



1、When was it invented第一课时教学设计教学目标学习一般过去时的被动语态和特殊疑问句。教学方式任务型教学法,多媒体辅助教学等等。教学设计热身(Warm-up):Ask the students to be familiar with the words below according to the pictures on computer.(叫学生根据图片或通过多媒体熟悉如下的单词。)telephone, calculator, car, personal computer, TV, electric light, light bulb, alarm, clock, micro

2、wave oven, electric slipper呈现(Presentation):教学When was the car invented? It was invented inChoose the three inventions of these and ask students to guess when each one was invented.(选出其中三项发明,然后让学生猜每个发明的时间。)For example, you might choose car, telephone, and personal computer.Have several different stu

3、dents guess and write the dates on the board. Ask the class to repeat the questions and answers.(让一些不同学生猜并且把日期写在黑板上。)TTeacher, SStudent T: When was the car invented? (Class repeat.)T: Good. Now Jackie(一学生名字),what was your guess?S1: 1900.T: OK.Jackie, repeat after me. The car was invented in 1900. Re

4、peat the process with several different inventions.(通过同一方法重复不同的发明。)At last, make students find out the real dates.(当学生对句型理解后,学生找出那些发明正确日期。)教学Who were the light bulbs invented by? And what are they used for?首先,老师利用多媒体课件,呈现Edison and light bulbs的画面。Tell the students Edison invented light bulbs.(让学生知道E

5、dison发明light bulbs。)Then ask the students to answer the questions below.(叫学生回答如下的回答。)T: Who were light bulbs invented by?(Class repeat)T: Good. Now Class repeat after me. They were invented by Eidson.Repeat the process with several different inventions.(通过同一方法重复不同的发明。当学生明白后,教师接着问。)T: Class, what are

6、 light bulbs used for?(Answers will vary.但确信学生知道be used for的用法。For example,They are used for seeing in the dark.)(通过多媒体课件展示出的丰富多彩的图画,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,激发了学生的学习积极性,让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中学习本节课的目标语言。)教学操练(Practice)1a,1c,2c.学生看书本上1a的图画,根据图画,把1a.1c.2c.中的语言点综合起来,叫学生互相间回答问题。(Ask the students to ask and answer the

7、 questions each other.)并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。(若有学生不明白,老师可先示范一次。)最后,抽查几对学生,让他们在全班面前,按要求进行对话。(说明:让学生操练目标语言,并为听懂听力内容打下基础。)教学1b,2a,2b.首先,帮助学生明确本题的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成1b,2a and 2b。最后,重放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。(学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言。)教学 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension)完成一个任务:Ask some students to read about an invention u

8、sing an encyclopedia or other book from the library, or by looking up information on the Internet. Have the students write up a short report and draw a simple picture of the invention or bring in a photo of it. Ask each students to show the picture and read his or her report to the class.(通过来完成一个任务.让学生运用所学内容,既巩固了本课所学的语言目标,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的思维跳出了课本,培养学生在实际生活中运用本课所学内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,真正达到了新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。)作业布置(Homework):1根据时间和人物写出发明物。(1)1885_(2)1876_(3)1927_(4)1976_(5)Julie Thompson_(6)Chelsea Lanmon_2回答问题。(1)When was the car invented?_(2)Wha


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