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1、毕 业 设 计(论文)(说 明 书)题 目: 洗面奶瓶盖注射模的设计 姓 名: 马康康 编 号: 平顶山工业职业技术学院 年 月 日平顶山工业职业技术学院毕 业 设 计 (论文) 任 务 书姓名 马康康 专业 模具设计与制造 任 务 下 达 日 期 年 月 日设计(论文)开始日期 年 月 日设计(论文)完成日期 年 月 日设计(论文)题目: A编制设计 B设计专题(毕业论文) 指 导 教 师 系(部)主 任 年 月 日平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会记录 机械工程 系 模具设计与制造 专业,学生 马康康 于 年 月 日进行了毕业设计(论文)答辩。设计题目: 洗面奶瓶盖注射模的设

2、计 专题(论文)题目: 洗面奶瓶盖注射模 指导老师: 答辩委员会根据学生提交的毕业设计(论文)材料,根据学生答辩情况,经答辩委员会讨论评定,给予学生 毕业设计(论文)成绩为 。答辩委员会 人,出席 人答辩委员会主任(签字): 答辩委员会副主任(签字): 答辩委员会委员: , , , , , , 平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)评语第 页共 页学生姓名: 马康康 专业 模具设计与制造 年级 07级 毕业设计(论文)题目: 洗面奶瓶盖注射模 评 阅 人: 指导教师: (签字) 年 月 日成 绩: 系(科)主任: (签字) 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)及答辩评语: 摘要工业在国民经济中的地位 模

3、具是制造业的一种基本工艺装备,它的作用是控制和限制材料(固态或液态)的流动,使之形成所需要的形体。用模具制造零件以其效率高,产品质量好,材料消耗低,生产成本低而广泛应用于制造业中。模具工业是国民经济的基础工业,是国际上公认的关键工业。模具生产技术水平的高低是衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志,它在很大程度上决定着产品的质量,效益和新产品的开发能力。振兴和发展我国的模具工业,正日益受到人们的关注。研究和发展模具技术,提高模具技术水平,对于促进国民经济的发展有着特别重要的意义。 塑料工业是当今世界上增长最快的工业门类之一,而注塑模具是其中发展较快的种类,因此,研究注塑模具对了解塑料产品的生产过

4、程和提高产品质量有很大意义。本设计介绍了注射成型的基本原理,特别是单分型面注射模具的结构与工作原理,对注塑产品提出了基本的设计原则;详细介绍了冷流道注射模具浇注系统、温度调节系统和顶出系统的设计过程,并对模具强度要求做了说明 模具工业在国民经济中的地位 模具是制造业的一种基本工艺装备,它的作用是控制和限制材料(固态或液态)的流动,使之形成所需要的形体。用模具制造零件以其效率高,产品质量好,材料消耗低,生产成本低而广泛应用于制造业中。模具工业是国民经济的基础工业,是国际上公认的关键工业。模具生产技术水平的高低是衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志,它在很大程度上决定着产品的质量,效益和新产品的

5、开发能力。振兴和发展我国的模具工业,正日益受到人们的关注。研究和发展模具技术,提高模具技术水平,对于促进国民经济的发展有着特别重要的意义。 我国模具技术的现状及发展趋势改革开放以来,我国的模具工业发展十分迅速。但与发达国家的模具工业相比,在模具技术上仍有不小的差距。今后,我国模具行业应在以下几方面进行不断的技术创新,以缩小与国际先进水平的距离。(1)注重开发大型,精密,复杂模具;(2)加强模具标准件的应用;(3)推广CAD/CAM/CAE技术;(4)重视快速模具制造技术,缩短模具制造周期本模具系统介绍了塑件的成形工艺及模具成型结构对塑件质量的影响分析,浇注系统的设计,模具成型部分和总装结构的设



8、。进行塑料产品的模具设计首先要对成型制品进行分析,再考虑浇注系统、型腔的分布、导向推出机构等后续工作。通过制品的零件图就可以了解制品的设计要求。对形态复杂和精度要求较高的制品,有必要了解制品的使用目的、外观及装配要求,以便从塑料品种的流动性、收缩率,透明性和制品的机械强度、尺寸公差、表面粗糙度、嵌件形式等各方面考虑注射成型工艺的可行性和经济性。模具的结构设计要求经济合理,认真掌握各种注射模具的设计的普遍的规律,可以缩短模具设计周期,提高模具设计的水平。关 键 词:生产工艺 ,注射模, 成型零件, 装配 ,塑料模具, 分型面论文类型:设计报告Abstract Industrys position

9、 in the national economy mold is a basic technique and equipment manufacturing sector, its role is to control and limit the material (solid or liquid) flow, so as to form the required shape. Mold manufacture parts for its high efficiency, product quality, lower material consumption, low cost of prod

