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1、如何设计一堂多媒体大学英语课how to design a college english lesson in multimedia approachcontentsabstract.11 introduction.21.1 the developmentof multimedia technique in the university.21.2 the necessity of multimedia in college english teaching22 the current situation of this study around china.23. three major fa

2、ctors influence english teaching in multimedia approach33.1 teachers factor.33.2 students factor.43.3 teaching software to teach and design college english within multimedia language environment.54.1 learners roles.64.2 tutors control.64.3.learning tasks.74.4 implementing imagery.84.5 i

3、mplying animation.84.6 implementing sound.84.7 implementing video.94.8 intercommunications105. english teaching are based on three hypotheses in the future125.1 which can be digitized, will be digitized.125.2 english instruction can be almost fully digitized.135.3 english instruction is more efficie

4、nt when teachers use a digitized medium .136. conclusion.13reference.14how to design a college english lesson in multimedia approach 摘 要:本文从贯彻素质教育出发,探讨了将现代社会的两大基本技能 计算机和英语在教学中很好地结合起来的问题。作者认为,最好的方法是在英语教学中使用多媒体网络技术,使学生能够在课堂上完成学习外语的听、说、读、写四会技能的训练。作者也详细介绍了如何在英语教学中使用多媒体网络技术,在这个基础上,为了让大家更好的理解,还给出了相关的例子。文章

5、中作者给出的几个教学手段,都是在英语教学过程中非常常用的,同时也是大家在平时教学的过程当中最容易忽略的。合理的利用多媒体技术,是调动课堂气氛和开发学生思维的最好的方法。在文章的最后,作者就未来英语教学的发展方向谈了自己的看法,未来的社会是一个数字化的社会,任何活动都和数字化紧密相关。英语教学的发展方向也必须从数字化的视角出发,这样才可能让英语教学更加适应时代的要求。关键词: 多媒体技术 英语教学 网络教学 设计 发展方向abstract: in this article, the author introduced how to combine the english teaching wit

6、h the computer technology, in the authors opinion, the best way of english teaching is to use the multimedia network technique in the english class. this kind of method can make students complete the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing. to make this point clear, the author also give

7、s some examples. all these examples are the basic ways in multimedia teaching, however, we often ignore them easily. the multimedia approach which used in english calss can make the atmosphere vividly and cultivate the mind of students easily. at the end of this paper, the author talks about the fut

8、ure of english teaching. the society in the future is digtal, nearly every activity can not exist without this. so as to english taching, we should teach english in multimedia approach.key words: the multimedia technique; english teaching; network teaching; the future of english teachinghow to desig

9、n a college english lesson in multimedia approach1. introduction1.1 the development of multimedia technique in the universitymultimedia as one of the key techniques of the ending century will influence and challenge our universities to a high degree. new techniques in higher education will change te

10、aching and learning: computer based training, computer assisted learning and teaching will be no longer slogans but will become common like other techniques: such as videoconferencing, lecture on demand or self-instructing courseware. but we think that there will be no real revolution in teaching an

11、d learning techniques. more likely there will be an (sometimes slowly) evolution, because not only techniques have to change but also teachers and students have to adopt themselves to that changes. university research and development and even administration will be influenced by multimedia. a broad

12、variety of information that is now traditionally handled will be performed by multimedia information systems.1.2 the necessity of multimedia in college english teaching.with the development of multimedia technique at a full speed in morden society, multimedia used in english teaching has already bec

13、ome an irresistible strength, which influences all aspects of the english teaching in the new century. the multimedia technique is a kind of teaching method, which includes pictures, voice, image and words. it has pushed the college english teaching into an information age. to college english, it is

14、 also a deep development of content, method and model. the multimedia pronunciation laboratory and hardware equipment of network have offered the good opportunity for the reform of education. meanwhile, the development and application of different teaching software have created the good condition in

15、 order to accelerate the reform of the college english teaching. the traditional college english teaching fully exposes much limitation and lags behind; students trained under the old system have been already unable to meet the social requisition for creative talent of new period. that is, developin

16、g in order to comply with era, the reform, which carried on english teaching of the university, has already been the trend of the times, and the auxiliary college english teaching of multimedia is exactly the best choice of the present college english teaching. 2.the current situation of this study

17、around chinain this information age, some modernized teaching methods: such as multimedia technology and internet have been used for education rapidly. they will change the essence of traditional education from thinking, teaching method, teaching course and even the relationship between teacher and

