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1、Lead stude nts to self-educati on the highest class man ageme nt Xin tia ndiAbstract: With the development of the times, the change of the studentsare becomingincreasinglyclearthat the aut onomy of the stude nts reflected the vocati onal stude nts self-aware ness has reached a high level, already ha

2、ve self-observati on, self-evaluati on, self-experie nee, the ability of self-mon itori ng.sec on daryvocati onal stude ntsto carry out self-educatio n provides a good opport un ity.Keywords:aut ono micself-ma nageme ntofself-educatio n collectiveopi nio nTo guide stude ntstolearn self-discipli ne,d

3、oing masterclassesDevelopstude nts self-discipline, the keyis to guide studentstoward“ self-regulation ”by the“discipline ” ,todevelopgood habitsto “resistthe temptatio n,toeducatethemselves, ”which requires certa in normstocon stra inthe healthydevelopme ntof a class, certainn ormsmust be thebeg in

4、ning of the school bythestude nts of democratic discussi on reached a consen sus to develop our class >> << classes Convention,iwhichbecame the tools of self-restraintof students,especially in the classroomConvention>reflected inclass training:“ Let the people happybecause mypresenee

5、” hasbecome the mainguide studentsself-discipli ne and educati on for the stude nts themselves own, the healthy developmentof the class group andbecome the school s outstanding class group has laid asolid The foundationhas proved &It;&It;Class >>convention formulated not only for the formation

6、 of a good class atmosphere played a positive role in their owngrowth and progress of the students also played a sig nifica nt role in incen tive.To create a collective public opinion to guide stude nts to educate themselves, to promote the con structi on of the class group1. Guide the stude nts tot

7、ake the initiative for collective services Gave the stude nts this senten ce:“Let the people happy because ofmy presenee. ” Must allow students to understandthat“ allow people to feel happy because I have not the motto,the first day of school, nor is high not the climb ing realm of life, but every o

8、rdinarypersoncan do extraordinarybehavior, so stude nts talked about how to un dersta nd thissenten ce, subject to the new class collective:“ We are inthis class is not just a teaching units,and a large family,each stude nt should as far as possible to make their ownhas its own feel warm.classmates,

9、 the entire collectivehad the honor saidevery onecan make the collectiveexcitedly: This is because my classes x x X!Actively participatein all kindsof activitiestoenhance the student s collective sense of honor, promotestudent self-education Class activities is an important way to Class Construction

10、, is the carrier of classroom education,achieve the education goals of the bridge, isthe stage of sec on dary vocatio nalstude nts to showcasetheir tale nts. Activities educat ing people is the author of the Ion g-term uphold an educati onal philosophy forWeshould actively guide the stude ntsto part

11、icipate incollective activities.With the collective stre ngth to en able stude ntsto experie nee success, develop stude nts self-motivati on, self-evaluati on,prompt ingstude ntsto educatethemselvesThe first important process of education is to enable students to experieneesuccess when studentsexper

12、ie nee more success whe n theirself-c on cept,self-restrai nt is relativelystro ng,and his strongself-c on fide nee,and thus tur ned into a positive, healthypers on ality, their pote ntial can be give n full play, so as to cultivate and improve the quality of students through collective encouragedto

13、 make students feel successful,allows the stude nts to feel the warmth of the collective, i n order to cultivate thestudents self- incentives,promptingstudents to educate themselves. reposted inthe free papers Downl oad Cen ter boldly class cadres, stude nts self-ma nageme nt classes to improve stud

14、ents self-managementlevel Classcadre is the locomotive of the class only class cadre man ageme nt level, the developme nt of each of the classes tracti on dry excavati on classes, training and appo in tme nt is essential., So the students to participatein classleadership cadres campaig n, and the n

15、in accorda nee with their level of appropriate divisionof laborand thecharacteristics of each class leadership to do their job. course start class leadership cadres being groomed to bein dispe nsable. Mean while, give n the terms of reference of the class cadre and establish a prestige class cadre o

16、f class cadre work smoothlypremise in order to achieve thispurpose, the class meeti ng to the squad leader resp on sibleonly to the subject,and sometimesalsodiscuss with them and then determine the subject class leadership or classmates to orga nize the activities of the entire class will then be co

17、nvened by the squad leader. successively by class leadershiporga ni zati onclassmeet ing: < ;&It; Tim a luster > ;& gt; < ;&It; teacher my sunshine classes, you have worked hard to lay the first battle of the new semester - month measure mobilized the striving star class >>&It;&It;>&g

18、t;&It;<> >& It ;&It; spiritual dialogue& gt; > & It ;&It;sen time ntLong live the frien dship of affecti on> ;& gt;& It ;&It; & gt; > & It ;&It; i ntegrity, soul con tract & gt; >stude nts orga ni zed a reso unding success, and the contentis very rich, both to achieve the purpose

19、 of education theme, and The training class leadership cadre man ageme nt level.Fourth, << spiritual in sights > > guideThe educatorstude nts to educate themselvesSuhomli nski once said:“ on ly be able to in spire stude ntsto self-education,education, real education of a youngboy, only w

20、he n he had lear ned not only to carefully study the world around, and carefully study itself whe n, and only whe n he not only strive to un dersta nd things around and phenomena,but also strive to understandtheir innerworld, on ly whe n his men tal powers to make itself better and better, he can be

21、 called a true people.“Zeng also said: “I three times daily. ” This shows that our an cie nt educators also called for stude nts to do more “ introspective ” Kung Fu only introspection,tocon duct a comprehe nsive an alysis for theiracti ons,con sta ntly sum up, continue to move forward.Through the a

22、bove ways, the classroom rout ine man ageme nt gradually formed its own characteristics, not on lyfor stude nts to lear n how to“self-educatio n,self-ma nageme nt, self-motivati on and self-evaluati on, but also develop the habit of self-educationand training ofthe ability of “self-education ” .Pers on alitycultivate new era, as a tale nt, it is


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