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1、不锈钢管道预制施工方案一、Purpose目的This statement is compiled to ensure the construction quality of Bayer project pipe fabrication and meet the progress requirement. This statement is used to guide the fabrication of all Stainless Steel pipe afforded by CNF in Bayer MDI。为了保证项目管道预制工程的施工质量和满足工程进度要求,特编制本方案。本方案用以指导拜

2、耳异氰醋酸聚醚项目MDI联合装置内CNF承担的所有不锈钢材质管道的预制施工。二、Applicable Scope适用范围This statement is applicable for all Stainless Steel pipe fabrication work afforded by CNF in Bayer MNB(V210) / WNILINE(V310).本方案适用于拜耳项目MNB(V210)/WNILINE(V310)装置内CNF承担的所有不锈钢管道预制工程的施工。三、Reference 编制依据Technical specification and standard of t

3、his method statement:本方案编制依据的施工技术规范和标准为:(1) GB50235-97construction and acceptance of industrial metal pipe project GB50235-97 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范(2) GB50236-98welding project construction and acceptance specification of site equipment and industrial pipeGB50236-98 现场设备工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范(3) Bayer relevant t

4、echnical document standard 拜耳的相关技术资料(WN标准)(4) 管道相关图纸四、Overview工程概况1 Work scope 工作范围The scope of this project includes all Stainless Steel pipe fabrication of MNB/ANILINE包括MNB、ANILINE两个装置中的所有不锈钢管道的预制。2 Major project quantity 主要工程量Stainless Steel pipe in MNB is about 4679m (pipe dia DN15-DN600), which

5、 amounts to 70 of the whole run. MNB装置中不锈钢管大约4679米(管径DN15-DN600)占总管道的70Stainless Steel pipe in ANILINE is about 1900m(pipe dia DN15-DN400), which amounts to 20 of the whole run.ANILINE装置中不锈钢管大约1900米(管径DN15-DN400)占总管道的20。五、 Technical conditions技术条件1 Technical documents 技术文件 1.1 Three-dimensional pipi

6、ng drawing used for industrialized prefabrication 用于工厂化预制的管道三维图 1.2 Relative construction technical documents (working instructor, process procedure) and management procedure 相关的施工技术文件(作业指导书、工艺规程)和管理程序 1.3 Construction technical clarification card 施工技术交底卡1.4 Standard for piping materials and fitting

7、s 管材及配件尺寸标准2 Quality control documents 质量控制文件 2.1 Materials qualification or acceptance report材料合格证或验收报告 2.2 Working procedure handover slip操作工序交接单2.3 Conformance inspection table of piping prefabrication管道预制件的符合性检查表2.4 Tracking drawing and tracking sheet for welding craters焊口跟踪图及跟踪单2.5 Inspection r

8、eport (RT, PT, VT)检验报告(RT、PT、VT)六、不锈钢材料的验收及检验标准:1. 管道用材料,焊接用材料必须具有制造厂的合格证明书和质量证明 书,请业主协助完成此项工作。质量证明书应包括以下内容:l 产品标准号l 材料的牌号l 材料的炉罐号、批号、交货状态、重量和件数l 品种名称、规格及质量等级l 产品标准中规定的各项检验结果l 技术监督部门的印记。2. 按设计要求核对其规格、材质、型号。3. 外观检查:无裂纹、缩孔、夹渣、折迭、重皮等缺陷,所有管道壁厚均不得有负偏差。4. 法兰、焊环及盲板密封面平整、光洁、不得有毛刺及径向沟槽,螺栓,螺母的螺纹完整,无伤痕,无毛刺等缺陷,

9、配合良好。垫片,无折损、皱纹等缺陷。5. 经检验合格的管材,应按规格尺寸分别放置在专门设置的地方,严禁与钢材混堆和直接接触或碰伤。6. 材料负责人检查并收集管道、管件、阀门、焊丝等所有管材的合格证及质量保证书。7. 弯头、异径管、三通、法兰、盲板及紧固件等进行检查,其尺寸偏差应符合现行标准,材质应符合设计要求。8. 石棉、橡胶、塑料等非金属材料垫片应质地柔和,无老化变质或分层现象。表面不得有折损,皱纹等缺陷。金属垫片的加工尺寸、精度、光洁度及硬度应符合要求,表面应无裂纹、毛刺、凹凸槽径向划痕及锈斑等缺陷,包金属及缠绕式垫片不应有径向划痕、松散等缺陷。9. 对验收后的不锈钢材料(管子、管作、法兰

