



1、油污和其他保赔责任附加险条款一、责任范围本公司根据本 条款规定对被保险人支付下述损失或费用:(一)1由于被保险船舶漏油或其混合物污染沿海或可能产生严重危险污染沿海,被保险人采取合理措施清除漏油或其混合物而支出的费用以及。2补偿有关政府清除被保险船舶有任何程度过失所致的漏油或其混合物而合理支出的费用。(二)由于被保险船舶漏油或其混合物造成对第三者的污染损害,被保险人在法律上应负责支付的赔偿。(三)根据法律规定应予负责的或由于被保险船舶航行或管理上的疏忽,或与被保险船舶有关的任何其他疏忽行为,或失检而造成的其他的船舶或其财产 (包括有关费用和杂费), 任何固定的和浮动的物体、 陆地或水的来失或损坏

2、, 但在任何情况下,本条款责任不包括本 公司船舶险条款第一条第(2)款规定可以取得赔偿的此类损失及费用。(四)根据法律规定被保险人对被保险船只残骸的起浮、清除、破坏、建立标灯或标记所支出的成本费用或者被保险人在法律上应予承担的此类费用。但获救物料与残骸价值应首先自上述费用中扣除, 本公司仅对其不足之数予以赔偿。被保险人出售残骸, 必须事先征得本公司同意。(五)由于被保险人,作为海运承运人或其他应由被保险人代负疏忽过失法律责任的人, 违反谨慎地装载、收受、配载、承运、保管、照料、卸载及交付货物或财产的应尽义务,或由于被保险船舶不适航和装备不良而造成其待装、装运中或已装货物或其他财产的损失。但每一

3、装货航次的赔付额中,被保险人应自负1,000美 元。(六)任何法院、法庭或司法当局所判决的应由被保险船舶担负的各项罚款或罚金。但被保险人对油污罚款每事故应自负500美 元。其他罚款每一港口应自负500美 元。本公司对被保险人关于被保险船只由于超载而引起的罚金罚款以及有关的法律费用不予负 责赔偿。(七)被保险人因涉及本条款承保责任或开支或为避免该项责任或开支而支付的费用, 包括法律费用在内。本公司对油污索赔责任,每一事故最高以100,000,000美元为限。对其他索赔的最高责 任每一事故(或第(五)项规定的每货运航次)为 35,000,000美元。二、除外责任本公司对下列各项,不予负责赔偿:(一

4、)由于船东的故意行为所造成的损失;(二)被保险船舶的船壳和机件的正常维修、油漆费用和本身磨损或锈蚀;(三)本公司船舶战争险条款规定的承保责任和除外责任;(四)滞期损失。三、保险期限期限最高一年,以保单规定的起止时间为准。被保险船舶在保险期限内出售或转让时,除本公司书面同意的外,保险责任立即终止。 如果被保险船舶在航程途中出售或转让,保险责任可延至该航程终了时止。如被保险船舶已构成实际全损或推定全损,本保险即行终止,但对于导致此项实际或推定全损的事故所直接造成的责任则不在此限。四、退费(一)被保险船舶在保险期限内出售、转让或退保,保险费按日比例计算退还给被保险人。(二)被保险船舶在安全港口内边疆

5、停泊超过三十天时(停泊期间自到达日起算至离港日但应扣除一天)按日比例计算给予下列停泊退费:船上无船员无货物按95%退费。但本公司有权保留按年费率每一登记总吨 美元计算的最低保费。五、损失处理(一) 被保险船舶发生保险责任范围内的事故时,被保险人应立即通知本公司,并采取一切可能措施以减少损失。被保险人对被保险船舶应定期做好维修和保养,使之处于良好的技术状态。(二) 被保险人要求赔偿时,如涉及第三者责任,应将向第三者追偿的权利和必要的证 件移交给本公司。六、争议的处理被保险人和本公司之间所发生的一切争议,应根据实事求是的原则,友好协商解决,如经协商仍不得解决,需要促裁或诉讼时,促裁或诉讼的地点在被

6、告方所在地。OLL POLLUTION & OTHER PROTECTION & INDEMNITY RISKS CLAUSES1. Scope of CoverIt is agreed that the Company shall, subject to the provisions of these Clauses, pay to the In sured all sums in respect of the follow ing losses, damages and expe nses:(1) (a) Costs and expe nses which the In sured may

7、 in cur for tak ing reas on able measures to remove oil or oily mixture discharged from the insured vessel if the oil or oily mixture causes damage by polluti on to coast line or may create a grave and imminent dan ger of polluti on thereto,an d/or (b) costs and expe nses reimburesed to the Governme