10、uction is widely used in manufacturing. Mold industry is the basis of national industry, is internationally recognized as a key industry. The level of mold production technology is a measure of the level of a countrys products create an important symbol, which largely determines the quality of produ

11、cts, efficiency and new product development capability. Revitalization and development of Chinas mold industry, is increasingly of concern. Research and development tooling technology to improve the level of mold technology for the development of the national economy has a special significance. Plas

12、tics industry in the world today one of the fastest growing industry category, while the injection mold is one of the types of rapid development, and therefore the study of plastic injection molds for understanding the production process and improving product quality is very significant. This design

13、 introduces the basic principle of injection molding, in particular, is a single injection mold type surface structure and working principle of injection molding products made on the basic design principles; detailed description of the injection mold pouring cold runner systems, temperature control

14、system and the top the system design process, and the strength of the requirements to mold tooling industry position of mold in the national economy is a basic technique and equipment manufacturing sector, its role is to control and limit the material (solid or liquid) flow, so that the formation of

15、 the required form. Mold manufacture parts for its high efficiency, product quality, lower material consumption, low cost of production is widely used in manufacturing. Mold industry is the basis of national industry, is internationally recognized as a key industry. The level of mold production tech

16、nology is a measure of the level of a countrys manufacturing important symbol, which to a large extent determine the quality of products, efficiency and new product development capability. Revitalization and development of Chinas mold industry, is increasingly of concern. Research and development to

17、oling technology to improve the level of mold technology for the development of the national economy has a special significance. China mold technology status and development trend of reform and opening up, Chinas mold industry developed rapidly. But compared with developed countries, the mold indust

18、ry, the mold is still technically not a small gap. In the future, Chinas mold industry in the following aspects should be continuous technological innovation, to narrow the distance with the international advanced level. (A) focus on the development of large, precision, complex molds; (2) to strengt

19、hen the application of mold standard parts; (3) promotion of CAD / CAM / CAE technology; (4) emphasis on rapid tooling technology to shorten the manufacturing cycle Die This system introduces the plastic mold forming process and the structure of the plastic molding the quality of impact analysis, ga

20、ting system design, molding parts and assembly structure design. Introduced the design of injection mold cover the main points to note and to consider more structural adjustment of the mold, easy sex and die replacement costs. Starting from the control of dimensional accuracy of workpieces on the en

21、d cap injection mold of the main dimensions were calculated to determine the size of the working parts, parts from the mold design to the assembly process and other processes as well as a detailed elaboration and application of important parts of various CAD design. The start is from the part of mat

22、erial selection, took a shape parameter, density, shrinkage of established, mold and die design of the relationship between species, the size of the precision plastic parts and structures, the choice of injection machines, mold design and the size of the calculation ( including the mold cavity Core

23、line calculation and determination of tolerance), injection molding machine parameters checked, die structure design, mold cooling, heating system, injection mold assembly of standard parts selection and technical requirements and so on. Die structure design which is the main content of this design,

24、 its content includes parting surface selection, main channel and the shunt design and layout, launched a series of body-oriented institutions, the important parts mold design and processing method and Processing note points. This line more conducive to processing personnel action, so user-friendly

25、easy to process. This design is not only familiar with the books I have learned, but I do use what they have learned into practice, made me understand the whole process of plastic mold design and processing of the various elements of practice Through this design, injection mold can have a preliminar

26、y understanding of the design of some of the details of the note issue, to understand the structure and working principle of mold; through AutoCAD learning, you can create simple components parts store, and effectively improve efficiency. Through this system, injection mold design, I further underst

27、and the structure of injection mold design principles and the working parts and design elements, to understand the general procedures for injection mold design. The plastic products, mold design and molding products must first be analyzed, and then consider the gating system, the distribution of the

28、 cavity, oriented institutions, introduction of follow-up. Part drawings by products can understand the product design requirements. On the shape complexity and high precision products, products necessary to understand the purpose of use, appearance and assembly requirements for the liquidity from t

29、he plastic variety, shrinkage, transparency and products, mechanical strength, dimensional tolerance, surface roughness, insert form of the injection molding process to consider all aspects of the feasibility and economy. Die structure design economical, careful grasp of the universal design of inje

30、ction mold the law, can reduce mold design cycle and improve the level of mold design. Keywords: production technology, injection mold, molded parts, assembly, plastic mold, parting surface Paper Type: Design Report 目录第1章 拟定模具的结构型式.11.1塑件成型工艺性分析. 11.2分型面位置的确定. 11.3确定型腔数量和排列方式. 11.3.1型腔数目的确定. 11.3.2型

