); (5) Achieving HR implementation and execution; (6) Measuring outcomes of SHRM (Later in the 1990s); (7) Evaluating methodological issues (Since 2000). 人力资源管理规划篇 The Basic Frame of SHRM Political Environment Technologic Envir
19、onment Cultrual Environment Economic Environment Strategy Organizational Structure HRM 人力资源管理规划篇 The procedure of SHRM Environment Evaluation Strategy Making Strategy Implementation 人力资源管理规划篇 References 1 拜厄斯拜厄斯.人力资源管理(第七版)人力资源管理(第七版)M.北京:人民邮电出版社北京:人民邮电出版社,2006 2 LLOYD L.BYARS,LESLIE W.RUE.HUMAN RES
20、OURCE MANAGEMENT. (Seventh Edition) M. Beijing :POST&TELECOM PRESS,2006:117-129. 3 Mark L. Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia A. Lengnick-Hall, Leticia S. Andrade, Brian Drake. Strategic human resource management: The evolution of the field J .Human Resource Management Review 19 (2009) 6485 4 Boxall, P. Purcell
21、, J., & Wright, P. M. Human resource management: Scope, analysis and significance. The handbook of human resource management J . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5 Wright, P. M., & McMahan, G. Theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource management J. Journal of Management, 1992 (2), 295320
22、. 6 Gary C. McMahan, Myrtle P. Bell, Meghna Virick. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT,DIVERSITY,AND INTERNATIONAL ISSUES J.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEWS.VOLUME 8,NUMBER 3,1998. 7 Lloyd C. Harris, Emmanuel Ogbonna, Strategic human resource management, market orientation, an
23、d organizational performance J. Journal of Business Research, 2001(51),157-166. 8 Sean A. Way, Diane E. Johnson. Theorizing about the impact of strategic human resource management J. Human Resource Management Review 2005(15) 119 人力资源管理规划篇 9 James D. Werbel, Samuel M. DeMarie. Aligning strategic human resource management and personenvironment fit J. Human Resource Management Review 2005 (15) 247262. 10 Clint Chadwick. The vital role of strategy in strategic human re
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