



1、高考英语考点聚焦(二)一、“in +n. +of ” 短语归纳:in search of 寻找 in memory of 为了纪念in favour of 赞同、支持 in honor of 为了纪念、向表敬意in case of 以免、万一 in spite of 虽然、尽管in terms of 就而言、从角度 in need of 需要in fear of 担心 in praise of 表扬in charge of 负责 in respect of 就而论、在方面二、含有介词to的常考短语归纳:be/get used to 习惯于 be/ get accustomed to 习惯于ge

2、t down to 着手认真做 be exposed to 暴露于be opposed to 反对 object to 反对stick to 坚持 attend to 专心、注意、照料contribute to 贡献、捐献、有助于 apply to 应用、运用in addition to 除以外 look up to 尊敬respond to 回答、作出回应 have access to 进入、获得be equal to 和相等 be familiar to 为熟悉due to/ owing to 由于、因为 be similar to 和相似be addicted to 沉溺于、对上瘾 co

3、mpareto把比作、比较devote/dedicate/commit oneself to (=be devoted to) 致力于、献身于lead to 导致 make contributions to 对作贡献look forward to 盼望 pay attention to 注意see to 负责,留意 (see to it that) add up to 加起来总计take to 喜爱,习惯于 be senior to 年龄长于be superior to 比优越、比.好 be subject to 服从、易遭受When it comes to谈到.时 turn to 转向、求助

4、于thanks to 多亏、由于 reply to 回答in / with regard to 关于三、使用不定冠词a/an 的固定词组归纳:all of a sudden 突然 as a matter of fact 事实上at a distance 相隔一段距离 at a loss 不知所措as a rule 作为常规 in a way 某种程度上、有点儿have a good knowledge of 对有了解 as a whole 作为整体来说keep an eye on 留心、照看 turn a deaf ear to 对充耳不闻四、使用定冠词the 的固定词组归纳:in the f

5、orm of 以形式 in the habit of 以习惯for the time being 暂时 in the long run 终究、到最后by the hour 按小时 on the whole 总的来说out of the question 不可能 to the point 切题keep the peace 维持治安 on the contrary 相反的是hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸 take sb. by the hand 拉着某人的手五、含有it 的固定句型归纳:take it for granted that 想当然以为bring it to ones

6、 attention that 引起某人注意的是see to it that 务必/留意make it a rule that 使成为惯例owe it to sb. that 把归功于depend on it that 指望、依靠六、常考的介词与名词搭配归纳:an approach to sth. 学习的方法 a solution to the problem 问题解决的办法ones attitude to/towards sth. 对待的态度effect / influence / impact on sth. 对造成的影响access to sth. 有机会或有权利接近、获得congrat

7、ulations on sth. 对的祝贺in / under such circumstances 在这种情况下on that occasion 在那种场合in that case 如果那样的话with ones help/ support/ permission/ guidance 在某人的帮助/支持/允许/指导下七、含义相反的一组名词归纳:cause and effect 因果关系 advantages and disadvantages 优点与缺点strengths and weaknesses 长处与短处differences and similarities 异同agreement

8、 and disagreement 一致与分歧八、有无定冠词the 含义完全不同的词组归纳:1. in charge of 负责 in the charge of 被 由.负责2. in possession of 拥有 in the possession of 为拥有3. the second time 第二次 a second time 又一次4. at table 在就餐 at the table 在桌旁5. out of question 不成问题 out of the question 不可能6. take place 发生、举行 take the place of 代替7. in

9、future 今后、从现在起 in the future 将来8. in hospital 在住院 in the hospital 在医院里九、部分抽象名词即使被形容词修饰也不加a/an的归纳:weather 天气 word (=news) 消息 advice 忠告fun 乐趣 information 信息 progress 进步experience 经验 music 音乐 equipment 设备furniture 家具 wealth 财富 luck 运气damage 损坏 courage 勇气 bread 面包十、不定冠词a/an构成的常见短语的意义归纳:a beer 一杯啤酒 a coffee 一杯咖啡 a Mr. Black


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