



1、电脑美工专业毕业生求职信第一篇:电脑美工专业毕业生的自荐信 尊敬的招聘经理: 您好!我叫,现在 20 岁,是来自河源市高级技工学校电脑美工专业的应届生, 从贵公司网站得知,需招聘一名广告制策人,因符合本人的职业兴趣和就业意向, 顾冒昧奉上求职资料,真诚希望能加盟贵公司,成为贵公司的一员。在校两年,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力奠定了扎实的专业 理论基础,除此之外,我曾任校班主任助理、班长等职务,在这期间,我培养了良 好的组织能力和团队协作能力,因工作负责,表现优秀,多次被评为“校级系级班 级”优秀班干部。为了更好地与岗位对接,本人十分注重社会实践经验的培养,在校期间,利用 业余时间

2、参加学校勤工俭学,如 2014-2014 年暑假,在学校招生实习,主要负责新 生的电话资询与考试报名,资料录入等工作,并利用假日从事。在不断提升个人能力和社会经验的同时,本人也十分重视专业知识的学习和技 能的提升,在校期间学习了“计算机应用基础” photoshop, coreidraw ,网页制作、 平面设计、广告设计、排版等课程,并利用课余时间补修 ps 学历证,以适应岗位 的需要和个人的职业生涯发展,从而为未来在职场中有更好的发展空间做好充分的 准备。我正处于人生中精力充沛时期, 我渴望在广阔的天地里发展自己的才能,期 望在实践中得到锻炼和提高,希望贵公司能给我一次面试的机会,我将不会让

3、贵公 司失望的。此致敬礼! 自荐人: 第二篇:电脑艺术设计毕业生英文求职信 电脑艺术设计毕业生英文求职信hello everyone, i am anyjob, how is the puter art design major, i very love design, and hope from the progress of every day for the wonderful life. also hope to use this opportunity to find a stage to show their strength.study hard efforts, the sys

4、tem has studied vi corporate image planning, advertising copy writing, graphic originality, poster design, packaging design, book design, photography, and other professional knowledge; familiar with graphic design software photoshop, coreldraw, indesign; mapping software cad; television late softwar

5、e premiere; l each basic courses and professional courses are got goodgrades, in my efforts have grasped the solid specialized knowledge, and conscious through various activities to improve their practical ability, for the future work to lay a good foundation.i pay attention to cultivate their abili

6、ty in many aspects, especially in the decoration advertising design major, mastering the plane advertisement design, vi design, logo design, packaging design, secretary decoration design, display design, etc. able to skillfully use word, excel, powerpoint office software, freehand, coreldraw and pho

7、toshop applications software and can finish a plete set of vi design of the peoples republic of china, get issued by mercial artists intermediate certificate and photoshop6, zero intermediate certificate.in order to adapt to the needs of social development, i study hard all kinds of professional kno

8、wledge, play their own special; minings potential, and bined with annual summer social practice opportunities, thus gradually improve their learning ability and analysis ability to deal with problems and certain coordinated organization and management ability.in is about to enter the society, in ord

9、er to better adapt to society, i hope i can do a needed by others is a kind of state, as to what to do, is in practice, constantly learning, constantly exercise. your pany is allowed toactively seek the development the pap to accept. i sincerely desire to join your pany, for your pany contribution t

10、o the development and strengthening of my wisdom.参考:中山易搜人才网 第三篇:网页美工求职信模板 尊敬的领导: 您好!感谢您百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的求职信。 我是毕业于中央美术学院的一名学生,通过了解到贵公司需要招聘一名网页美 工,看了贵公司对该岗位的相关要求后,我非常我能够胜任这个岗位,特向贵公司 毛遂自荐,望贵公司给予我一个展示自我的机会,自我发展的平台。我是学习网站设计专业毕业的学生,做网页美工可以说是专业对口,在大学期 间我所学的所有理论知识都有利于今后工作的开展,大学四年我的专业课成绩排名 一直非常优秀,在大学期间,在不耽误学业的前提

11、下,不断到社会上自我锻炼,丰 富了自己的社会经验。我还荣获中国灭鼠设计大赛前三名,我为人乐观,做事认真 谨慎,有着独特的设计理念 ! 在学业上我有了优异的成绩,我相信在工作上我会是 一个不可多得人才 !长飞破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海,我真诚的希望成为贵公司一员,我定会以 饱满的热情,踏实肯干的精神,勇于创新的理念,为公司更好的展示我们的特色 ! 恳请接纳,恭候您的佳音 !再次感谢您的阅读 !此致敬礼第四篇:网站美工求职信模板本文系网站美工求职信范文,仅供参考。尊敬的贵公司领导:您好! 感谢你在百忙之中抽空审阅我的求职信,期望您给我一个自我展示和实现价值 的平台,以下是我的自我介绍。本人 201

12、4 年从事互联网行业,先后做过设计部经理,推广部经理,产品经理。 善于辨证的分析和思考问题,具有较强的组织协调能力;具有市场分析决策、接受 新事物能力较强;先后曾带领过团队策划并实施中彩网首页、论坛、彩民之家等页 面的改版。 312 健康网托玛琳、水益生、高血压治疗仪等产品的策划制作与推广。工作四年,奠定了我扎实的专业知识和丰富的互联网经验。使我成为一个互联 网内的一个复合型人才。在专业上:精通美工,搜索引擎优化(seo), 熟悉(asp,php), 可以独立完成中,小型网站的设计、开发与推广。对门户网站、电子 商务网站、招生加盟类网站都有独特的见解。在团队建设,协调处理突发事件 , 工 作质

13、量进行监督检验上也积累了丰富的工作经验。最后感谢您在百忙之中抽暇审批这份材料。祝贵公司蓬勃发展,事业蒸蒸日上! 第五篇: 2014 美工英文求职信dear sir:how are you!first of all, please allow me to extend my most sincere greetings, thank you for taking your time to read my cover letter.i was graduated from zhejiang china academy of fine arts of a student, to know yourp

14、any needs for a webpage fine-artists, see yourpany for this post requirements, i very i canpetent for the post, to yourpanys duty and hope yourpany to give me a chance to show themselves, the ego development platform.i have just walked out of the tower of ivory, leave all the walls of protection, i

15、urgent need a can self play platform, maybe relative to have work experience, i have a lot of shortage, you probably will hirethem, but i believe that i have they have no advantage, i am a new generation of new blood, also can bee yourpanys fresh blood! although i graduate school is not famous, but i in this four years, have a solid professional skills and rich knowledge content of number, so that a i why don you choose? next, let me help you to analyze why to choose me.i am learning website design graduate student, do w


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