18、student. the different levels and multimension of modern teaching methods make english to be taught with excellent pictures and texts, whats more, it also combines video and sound together. thus, it enriches extremely the ways and structure of english teaching. multimedia approach makes modern engli

19、sh teaching have got better teaching result and advantage, which cant be compared with traditional teaching.on october 19, 2003, zhang yaoxue who works in higher education department of ministry of education announced that the government would adopt the great reform to the public english teaching of

20、 undergraduates in the university, that is to change the current passive teaching mode “books + activitities + the top position of teachers in the big classes” into the center of computer teaching modes. this mode is integrated application, which contains individualization openness and initiative. w

21、e hope to create a language-teaching environment which can really agree with the students demands. this will make our teaching improve a lot. deeply speaking, it will help the teachers know how to make an efficient teaching while facing students with different english levels. in fact, over the past

22、several years, many schools have already had beneficial try in multimedia approach in english teaching. however, as one of the students in foreign languages college of shihezi university, always feel the multimedia approach still has some serious or light problems, it does not totally reach the expe

23、ctation and requirement of english multimedia teaching for teachers and students, thus it weakened the due glamour of english multimedia teaching.3. three major factors of english teaching in multimedia approach 3.1 teachers the beginning of the eighties, when the first batch of computers

24、appeared in classroom of the developed countries, someone thought very confidently that it would bring a revolution to the educational field. more than ten years later, this revolution appeared in numerous fields successfully, but it has not happened all the time in the school! there are a lot of re

25、asons to cause this kind of situation. first of all, the idea lags behind technology, compared with the situation that multimedia technology develops rapidly. the ideas of english teachers lag behind, knowledge wears out, and methods of teaching falls behind, all of these are the very serious situat

26、ion in front of us. truly speaking, the purpose of the application in the multimedia approach is to promote teaching naturally, but many english teachers are affected by traditional teaching idea too deeply. they are always to be around how to teach from preparing lesson to giving lessons, how to wr

27、ite an essay to teach all, but regard multimedia approach as traditional object in teaching. the result is that they turn the multimedia laboratory into the pronunciation room, video center , and this will certainly limit the scope of application in multimedia approach in english teaching. it also m

28、akes the advantages of the multimedia approach in english teaching which cant be really reflected. secondly, computer skills of teachers are anxious to be improved in a hurry. such a brand-new teaching way of multimedia approach in english teaching is a kind of new challenge for our teachers. during

29、 the course of english multimedia teaching, the teacher is not only an expresser, but also a processor and handler of the information delivery, this requires teacher to keep up with the development of the multimedia technology of the computer. according to the analysis at present, most teachers are

30、not good at computer when they face the modern teaching theories, teaching methods and teaching medias. the multimedia english teacher should prepare lesson, as well as choose and design the teaching software according to the teaching task and goal. the computer knowledge and skills give them extra

31、more work load virtually. as time passes, the teachers enthusiasm will be influenced, even will make them attend to one thing and lose sight of another, and more serious, it will make them lose encourgement when they face the difficulties.3.2 students factoras everyone knows, the leading mind of tea

32、chers has decided our educational thoughts for a long time. they always arranged everything from content of courses, method of teaching, courses of teaching and even exercises which students did properly in advance. this kind of view emphasizes the teachers dominational function excessively. it also

33、 believes that the teacher is an educator, and it is the subject of the teaching course. but students receive knowledge from the educator, they are the objects of the teaching course. they should accept outdoor influence passively, this states that inculcate passively in the course of teaching field

34、 will lead to a terrible result. quite a few of students who are trained out under this kind of structure in education field have lower subjective initiatives, lacking of independence of studying, relying on the teacher overly. when these students get used to the textbook made by brand-new multimedi

35、a approach in english teaching, they will think rhythm is too fast, being heavy, the amount of information is too heavy for them. thus it is hard for them to adapt themselves to this kind of circumstances. as a result, they have produced and resisted mood even to the multimedia teaching, the grades

36、are difficult to be improved obviously and naturally, on the contrary, they may even drop. 3.3 teaching software factor although multimedia software of english teaching is not rare on the market, so far as its content, there is little outstanding software related to course. some software is made in

37、a rough way in order to pursue the economic benefits. some ones are too far to meet the requirements of teaching. whats more, some holds the banner of multimedia, but the mode of teaching is extremely single. they cant accomplish the teaching task and goal. having bought and used these kinds of soft

