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1、大学英语考试复习资料北京成人本科英语真题1994年06月大学英语考试复习资料北京成人本科英语真题1994年06月北京成人本科英语真题1994年06月Part Reading Comprehension(略)Part Vocabulary and StructureDirections: In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the

2、 sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.问题:1. What _ next will be discussed at todays meeting.A.will doB.to doC.shall we doD.to be done答案:B解析 本题测试动词不定式的疑问式。例如:The question is what to do and how to do next(问题是下一步做什么及怎么做。)本句的意思是:“今天的会议将讨论

3、下一步将做什么。”问题:2. Mr. Baker sent his son to the doctor _ an X-ray check.A.givesB.to giveC.being givenD.to be given答案:D解析 本题测试动词不定式的被动语态。本句的意思是:“Baker先生把儿子送到医生那里接受X光检查。”因此要用被动语态。例如: He wanted the letter to be mailed at once(他希望信件立刻被邮寄。)问题:3. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _.A.shoneB.shin

4、esC.has shoneD.was shining答案:D解析 本题测试过去进行时的用法。过去进行时表示在过去某一段时间正在进行的动作,常需用表示过去的时间状语或通过上下文来判断时间。例如:She was listening to English broadcast when I came in. (当我进去的时候,她正在听英文广播。)本句的意思是:“当我到达山顶时,太阳正光芒四射。”问题:4. They spent all their spare time, _ their spare money, on their experiments.A.as much asB.as well as

5、C.as long asD.as soon as答案:B解析 本题测试“as.as”引导的短语。本句的意思是:“他们把所有空闲时间和余款都花在了实验上。”as much as:与一样多,差不多;as well as:也,又;as long as:只要,在时候;as soon as:一就。问题:5. After being tested in many Ways, this newly-designed machine will _in the near future.A.take its placeB.put into useC.come into useD.take action答案:C解析

6、 本题测试的是固定搭配。come into use意为“开始被使用”。例如:The method will come into use after the experiment(实验之后这个方法将开始被使用。)本句的意思是:“在被用多种方法测试过之后,这台新设计的机器不久将开始被使用。”问题:6. Mother warned _ the electric lamp.A.not to touchB.him not to touchC.him not touchingD.him not touch答案:B解析 本题测试动词不定式的否定结构。“warn sb to do sth”的否定形式为“war

7、n sb not to do sth”。例如:She warned me not to touch the machine(她警告我不要碰这台机器。)本句的意思是:“母亲警告他不要碰电灯。”问题:7. She always felt inferior _ her older sister.A.withB.fromC.toD.on答案:C解析 本题测试固定搭配。be inferior to 意为“在之下;不如、劣于”。例如:His work is inferior to mine(他的工作不如我。)本句的意思是:“她总认为自己不如姐姐。”问题:8. Ill talk to him, _ I do

8、nt think it will do any good.A.althoughB.whichC.ifD.unless答案:A解析 本题测试四个连词的用法。although意为“虽然,尽管”:通常用来引导让步状语从句。例如:Although they have been talking for a long time, he cannot make her believe him(尽管他们谈了很长时间,但是他还是不能让她相信自己。)本句的意思是:“尽管我认为这起不了任何作用,我仍会和他谈谈。”问题:9. Tom never gets up early and he doesnt like to

9、be _ 10:00 a. m.A.called offB.called forC.called atD.called on答案:D解析 本题测试call短语动词的用法。call off:停止,放弃。例如:The workers called off the strike(工人们停止了这次罢工。)call for,要求,需要。例如:This work calls for great patience(这份工作需要极大的耐心。)call at:拜访,访问;其后一般跟某地。call on:拜访,访问,后面一般跟某人。例如:Ill call on him tomorrow(明天我去拜访他。)本句的意

10、思是:“汤姆从不早起,因此不喜欢早上10点被人拜访。”问题:10. Good use must be _ the computer which is now sitting idle.A.made ofB.made up ofC.made fromD.made out of答案:A解析 本题测试与make有关的短语。make of:由制造,处理,对待;make from,由制造;make out of:用制造;make up of:由构成。本句的意思是:“必须充分利用闲置的计算机。”因此,只有 make of取“处理、对待”含义时,才能讲得通。问题:11. The story was said

