1、时磊5说-Unit Nine: How to Grow OldTEXT COMPREHENSIONIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. The other thi ng one should avoid is being emoti on ally attached to young people, from whom one hopes to draw en ergy and vigor.2. and it is in this area of impers onal in t
2、erests (such as academic and artistic in terests) that the wisdom you have accumulated in your life can be practiced without putt ing any pressure on your childre n and gran dchildre n.LANGUAGE WORKI. Expla in the un derl ined parts in each sentence in your own words.1) . Although both my parents di
3、edyoung, I have done well in this respect as regards my otheran cestorswith reference to/relat ing to2) . Of remoter an cestors I can only discover one who did not live to a great age, and he died of a disease which is now rare, namely, having his head cut off.ancestors who lived a long time ago; sp
4、ecifically3) . She used to relate how she met in Italy an elderly gentleman who was looking very sad.tell4) . I have seve nty-two gran dchildre n, and if I were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existe nee!bid farewell to/were separated from; a miserable life5) . I n ev
5、er do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.for the reas on that; healthful6) . Psychologically there are two dan gers to be guarded aga inst in old age.we should preve nt from happe nin g/we should watch out fo
6、r7) . . you are likely to become a burde n to them, uni ess they are unu sually callous.heartless/i ndiffere nt8) . I n the young there is a justification for this feeli ng.good reason9) . And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness in creases, the thought of rest will not be un welcome.tired ness
7、10) . The best way to overcome it . is to make your in terests gradually wider and more impers on al, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the uni versal life.what disti nguishes your own self from others gradually disappears or becomes less and
8、l ess disti net; becomes in creas in gly one with/becomes in creas in gly ble nded with4. Expla in the meaning of the un derli ned part in each sentence.1) . We owe it to our descendants to leave them a clean world to live in.时磊5说-future gen erati on s/childre n and gran dchildre n2) . I think next
9、time we n eed any decorati ng wepfesseontatly neby skilled people3) . Her absorption in her work is so great that she thinks about nothing else.en grossme nt in, or preoccupati on with her work4) . Con ti nued rapid growth in con sumer spe nding will suck in more imports.draw in/en courage5) . I m n
10、ot very goQdere money is concerned.whe n deali ng with money6) . Taxpayers should claim as many allowable expe nses as possible aga inst their taxed in come.expe nses on which no taxes are paid7) . Her actions were quite justifiable in the circumstances.There was a good reas on for her actions8) . H
11、e won cbeten ted un til he s upset every one in the office.satisfied9) . On his wall he has a poster of Maril yn Mon roe, her lips forever parted in an ticipati on.separated/ope n10) . I suspect he cheats the taxma n.avoids pay ing taxes by using illegal methodsTRANSLATIONI. Tran slate the follow in
12、g senten ces into En glish, using the words or phrases give n in brackets.1) .她与他在一起生活度日艰难。(existenee)She had a hard existe nee with him.2) .至于你刚才提出的问题,我将另外撰文回答。 (as regards)As regards the questio ns you raised just no w, I will an swer them in ano ther article.3) .这听起来也许很无情,但我才不在乎他是否无家可归呢。(callous)
13、It might sound callous, b ut I don t care if he s homeless.4) .他对老板的尊敬几乎到了低声下气的地步。(abject)He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.5) .痛苦的记忆渐渐从她脑海里消退。(recede)The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.6) .我们应该避免对他们的挑衅作出过度的反应。(guard against)We should guard aga inst overreact ions to th
14、eir provocati on.7) .你最好关心关心自己的事而不是我的事!(concern on eself with)You d better concern yourself with your own bus in ess and not mine!时磊5说-8) .该影片是一部有益的家庭娱乐剧。(wholesome)The film is good wholesome family en terta inment.9) .学校中止了给那位学生提供的助学金,理由是他去年的成绩不够好。(on the ground that)The university has stopped prov
15、iding financial support to that student on the ground that his performa nee in the past year was not good eno ugh.10) .为了帮助那些国有小公司渡过经济危机,政府把它们合并成为一家大公司。(merge)The gover nment merged those small state-ow ned firms into a large eompa ny in order to help them survive the econo mic crisis.II. Tran slate
16、 the follow ing passage into En glish.My mother, dead now to this world but still roaming free in my mind, wakes me some mornings before daybreak.If there s one thing I can t stand, it s a quitter.I have heard her say that all my life. Now, l ying in bed, coming awake in the dark, I feel thefury of
17、her en ergy fighti ng the good-for- nothing idler with in me who wants to go back to sleepin stead of tackli ng the brand-new day.Sile ntly I protest: I am not a child anymore. I have made someth ing. of myself. I am en titledto sleep late.“ Russell, you ve got no more gumption than a bump on a log.