10、)每批进行5%的光谱分析检查。七、Fabrication preparation and step施工预制准备和步骤10. Preparation for fabrication预制准备10.1. According to the demand of Bayer project work, Stainless Steel fabrication yard is set in (CNF Weiwu Road).根据拜耳要求和施工的需要分别设置两个预制场地:不锈钢预制场设置在(CNF卫五路)10.2. Before fabrication, pipe professional technician

11、 shall timely do the shift work of drawings, mark weld NO. SW-shop weld; FW-field weld. The principle of drawing shift: expand fabrication depth based on the convenient transportation and installation together with plan sketch, in order possibly to finish fabrication work in fabrication shop and 管道预

12、制前,管道专业技术人员要做好图纸转换,标定焊口号:SW表示预制焊口,FW现场焊口,预制分段。图纸转换的原则是:为了尽可能多在预制车间内完成管道的制作,结合平面图在考虑方便运输与安装的前提下,尽量扩大预制深度。10.3. Any people who join the fabrication work (helper excluded) must be proficient technician. Worker who does pipe welding must hold effective certificate being conformed to the work they conduc

13、t. These people must have received the welder training of this project and has qualified the test.凡参加管道预制作业的人员(辅助工除外)必须是熟练的技术工人。参与管道焊接的工人必须持有与所从事的作业相符且在有效期内的合格证书,并经业主焊工培训考试合格的施工人员。10.4. Properly requisite fabrication material as per fabrication progress, received material must have certificate and r

14、e-check report. The vent and hygiene shall be good in fabrication yard, equipment process ability in fabrication shop shall meet the operation requirement and have good operation performance. Tool and machines in fabrication shop shall be complete, having special lay down area and full time keeper.

15、Equip one set of 3m 3 oil-free compressor and corresponding line arrangement for in-pipe blow of pipe fabrication piece. 根据预制进度计划合理领用预制材料,领用的材料必须具有产品合格证或复验报告。必须是经过标色的不锈钢管道:HB/1.4306(褐色);H2/1.4404(无);H1/1.4307/1.4306(蓝色);HU/1.4539(桔黄色)。预制场地应有良好的通风状态和卫生环境,预制车间的设备加工能力须满足预制的操作要求,并具有良好的操作性能。预制车间的工机具应齐全,并

16、有专门的堆放场所和进行专人管理。预制场地需要隔离的地方,用橡胶皮或石棉板做好隔离准备。配制一台3m 3无油空压机及相应的管线布置,用于管道预制件的管内吹扫。2 Fabrication step (see Appendix1) 施工预制步骤material requisition and check领料、核对材料 ID transfer of pipe 管子标识移植 size lineation划线标注尺寸 baiting and cutting下料切割 Pipe ID transfer管子标识移植 Groove treatment坡口加工 aStainless Steelembly and w

17、elding 组对、焊接 weld ID焊缝标识 Visual Inspection目视检查 NDT inspection NDT检查 spools clean管段清洁 spool ID管段标识 seal and storage 封口保护、堆放储存 2.1 Batching 配料Full-time material person shall be in charge of batching, in principle, batching of piping fittings shall be completed as isometric axis drawing, all requisited

18、 material must be marked for batching and construction.配料应由专职材料员负责,原则上按等轴图进行管配件配料,所有领用的材料必须进行标识后,方可领出配料施工。2.1.1 Batching work shall be made according to prefabrication weekly plan and material delivery as per isometric axis drawing.配料工作应根据预制周计划和材料到货情况按等轴图进行配制。2.1.2 Special box can be used separately

19、 for storage as each isometric axis drawing. It is also allowable to batch in several drawings or tens of drawings; furthermore, batched material schedule shall be pasted on the box.可按每张等轴图用专用箱子分开配放,也可几张或几十张图纸开在一起配好,并在箱子上贴上配好的材料清单。2.1.3 When prefabrication personnel requires (of specially delivery),

20、 requisition persons shall recheck according to material schedule and sign it for confirmation. One list shall be in two copies; requisition person and material person keep each one copy.预制人员领用(或专送)时,领用者应按材料清单进行复查并在清单上签字确认,清单一式两份,领用者和材料员各保管一份。2.2 Bating and cutting 下料切割2.2.1 Spool field bating and c

21、utting shall be done after reviewing spool isometric, the major reviewing point: 管段现场下料切割前应首先对管段单线图进行审核,主要审核:l Drawing number, line number, spool number and material is as per design or not. 图号、管线号、管段号及材质是否与设计相符;l Spool segment and reserved weld for field installation of each isometric axial drawing