11、 to have been based on the information from a reliable _.A.sourceB.foundationC.originD.basis答案:A解析 本题测试四个名词的辨析。source指来源,原始资料。本句的意思是:“据说这个故事是以可靠的原始资料为基础的。”因此选项A为正确答案。foundation:基础,根本。例如:He laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work(他以学习和努力的工作奠定了成功的基础。) origin:起源,由来。例如:The origins of

12、some words are unknown(某些词的起源是不可知的。)basis:基础,根据。例如:What is the basis of your opinion?(你的观点的根据是什么?)问题:12. Anne asked Tom _ the key.A.when he leftB.where he had leftC.how had he leftD.why did he leave答案:B解析 本题测试宾语从句的用法。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,即“连接词+主语+谓语十其他成分”。特别强调:它的主语和谓语的语序是陈述语序,而不是疑问句的倒装结构。例如:Can you tell me

13、who we have to see?因此B是正确答案。本句的意思是:“安妮问汤姆把钥匙放在了哪里。”问题:13. The customer accused the cook _ using canned potatoes.A.forB.withC.ofD.against答案:C解析 本题测试固定搭配。accuse sb of.:指控/指责某人。例如:The police accused him of murder. (警方指控他谋杀。)本句的意思是:“顾客指责厨师使用罐装马铃薯。”问题:14. _ is one of good properties of this metal.A.Light

14、 in weightB.Having been light in weightC.Be light in weightD.Being light in weight答案:D解析 本题测试的是语法知识。light在表示“轻”这一含义时是形容词,所以“light in weight”不能作主语;be是动词原形,因此“be light in weight”不能作主语;“轻”是一种状态,因此用动名词的完成式是不正确的;“being light in weight”作为动名词短语,可以充当主语。本句的意思是:“质量轻是这种金属的良好属性之一。”问题:15. That car must have cost

15、 a lot of money.Oh, no, _.A.it mustntB.it hasntC.it doesntD.it didnt答案:D解析 本题测试情态动词must+现在完成时的用法。“must have + done sth”表示对过去时间里可能发生的事情的推测,语气较强,具有“肯定”、“想必”的意思。既然是对过去事情的推测,其否定回答应该是“it didnt”。问题:16. He gave no opinion about the matter because he didnt want to risk _in it.A.to involveB.being involvedC.t

16、o be involvedD.involving答案:B解析 本题测试动词risk的用法。risk后面通常跟动名词,表示“冒的危险”。本句的意思是:“对于这件事情他没有发表任何看法,因为他不想冒被卷入的风险。”因此选项B为正确答案。问题:17. Dont forget to post the letter for me, _?A.do youB.will youC.are youD.can you答案:B解析 本题测试祈使句的反意疑问句的用法,疑问部分应用“will you”)。因此B是正确答案。本句的意思是:“别忘记为我寄信,你会吗?”问题:18. If you _ that night,

17、you might have been too late to get your tick- et.A.didnt hurryB.hadnt hurriedC.wouldnt hurryD.hadnt to hurry答案:B解析 本题测试虚拟语气的用法。与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的构成是:“If+主语+had done(过去完成时),主语+would(should/ could/might)+have done”。本句的意思是:“如果那天晚上你不快点,你取票就会太迟了。”问题:19. We must recover the stolen goods at all _.A.accountsB.c

18、onditionsC.paymentsD.costs答案:D解析 本题测试固定搭配的用法。at all costs或at any cost的意思是:不惜任何代价,无论如何。本句的意思是:“我们必须补偿被偷的货物。”问题:20. There is no one here who can _ the problem.A.see offB.treatC.deal withD.set up答案:C解析 本题测试动词及动词词组的用法。deal with:处理,安排;see off:送行;treat:对待,治疗;set up:建立,树立。本句的意思是:“这里没有一个人能处理这个问题。”因此,C为正确答案。

19、问题:21. His parents died when he was young, so he was _ by his aunt.A.bredB.fed upC.brought upD.grown up答案:C解析 本题测试词汇辨析。本句的意思是:“他小时候父母去世了,因此由婶婶抚养大。”breed意为“繁殖,生育”。fed up为固定词组,意思是“厌烦,厌倦”。例如:She was fed up with their complaints(她听够了他们的抱怨。)bring up 意为“抚养,教育”。grow up意为“成长,长大”,为不及物动词词组。问题:22. He finds it

20、difficult to _ himself to the climate here.A.accountB.accustomC.applyD.adopt答案:B解析 本题测试固定词组“accustom to”的用法,其意为“习惯于”。例如: I dont accustom to getting up so early to do morning exercise (我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。)本句的意思是:“他发现自己很难适应这里的气候。”问题:23. Water, when boiled, always _ steam.A.gives outB.gives upC.gives offD.g

