



1、高一(上)英语必修二Unit5 Music基础词汇巩固一 词性转换1. music n. _ adj. _ n. 2. painful adj. _n. 3. perform v. _ n. 4. humorous adj. _ n. _ adv.5. attract v. _n. _ adj. 6. confident adj. _n. 7. act v. _ n. _ n. (男演员) _ n. (女演员)8. devotion n. _ v. 9. sensitive adj. _ n.10. invitation n. _v. 二 单词填空1. The doctor is _ (执行)

2、an operation now.2. He expressed it in the _ (形式)of music.3. They started to play their own _ (乐器)and write their own songs like a real band.4. I gave up because I didnt have any _ (自信心) in myself.5. Increasing numbers of people are _(敏感的) to pollen(花粉).6. After the lunch we parted, so I didnt know

3、what happened to him a_.7. The boy sings so well that he dreams of being a m_ tomorrow.8. The assistants of the library are s_ out the books.9. The former USSR(苏联) b_ up many years ago.10. The Internet games are a_ to some young people.11. Even the medium can play j_ on the president on April Fools

4、Day.12. Youll get an e_ gift if you buy something during the Christmas.13. The poor girl was kneeling on the ground, begging money from the p_.14. Im sure she is h_ with me although I met her for the first time.15. We left our hometown and moved to the big city to e_ much money.三 选择词组填空dream of to b

5、e honest attachto in cash play jokes on rely onbe familiar with or so break up in addition sort out above all1. The watch costs 200 yuan _. 2. I _ this type of machine, so I think I can help you.3. _, make sure you keep in touch. 4. It is the kind of trip that most of us can only _. 5. _, I dont bel

6、ieve what you said just now. 6. The shop charges less if the customer pays _.7. The boys _ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldnt find them. 8. Sentences can be _ into phrases and words. 9. Please _ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.10. Many people now _ the Internet for new

7、s.四 单项选择1. During the busiest season like National Day, Spring Festival, the traffic company provides _ buses for the traveler. A. extra B. certain C. various D. unusual2. When will the meeting _? -At about 11 oclock. A. break up B. bread down C. break out D. break into3. Tom put his heart into the

8、wildlife research, and finally, his efforts _ him great success and fame. A. saved B. earned C. made D. offered4. I cant give my son the leading position. _, he is too young; secondly, I want Mr. Smith to have the job. A. After allB. First of allC. Above allD. In all5. The stamps were _ according to

9、 their styles and features. A. found out B. sorted out C. put out D. taken out6. I am a stranger here. So the city isnt familiar _ me. A. with B. by C. in D. to7. Dont pretend _ when you dont. A. knowing B. know C. to know D. to knowing8. There are forty-five students _ in our class. A. about B. or

10、so C. around D. so9. Every student is required to watch the teacher carefully before _ the chemistry experiment. A. performing B. taking C. picking D. having10. The school is _ to Beijing Normal University. A. attached B. belonged C. devoted D. adding五 句子翻译1. 我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好. (sort out)2. 我们不能浪费任何东

11、西,最重要是不要浪费时间。(above all)3. 戏弄盲人是不礼貌的。(play jokes on) 4. 另外,我们不能总是依赖父母们。 (in addition, rely on)5. 他的幽默是我们所熟悉的。(be familiar to) 6. 似乎飞机在空中解体了。(break up)M2Unit5 Music 词汇参考答案一词性转换1. musical; musician 2. pain 3. performance 4. humor; humorously5. attraction; attractive 6. confidence 7. action; actor; act

12、ress8. devote 9. sense 10. invite二单词填空1. performing 2. form 3. instruments 4. confidence 5. sensitive6. afterwards 7. musician 8. sorting 9. broke 10. attractive11. jokes 12. extra 13. passers-by 14. honest 15. earn三选择词组填空1. or so 2. am familiar with 3. Above all 4. dream of 5. To be honest6. in cash 7. played jokes on 8. broken up 9. sort out 10. rely on四单项选择15 AABBB 610 DCBAA五句子翻译1. I spent a whole morning sorting out my books.。2. We mustnt waste anything. Above all, we


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