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1、book 4 module 7 time off一、 教学内容:unit 1 she asked if i was practising too much.二、 课型:listening and speaking三、 教学目标: 1、能掌握本单元的词汇及短语:off, hardly, traffic, cross, whole, phone, myself, welcome to, hear sb doing sth, tell sb.(not)to do sth., climb up to, why dont ?2、能听懂描述旅游景点的对话和文段;能抓住听力材料的中心和细节。3、能根据情境正

2、确转述别人的表示疑问和指令或建议的语句。4、培养学生互相关心,互相关爱的优良品质,激发学生对祖国大自然的热爱,陶冶情操,同时唤起学生的环保意识。四、教学重难点:1、能听懂描述旅游景点的对话。2、能够利用直接引语和间接引语转述现在进行时的陈述句和祈使句。五、教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图step onewarming-up (3)task: lead-in let the students watch the video about beihai parkthe students watch the video about beihai park通过录像调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生

3、的兴趣,为以后的学习打下基础,使学生在轻松活泼的气氛中开始新课程。step twopre-task(5)task: learn the new words.1. show up some pictures about new words :( be off, whole, hardly, traffic cross2.check the words one by one 1.the students learn the new words :( be off, whole, hardly, traffic cross) according to the pictures2.read the w

4、ords one by one利用图画来学习单词,做到词部离句。step threewhile-task (20)task1:listening1. do you like to travel? where have you been before? now our friend sally and mrs styles are making a phone call. lets listen to the tape2.listen to the tape t sentences in activity 2.(1). sally is going for a walk in baihai pa

5、rk later. ( )(2). the air in baihai park is very clear today. ( )(3). lingling told her teacher the truth. ( )( 4). sally hurt her hand and arm. ( )3.ask the students to check the answers in pairs. 4. say: well listen to another conversation sally and lingling. lets see what they are talking about.

6、now listen and choose t or f to the sentences.1) sally phoned her teacher.( )2) sally told kylie the truth.( )3) the government didnt want to do something all over china? ( )5.ask the students to check the answers in pairs. 6. let the students read activity 3 in pairs and then finish activity 4.then

7、 organize the students to check their answers. (1)lingling and sally are in beihai park to _. a)relax b)protect the environment c)listen to the birds(2)when sally spoke to her teacher,she _.a)told her what was the matterb)told her the truth about her hand and armc)was not being honest about her hand

8、 and arm(3).sallys teacher told sally _.a) to relax b)not to worry c)to do some more practice(4)for may day, lingling and sally _wulingyuan.a) have already been b)wont go c)are making plans to go totask 2: reading1. organize the students to read the conversation with the video.2. ask the ss to work

9、with their groups to read the conversation. 3. have a competition: read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group.task 3: solve the language points1. organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found. 2.help the students to solve the diffi

10、cult points.task4: retell the dialogue1. ask two of the students to retell the dialogue.1. the students answer the questions: do you like to travel? where have you been before?. 2. listen to the tape and choose t sentences to the questions in activity 2. (1). sally is going for a walk in baihai park

11、 later. ( )(2). the air in baihai park is very clear today. ( )(3). lingling told her teacher the truth. ( )( 4). sally hurt her hand and arm. ( )3.the stduents check the answers in pairs.4. listen to the conversation in activity 3 and choose t or f to the sentences.1sally phoned her teacher.( )2sal

12、ly told kylie the truth.( )3)the government didnt want to do something all over china? ( )5.ask the students to check the answers in pairs.6.the students read activity 3 in pairs and then finish activity 4.then check the answers.(1)lingling and sally are in beihai park to _. a)relax b)protect the en

13、vironment c)listen to the birds(2).when sally spoke to her teacher,she _.a)told her what was the matterb)told her the truth about her hand and armc)was not being honest about her hand and arm(3).sallys teacher told sally _.a) to relax b)not to worry c)to do some more practice(4)for may day, lingling

