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1、会计学1 现在完成时动词转换现在完成时动词转换 现在完成时是由助动词现在完成时是由助动词have(has)+过去分词过去分词构构 成成 其否定句在其否定句在Have/has后加后加not. 一般疑问句把一般疑问句把 have/has提到主语前提到主语前. 第1页/共11页 通常与通常与 时间副词时间副词 just(刚刚)(刚刚), already(已经)(已经), before, yet(一般疑问:已经;否定句:还)(一般疑问:已经;否定句:还) never, ever等状语连用等状语连用 I have never heard of that before. Have you ever rid

2、den a horse? She has already finished the work. Have you milked the cow yet? Ive just finished my homework. He has not come yet. 第2页/共11页 2。表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,。表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,通通 常和常和 for(段时间)(段时间), since(点时间)(点时间) 引导的时间状语引导的时间状语 以及以及 so far, by now, these days, in the last ten years 等连用。等连用。

3、 I have been here for just over two years. I havent seen her these days. She has learnt English for 6 years/since 6 years ago. They have lived here since 1990. What has happened to the USA in the last 50 years? 第3页/共11页 瞬间动词与延续性动词的转换瞬间动词与延续性动词的转换 come/go be (in) leave be away borrow keep buy have di

4、e be dead get to know know begin/start be on go out be off arrive be here/there marry/get married (to) be married (to) fall asleep/get to sleep be asleep join the Party be in the Party - be a member of the Party go to school be in the school 第4页/共11页 catch/get a cold have a cold join the army be in

5、the army - be a soldier - be a member of the army go to school be a student finish be over close be closed open be open 第5页/共11页 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I have bought a new dictionary for a week. I have had a new dictionary for a week. 我买一本新词典已有一星期了。我买一本新词典已有一星期了。 They have come here for two

6、 days. They have been here for two days. 他们来这儿已经两天了。他们来这儿已经两天了。 He has joined the League member for two years. He has been a League member for two years. 他已入团两年了。他已入团两年了。 The man has been dead for several years. The man has died for several years. 这个人已经死了几年了。这个人已经死了几年了。 第6页/共11页 第7页/共11页 till11ocloc

7、k. 第8页/共11页 Joe has to go home now, doesnt he? 第9页/共11页 Put the following sentences into English. 1.A: 火车已经开走了火车已经开走了. B: 什么时候开走的什么时候开走的? A: 半个小时之前开走的半个小时之前开走的. 2.A: 这本书我已经买了两年了这本书我已经买了两年了. B: 你在哪儿买的你在哪儿买的? A: 在我老家买的在我老家买的. 3.A: 你看过这部电影吗你看过这部电影吗? B: 看过看过. A: 什么时候看的什么时候看的. B: 上周星期天看的上周星期天看的. A: The train has left. B: When did it leave. A: It left half an hour ago. A: have you seen the film? B: Yes, I have. A: When did you see it? B: I saw


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