22、 is reasonable or not, and field resurvey for spool fabrication size shall be necessarily conducted. Accurately calculate when confirming baiting size of each spool, mainly considering about difference between fabrication spool size and baiting spool size, baiting spool size shall deduct theoretical

23、 size of elbow, tee and reducer, as well as regulated weld assembly gap; and thickness of flange and gasket, as well as theoretical size of other fittings (such as valve, filter; etc). confirm practical size of fabrication baiting after measuring in order to increase the measuring accuracy. 每一张等轴图的管

24、段分段、现场安装预留口是否合理,并应对管段预制尺寸进行必要的现场复测。在确认每一段下料尺寸时,应精确计算,主要考虑预制段尺寸和下料段尺寸之间的差异,下料段尺寸应去除弯头、三通、大小头等管配件的理论尺寸以及规范规定的焊口组对间隙;法兰、垫片的厚度以及其它配件(如阀门、过滤器等)的理论尺寸。以提高测量准确度,测量后确定预制下料的实际尺寸。2.2.2 Original mark shall be transferred before cutting pipes, pipe material without mark or with blurry mark shall not be used. 管子切

25、割前应移植原有标记,没有标记或标记模糊不清的管材不得使用。2.2.3 Pipe cutting generally adopts mechanical method, any following machine can be adopted according to situation: 管子切割必须应采用机械方法,根据情况可采用下列任何一种机械:l Pipe lathe管子车床l Band saw machine带锯床l Abrasion wheel cutting machine 不锈钢专用砂轮切割机和砂轮片2.2.4 Stainless steel pipe also can be cu

26、t by plasma cutting machine. 不锈钢管也可以用等离子切割机进行切割。2.2.5 When stainless steel pipe is cut by abrasion wheel cutting machine or grinded by abrasive disk, must use alumina substrate, and abrasion sheet which has cut or grinded stainless steel cannot be used to cut or grind stainless steel pipe. 不锈钢管用砂轮切割

27、机切割或用砂轮打磨时,必须用氧化铝基的砂轮片,且切割或打磨过碳素钢的砂轮片不能用来切割或打磨不锈钢管。2.2.6 Pipe cut shall be as per the following requirement: 管子切口质量应符合下列要求:l Cut surface shall be smooth, free of crack, double skin, burr, concave and convex, contracted opening, sinter, oxide, slag or other defects or debris. 切口表面平整,无裂纹、重皮、毛刺、凹凸、缩口、熔

28、渣、氧化物、铁屑等。l Tilting error of cut end face shall not be 1% bigger than external diameter of pipes, and no more than 3mm.切口端面倾斜偏差不应大于管子外径的1,且不超过3mm。(如执行的标准不同时,按相应标准执行)2.3 Groove Processing 坡口加工2.3.1 Groove shall be processed after marking and cutting on pipe (material) by construction personnel accord

29、ing to fabrication isometric drawing shifted by technical person. Beveled spool shall be put on process bench (fabrication shop) for groove grinding. 施工人员依据技术人员已转化的预制单线图纸对管道(素材)进行划线、切割下料后进行坡口加工。坡口加工的管段应放置在加工台上(预制车间)进行坡口打磨; 2.3.2 Groove type and size of pipe and fitting shall be conformed to requirem

30、ent of corresponding to drawing and design document, when there is no demand on design, confirm as per item B.0.1 of GB50235-97 Appendix B.管子、管件的坡口型式和尺寸应符合相应的图纸和设计文件的要求,当设计无规定时,按GB50235-97规范附录B第B.0.1条规定确定。 2.3.3 Processing of piping slope is commonly adopting mechanical method, for example, after sl

31、ope is processed in a way of heat processing, oxide skin, sinter and surface layer that will have effect on the quality of joints at slope shall be removed, and the place that is convex or concave shall be ground and leveled. Stainless steel shall be cut or grinded by special abrasion sheet, and can

32、not be mixed with carbon steel abrasion sheet. 管道坡口加工一般采用机械方法,不锈钢管道的坡口加工可采用坡口机加工或等离子切割加工方法。采用等离子切割方法加工坡口后,必须除去坡口表面的氧化皮、熔渣及影响焊接质量的表面层,并应将管子端面的凹凸不平处打磨平整。不锈钢切割或打磨时应使用专用砂轮片,不得与碳钢砂轮片混用。 2.3.4 No matter which method is used, after slope opening is processed, oil, water, rust and other debris shall be clea

33、ned无论用哪一种方法,坡口加工完毕后,均应去除油圬、水份、铁锈等杂物。2.4 Weld assembly 焊口组对2.4.1 Assembly 组对l When assembling, clean groove and its internal and external surface as per the following table: 组对时,对坡口及其内外表面应按下表要求清理干净:Pipe material 管道材质Clean range清理范围Cleaning material清理物Cleaning method清理方法CS碳素钢SS不锈钢AS合金钢10Oil, paint and

