1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021优秀学生荷兰留学申请书 荷兰大学在欧洲大陆供应最多的英语授课课程。超过2100个课程工程与完全用英语授课,95%的荷兰人会说英语,因此在日常生活中很简单沟通。下面就是我给大家带来的2021优秀同学荷兰留学申请书参考,盼望能关心到大家! 2021优秀同学荷兰留学申请书 dear _, a book called “social and cultural anthropology: a very short introductionby peter just and john monaghan inclined me to study social
2、 anthropology as ibelieve it is necessary to study another way of life in order to extend our own.i am inquisitive and interested in human existence. i feel sociology would be agood preparation for a variety of careers and it will help me keep my optionsopen. having researched the modules that will
3、be covered in the subject, i findthe subject even more compelling. i am keen to learn about other cultures as ifeel it will enhance my self and help me to abandon narrow vision. a degree willcontribute to fulfilling my academic potential. it will also allow me to deepenmy understanding of the aspect
4、s which constantly affect our lives, from theseemingly trivial to those of utmost importance, the fascination of thesesubjects lie in the fact that it has made me see in a new light. considering mybackground and my interests, i am choosing a degree in anthropology andsociology. i am currently studyi
5、ng a-level sociology, media and business studies. allthree subjects have also helped broaden my critically thinking skills. these areimportant as it has helped me view situations from a more objective perspectivewhich might be transferred to conducting ethnographic research. i thoroughlyenjoy all as
6、pects of sociology and it is my strongest subject. it has helped memake sense of the world and has become an integral part of my life. so far ithas been beneficial to me in many ways. for example, the module on educationenlightened me with reasons for underachievement in gender. understanding theser
7、easons for success or failure has helped me improve my own educationalexperience. i find sociology interesting as the concepts are useful whendebating and can be applied to everyday life. power and politics is reallyenjoyable as i became aware of the political spectrum and ideologies whichunderline
8、each wing. research methods developed my critical reasoning butsociology in general has taught me intellectually stimulating material which iswhy i desire to study the subject further. having lived in london and worked in a japanese restaurant; i have fosteredan appreciation of social and cultural d
9、iversity. the way japanese norms andvalues differ from those of the western world fascinates me and i wish to learnmore about other cultures, as well as our own society. travelling to northernireland gave me global specs as i gained a different understanding of theirsociety and it changed what i kne
10、w. my part-time job has made me realize theimportance of higher education in order to better myself. it has also improvedareas of expertise such as time-management and working in a people orientatedenvironment. my hobbies range from contemporary dance to horse-riding. i enjoy travelingand learning n
11、ew languages. i am also an avid reader who enjoys non-fictionaltexts. in my spare time i like to learn swahili and japanese. my aim is toenroll on a french and/or spanish course at university to advance my languageskills. in the summer i helped organize an event for love music hate racism. theaim of
12、 the charity is to prevent an extreme right-wing ideology that is fascistfrom gaining a platform. they celebrate diversity through music and urge peopleto vote against fascist candidates in elections. this year i was voted classrepresentative for the student union which has given me the opportunity
13、to usemy organizational and leadership skills. i need to be coherent, andunderstanding of students needs. representing my class has improved mycommunication skills which are vital for getting the students pointsacross. overall, i believe i possess the skills necessary to complete this courseat unive
14、rsity and i am determined to do my best. yours sincerely, 荷兰留学需要带的生活物品 一、床上用品 去荷兰读书,学校的宿舍根本都不会给同学供应床上用品的,自己租房子的也需要自己把床单、被套带过去,被子在荷兰当地买也不是很贵,可以不带过去。 二、衣物 衣物其实可以不用带许多,带四季穿的,荷兰常常下雨,所以防水的外套和冲锋衣是需要的,这个可以在荷兰买,荷兰许多品牌的冲锋衣价格不贵,质量又好,许多在国内看到的品牌在荷兰也有,可以去那里买。还有正装是肯定要带的,正装一般是正式的场合,比方面试、开学典礼和毕业典礼都会穿的。棉拖鞋可以
15、带一双过去,在荷兰棉拖鞋卖的很少,国内一到冬天就是必备,人手一双,冬天带的衣服肯定要带厚羽绒服和厚风衣,外出的时候肯定要穿,室内都会有暖气,可以穿t恤。 三、日常用品 洗漱用品:像牙刷、牙膏这个要带,因为你到了荷兰不肯定马上就会去超市,所以这个是必需要带的,还有毛巾,可以带上两条,荷兰的价格也不贵。 洗护用品:沐浴露、洗发水、洗面奶,可以带小瓶的,用不了多久,就可以去荷兰的超市里面买了,这个在荷兰价格也是不贵的。 电饭煲:这是肯定要带的,自己做饭的同学必备,荷兰的电饭煲不好用法,而且价格还贵,可以从国内带一个多功能的电饭煲,煮饭、炖肉、煮汤都可以靠它。 转换插头、排插:这个是肯定肯定要带的,荷
16、兰的插头跟国内的不匹配,你从国内带过去的电器都需要转化插头才可以正常用法。 餐具:这个就不需要带了,这个带了也是占行李,在荷兰的中国超市都有卖。 文具:笔芯、笔、笔记本,这些文具在荷兰的文具店里面也有卖,价格也是可以承受的,你假如不嫌弃重的话,可以带。 眼镜:眼镜在国内多配一副,荷兰配眼镜太贵了,你可以带上。 荷兰留学租房指南 一、难度介绍 假如大家有提早理解,会发觉在荷兰租房,假如没有进展提早的预备,临时租房的话,难度会特殊大,因为在开学季需求会很高,即便是有钱,也难以租到自己满足的房子。 而且以留同学的身份租私人的房子,还需要有人进展担保,或者自己预备一大笔保证金,这也会给大家带来不小的压力,所以大家假如预备租房来解决住宿的问题的话,肯定要早点开头预备。 二、租房渠道 1.学校 比拟靠谱的是学校合作的挺直出租的公寓,可以挺直通过学校的链接进展跳转,进入到公寓的官方网站,这样大家租房没有中间商赚取差价,价格会划算得多,而且环境也很不错。 大家进入到官网之后,先定位学校的位置,然后在选择间隔 最适宜的公寓,填写申请表,完善各项信息之后进展提交很快就会拿到申请的结果,确认之后缴纳定金即可。 2.中介 不管是宿舍还是公寓,供给都是有数量的限制的,所以大多数的同学,还是会通过中介租房,房源信息会比拟多,而且还会供应齐全的询问和后续的
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