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1、龜1 “貳盘薯土哮 本科毕业设计 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:Evaluat ing Water Co nservation Measures For Gree nBuild ing In Taiwa n 文献、资料来源:网络:国道数据库 文献、资料发表 出版)日期:2003 9 25 院 , Ministry of Interior in Taiwan, proposed the“ GreenBuilding ” concept and built the eva system .In order to save water resources through buildi ng equ

2、ipme nt desig n, this system prioritizes water con servati on as one of its seve n categories. This paper focuses on the water con servati on measures for Gree nBuild ing in Taiwa n and a qua ntitative procedure for proving water-savi ng efficie ncy. The purpose of this work is not on ly aimed at sa

3、v ing water resources, but also at reduc ing the en viro nmen taLDAYtRyKfE impact on the earth. 2. Water con servati on in dex The water con servati on in dex is the ratio of the actual qua ntity of water con sumed in a building to the average water-consumption in general. The index is also called,

4、“thewater saving rate ” Evaluations of the water-consumption quantity include the evaluation to the water-savi ng efficie ncy within kitche ns, bathrooms and all water taps, as well as the recycli ng of rain and the sec on dha nd in termediate waterz6ZB2Ltk 2.1. Goal of using the water con servati o

5、n in dex Although Taiwa n has ple nty of rain, due to its large populati on, the average rain fall for distributio n to each in dividual is poor compared to the world average as show n in Fig. 1.Thus, Taiwan is reversely a country short of water. Yet, the recent improvements in citizens sta ndards o

6、f liv ing have led to a big in crease in the amount of water n eeded in cities, as show n in Fig. 2, which, accompanied by the difficulty of obtaining new water resources, makes the water shortage problem eve n worse. Due to the improper water facilities desig ns in the past, the low water fee, and

7、the usual practical behavior of people when using water, Taiwanese people have tended to use a large quantity of tap water. In 1990,the average waterconsumption quantity in Taiwan was 3501 per person per day, whereas in Germany it is about 1451 per person per day, and in Singapore about 150l per per

8、son per day. These statistics reveal the n eed for Taiwa nese people to save watev?fvkwMI1 The promoti on of better-desig ned facilities which facilitate water-savi ng will become a new trend among the public and desig ners, because of concerns for en vir onmen tal protect ion. The water con servati

9、 on in dex was also desig ned to en courage utilizati on of the rain, recycli ng of water used in everyday life and use of water-savi ng equipme nt to reduce the expe nditure of water and thus save water resourcesyn14ZNxi 2.2. Methodology for efficie nt use of water resourcesmxvxotoco Some con struc

10、ti on con siderati ons and buildi ng system desig ns for effective use of water resources are described belowixE2yxpq5 2.2.1. Use water-c on servati on equipme nt A research of household tap-water consumption revealed that the proportion of the water used in flush ing toilets and in bath ing, amount

11、s to approximately 50% of the total household water con sumptio n, as give n in Table 1. Many con struct ion desig ners have ten ded to use luxurious water facilities in housing, and much water has thus been wasted. The use of watersaving equipment to replace such facilities is certain to save a lar

12、ge amount of water. For example, the amounts of water used in tak ing a shower and hav ing a bath is quite differe nt. A sin gle shower uses around 70l of water, whereas a bath uses around 150l. Furthermore, curre nt con structi on desig ns for hous ing in Taiwa n tend to put two sets of bathtubs an

13、d toilets, and quite a few families have their own massage bathtubs. Such a situation can be improved only by rem oving the tubs and replac ing them with shower no zzles, so that more water can be possibly saved. The com monly used water-sav ing devices in Taiwa n now in clude n ew-style water taps,

14、 water-savi ng toilets, two-secti oned water closets, water-savi ng shower no zzles, and auto-sensor flushing device systems, etc. Water-saving devices can be used not only for hous ing, but also in other kinds of build in gs. Public buildi ngs, in particular, should take the lead in using water-sav

15、i ng devices.ewMyirQFL 2.2.2. Set up a rain-storage water supply device The rain-storage water supply device stores rain using natural Iandforms or man-made devices, and then uses simple water-cleaning procedures to make it available for use in houses. Rain can be used not only as a substitute water