34、 rust油、油漆铁锈等Manual or machine手工或机械Aluminum or A-alloy铝及铝合金50Oil and oxide film油、氧化膜Use organic dissolvent to remove oil, use chemical or mechanical method to remove oxide film.用有机溶剂除油,用化学方法或机械方法除氧化膜Copper and copper alloy 铜及铜合金20Titanium 钛50l Use gasket material to isolate the bench and support used

35、 for stainless steel assembly. 对于不锈钢管组对用的台架、支承架等,应用衬垫材料进行隔离。l After assembling, shall keep pipe straight. 组对后,应保持管子的平直。l As for the thin wall pipe easily deforming during welding, use special clamp to fix it during assembly. 对于焊接时易产生变形的簿壁管,组对时应使用专用夹具进行固定。l During weld assembling, inner wall shall be

36、 smooth , unfitness of inner wall shall not be beyond 10% of wall thickness and not more than 2mm.焊口组对时,应做到内壁平齐,内壁错边量不宜超过壁厚的10%,且不大于2mm。l During assembling pipe component with uneven wall thickness, repair as per item 6.2.3.b and then assemble. 不等厚管道组成件组对时,应按6.2.3.b条要求进行修整后再进行组对。l Further check whet

37、her there is scratch on sealing surface of flange or not during assembly, if there is scratch that shall influence flange sealing, this flange shall not be used. 法兰时应进一步检查法兰的密封面有无径向划痕,如果发现有影响法兰密封的划痕,该法兰不得使用。l If the flange is connected with valve, ensure site installation of valve is as per the desi

38、gn requirement during assembly. 如果是连接阀门的法兰,在组对时要保证阀门在现场安装时符合设计要求。l Put pad under the butt-welded pipe to ensure it is firm, in order to avoid the deformation during welding, strong force shall not be used for assembly during connecting pipe. 管子对口后应垫置牢固,避免焊接过程中产生变形,管道连接时不得强力组对。l All assembled welding

39、 joint size shall comply with the requirement of design document or drawing. 所有组对好的焊接接头尺寸应满足设计文件或图纸的要求。2.4.2 Welding 焊接l Operation requirement during the whole welding (including pipe welding, non-destruction inspection, weld repair; etc) see pipe welding method statement of pipe fabrication plant.

40、整个焊接过程(包括管道焊接、无损检测、焊口返修等工序)的操作和要求详见管道预制厂管道焊接方案和焊接工艺卡。2.5 Superficial treatment of stainless steel pipe weld 不锈钢管道焊缝的表面处理2.5.1 If there is requirement in design document regulation or implementation standard, superficial treatment shall be used for all stainless steel pipe weld, remove oxidizing laye

41、r until the base metal color shall be exposed. 如设计文件的规定或执行的标准有要求,应对所有的不锈钢管焊缝的外表面进行处理,去除表面氧化层,达到金属母材本色。2.5.2 Generally use pickling cream (mordant) to wash it, also shall use other methods to brush it, like stainless steel wire, the concrete operation shall be as per corresponding standard. 处理方法一般采用酸

42、洗膏(酸洗液)进行酸洗,涂液4小时后在焊口处用不锈钢钢丝刷进行刷擦,具体操作应执行相应的标准。2.6 Mark on pipe fabrication piece 管道预制件的标记2.6.1 Mark all pipe fabrication piece according to spool NO on isometric. 对所有管道预制件进行标记,按等轴图上的管段编号进行。2.6.2 use mark pen or pain to mark Welder ID (welder NO or weld NO)焊工标识(焊工号及焊口号)应采用记号笔或油漆进行。(注意:油漆必须和底漆相同cl-mm

43、p)2.6.3 Mark shall be clear and remain for a long time at least when this spool is finished installation标记应清晰,且能保持较长时间。至少应保持到该管段安装完毕。2.7 Cleanness of pipe fabrication piece 管道预制件清洁度Cleanness inspection shall be conducted on fabricated spool, there is no foreign matter inside pipe, such as welding sl

44、ag, oil, rubble, if there is debris, use scrub or air blow to clean them. 对于预制好的管段进行清洁度检查,管内不得有焊渣、油迹、石子等外来物,如有杂物,应用擦洗或压空吹扫的办法来进行清除,清除后立刻进行管口的包装保护,防止异物再次进入。2.8 Conformity inspection of fabrication piece 预制件的符合性检查Conformity inspection (as per proportion)is conducted to pipe fabrication piece according