14、 and sally _ wulingyuan.a) have already been b)wont go c)are making plans to go to1. read the conversation with the video.2. read the conversation in groups.3. read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group.1. students come to the blackboard to show out some language points, the other student

15、s listen to them carefully and note .2.solve the difficult points. with the teachers help.1.two students retell the dialogue, the others listen.利用听读,练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解,培养学生细节听力的技巧,能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧。通过带着问题听读对话,帮助学生进一步理解课文内容。小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并培养团结合作精神。通过让学生上台展示他们所找的语言点,既培养了学生的胆量,又培养了他们自

16、主学习的能力。教师点拨、补充语言点,让学生进一步理解知识点。通过复述对话,加深对课文的掌握,同时也锻炼了口语。step fourpost-task(9)task: do some speaking1. ask students make some dialogues according to the pictures a: she asked sally:are you practising too much?b: she asked sally if she was practising too much. 2. have the ss act out their new dialogues

17、.3.ask students to do someexercises and then check.1. make dialogues in groups with the teachers help.2. act out the new dialogues.3.do the exercises, then check.通过做对话训练学生说的能力,能使学生加深对课文内容的理解,适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。通过笔头练习,进一步巩固所学。step fivesummary(2)1.get the students to sum up the language points.t: w

18、hat have we learned today?ss:2.let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1.sum up the language points.key structure: will?2.to choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。step sixhome-work(1)1、复习当天所学内容,整理学案,掌握词汇、语法。2、将workbo

19、ok相关联系完成3、预习unit2的语法和词汇课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。板书设计module7 time off unit 1 she asked if i was practising too much she asked sally:are you practising too much?she asked sally if she was practising too much. 达标训练题一、单项选择( )1. look! the boys are trying to climb_ _the tree to pick some apples.a. with

20、b. off c. of d. up( )2. come a little earlier next time,_ _youll miss the best part of tv play.a. and b. but c. or d. till( )3. you dont look well today. jenny. whats the matter with you? -my grandmother is ill. i am_ _her health.a. interested in b. surprised at c. worried about d. pleased with( )4.

21、 she asked me_.a. what was the matter b. what the matter wasc. what is the matter d. what the matter is( )5. tony asked_ he could help me with my english. a. as if b. if c. that d. what二、完成句子:1、你听见隔壁有人在弹钢琴吗? can you _ piano in the next room?2、我想和剩下的那部分同学呆在课室里。 i want to stay in the classroom with _

22、the classmates.3、他问我怎么了。 she asked me _.4、医生叫我要休息和快点好起来。 the doctor _me _ and _ soon.5、我们为什么不去一个国家公园放松一下呢? _ one of our national parks to relax?book 4 module7 time off四、 教学内容:unit 2 linglings uncle told us not to worry.五、 课型:reading and writing六、 教学目标: 1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语: wake, wake up, tent, cable, vie

23、w, top, path, waterfall,plant, pull ,time off, be famous for, as if, take a cable car.2、能根据题目预测文章内容,能读懂介绍旅游景点和旅游经历的文章;培养学生预测上下文和获取细节信息的能力3、能根据所给事实性或描述性信息介绍武陵源国家风景区。四、教学重难点: 1、正确理解介绍旅游景点和旅游经历的文章。2、介绍武陵源国家风景区。七、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图step onewarming-up (5)1.lead in(1) show the students some pictures ab

24、out wulingyuan. t: class, i want to show you some pictures, can you write down words which you can use to describe it? and can you guess where it is? (2).let students look at the pictures and use their own words to describe .(1) the students look at the pictures about wulingyuan and write down words

25、 which you can use to describe it? and can you guess where it is?(2)students look at the pictures and use their own words to describe. 通过看图片、谈论图片可以培养学生的观察能力和表达能力,在写词的环节,可以帮助学生回忆所学的知识,适当增加一些新的词汇。step twopre-reading(5)show students some pictures and check the new words.look at the pictures to say out