38、ware, we have to admit this software let teachers and students feel dull and have hesitatation to discard. there are a large number of disadvantages and defects existing in the multimedia software of english teaching. first of all, most of software does not combine with the language learning, that i

39、s, they lack of intention. they are only simple figures of teachers teaching notes, how much it has made content of courses vivid is still not very clear. it also cant stimulate students thinking profoundly in a deep way. they just combine the content and game together, neither vividly nor impractic

40、ably. secondly, a lot of software does not fit the theoretical foundation of modern english teaching in designing; the systematicness and interaction also need to be strengthened. some software themes are indeterminated, it is disorder and unsystematic, some software usesseducational pattern as taki

41、ng an entrance examination to the computer. the essence of this software is the same as exercises practicing.4. how to teach and design college english within multimedia language environment to create the valuable language learning environment, the traditional technology of language teaching should

42、be taken into consideration. appropriate pedagogical methods choice to be realised in meellt are based on the analysis of progressive language teaching techniques. the main emphasis is made on the development of emotional conversational language by activization patterns which characterized the spoke

43、n style. our approach to the language courseware creation is based on the study of samples of different languages in different situations. we should try to pay learners attention not only to language teaching components (sound patterns, graphic patterns, patterns of vocabulary usage, the use of part

44、icular patterns in particular situations), but to achievement of adequate delivering of his/her own thoughts.the main instructional goal we tried to achieve is the realization of collaborative, interactive and conversational language training within meellt. it could be achieved by:1. creation enviro

45、nment similar to a real conversational situation with a view of language as patterned social behaviour 2. creation of maximum aspects of real communication 3. selection of learning contents of the courseware on what is useful and natural and as close the living context as possible. as the developmen

46、t of communicative skills is the main object of language teaching, the learning contents should encourage what is considered to be a communicative methodology. it means that the learner has to be taught of solving different communicative tasks in target language as the result of his/her learning pro

47、cess. communicative methods we have tried to realize in meellt embodied the following features:1. learners strong motivation 2. realistic activities 3. encouragement to work closely with peers 4. learners responsibility for their own learning skills, self-control with tutors role as an instructor, c

48、onsultant or monitor. 4.1 learners rolesthere has been a shift in learner-centered paradigm which changes the position and roles of learner and tutor in the educational process as well as impact of learning itself. the learner should become an active participant in his/her knowledge construction and

49、 much more responsible for an actively seeking solutions to problems contained within the knowledge area. the deepest usable kind of knowledge is best attained by learners when they have a shared cognitive set with the instructor actively construct their knowledge. another important point is the awa

50、reness that learning will no longer be seen as individual process: knowledge is a phenomena between persons. collaborative learning becames one of the powerful principles of virtual learning environment concept. in such environment learners are expected to work together to generate deeper levels of

51、understanding and critical evaluation of materials. next point is that learning becames less and less a matter of information processing. the interaction model allows the learners to shape their learning through experimentation with language and through mediation between learner and learning materia

52、ls provided by the tutor. for this reason “the learning task” is seen as important issue within the learning framework.4.2 tutors controla student centred learning approach does not mean no involvement from the tutor. the tutor serves not only as a guide in the educational process, but also he is on

53、e of the participants. the tutor s role should be to help students develop their learning and study skills, so that they have the confidence and ability to take more control over their own learning. this role involves guiding, clarifying, and advising students, helping them resolve problems, and pro

54、viding further examples for understanding of aid. this means that the use of multimedia technologies cannot replace the teacher, but change his role in the learning process. multimedia technologies give additional possibilities and advantages for realization of interactive model of conversational la

55、nguage learning. english language teachers now have the facilities to enrich distance learning software with images, sound, animation and video. but it goes without saying that the new technology need investigation to answer variety of questions if correctly used multimedia innovations could make la

56、nguage learning fascinating and memorable enough. and then, the skill orientation to language learning imply that the introduction of multimedia elements is very purposeful in the following practice listening skills 2. to practice pronunciation 3. to enable oral as well as written task to

57、be completed 4. to put multimedia into the form of video sequences 5. to provide graphical imagery which aids comprehension 6. to provide images which stir emotion and enrich the learning experience beyond that of the printed text.there are two main highly beneficial points of educational multimedia application : learning tasks and communications.4.3.learning tasksthe interactive model of meellt allows the learner shape their learning through mediation between learner and learning materials. for this reason the learning task is seen as important mechanism of


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