21、ives away答案:C解析 本题测试give动词短语的用法。give out:分发,发出(气味、热等)。give up:放弃(念头、希望等),停止。give off:发出(蒸气、光等)。give away:分发,放弃。本句的意思是: “水烧开了,经常发出蒸气。”因此C为正确答案。问题:24. You can never _ that fellow for help at a critical moment.A.take onB.hold onC.count onD.hang on答案:C解析 本题测试固定搭配。take on:披上,呈现,具有。 hold on:继续,不挂断。count o

22、n:依靠,指望。hang on:坚持,不挂断。本句的意思是:“在关键时刻,你一点也不能指望那个家伙的帮助。”因此C是正确答案。问题:25. There was so much noise that the speaker couldnt make himself _.A.hearingB.being heardC.to hearD.heard答案:D解析 本题测试固定搭配“make oneself done”,过去分词作补语,表示“使自己被”,意思就是:“让别人”。例如:The teacher could not make himself paid attention to because t

23、he students were so noisy(这个教师不能让学生将注意力集中到他身上,因为学生们太吵了。)本句的意思是:“吵闹声太大以致演讲者无法让别人听到自己说的话。”问题:26. With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy _ to a hospital.A.sendB.to be sentC.being sentD.sending答案:C解析 本题测试非谓语动词的用法。本句的意思是:“这位老太太泪流满面,看着那个小男孩被送往医院。”本句的时态是进行时,语态是被动语态,因此C是正确答案。问题:27. Jane

24、s dress is similar in design _ her sisters.A.withB.likeC.toD.as答案:C解析 本题测试固定搭配。be similar to:与相似,be different from:与不同;the same as:与一样。要注意介词的不同。本句的意思是:“简的衣服在设计上和她姐姐的相似。”因此,C为正确答案。问题:28. He stood waving until the train was out of _.A.sightB.signC.reachD.scene答案:A解析 本题测试固定表达方式。out of sight原意为“在视野之外”,表

25、示“看不见,看不到”。例如:Out of sight,out of mind(眼不见,心不烦。)本句的意思是:“他站在那儿挥手,直到火车消失在远方。”问题:29. Id like to go to Hangzhou with you, only I cant _ two weeks off work.A.offerB.leaveC.affordD.manage答案:C解析 afford的意思是:经受得住;承担得起。例如:Can you afford $ 12 000 for the dress?(你花得起12 000美元买这件衣服吗?)本句的意思是:“我很愿意与你一起去杭州,但我无法丢下工作两

26、周。”问题:30. He said there was nothing to be _A.ashamedB.ashamed inC.ashamed ofD.ashamed at答案:C解析 本题测试固定表达方式。ashamed of意为“耻于”。例如:He was ashamed of the mistake he had made(他对自己所犯的错误感到羞耻。)本句的意思是:“他说没有什么可感到惭愧的。”问题:31. Return the book immediately to the library as soon as you _ with it.A.finishB.are finish

27、edC.have finishedD.are finishing答案:A解析 本题测试时态的用法。在when,as soon as等连词引导的时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。finish with sth:用完,完成。本句的意思是:“你一看完这本书,请立即归还给图书馆,”问题:32. John isnt the same man _ before.A.what he wasB.that he wasC.who he wasD.as he was答案:D解析 本题测试固定搭配。“the same as”为固定搭配,意思是:和一样。本句的意思是:“约翰和以前不一样了。”问题:33. _ th

28、e book again, she discovered that she had missed a lot in her first reading.A.While readingB.When readC.As readingD.In reading答案:A解析 本题测试while和when的区别。when和while都有“当时候”的意思。when既可表示某一时间点,也可以表示某一时间段。在when引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的;可与主句中的谓语动词同时发生,也可在其后发生。例如:I was just reading a book when she cam

29、e Into my room(她走进我的房间时,我正在看书。)而while只能表示某一时间段,不能表示某一时间点。在while引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性的,而且也只能与主句中的谓语动词同时发生或存在。例如:You cant do your homework while youre watching TV(你不能一边看电视一边做家庭作业。)另外,when和while的区别还在于:while引导的时间状语从句多用进行时态,而when引导的时间状语从句多用一般时态。例如:While they were talking, the bell rang(正在他们谈话的时候,上课铃响了。)