31、腔排列形式的确定. 21.4分型面位置的确定. 21.5注射机型号的选定. 21.5.1注射量的计算. 21.5.2塑件和流道凝料在分型面上的投影面积及所需锁模力的计算. 21.5.3选择注射机. 31.5.4注射机有关参数的校核. 3第2章 浇注系统的设计.42.1主流道设计. 42.1.1主流道尺寸. 42.1.2主流道衬套形式. 42.1.3主流道凝料体积. 42.2分流道设计. 42.2.1分流道布置形式. 42.2.2分流道长度. 52.2.3分流道的形状、截面尺寸以及凝料体积. 52.2.4分流道的表面粗糙度. 52.3流道校核. 62.3.1主流道剪切速率校核. 62.3.2分流

32、道剪切速率校核. 62.4浇口的设计. 62.4.1点口尺寸的确定. 62.4.2浇口剪切速率的校核. 72.5冷料穴的设计. 72.5.1主流道冷料穴. 72.5.2分流道冷料穴. 7第3章 成型零件的设计.83.1成型零件的结构设计. 83.1.1凹模(型腔). 83.1.2凸模(型芯) . 83.2成型零件钢材的选用. 83.3成型零件工作尺寸的计算. 93.3.1型腔径向尺寸. 93.3.2型芯径向尺寸.93.3.3型腔深度尺寸.103.3.4型芯高度尺寸.103.3.5型芯或型孔之间的距离.103.4成型零件强度及支承板厚度计算.113.4.1型腔侧壁厚度.11第4章 模架的设计.1

33、3第5章 排气槽的设计.14第6章 脱模推出机构的设计.15第7章 定距拉板机构的设计.16第8章 温度调节系统的设计.178.1 冷却水的体积流量.178.2确定冷却管道直径d.178.3确定冷却水在管道内的流速v. 178.4求冷却管道的总传热面积A.178.5求冷却水道的孔数n. 18第9章 导向定位系统的设计.19第10章 模具的装配.2010.1模具的装配程序.2010.2模具零件的装配工艺.21第11章 注塑机与模具的关系.2211.1注塑机与模具的关系.2211.2注塑机模座行程及间距和模具闭合高度的关系. 2211.3注塑机顶出装置和注塑模具顶出机构的关系.2211.4模具在注

34、塑机上的安装与调试.23第12章 结论.27参考文献.28致 谢.29第1章 拟定模具的结构型式1.1塑件成型工艺性分析该塑件是一塑料壳体, 塑件壁件属薄壁塑件,生产批量很大。材料为PC(聚碳酸脂):突出的冲击强度,较高的弹性模量和尺寸稳定性。无色透明,着色性和电绝缘性优良,透光性好,耐寒性好,使用性能好。但粘性大,流动性较差,耐磨性差。力学性能一般,易产生应力碎裂,适用于制造绝缘透件,透明件等。本塑件为透明件。1.2分型面位置的确定根据塑件结构型式,为便于塑件脱模和自动落料,塑件留在动模,并考虑和保证塑件的外观不遭到损坏,应选择三板双分型面。1、在定模座板与定模板之间2、在壳体的底平面。 1

35、.3确定型腔数量和排列方式1.3.1型腔数目的确定该塑件精度要求不高,又是大批大量生产,采用一模两腔的形式。考虑到模具制造费用低一点,设备运转费用小一点,初定为一模两腔的模具型式。1.3.2型腔排列形式的确定为了确保塑件质量的均一和稳定,尽量使型腔排列紧凑,便于减小模具的外型尺寸,本设计的型腔的排列方式采用单列直排。图2所示。为了保证塑件的外型尺寸和精度,此本设计采用脱模板推出脱模的方法。 图21.4模具结构型式的确定从上面分析中可知,本模具拟采用一模两腔,单列直排,推板推出,流道采用平衡式,浇口采用点浇口,定模需要设置分型面以便自动落料,动模部分需要一块脱模板,因此基本上可确定模具结构型式为

36、双分型面注射模。1.5注射机型号的选定1.5.1注射量的计算通过计算或Pro/E建模分析,塑件质量m1为109g,塑件体积流道凝料的质量m2还是个未知数,可按塑件质量的0.4倍来估算。从上述分析中确定为一模二腔,所以注射量为:m=1.4nm1=1.52109=348.8g1.5.2塑件和流道凝料在分型面上的投影面积及所需锁模力的计算流道凝料(包括浇口)在分型面上的投影面积A2,在模具设计前是个未值,根据多型腔模的统计分析,大致是每个塑件在分型面上的投影面积A1的0.20.5倍,因此可用0.4nA1来进行估算,所以A=nA1+A2=nA1+0.4nA1=1.4nA1=式中Fm=A =3.3640=1344KN式中为型腔压力,取40MPa(查表得到)。1.5.3选择注射机根据每一生产周期的注射量和锁模力的计算值,可选用SZ500/200卧式注射机(上海塑料机械厂),技术参数如表1所列:表1 注射机主要技术参数理论注射容量/500锁模力 /KN2000螺杆直径mm55拉杆内间距/mm570570注射压力MPa150移模行程/mm500注射速率(g/s)173最大模厚/mm500塑化能力(g/


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