16、 supply, but also for re con trol. Its use also helps to decrease the peak-time water load in cities. The annual average rain fall in Taiwa n is about 2500 mm, almost triple better tha n the global average. However, due to geographic limitati ons, we could not build eno ugh water storage devices, su

17、ch as dams, to save all the rain. It is quite a pity that annually about 80% of the rain in Taiwan is wasted and flows directly into the sea, without being saved and stored. The rain-storage water supply system is used with a water- gatheri ng system, water-disposal system, water-storage system and

18、water-supply system. First, the water-gatheri ng system gathers the rain. Then, the water flows to the water-disposal system through pipes, before being sent to the water-storage system. Fin ally, it is sent to the users equipmentrough another set of pipes. Using the drain on the roof of a building,

19、 lead ing to the un dergro und water-storage trough, is con sidered an effective means of gatheri ng rain. The water, after simple water-disposal processes, can be used for chores such as house cleaning, washing floors, air-conditioning or watering plantskavU42VRUs 2.2.3. Establish ing the in termed

20、iate water system In termediate water is that gathered from the rain in cities, and in cludes the recycled wastewater which has already bee n disposed of and can be used repeatedly only withi n a certa in ran ge, but not for drinking or huma n con tact. Flush ing the toilet con sumes 35% of all wate

21、r. If every one were to use in termediate water to flush toilets, much water could be efficie ntly saved. Large-scale in termediate water system devices are suggested to be built up regularly with in a big area. Each in termediate water system device can gather, dispose and recycle a certa in qua nt

22、ity of waste-water from n earby gover nment buildi ngs, schools, reside nces,hotels, and other buildi ngs. The obta ined water can be used for flushi ng toilets, wash ing cars, wateri ng pla nts and clea ning the street, or for garde n use and to suppleme nt the water of rivers or lakes. A small-sca

23、le in termediate water system gathers waste-water from everyday use, and the n, through appropriate water-disposal procedures, improves the water quality to a certa in level, so that fin ally it can be repeatedly used for non-drinking water. There are exte nsive ways to use the in termediate water.

24、It can be used for san itary purposes, public fountains, wateri ng devices in garde ns and wash ing streets. In order to recycle highly polluted waste-water, a higher cost is needed for setting up the associated water-disposal devices, which are more expe nsive and have less econo mic ben efits tha

25、n the rain-utilizati on system. Except for the in termediate water-system set within a si ngle buildi ng, if we build them within large-scale com mun ities or major con struct ion developme nt programs, the n it is sure to save more water resources efficiently and positively for the whole country as

26、 well as improve the en vir onmen tal situatio n.y6v3ALoS89 3. Water con servati on in dex and basis Prese nt research in to the utilizati on of water resources mai nly con siders reside ntial buildings, while data for other kinds of buildings are comparatively few. Since daily water consumption of

27、the citizen is mainly from their private dwellings, the indicator of utilizing water resources thus focuses on the actual water-saving quantity as far as residential buildings are concerned. Research that relates to other kinds of buildings focuses on the adoption rate of simply equipped water-savin

28、g equipment. Table 1 shows the average and maximum daily household water con sumpti on of each Taiwa nese pers on, from which a sta ndardized daily total water-consumption of250 l per person per day is estimated and set as the calculation baSeM2ub6vSTnP 3.1. Calculatio n The actual water-sav ing rat

29、e(WR is calculated accord ing to Formula (1. Formula (3 shows that a qualified value of WR should be ,the adoption rate of water-savi ng equipme nt (AR can be used to estimate the water-savi ng con diti ons in other kinds of buildi ngs, and the guideli ne is show n in Formula (4. A qualified value o

30、f AR should be higher than 0.8. Except the residential type of building, a building with a qualified AR is eligible to apply for the “ GreenBuilding incentive payments. The Formula of calculating the water resource index for the residential buildings (The Actual Water-saving Rate。 WR is as follows:

31、WR=(Wd-(Ts (Wc - Qi a +Tu(Wu -Q2 a2+Tw(Wt -Q3 a3 + Ba4 -Wd -C (10YujCfmUCw The formula of calculating water resources index for other kinds of buildings(the Adoption Rate of water-saving equipment AR is as follows:euts8ZQVRd AR=R+C (2 The sta ndardized qualify ing con diti ons are WR=0.8。(3 AR=0.8:

32、(4 For den titi on of the symbols in Formulae(1-4,seethe nomen clature at the beg inning, and Table 2 shows the constant (Wd。 Ts。 Wc。Tu 。 Wu 。 Tw。Wt required by the estimate method of evaluationsQsAEjkW5T 3.2. Calculati on basis and regulati ons The associated regulati ons for Formulae (14 are as fo

33、llowsGMsiasNXkA (1 WR (actual Water-sav ing Rate = 0.8 is calculated accord ing to the suppositi on that the average daily water-consumption of each person is 200l, based on foreign references and experienee. Most developed countries control the average daily water-consumption at well un der 200l. A

34、ccordi ngly, the provisi onal water-c on sumptio n sta ndard for Gree n Buildi ngs in Taiwa n is suggested as 200 l for each pers on per dayRGchYzg (2 Factor T u =3.57 and T w =4.86 in Formula (1 are calculated by the weighted averages method: the huma n body must discharge feces once per day, urine

35、 thrice per day duri ng weekdays, and five times per day on Saturdays and Sun days, yield ing an average of3.57 times per person per day. The average frequency of people swashing hands with in a single day is four times per day duri ng weekdays, and seve n times per day on Saturdays and Sun days, yi

36、elding an average of 4.86 times per person per day. Besides, due to the possibility that the water-sav ing equipme nt of the same brand will not be exactly used with in one con structi onal project, utility rate ai a should be multiplied to reflect on truth.7EqzcWLZNx (3 Water-consumption of Wd=13 L

37、 per flush of the toilet, is regarded as the base point con sumpti on for calculat ing the water-c on servati on rate of the water-savi ng toilet in Formula (1, and corresp onds to the most popular type of toilet in existi ng buildi ngs. In other words, awater-saving toilet reduces the water-consump

38、tion each flushing of feces to 91, saving 41. Furthermore, the two-sect ioned water-savi ng toilet reduces the water-co nsumptio n of flush ing urine to 4.5l, saving over 8:5 l. The actual water-consumption of the toilets should be determ ined accordi ng to various water-c on sumpti on qua ntities a

39、nd brand specificatio ns.lzq7IGf02E (4 Water-c on sumpti on of Wt=3 l per time within 20 s whe n using the com mon water-tap, is regarded as the base point consumption in determining the water-saving rate of the watersaving tap in Formula (1. The actual water-consumption of a water-tap should be det

40、ermined accord ing to the various water-c on sumptio n qua ntities no ted in various brand specificati ons. Herein,1.5 L per time (50% of the general water-consumption is suggested for those passing the water-savi ng proof but without noting the water-c on sumptio n qua ntitiesvpgeqJ1hk (5 The deter

41、m in ati on of B, the water-savi ng qua ntity for water-savi ng bath ing devices in water-c on sumpti on duri ng shower or bath. The water-c on sumpti on of a shower is about 70l, and that of a bath exceeds 150 l. Therefore, when calculating B,20 l should be added for a showeri ng device without a b

42、athtub。 while the value for com mon bathtubs rema ins un cha nged, and 20l should be subtracted for the massage bathtub (B=-20. Furthermore, for bathrooms equipped with timer devices, shower nozzles with low flow rates or some other kinds of water-saving equipment, 10 l can be added to B for each de

43、vice?ojac3vi (6 The systems, which use rain or in termediate water, require highly professi onal desig ns and the effects are hardly be considered as the same. In order to respect each professional design, a sta ndardized formula for calculat ing C is not suggested in this program. A an appl ying pr

44、oject, the man ageme nt of those build in gs, which use such recycli ng systems, should report on the recycli ng rate of the rain or the in termediate water due to each device. The rain or in termediate water can only be used for non-drinking water, an therefore, C should not exceed the rate of the

45、water used for household chores (about 0.35 withi n build in cJnowfrG4K| Formula (1, should con sider people s varbouising habits。 especially those concerning (7 Water-c on servati on equipme nt, such as water-savi ng toilets, automatically stopp ing taps, auto-se nsor flushi ng devices, watersav in

46、g shower no zzles and bathtub should get the -“ wate saving proof ”of the Water Resources Bureau ,Ministry of Economic Affairs(MOEA of Taiwan。 or, the proprietor should submit associated certificates. The number of water-saving device should be coun ted accordi ng to the structural draw ing of the b