18、”She has hounded me with these battle cries since I was a boy in short pants.“ Make something of yourself!”“ Don t be a quitter! ”“ Have a little ambition, Buddy.”参考译文我母亲早已不在人世,但她仍时时自由地浮现在我心中,有时早晨天还未亮就把我唤醒.我最最不能容忍的就是半途而废的人。”我一生不断听到她说这句话。此时此刻,我躺在床上,在黑暗中慢慢醒来,想重回梦乡而不愿直面崭新的一天,我感觉到了她正怒气冲冲地与我体内那个没出息的懒汉奋力斗
19、争。”我默默地抗议道:我已经不是孩子了。我已经小有成就,我有资格睡懒觉。罗素,你一点进取心也没有,和二流子简直没什么两样。”从我还是个穿着短裤的孩提时代起她就一直用这些话激励我前进:你要混出个人样来!”不要半途而废! ”要有点志气,孩子。IV. Chin ese Tran slati on of Paragraphs1.与本文的标题相反,本文真正要谈的是如何才能不老,在我这个年纪,这才是更为重要 的主题。我的第一条忠告是,选准了祖先再投胎。尽管我双亲都是英年早逝,我选择的其他祖先还是不错的。诚然,我的外祖父在67岁正值盛年的时候去世,但另外3位祖辈都活到了 80多岁。更前的祖辈中,我发现只有一
20、位没能长寿,他死于现今罕见的死因,即遭斩首。时磊5说-我有位曾祖母是吉本的朋友,在92岁去世之前始终令子孙们敬畏不已。我的外祖母所生的孩子中9个活了下来,1个幼年夭折,此外她还有过多次流产。守寡以后,她便立即投身于 女子高等教育事业之中。她是格顿学院的创办人之一, 为了使女性能进入医生职业,她付出了很多心血。她过去经常讲起她在意大利遇到的一位神情悲伤的老年绅士。她询问起他悲伤的缘故,他说因为他刚刚送走了两个孙儿女。天哪! ”她嚷道, 我有72个孙儿女,要是我每送走一个都如此悲伤,那我一生就会是凄凉的!”他则回答说:你这狠心的女人啊! ”但作为她72个孙儿女中的一员,我则更喜欢她的处世方法。80
21、岁时她发现自己有些难入睡, 于是她养成了午夜至凌晨 3点阅读科普书籍的习惯。 我想她根本无暇注意到自己在衰老。我认为这正是保持年轻的良方。只要你兴趣广泛且强烈, 有你还能做得了的事情, 就不必为自己已经活了多少年这种纯粹的数字问题而伤神,更不必去想你来年无多的可能性。2. 至于健康,由于我很少得病,所以提不出什么有用的建议。我想吃就吃,想喝就喝,想睡就睡。我做任何事情从来不是因为它对健康有益,尽管实际上我爱做的事通常都是有益健康的。3. 从心理上说,老年人要防止两种危险。其一是过分沉湎于往事。人不能生活在回忆当中,也不能生活在对美好过去的惋惜或者对已故友人的哀痛之中。一个人应当把心思放在未来、放在自己还可以有所作为的事情上。这并不总是那么容易做到的,因为往事的分量会不断增加。人们很容易觉得过去自己的情感比现在更活跃,思想比现在更加敏锐。果真如此, 那就该忘掉它;可要是忘得掉的话,那很可能就不是真的。4. 另一件要避免的事是依恋年轻人,期望从他们的勃勃生机中获得活力。子女们长大之后,就想过自己的生活。 如果你还像子女小时那样关注他们,你就会成为他们的累赘, 除非他们异常麻木不仁。我倒不是说对子女不应予以关注,而是说这种关注应该保留在思想中; 可能的话,还应该宽仁,而
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