



1、effects of w/c ratio and curing conditions on strengthdevelopment in brecem concretesabstract:the early strength development of brecem concretes, made from 50:50 mixtures of calcium aluminate cement (cac) and ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbs), using 100-mm cubes at w/c ratios of 0.35 and 0.

2、45, has been studied. brecem concretes showed good strength development at both w/c ratios whether water cured or air cured. in contrast, longer-term studies with 1-m cubes cured under near-adiabatic conditions have indicated that mass brecem concretes of similar binder composition may gain compress

3、ive strength relatively slowly. this is primarily due to the heat of hydration of the cac component, which can lead to temperatures of up to 60 c, resulting in rapid hydration and conversion of the calcium aluminate component. however, the performance of 40 cac/60 ggbs concrete under these near-adia

4、batic conditions has proved to be satisfactory over a period of 5 years, with similar strength development to that of equivalent 100-mm cubes stored under ambient conditions. d 2001 building research establishment. published by elsevier science ltd. all rights reserved.水灰比和养护条件对brecem1凝土强度发展的影响摘要:本文

5、将铝酸钙水泥(cac)和高炉矿渣(ggbs)按照50:50的比例混合后制备 了水灰比分别为0.35和0.45,边长为100mm的立方体试块来研究快硬铝酸钙水 泥(brecem)的早期强度发展。实验中无论试块在水中养护还是在空气中养 护,两种水灰比的brecem试块都显示出了良好的强度发展。相反的是,对养 护在绝热条件下的边长为1m的立方体试块的长期研究发现有着相似水胶比的大 体积brecem混凝土的抗压强度下降了。得出这个实验结果的原因是cac的水化热导致了构件温度高达60c,从而加速了铝酸钙的水化和转换。但是cac和ggbs的比例为40:60时,养护在绝热条件下的边长为1m的立方体试块和边长

6、 为100mm的立方体试块有着相似的强度发展。并且边长为 1m的立方体试块被 证实在长达五年的时间里能够满意工作。in?uence of aggregate and curing regime on the mechanicalproperties of ultra-high performance ?bre reinforced concrete(uhpfrc)abstract:a new generation of concrete, ultra-high performance ?bre reinforced concrete (uhpfrc) has been devel-oped f

7、or its outstanding mechanical performance and shows a very promising future in construction applications. in this paper, several possibilities are examined for reducing the price of producing uhpfrc and for bringing uhpfrc away from solely precast applications and onto the construction site as an in

8、 situ material. recycled glass cullet and two types of local natural sand were examined as replacement materials for the more expensive silica sand normally used to produce uhpfrc. in addition, curing of uhpfrc cubes and prisms at 20 c and 90 c has been investigated to determine differences in both

9、mechanical and ductility.the results showed that using more angular sand particles reduces theowability of fresh uhpfrc. the local natural sand can produce a similar mechanical and ductility of uhpfrc to the silica sand. however the use of recycled glass cullet (rgc) gives approximately 15% lower pe

10、rformance, i.e.gxural strength, compressive strength and fracture energy. specimens cured at 20 c give approximately 20% lower compressive strength, 10% lower?exural strength and 15% lower fracture energy than specimens cured at 90 c from 1 to 7 days.骨料和养护机制对超高性能纤维混凝土( uhpfrc的力学性能的影响摘要:新一代混凝土一一超高性能纤

11、维混凝土( uhpfrc)由于其突出的力学性能被发展起来。而且uhpfrc还显示了其在工程应用中的良好前景。本文检验了 用于降低uhpfrc生产费用和把uhpfrc的生产工艺从预制构件转换为施工现 场现浇的几种可能方法。回收玻璃和两种类型的天然砂被作为通常用于uhpfrc生产的昂贵的石英砂的替代品而受到研究检验。而且,本文还研究了在20c和90c养护环境下的uhpfrc立方体和棱锥体试块的力学和延展性差异。实验结果显示了使用更多的天然沙粒使新制备的新鲜uhpfrc的流动性变差。而使用天然砂的uhpfrc和使用石英砂的uhpfrc具有一样的力学性能和 延展性。但是,在uhpfrc中使用回收玻璃(

12、rgc)却是混凝土在例如抗弯性、 抗压性、抗裂性方面各降低了15%。在养护时间为1-7天时,和养护在90c的样本试块相比,养护在 20c的样本试块的抗压强度下降了20%,抗弯强度下降了 10%,抗裂强度下降了 15%。preparation of c200 green reactive powder concrete and itsstatic dynamic behaviorsabstract:in this paper, a new type of green reactive powder concrete (grpc) with compressive strength of 200

13、mpa(c200 grpc) is prepared by utilizing composite mineral admixtures, natural ?ne aggregates, short and ?ne steel ?bers. the quasi-static mechanical properties (mechanical strength, fracture energy and ?ber -matrix interfacial bonding strength) of grpc specimens, cured in three different types of re

14、gimes (standard curing, steam curing and autoclave curing), are investigated. the experimental results show that the mechanical properties of the c200 grpc made with the cementitious materials consisting of 40% of portland cement, 25% of ultra ?ne slag, 25% of ultra ?ne ?y ash and 10% of silica fume

15、, 4% volume fraction of steel ?ber are higher than the others. the corresponding compressive strength, ?exural strength, fracture energy and ?ber matrix interfacial bonding strength are more than 200 mpa, 60 mpa, 30,000 j/m2 and 14 mpa, respectively. the dynamic tensile behavior of the c200 grpc is

16、also investigated through the split hopkinson pressure bar (shpb) according to the spalling phenomena. the dynamic testing results demonstrate that strain rate has an important effect on the dynamic tensile behavior of c200 grpc. with an increase of strain rate, the peak stress rapidly increases in

17、the dynamic tensile stres stime curves. the c200 grpc exhibits an obvious strain rate stiffening effect in the case of high strain rate. finally, the mechanism of excellent static and dynamic properties gains of c200 grpc is also discussed.c200绿色活性粉末混凝土的制备和其动态一静态行为分析摘要:本文中,通过利用混合矿物掺合料,天然细骨料,短细钢丝纤维制备了抗压 强度达200mp4勺新型绿色活性粉末混凝土 (grpg本文研究了养护在三种不同 机制下(标准养护、蒸汽养护和蒸压养护)的grp抑本的准静态力学性能(抗压强度、抗弯强度和纤维基体界面结合力)。实验结果表明,由40/通水泥, 25%s细矿渣、25超细粉煤灰、10啾灰、4%、组分钢纤维这些粘结材料制成的 c200grp


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