委婉策略在商务谈判中的应用(毕业论文)-李金妹 -16260120418_第1页
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1、广东东软学院 毕 业 论 文题目:The Application of Euphemism in Sino-US Business Negotiation 委婉策略在中美商务谈判中的应用学 院:外国语学院专 业:商务英语班 级:16商英4班学生姓名:李金妹学 号:16260120418指导教师:谭赞提交日期:2020年4月10日题目性质: 理论课题 实践课题题目来源: 企业项目 科研课题 自拟题目 The Application of Euphemism in Sino-US Business Negotiation byLi JinmeiUnder the Supervision ofPro

2、fessor Tan ZanSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts诚 信 宣 言我,李金妹,郑重宣布:除了参考文献所标明引用的资料和内容之外,本论文中不包含有任何已经被其他高等教育机构所接受的学位或学历论文资料,也不包含有其他任何人已经正式出版的资料内容。 签字: 日期:DeclarationI declare that this document embodies the results of my own work and that it has been

3、composed by myself. Following normal academic conventions, I have made due acknowledgement of the work of others. Iamfullyawareofthelegalconsequencesofthisstatement.Signed: Date: 已经在导师的指导下进行多次修改,导师已同意提交定稿。 导师签名:日 期:iii广东东软学院本科毕业论文摘 要近年来,商务谈判的研究逐渐得到很多学者的青睐。由于国际商务谈判是以经济利益为目的、以价值谈判为核心,所以谈判者的语言表达能力、协调沟通

4、能力、思维转换能力都必须达到一定的专业水平。目前中美商务谈判的情况整体不太乐观。例如,中国与美国在国际商务谈判中因为中美的交流方式、思维模式、心理素质、文化差异以及语言表达不同,所以导致谈判屡次不爽,往往需要多次协商或者以失败而告终。通过分析顺应理论、面子理论和礼貌原则,研究了委婉策略在中美商务谈判中的应用。委婉策略是一种特殊的、间接的和重要的语言工具,它能够赢得对手的良好印象,并为建议者提供了在商务谈判中避免尴尬的退路。关键词:中美商务谈判;文化差异;委婉策略 ASTRACTIn recent years, the research of business negotiation has g

5、radually been popular with a great deal of scholars. Since international business negotiations are based on economic interests and value negotiation as the core, the negotiators abilities of language expression, coordination communication, and thinking conversion must reach on certain of professiona

6、l levels. Nowadays, overall situation of Sin-US business negotiations are not quite optimistic. For instance, in the international business negotiations between China and the United States, the Sino-US communication approaches, thinking methods, psychological qualities, cultural differences and lang

7、uage expressions are diversity. As a result, the negotiations have been repeatedly unsatisfactory requiring multiple negotiations or ending in failure. Through Adaptation Theory, Face Theory and Politeness Principles, the application of euphemistic strategies in Sino-US business negotiations is stud

8、ied. Euphemism is a particular, indirect and significant language tool, which maybe win the good impression of opponents and provide negotiators with a way to avoid embarrassment in the application of business negotiations.Key words:Sino-US Business Negotiation; Cultural Difference; Euphemistic Stra

9、tegy ContentsINTRODUCTION.2CHAPTER I LITERATURE REVIEW.31.1 Definition of Euphemism31.2 Definition of Politeness Principle31.2.1 Historical Background of China41.2.2 Equal Principles of China41.3 Definition of Psychology6CHAPTER II THE COMPARISON OF NEGOTIATING STYLYS IN SINO-US BUSINESS NEGOTIATION

10、.82.1 Communication of China and the United States82.2 Mindset of China and the United States9CHAPTER III THE APPLICATION OF EUPHEMISM IN SINO-US BUSINESS NEGOTIATION.113.1 Social Function of Euphemistic Strategy113.2 Expression of Euphemistic Strategy123.3 Face Theory of Euphemistic Strategy143.3.1

11、 Positive Face of Chinese Businessmen143.3.2 Negative Face of American Businessmen15CONCLUSION.17REFERENCES.18ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.20INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, the scholars both at home and abroad have been extremely interested in euphemism which is a sort of significant and momentous communicative lan

12、guage in business negotiation. The study mainly tells that through comparison between Euphemism and direct language, Euphemism which is produced under the constraints of the context is a general language phenomenon (H.J. Li 106). The application of euphemism is conducive to relax stressful and awkwa

13、rd atmosphere, maintain others faces and establish a long-term and friendly cooperation with proper degree in negotiation (Lin Yuhui ,2009:262). The students learning the subject of Business English should grasp negotiating skills based on positive and negative face-saving theories and polite princi

14、ples in order to flexibly and neatly deal with differences and deadlocks and develop practical negotiating skills(Xu Jie,2017: 207). Between Chinese and American businessmen, in term of negotiation, their negotiating styles are different, such as interpersonal relationships, laws, strategies and thi

15、nking, and so on. The businessmen should learn to leading knowledge and skills from different countries, nations and regions in negotiation aiming to avoid loses and destroy two sides faces (Zhang Xuemei,2006: 29-30). Nowadays, overall situation of Sin-US business negotiations are not quite optimist