30、I was doing my homework when my mother came back home yesterday evening(昨天晚上妈妈回家的时候,我正在做家庭作业。)本句的意思是:“再读这本书时,她发现在她第一次阅读时漏掉了许多东西。”问题:34. I decided to buy a car because we had sold _ we had in England before leaving.A.thatB.the otherC.whichD.the one答案:D解析 本题测试“替代”的用法。the one表示特指某人或事物,后面常有定语修饰,它和前面提到的名

31、词是同类异物关系。本句的意思是:“我决定买车,因为我们在离开英格兰之前把车卖掉了。”问题:35. The moon is a world that is completely still and _ utter silence prevails.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.whenever答案:B解析 本题测试定语从句的用法。where引导定语从句,在从句中做地点状语。本句的意思是:“月球是一个完全寂静的世界,那儿到处都是沉寂。”问题:36. The top of the hill was _. There were no trees.A.emptyB.vagueC.bareD

32、.dull答案:C解析 本题测试四个形容词的辨析。empty意为“空的,空洞的,空虚的”;强调没有内容或实质的。如:an empty box(空盒子);an empty room(空房子);empty promises(空洞的许诺)。vague意为“含糊的,不清楚的,茫然的”。如:a vague idea(模糊的思想);a vague answer(含糊的答复)。bare意为“赤裸的,无遮蔽的,空的”。如:trees standing bare in November(11月树木光秃秃的);a bare head(光头)。dull意为“暗淡的,灰暗的,迟钝的,无聊的”。如:a dull min

33、d(迟钝的头脑);a dull boy(笨孩子);a dull day(阴天)。本句的意思是:“山顶光秃秃的,没有树。”因此C为正确答案。问题:37. So far I havent _ any instructions as to what to do next.A.receivedB.acceptedC.achievedD.recovered答案:A解析 本题测试四个动词的辨析。receive意为“收到,接收”。accept意为“接受,同意”。achieve意为“完成,获得”。recover意为“恢复,复原”。本句的意思是:“到目前为止,我还没有收到下一步该做什么的指令。”因此A为正确答案

34、。问题:38. Leave me alone; mind your own _.A.eventsB.affairsC.thingsD.matters答案:B解析 本题测试固定表达方式。“mind your own business/ affairs”的意思是:自管自吧。本句的意思是:“别理我,自管自去吧。”问题:39. I _ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night.A.might fallB.must fallC.must have fallenD.can have fall

35、en答案:C解析 本题测试情态动词must的用法。“must+现在完成时”表示对已发生的事情的一种肯定的猜测。本句的意思是:“我一定是在拐角处睡着了,我对那晚所发生的一切什么也想不起来。”问题:40. Your experiment reports must be checked with care beforeA.handed them inB.them handing inC.being handed inD.handing them in答案:C解析 本题测试非谓语动词的用法。before为介词,后面接动名词,根据题意应用动名词的被动式。本句的意思是:“你的实验报告在被递交前必须经过仔细

36、检查。”Part IdentificationDirections: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.问题:1. As no one in the small village knew nothing abou

37、t Medicine, Mrs. Smith, a former nurse, had to work as a doctor.A.knewB.nothingC.had toD.as答案:B解析 去掉nothing。本句是一个想表达否定意思的句子,主语部分已经出现了否定词,因此后面就不能用否定词nothing,否则双重否定就表达肯定的意思了。本句的意思是:“由于这个小村庄里没有人懂得医学,曾做过护士的史密斯夫人就不得不充当起医生来了。”问题:2. There are two kinds of computers there, both of them are widely used today

38、.A.thereB.themC.widelyD.used答案:B解析 应该改成which。本句是非限定性定语从句。本句的意思是:“有两种类型的计算机,这两种类型今天都得到了广泛应用。”问题:3. Many unexpected problems have been arisen in the course of the reconstruction of the city.A.ManyB.have beenC.courseD.of the city答案:B解析 have been应改成have。arise为不及物动词,意思是:出现;发生。如:That question did not arise因此不能用被动语态。问题:4. Running slowly for some three miles every day is proved a good form of exercise.A.someB.is provedC.formD.exercise答案:B解析 应改为ve在这里是不及物动词,意思是;原来(是),证明、证实(是)。如:My advice proved to be wrong(我的意见被证实是错的。)本句的意思是:“每天慢跑约3英里被证实是一种良好的锻炼方式。”问题:5. The weather is not


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