8、nt which have bee n reas on able in curred for clea ning up the oil or oily mixture discharged through the n eglige nee to any degree of the in sured vessel.(2) Compe nsati on payable by the In sured to any other pers ons who susta in polluti on damage as a result of a discharge of oil or oily mixtu

9、re from the in sured vessel, for which the In sured is legally liable.(3) Loss of or damage to any other vessel or any property there on (and costs and expe nses in cide ntal thereto) fixed and floati ng objects whatsoever, la nd or water if the liability for such loss or damage is imposed by statut

10、e or arose out of the n eglige nt n avigati on or man ageme nt of the in sured vessel or other n eglige nt act or omissi on on board of or in relati on to the in sured vessel,but in no case shall this in sura nee cover liablilyty for such loss, damage or expe nse as are recoverable un der article I.

11、 2. of the Hull Clauses of the Compa ny.(4) Costs and expe nses of or in cide nt to the rais ing, removal ,destructi on, lighti ng or marking of the wreck of the in sured vessel, whe n such rais ing, removal, desytruct ion, light ing or marking is compulsory by law or the costs thereof are legally r

12、ecoverable from the In sured provided thatthe value of all stores and materials saved as well as of the wreck itself shall first be deducted from such costs, charges and expe nses, and only the bala nee thereof, if any, shall be recoverable from the Company. It is warranted that the Insured shall no

13、t transfer his interest in the wreck without the prior consent of the Compa ny.(5) Loss of cargo or other property to be or being or hav ing bee n carried in the in sured vessel, subject to a deductible of USD 1,000 each cargo voyage, aris ing out of any breach by the In sured or by any pers on for

14、whose acts, n eglect or default he may be legally liable of his obligati on or duty as a carrier by sea properly to load, han dle, stow, carry, keep, care for, discharge and deliver such cargo or property, or out of un seaworth in ess or unfitn ess of the in sured vessel.(6) Fines or pen alties impo

15、sed, subject to a deductible of USD 500 each oil polluti on accide nt and USD 500 each port for fines and pen alties of other n ature upon the In sured in respect of the in sured vessel by any court, trib unal or authority of compete nt jurisdicti on, n evertheless, the Compa ny shall in no eve nt i

16、ndemnify the In sured aga inst a fine or pen alty imposed upon him for the overloadi ng of the in sured vessel or aga inst the legal cost and expe nses relati ng thereto.(7) Costs and expe nses, in clud ing legal costs and charges, which the In sured may in cur in respect of (or in avoidi ng or atte

17、mpt ing to avoid) any liability or expe nditure aga inst which the In sured is in sured by these Clauses.It is specifically agreed that the Compa nys maximum liability shall be USD 100,000,000 for oil polluti on claims any one accide nt or occurre nee and USD 35,000,000 for all other claims any one

18、accide nt or occurre nee (or per cargo voyage un der paragraph (5) hereof).2. Exclusi onsThe Compa ny shall not be liable for(1) Loss or damage caused by inten ti onal act of the shipow ner;(2) Maintenance repairs to the hull and mach inery of the in sured vessel, expe nses for painting, wear and te

19、ar and corrosi on;(3) Risks covered and excluded in the Hull War Risks Clauses of the Compa ny;(4) Demurrage of the in sured vessel.3. Period of In sura neeThe Ion gest duratio n is one year subject to the time of comme nceme nt and term in ati on as stipulated in the Policy.In the event that the in

20、 sured vessel is sold or tran sferred duri ng the curre ncy of in sura nee, the in sura nee shall become term in ated forthwith uni ess such sale or tran sfer is agreed to by the Compa ny in writi ng. Where the in sured vessel is sold or tran sferred in the course of a voyage, the in sura nee may be

21、 exte nded un til the completi on of such voyage.Should the in sured vessel become an actual or comstructive total loss this in sura nee shall cease save for liabilities flowing directly from the casualty giving rise to such actual or con structive total loss.4. Retur n of Premium(1) If the in sured

22、 vessel is sold or tran sferred or the in sura nee there on is can celled duri ng the curre ncy of in sura nee, a retur n premium to be calculated pro rata daily shall be allowed to the In sured.(2) If the in sured vessel is laid up in a safe port for a period exceed ing thirty con secutive days (su

23、ch period being computed from the day of arrival to the day of departure, one only being excluded), a return premium, to be calculated pro rata daily for the period during which the in sured vessel is laid up, shall be allowed at the follow ing rates:95%-with neither crew nor cargo on board provided

24、 that the Company shall always be en titled to retain a mi nimum premium at an annual rate of USDper gross registered ton.5. Treatme nt of Loss(1) In the event of accide nts to the in sured vessel which fall un der the scope of cover, theInsured shall notify the Company immediately and take all possible measures to mi


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