47、uildi ng. Only the six devices men ti oned above which have bee n announ ced by the MOEA, can be coun tedLDa5Zo 3.3. The prin ciples of the accepted sta ndard Water-c on sumpti on desig n for a buildi ng must follow the prin ciples below to reach the sta ndard of the water-resource in deXnNhnE6e5 (1

48、 Use of water-savi ng equipme nt is most effective. Particularly effective ways are the two- sect ioned water-saving toilets and the water-saving showering devices without a bathtubHbmVN777sL (2 The incen tive payme nts for reach ing the sta ndard can be easily gained by using water- sav ing toilets

49、, water-taps and showeri ng devices throughout the con struct ion developme ntV7l4jRB8Hs (3 Despite its great water-savi ng efficie ncy, the system for recycli ng rain and in termediate water is not yet econo mically ben eficial, due to the low water fee and the expe nse of waterdisposal equipment.

50、However, systems for recycling the rain are considered more easily adoptable tha n systems for recycli ng in termediate water, and the method for assess in gthe recycli ng83lcPA59W9 Of rain is proposed in the n ext chapter. 3.4. Case study example Refere nces to all the associateddevices, in clud in

51、g shot draw in gs, in structi onal charts, certificates of water-savi ng qua ntity, and calculati ons of the in dex were all submitted for cases to be con sidered here. If systems for recycli ng rain or in termediate water are adopted, the n detailed drawings and water-saving rate reports should be

52、submitted. Such references are omitted in this case studymzkklkzaap Case 1: Brief expla nati on of the water-savi ng equipme nAvktR43bpw (1 Construction base is located in Taipei city, and includes a total of five apartment blocks, each of five stories each story has two residential units for a tota

53、l of 50 units. Each unit has two toiletS.ORjBnOwcEd (2 Half of the con struct ion project uses water-savi ng equipme nt, in clud ing two-sect ioned water-saving toilets (water consumption when flushing feces is 9 L。urine, 4.5 L and water sav ing taps (1.2 L per use. Each bathroom is equipped with a

54、showeri ng no zzle (no bathtub,with a timer device (20 L of water is saved for the showering device without the bathtub, and an extra 10 L of water is saved using the timer device. 2MiJTy0dTT The water-resource in dex is calculated as follows: (1 Estimated general daily water-consumption is 250 l pe

55、r personi.spiue7A (2WR=(250-(13-9 0.5+3.57 (X3-4.5 0.5+4.86 (& 1.2 为.5+(10+20 0.5 乞5O=O.857uEhouiYfmh WR0.8。therefore, Case 1 does not achieve the water-resource index, and cannot receive the “ GreenBuilding ” incentive paynmenLsgBx Case 2: Brief expla nati on of the water-savi ng equipme ntVwghWvvh

56、PE (1 In the above case, water-savi ng equipme nt was used on ly in half of the con struct ion project. Calculation data is as follows, if the whole project used such water-saving equipment, then, WR =(250-(13-9 X.0+3.57 (13-4.5 1.0+4.86 (3 1.2 1.0+(10+20*1.0/250=0.714asfpsfpi4k (2 WR The roof of th

57、e apartme nt can gather 625 m of rain, and the capacity of the water trough for saving the recycled rain is 35 m. Therefore, using the recycled water for flushing toilets, cleaning and other uses (for example watering plants and washing cars, can save 30 L of water per pers on per day.gdO0sRlMo (2 T

58、he ratio of the water-c on sumptio n qua ntity of the recycled rain water to the total water- con sumption is 0.12 (C =30 250=&.12.3cdXwckmi5 (3 Then, the water-resource index is 0.594 (WR=0.714-0.12=0.594. As a result, Case 3 not only achieves the incentive standard, but is also an exemplary of gre

59、en building desig n.h8c52WOngM 4. Method for assess ing the recycli ng of rain Systems for recycli ng rain and in termediate water are not yet econo mic ben eficial, because of the low water fee and the high cost of water-disposal equipment. However, systems for recycli ng rain are con sidered more

60、easily adoptable tha n those for recycli ng in termediate water. Herein, a method for assessing the recycling of rain is introduced to calculate the ratio (C of the water-consumption quantity of the recycled rainwater to the total water- Con sumpti on .v4bdyGious 4.1. Calculatio n basis of recycli n


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