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1、VENTILATING IN THE TRANSITION SEASON 季节转换时的通风季节转换时的通风 YANYAI Bernard Green Transition Season Ventilation (Autumn, Spring) 转换季节通风(秋季,春季)转换季节通风(秋季,春季) During autumn and spring: 秋季和春季: Day can be warm/hot 白天可能比较暖和/热 Night can be cold 晚上可能较冷 In day use transition and/or tunnel ventilation 白天采用过渡期通风或纵向通风

2、 At night use minimum ventilation 晚上 采用最小通风 So, the house must change to tunnel ventilation in the day and change back to minimum ventilation at night. 因此,鸡因此,鸡 舍在白天需要纵向通风,晚上又要换回最小通风舍在白天需要纵向通风,晚上又要换回最小通风 This means that the house MUST be automated! 这就意味着鸡舍必须自动控制! Transition Season Ventilation (Autum

3、n, Spring) 转换季节通风(秋季,春季)转换季节通风(秋季,春季) Minimum Ventilation (at night): 最小通风(晚上): The tunnel ventilation inlet must close and seal 纵向通风进风口必须关闭与密闭纵向通风进风口必须关闭与密闭 This is probably the biggest minimum ventilation problem 这可能是最小通风时的最大问题这可能是最小通风时的最大问题 If the tunnel inlet does not seal properly, the minimum

4、ventilation will not work properly 如果纵向通风进风口不能适当密闭,最小通风就 不会很好运行 Inlets operate automatically on negative pressure 进风口的操作由负压自动控制 The Most Critical Part Of Your Minimum Ventilation System? 最小通风系统最关键的部分?最小通风系统最关键的部分? If the tunnel inlet does not close tight, your minimum ventilation system will not fun

5、ction properly 如果纵向通风进风口不能适当密闭,如果纵向通风进风口不能适当密闭, 最小通风就不会很好运行最小通风就不会很好运行 Transition Season Ventilation (Autumn, Spring) 转换季节通风(秋季,春季)转换季节通风(秋季,春季) Using plastic to cover the tunnel inlet is not good enough 采用塑料薄膜不足以完全封闭纵向进风口 You cannot take the plastic off in the day and put it back on properly at nig

6、ht 不能够在白天把塑料薄膜拆掉,晚上又用薄膜封闭纵向进 风口 The house must have enough side wall inlets to operate in “transitional ventilation” if necessary during the day 鸡舍必须有足够的侧墙进风口以便白天有必要时进行“过 渡期通风” The house design must be correct 鸡舍设计必须正确 Transitional Ventilation 过渡期通风过渡期通风 Can be seen as a 3rd ventilation system 可以看作是

7、第三种通风方式 Involves extra sidewall inlets 需要额外的侧墙进风口 Uses minimum and some tunnel ventilation fans together 混合使用最小和纵向通风风机 Air introduced through sidewall inlets 空气从侧墙进风口进入鸡舍 Allows high air volume without TV effect 允许大的进风量,又没有纵向通风的风冷效应 Provides transition from CV to TV 提供从横向通风过渡到纵向通风 Used when more than CV is required, but too “early” to go to TV 在超出横向通风量但是在没有达到纵向通风量的情况下使用 DO NOT switch to TV too early! 不要太早转换成纵向通风 You can stress the birds with too much air movement even if the temperature is high 即便在较高的温度条件下,过大的空气流动可能会对鸡群产生应激即便在较高的温度条件下,过大的


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