26、some new words .引导学生谈论图片,训练学生描述物品物的能力。在描述的同时学习新单词和句型,为学生扫清阅读障碍。step threewhile-reading (18)1. scanning(1)ask students to scanthe passage and answer two questions: (1)、where are sally, lingling and her uncle? (2) 、is sally having a wonderful time inwulingyuan scenic and historic interest area?2. skim

27、ming1show the main idea of each paragraph on ppt and ask the students to read the passage as quickly as they can. after that choose the right main idea for each paragraph.a. the story of their climbing mount tianzi.b. descripitions of wulingyuan.c. tomorrow we will go to dongting lake.d. a special e

28、xperience at night during the holiday.3.careful reading.(1)paragraph 1: read paragraph 1 and finish the questions: 1) where is it? 2) how large is it? 3) what is there to see? 4) whats it famous for? organize some students to come to the blac:kboard and show out some difficult language points that t

29、hey found in this paragraph. (2)paragraph 2: read paragraph 2 and choose the correct questions:. 1)sally heard a loud noise when she was sleeping.( );2)when the bear saw us, it went back into the forest.( );3)you can stay in the forest during the night.( )organize some students to come to the blac:k

30、board and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. (3) paragraph 3-4:read paragraph 3-4 and finish the questions:1). whats the meaning of “a cable car”2). why did linglings uncle tell sally not to touch a plant?3). was she happy with her trip up mount tianzi? why? 4

31、). what other dangers were there during her visit?5).what did she see and do on mount tianzi?organize some students to come to the blac:kboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. 1. scanning(1) scan the passage and answer the question:(1)、where are sally, l

32、ingling and her uncle? (2)、is sally having a wonderful time inwulingyuan scenic and historic interest area?what does the passage talk about?2. skimming1.the students to read the passage as quickly as they can. after that choose the right main idea for each paragraph.skim the passage and match the pa

33、ragraphs with the headings.a. the story of their climbing mount tianzi.b. descripitions of wulingyuan.c. tomorrow we will go to dongting lake.d. a special experience at night during the holiday. read paragraph 1and finish the questions: 1) where is it? 2) how large is it? 3) what is there to see? 4)

34、 whats it famous for?organize some students to come to the blac:kboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. (2)paragraph 2: read paragraph 2 and choose the correct questions:1)sally heard a loud noise when she was sleeping.( );2)when the bear saw us, it went

35、 back into the forest.( );3)you can stay in the forest during the night.( )organize some students to come to the blac:kboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. (3) paragraph 3-4:read paragraph 3-4 and finish the questions:1). whats the meaning of “a cable

36、car”2). why did linglings uncle tell sally not to touch a plant?3). was she happy with her trip up mount tianzi? why? 4). what other dangers were there during her visit?5).what did she see and do on mount tianzisome students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that the

37、y found in this paragraph. 要求学生快速阅文章,回答问题,帮助学生理解课文内容。通过学生快速阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能力。并进一步理解文章的内容, 为进一步学习做好铺垫。让学生带着任务(问题)去阅读课文,去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果和技能。学生通过分层次阅读文章,获取具体信息,把知识点和课文理解在分段学习得以突破。而小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。step fourpost-reading(10)1.retell. ask two students to retell the shor

38、t passage in the whole class .2.writingwrite a short passage : to write a passage about visiting xunliao beach what will the life be in the future? the stduents retell the short passage . write a short passage : about visiting xunliao beach 复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解。通过写作,让学生巩固所学,并增强写作能力。适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言

39、重点。step fivesummary(1)1.get the students tosum up the language points.t: what have we learned today?ss:2. let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1.sum up the language points.2.to choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信

40、心。step sixhome-work(1)write a passage:about visiting xunliao beach finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。板书设计module7 time off八、 unit 2 linglinguncle told us not to worry1. its famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. 它以奇形怪状的高高的岩石而闻名be famous for 因而著名 eg: c