16、ic, because the Sino-US communication approaches, thinking methods, psychological qualities, cultural differences and language expressions are diversity. Therefore, the further examination of euphemistic strategy are needed to find out better negotiating strategies maintaining long-term friendly com

17、munion between China and the United States in the future. In the present paper, we focus on the application of euphemism in Sino-US business negotiation.CHAPTER I LITERATURE REVIEW1.1 Definition of EuphemismA.S. Hornby says that “noun euphemism (for sth) an indirect or phrase that people often use t

18、o refer to sth embarrassing and unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable, words of good omen or good speech: pass away=die ”(2004:491). Definitely, euphemism is also one of communicative languages used to business negotiation, for instance, it would not only relief unpleasant and disagr

19、eeable disputes between both parties in business negotiation, but also respect mannerly partners faces. Kennedy, G. puts forward that the word if most useful to negotiators. “If” belongs to a kind of conditional sentences. (1998:108). Thus, if negotiators adopt “if” in business negotiation, they are

20、 available to an amazing outcomes of negotiations. At the same time, cooperators also think the other sides proposes is objective and reliable, and then consider moving on to the next term. In addition, “if”, a euphemistic expression, can maintains partners faces and eases some awkward atmospheres.

21、Xue Chunmeis masterpiece makes reference to “conditional sentences in euphemism”as well ( 2016: 206-207). Thus, the application of euphemism in business negotiation should not be neglected.1.2 Definition of Politeness PrincipleBrown and Levinson put forward that Politeness is a remedial action used

22、to balance destructive face threatening behavior. Richs politeness principle aims to maintain equal status and amicable relations between the two parties (Tang Heng, 2016: 179). The politeness principle not only avoids unpleasant conflicts, but also establishes a long- term relationship. In Sino-US

23、business negotiation, people need to make use of language to transfer kinds of information like negotiating conditions to develop interaction and communication, and respect others faces, significant and necessary.1.2.1 Historical Background of ChinaIn the past decade, China and the United States hav

24、e ever had a heavy competition and long-term cold war which lead to destroy a balance of the economic market of the world and consume large blocks of national resources, such as a large sum of money and much manpower. On the contrary, in recent years, China and the United States realize the negative

25、 and dangerous influences of the cold war, so the two countries thoughtfully and deliberately decide to stop the war, and create Sino-US business cooperation. Due to frequent and intimate Sino-US business communication, both countries gain a great breakthrough and economic income. 1.2.2 Equal Princi

26、ples of China While, Sino-US business negotiation is not only an opportunity which lets bygones and bygones and tries to make cooperation between China and the United States, but also is a new challenge which Chinese and American businessmen take advantage of different negotiating style influenced b

27、y different culture. Sino-US business negotiation is a trade transaction that China and the United States voluntarily and fairly exchange bargaining chips. In a few words, if American businessmen want successfully and smoothly to achieve a business negotiation with Chinese businessmen, American busi

28、nessmen must take mutual respect as the premise, equal treatment as the process and win-win as the result. The three principles China extremely lays emphasis on, because Chinese have learnt from many lessons of Chinese history in the past few years. For instance, before the reform and opening up, be

29、cause of backward economy and technology of China, China was forced to sign a number of unequal treaties of bereavement and humiliation: Treaty of Nanking, Treaty of Shimonoseki, and Boxer Protocol. Nowadays, the stronger Chinas economy and technology are, the higher international status and influen

30、ce of socialist China are. There are many counties attitudes completely changing, they are no longer dare to look down upon Chinas comprehensive strength. Besides, they are going to try to look for some opportunities to cooperate with China. Definitely, their transformations are not only a kind of “

31、positive politeness strategy” that the countries are willing to reach a consensus on Chinas principles, but also a “negative politeness strategy” which the countries need to save Chinas faces. As Xu Qi points out,Brown & Levinson states that “politeness strategy” consists of three parts, “direct str

32、ategy, positive politeness strategy and negative politeness strategy”. For instance, the positive politeness strategy focuses on the identity of both parties to make the listeners be aware of the consensus of their values each other. However, negative politeness strategy emphasizes individual freedo

33、m and independence, so speakers often use vague and indirect languages and sentences to give listeners a selection. (2014:44-45)As far as American business negotiators were concerned, they used to take advantage of threatening and intimidating languages in business negotiation and sometimes violated

34、 suddenly equal and cooperative treaties or agreements. One is that the United States is the biggest economy in the world, the other is that United States dollar is international currency being extensively used to international negotiation. In addition, only then was the United States satisfied with

35、 the outcome of business negotiation, but China and other countries did not gain fair and satisfactory results.Nowadays, China and the United States have signed the first stage agreement on Jan. 15th, 2020 in the White House in order to decline the risk of the trade war”, which is quite reasonable a

36、nd advisable selection proved this development in history between China and the United States, Taoran Note explains.But if the United States continues looking up upon Chinas terms and negotiating principles with some threatening behaviors and languages or only cares about how it may get, China canno