45、 to design document requirement, main content is as follows: 应根据设计文件要求,对管道预制件进行符合性检查(按比例),主要内容如下:2.8.1 Ensure the material specification, type and material is correct. 确认使用材料的规格、型号、材质正确无误。2.8.2 Ensure pipe fabrication spool size is conformed to drawing requirement. 确认管道预制段的尺寸符合图纸要求。2.8.3 Ensure weld

46、 appearance quality and non destruction inspection is conformed to design document requirement. 确认焊缝的外观质量和无损检验满足设计文件要求。2.8.4 Fill in conformity inspection record of pipe fabrication piece(see attachment 2) 填写好管道预制件符合性检查记录(见附录2)Note: conformity inspection record of fabrication piece is confirmed and

47、filled in by QC personnel. 说明:预制件的符合性检查记录由QC人员负责检查确认填写。2.9 Pack for pipe fabrication piece 管道预制件的包装保护2.9.1 Use polyethylene cap to seal for pipe end of small bore pipe fabrication piece. If pipe cap is loosening, use adhesive tape to fix on pipe. 对于小口径的管道预制件的管端用聚乙烯管帽进行封口,如管帽较松时,可用胶粘带固定在管子上。2.9.2 Use

48、 clean white glabrous cloth or polyethylene plastic cloth to pack and use adhesive tape to fix for pipe end of big bore pipe fabrication piece. 对于大口径的管道预制件的管端用清洁的无毛白布或聚乙烯塑料布包扎并用胶粘带固定。2.9.3 Flange surface generally use adhesive plate to pack, use nylon (galvanized iron wire) to bind and fix through t

49、he hole pre-drilled on flange bolt and cover plate. 法兰面一般用胶合板进行包装,包装方法可用尼龙绳(镀锌铁丝)通过法兰螺栓孔和盖板上预先钻好的孔绑扎固定。2.9.4 If there is additional requirement for design, use polyethylene film to pack the whole stainless steel fabrication piece. 如果设计另有要求,对整个不锈钢预制件用聚乙烯薄膜包裹起来。2.9.5 对检查合格以及包装保护好的预制件按照指定的地点存放。存放的原则是先装

50、置后系统再管线。2.9.6 对检查合格以及包装保护好的预制件及时输机进行有效管理,保持预制件的可追溯性。八、Safety and technique measure (JHA Appendix 3)安全技术措施(JHA分析附录3)l All workers entering fabrication shop must wear uniform work clothes, helmet and crash-proof shoes. 进入预制现场的所有作业人员必需穿公司统一工作服,戴好安全帽,穿防砸劳保鞋。l No smoking in construction area and site off

51、ice area, smokers shall go to indicated place for smoke. 施工区域、预制场办公区域严禁吸烟,吸烟人员必须到指定地点吸烟。l Major danger: fire and explosion proof must be done as per relevant regulation when welding or cutting, fire work must be done with permit and as per regulation. People who conduct site groove grinding or cutti

52、ng with angular abrader, abrasion wheel cutter and acetylene cutter must wear protective glasses and mask; set isolation screen if necessary in order not to damage people around. Mask must be worn to protect eyes when cooperating with welding work. Change abrasion sheet when its effective radius is

53、grinded into 1/3 of original radius, abrasion sheet with defect and crack is prohibited to use. 主要危险点:焊接或切割时要做好防火防爆措施,必须按防火防爆安全施工有关规定。使用角向磨光机、砂轮切割机以及乙炔割刀进行预制场坡口打磨或火炬切割作业人员必需戴防护眼镜或防护罩;为了不伤及周围作业人员,必要时设置隔离屏风。配合电焊作业时,须戴防护面罩以保护眼睛。砂轮片的有效半径磨损到原半径的1/3时必须更换,砂轮片有缺损或裂纹者严禁使用。l Oxygen and acetylene bottle must b

54、e far away from fire and be vertically located and fixed. 氧气、乙炔气瓶必须远离动火点,并且绑扎固定竖直立放。l Before welding and cutting, first clean environment around, remove combustibles or use fire-proof cloth (blanket) to isolate combustibles in order to protect flammable equipment and commodity. Extinguisher must be set in fabrication yard during work. 在进行焊接或切割作业前,要先清理周围环境,移除或用防火布(毯)隔离可燃物、保护易燃易爆的设备及物品。班组作业时预制现场必需放置消防灭火器材。(危险点)l Far away from gas and heat source in order to prevent explosion which hurt people. 远离气源、热源,小心爆炸发生造成人身伤害。l Follow site saf


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