41、hina is famous for the great wall.中国以长城而闻名2. some people think they look like soldier,and others think they look like animals. 有些人认为它们看上去像士兵,另一些人认为像动物look like 看起来像 3. last night we camped by a small lake. 昨晚我们在一个小湖边宿营by a small lake “by” 在一边旁eg: im standing by the desk. 我站在课桌旁4. i woke up lingling

42、and her uncle. 我叫醒了玲玲和她叔叔. wake up 叫醒,唤醒eg: she wakes up her daughter every morning.达标训练题一、单项选择 ( )1. many people go sightseeing in sanya every year and hainan is _ it. a. interested in b. famous for c. good at( )2. they all _ in the wonderful party last night. a. have good time b. enjoyed them c. e

43、njoyed themselves( )3. im hoping _ good weather.a. to b. as c. of d. for4. did the noise _ last night? a. wake up b. wake you up c. wake up you d. wake up me5. linglings uncle told us _ (not worry).改为直接引语:linglings uncle said to us, “ _ _.”it will be hot all year _ the winter will be very short.二、根据

44、中文提示,完成下列句子。1. 中国因长城而闻名。china _ _ _ the great wall.2. 他并没有花多少时间做作业。he doesnt spend any time _ his homework.3. 长江是世界上第三长的河流。changjiang river is _ _ _ river in the world.4. 看起来天要下雨了。it looks _ _ it is going to rain.5. 老师告诉我们不要在街上踢足球。the teacher told us _ _ _ football in the street.book 4 module7 time

45、off九、 教学内容:unit3 language in use十、 课型:revision and application十一、 教学目标: 1. 正确运用本模块的词汇及短语2、能够利用直接引语和间接引语转述现在进行时的陈述句、疑问句和祈使句。3、能运用本模块所学的知识叙述自己的旅游经历。十二、 教学重难点:1、能够利用直接引语和间接引语转述现在进行时的陈述句、疑问句和祈使句。2、能运用本模块所学的知识叙述自己的旅游经历。十三、 教学过程:教学步骤 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1. leading-in(8)1.show some exercises ask students

46、to change direct speech intoindirect speech(练习附页)1. the students to change direct speech intoindirect speech(练习附页)利用图片和练习来复习直接引语和间接引语。这样课文的内容和语法得到操练,这样就能到达巩固知识点的目的2. while-task(20)1. let the students do activity 1 and 2 then check the answers.1. do activity 1 and 2:complete the sentences about direc

47、t speech and indirect speech通过活动1,2补充句子的活动来巩固直接引语和间接引语。从第一单元学习一直到现在都在围绕着这重点去展开学习。那就真正达到了本模块的学习效果。2.ask the students to work in pairs in activity 3.then act their dialogues out 3.ask the students to do activity 4 and5: put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column.4.let the stude

48、nts listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 62activity6.5. ask studends to read “around the world”, and choose the best answers (1) the lake district national park is in the northof()he lake district national park2.the students to work in pairs in activity 3.then act their dialogues out

49、.3.put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column activity 4 and5.4.the students listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 62activity6.then check the answers in groups. 5.read “around the world”, and choose the best answers (1) the lake district national park is in the

50、northof()he lake district national park通过活动、用词或短语填空,让学生复习课文中所学的重点单词和短语。通过读短文来回答问题。培养学生归纳能力和敢于发现问题、解决问题的能力。3. post-task (10)1.ask students to work in groups of : talk about their 1. ask students to work in groups of : talk about their 课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识2.organize the ss to write a passage about their 2. write a passage about their 4. summary(1)ask the students to say out what to learn.students conclude the knowledge that they learn. 引导学生对这节课,自由发言总结,培养学生自主学习的良好习惯5. homework(1)finish the workbook of unit 3.板书设计练习附页i. 把下列直接引语变为间接引语。1


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