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1、Migrati on theory on motor skills in teachi ng and trai ning in the martial artsAbstract:In this paper, starting from the motiontransfer theory, combined with the martial arts teaching practice, and recomme ndati ons on the gen eral prin ciples of motor skillsmigrati on,applicati on andcoun termeasu

2、res, i nten ded to explore how scie ntific and reas on ablearran geme ntsfor the martial arts teach ingschedule and course content, targeted to the most effective teach ing methods, the use of positive migratio nof martial arts skills, thusteach ing of martial arts.improvingthe quality of theKeyword

3、s: motorskillsmigrati onmartial artsteach ing and training to useI. I ntroducti onSuch a phenomenonofte nappearsin themartialarts teaching and athletictrainingpractice:motorskills,the formation of a positive impact on some new skills, thereby promoting the formation and development of new skills. Th

4、is phe nomenon is known as the motor skills positive transfer, however, how Transferable Skills in theteachingof martial arts project, there are still somediffere nt poi nts of view, therefore, n ecessary motor skills migrati onphe nomenonin-depth study to find theregularity of its occurre nee and d

5、evelopme nt, to promote the teaching process optimizationprovide a theoreticalbasis.Second, the migration of motor skill learning the basic con diti onsA com mon factor of the tech ni calacti on. Motor skill tran sfer process is the gen eralizati on of the old and new moveme nts, the key depe nds on

6、 the size of any com monfactors betwee n the two kinds of skillsand his co-artistic gymn astics and martial arts bel ong to the same performa nee is difficult America class group can make use of motor skills migrationtheory, martial artsathletes selected from the artistic gymn astics team.2, the lev

7、el of generalizationof the existingsports experienee.Motor skills migrationexisting sportsexperienee to the use of the new action, therefore, with the exte nt of the moveme nt experie nee is bound to affect the effect of migration, master The body, mechanicalcoord in ati onof the basic law of re-lea

8、r ningand otherequipme nt is easy to grasp.Lear ning guida nee. Studies have show n that: inthe learning of motor skills and seientific guidanee for motor skills and migration.Motor skill learning,betteruse of the laws governing the migration of motor skills, proper un dersta nding of the tech ni ca

9、l acti on, it is a good learning capabilities.Third, the basic motor skills migrati onA timein terval of motor skills the Ion ger the timein tervalbetwee n the two lear ning motor skills are migrated to the less n egative migrati on is more complex, therefore, i n the martial arts teach ing, pay att

10、e nti on to time in tervals skill learning, to grasp the good skill lear ning time in terval.2, the degree of similarity of the two skills before and after practice on skills migrati onin themigration of skills, the greatest impact is the degree of similarity of the two acti ons before and after the

11、 two are not similar to first lear n the skills and lear ning skills acti on ,it will in terfere with lear ning the skills.3, the en tire acti on or part of the acti on on themigration of motor skills. Exercises the same time, In gen eral, the overall effect of exercise after the first partial obvio

12、usly takes precede nee over the first overall, after partial results of training but in some projects. The first local trai ning, not on ly fail to promote the overall enhan ceme nt of skills, but will hin der the improveme nt of motor skills.To promote enthusiasm for martial arts skillsmigrati on L

13、inks in the free paper dow nl oad cen ter the scie ntific developme nt of the martial arts teach ingprogress in the martial arts instruction,teachers shouldpay attentionto the arrangementof teaching order,gradually in crease in teach ing the difficulty of skills, it will also enhance the con fide ne

14、e of the stude nts lear ning.And improve the physical quality of martial artstechniques.To improve their physique to promote themastery of acti on is one of the mai n means of martial artsteaching. To achieve this goal, we must carefully select, arrange the quality of practice and auxiliary exercise

15、s to promote positive the migratio n of teach ing effective ness.Use of Ianguageguiding role of Ianguageinsports teach ing and training methods, use of Ian guage to guide motor skills migrati on through the guida neeofteachers of Ian guage make the teach ing object gradually clear. deepe n un dersta

16、 nding of the acti on tech no logy, but also through the second signal - Ianguage has a visual image capabilities to mobilize and give play to the an alysis and syn thesis fun cti on of the cerebral cortex, promoti ng skills migrati on.4, to improve the analysis and generalization ability of the stu

17、de nts actively migrate, while reduc ing or avoidingthe impact of mutual interfereneeof negativemigrati on must be a clear un dersta nding betwee n motor skills and to make the exist ing motor skills in new lear ning situati onsthetech ni calrequireme nts,defi ne thecharacteristics of its con tact,t

18、hen eedto improvestudents analytical and general ability, in order to graspthe coord in ati on of all aspects of the tech ni cal acti on washan dy, one in side and outside.5, reas on able arran geme nts martial arts acti on review time more complex the tech no logy, the greater the difficulty of mot

19、or skills has been formed,under certainconditionsmay be weakened,or even “destroyed ” ordissipated, then payattentionto the martial arts masteracti on practice, practice the more skilled practice the greater the amount of migrati on, the better. Therefore, to make reas on ablearran geme ntsmartial a

20、rts tech no logyacti on review time and a nu mber of review.V. Con clusi ons1, i n order to en able stude nts or athletes faster andbetter lear n the martial arts motor skills, n eed to sort outthe many different types of sports action, to identify similar like acti on to produce positive migrati on to en rich the teach ing methods.2, the effect of the motor skills migration acti ons migrati on of di fficulty, acti on similar to the exte ntof migrati on of content, the use of direct or in direct migration, vertical or horizontal migration


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