1、高口真题200803SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 mi nutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the bla nks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding spac
2、e in your ANSWER BOOKLET . Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Today, well talk about what other effects watch ing TV might produce on childre n.Childre n should be(1) a lot of televisi on, many experts and pare nts agree, but there is atleast one circumsta nee whe n it might be ben eficial
3、:(2). A recent study con ducted byItalia n researchers found that childre n(3) immediately precedi ng and duri ng blood testsexperie need less pain tha n childre n whose mothers(4) duri ng the procedure, or childre nwhose mothers were prese nt but(5).The research, led by Carlo Brown, MD, at the Univ
4、ersity of Siena, is published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood,(6) the study. None received any type of an esthesia; the childre nand their mothers(7).Both the group whose mothers attempted to distract them from the blood tests and those whose mothers simply observed reported(8) tha n the gro
5、up who watched cartoons. For thatgroup, the levels of pain were less and the childre n were better able to(9).One of the possible expla nati ons is that childre n might have(10) duri ng the procedures,exacerbati ng their percepti on of pain. The higher pain level reported by childre n duri ng(11) sh
6、ows the difficulty mothers have in in teract ing positively(12) in their childre nslife, the authors write.However, they stressed that(13) still provided ben efits, no ti ng that the childre n would(14) duri ng the procedures. I ndeed, childre n state that havi ng their pare nt prese nt (15) whe n i
7、n pain, say the authors.Ano ther possibility offered for con siderati on is the no ti on that the(16) might releasepain-q uell ing en dorph ins. En dorph ins,(17) produced by the pituitary gla nd, resembleopiates in their ability to produce an algesia and a sense of well-be ing. In other words, they
8、 might (18).In any case, the study results suggest that health workers should(19) to watch televisi onduri ng painful procedures(20).Part B:Liste ning Comprehe nsion Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some question
9、s. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conver
10、sation.1. (A) A cha nge in French eati ng habits.(B) A boom in Ion g-hour meals in Fran ce.(C) The orig in of hamburgers.(D) The home of the sit-down mid-day meal.2. (A) A variation in food supply.(B) A cha nge in the workforce.(C) A rise in food prices.(D) A fall in white-collarization.3. (A) Baker
11、ies now offer a limited range of albeit excellent products.(B) There are about four kinds of bread, breakfast and dessert pastries.(C) Bakeries sell san dwiches mainly in the work in g-class areas.(D) France is curre ntly wit ness ing a boom in san dwich bus in ess.4. (A) Men usually like to eat mor
12、e hamburgers tha n wome n do in France.(B) Men, more likely to be working behind a jackhammer, need to eat so much.(C) Wome n make up almost half the labor force in France now.(D) Wome n have to pick up the childre n late from the day-care cen ter.5. (A) Because the bakeries have adapted the idea of
13、 fast food and made it French products.(B) Because the bakeries have offered someth ing thats very close to what is called fast food.(C) Because the hamburgers have ham and butter in them.(D) Because the hamburgers do not cost so much as those offered by McDon ald.Questio ns 6 to 10 are based on the
14、 follow ing n ews.6. (A) Three.(B) Four.(C) Eleve n.(D) Eightee n7. (A) To inten sify Tokyos role in peacekeep ing missi ons abroad.(B) To stop the coun trys air force tran sport missi on in Iraq.(C) To override the lower houses decisi on.(D) To approve the Democratic Partys bill to continue the mis
15、sion.8. (A) Worsening water scarcity.(B) Increasing risks of diseases.(C) Triggering mass displacement.(D) Reducing the population in Asia.9. (A) To resume peace talks which have been halted for a long time.(B) To forge and sign a peace treaty pledged by both sides.(C) To dispel his skepticism over
16、chances for a deal before he leaves office.(D) To open a 44-nation conference over the Middle East issue.10. (A) 60%.(B) 26%.(C) 21%.(D) 20%.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.11.(A) What to do to control crime.(B) What role a lawyer plays in a court case.(C) How to tell a harde
17、ned criminal from a first-time offender.(D) How to convict a criminal and put him in prison.12. (A) Deterrence.(B) Quick conviction.(C) The social structure.(D) The economy.13. (A) Education programs are not so effective as required.(B) Drug treatment programs are insufficiently funded.(C) Some reha
18、bilitation programs inside prisons have been stopped.(D) More people are convicted than prison space can accommodate.14. (A) These programs are mainly intended for the kingpins of drug deals to get rehabilitated.(B) These programs are currently carried out in most states in the country.(C) These pro
19、grams aim to develop a culture inside the prisons.(D) These programs have psychological and educational components.15. (A) Because gangs start in prisons and make prison a repressive experience.(B) Because criminals tend to be repeat offenders.(C) Because there is no stigma attached to most criminal
20、s.(D) Because society doesnt look at released prisoners with disdain.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.16. (A) How to in teract with colleagues and clie nts face to face.(B) How to make effective teleph one con versati ons.(C) What skills are n eeded to get and hold dow n a job.(D)
21、What makes for an excelle nt ability to express yourself.17. (A)Man agerial.(B) Tech no logical.(C) Finan cial.(D) Social.18. (A) Basic to adva need kno wledge of computer applicati on.(B) Ability to calculate all tran sact ions, profits and costs.(C) Creativity in making prese ntati ons to clie nts
22、.(D) Proficiency in at least one foreign Ianguage.19. (A) To create your own databases on the computer.(B) To enhance your social skills by hold ing parties with your frien ds.(C) To use the computer in free time and become familiar with its operation.(D) To store as many telepho ne nu mbers and add
23、resses as you can.20. (A) Graduat ing stude nts.(B) Trainee man agers.(C) Professi onal secretaries.(D) Low-level administrative staff.SECTION 4: LISTENING TEST (30 mi nu tes)Part A: Note-taking and Gap-fillingDirections: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk ON
24、LY ONCE. While listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have eno ugh in formatio n to complete a gap-fill ing task on a separate ANSWER BOOKLET. You will not get your TEST BOOK and ANSWER BOOKLET until after you have listened to the talk.Accord ing to traditi
25、 onal Cherokee beliefs, we are part of(1). We dont(2) withit and were not tryi ng to(3) it. We are a part of the Great Life. And within the Great Life,there are three great Laws of Nature, which tell us how we have to live in(4) witheveryth ing else. The First Law of Nature is that you dont take any
26、 life without real(5).So we should nt(6) n eedlessly. We believe everyth ing is alive, in cludi ng ani mals, pla ntsand(7). And so to us, tak ing the life of a pla nt is just as grave a(8) as tak ing thelife of an an imal. The Second Law is that everyth ing we do should(9) the Great Life.And everyth
27、 ing we do(10) the Great Life, and everyth ing that(11) with in theGreat Life affects us. So its very importa nt that what we do will not(12) other parts ofthe Great Life. The Third Law basically is that we dont(13) where we live. And wherewe live is not our(14), small com muni ty. Its this(15). We dont pour chemical(16) dow n the dra in beca
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