37、t also change own original principles and accept the unequal treatment. China not only indicates a firm stand which refuses American unfair and selfish requests and treaties, but also applies on face-saving strategies, the expression of euphemism, as to show China leading power style and largely avo

38、id the occurrence of business conflict between China and the United States. In a word, employing polite and indirect expression can remove “the burden of idols, like the USA, and reduce the distance between the two countries. That is a kind of honesty and courteous strategy which gains the other fav

39、orable impression and respects negotiators principle. 1.3 Definition of Psychology Baidu Encyclopedia explains that “Psychology is a science that studies human psychological phenomena and their mental functions and behavioral activities under its influence, taking into account outstanding theoretica

40、l and practical nature” (1). It is necessary and significant for any negotiator to apply on Psychology in Sino-US business negotiation, because cultural conflicts influence language expressions, thinking abilities, and cognitive abilities between Chinese and American business negotiators. In term of

41、 character, the majority of Americans are confident, enthusiastic, chatty and arrogant. One is American belief in Christianity, the other is the United States is the largest financial countries in the world. When American begin to negotiate with some countries which are relatively backward in econom

42、y, American business negotiators prefer directly and proudly express their standpoints or are indifferent to treat others negotiating conditions. On the contrary, Chinese are intrapersonal and cautious because they are influenced by Confucianism which advocates “Benevolence”. In business negotiation

43、, Chinese negotiators are good at taking indirect, mild and polite words and sentences in order to gain cooperators favorable impressions and acquire successfully opportunities to cooperate. In that way, Psychology is a virtually auxiliary instrument that helps negotiators explain the other parties

44、negotiating attitudes and moods in order to adapt relevant and targeted expressions and strategies avoiding embarrassing communications and wrong decisions. For instance, in American Business Negotiation Style, Mercedesuna points out that “making use of psychological characteristics” understands “th

45、e other parties practical situation” (4). In other words, if American negotiators want to make smoothly and successfully a negotiation with Chinese negotiators, the American maybe take good advantage of Psychology to understand Chinese negotiating attitudes and capture more useful and benefited info

46、rmation, especially, Chinese cautious and implicit characteristics or indirect and fuzzy words and sentences. This strategy also makes it available for Chinese businessmen. To be honest, business negotiation is a dynamic process which requires both parties to flexibly and expertly make use of commun

47、icating. That is to say, Chinese and American cooperators gain final and satisfied negotiating result before negotiating process is still tough because negotiators psychology is elusory and elusive in business negotiation between China and the United States. In A Thesis Writing Course for English Ma

48、jors, Pyscholinguistics is Interdiscipline of Linguistics and psychology and considers that language is conventional coding system of expressing thinking. In a word, it is not so much peoples minds language resolves as peoples perceptual abilities and historical review (Zhang Linxin, 2016: 151). For

49、 instance, some language expressions of a concession also demonstrate one of decent euphemism of strategy in psychology. When both negotiators cannot make an agreement or want to mutually strive for more benefit between China and the United States, they may come up with some advantageous and favorab

50、le negotiating chips and conditions with flexibly adhering to business concession principles and skillfully applying on concession techniques. CHAPTER IITHE COMPARISON OF NEGOTIATING STYLYS IN SINO-US BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONIn the Sino-US business negotiations, the euphemistic strategy played a decisiv

51、e role. Because of the cultural differences and different concepts between China and the United States, the negotiations often need to repeat in negotiations or end in failure. With regard to the differences in language expressions, psychological effects and different mindsets, the Chinese are influ

52、enced by the thought of Confucianism, so they are quite cautious in their life. Like the research of Zhang Xuemei: Influenced by Confucian culture, Face Theory has appeared all aspects and levels in society and directly affects business negotiations ( 2006: 30).On the contrary, American culture is a

53、 low-context culture which people generally adopt direct language to communicate with each other, so they will express their views directly and frankly and pursue efficient transactions. For instance, Chinese businessmen representative with high-context culture, so they are expect in expressing in t

54、actful, humorous, and vague language, while American businessmen stand for low-context culture, so they are skilled in straightforward negotiating language in international business English negotiations (Hu Qingqing, 2018: 116).2.1 Communication of China and the United StatesBusiness Negotiation is

55、a part of Cross-culture communication. Thus, when China and the United Stated make a negotiation, both of countries will be confronted with various of difficulties, such as, cultural conflict, language communication and racial discrimination, and so on. As far as China is concerned, there are extens

56、ive and profound cultures in China that influence profoundly generations of Chinese. For instance, in China nowadays Confucianism which was originally put forward Confucius is still one of mainstream thoughts. “Benevolence” is a core in Confucianism and one communicative method, so it affects extrem

57、ely Chinese communications and behaviors. In term of negotiation, Chinese prefer to make use of some indirect, polite and mild words, as euphemism, than direct and unpleasant languages in order to maintain properly others faces and promote largely business cooperation. However, Americans are partial to direct words to express simply and definitely their minds and suggestions, because their characters are developed,


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