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1、毕 业 论 文开题报告 题 目: magic realism in toni morrisons beloved 开题报告填写要求1开题报告(含“文献综述”)作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,经指导教师签署意见及所在专业审查后生效。2开题报告内容必须用黑墨水笔工整书写或按教务处统一设计的电子文档标准格式(可从教务处网页上下载)打印,禁止打印在其它纸上后剪贴,完成后应及时交给指导教师签署意见。3“文献综述”应按论文的格式成文,并直接书写(或打印)在本开题报告第一栏目内,学生写文献综述的参考文献应不少于

2、10篇。4有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标gb/t 740894数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写。如“2008年11月20日”或“2008-11-30”。毕业论文开题报告1结合毕业论文课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写500字左右的文献综述:literature reviewbeloved (1987) is a pulitzer prize-winning novel by toni morrison. the novel, her fifth, is loosely based on the life and legal case of

3、 the slave margaret garner, about whom morrison later wrote in the opera margaret garner (2005). the books epigraph reads: sixty million and more, by which morrison refers to the estimated number of slaves who died in the slave trade.many themes are explored by scholars. the first major theme about

4、this novel is the impact of slavery systerm. beloved is a novel based on the impact of slavery and of the emancipation of slaves on individual black people.the effects of slavery on the self are inherited as a kind of intrinsic torment. it examines both the mental and physical trauma caused by slave

5、ry. historical implications of the novel are also studied upon by critics. many scholars find that toni morrison wrote beloved on a foundation of historical events. history is woven throughout the novel. the middle passage is referenced along with the underground railway in many parts of the novel;

6、the sixty million and more to whom morrison dedicates the novel may refer to the many who died during the middle passage.the role of beloved is another major topic of heated discussion. some scholars think that beloveds appearance reawakens memories of slavery among the other characters, and they ar

7、e forced to deal with their pasts instead of trying to repress their memories. they maintain that on an allegorical level, beloved represents the inescapable, horrible past of slavery returned to haunt the present. her presence, which grows increasingly malevolent and parasitic as the novel progress

8、es, ultimately serves as a catalyst for sethes, paul ds, and denvers respective processes of emotional growth. the motif of self-identity is also touched upon by other critics. beloved explores the physical, emotional, and spiritual devastation wrought by slavery, a devastation that continues to hau

9、nt those characters who are former slaves even in freedom. the most dangerous of slaverys effects is its negative impact on the former slaves senses of self, and the novel contains multiple examples of self-alienation.the use of symbolism is also discussed by lots of scholars. the trees, the tin tob

10、acco box, the color red are the three major symbols in the novel.mother-dauther relationship is also another major concern of scholars. mother-daughter relationships. slavery creates a situation where a mother is separated from her child, which has devastating consequences for both parties. often, m

11、others do not know themselves to be anything except a mother, so when they are unable to provide maternal care for their children, or their children are taken away from them, they feel a lost sense of self. similarly, when a child is separated from his or her mother, he or she loses the familial ide

12、ntity associated with mother-child relationships. bibliographyartwood, margaret. “haunted by their nightmares.” new york times book review, 1987 (9) : 49- 50.bayles, martha. “special effects, special pleading.” new criterion, 1988 (5): 34-40.bowers, susan. “beloved and the new apocalypse.” journal o

13、f ethnic studies, 1990 (18): 59-77.brown, rosellen. “the pleasure of enchantment.” nation, 1987 (12): 418-21.clemons, walter. “a gravestone of memories.” newsweek, 1987(13): 74- 75.crouch, stanley. “aunt medea.” new republic, 1987 (197): 38-43.韩昱馨.宠儿中塞丝重获自我的实现. 佳木斯大学社会科学学报,2006(3):22-23.刘霞. 寻找自我的历程论

14、托尼莫里森宠儿中人物的主体性. 涪陵师范学院学报,2004 (4):12-15.王道水.漫漫解放之路解读托尼莫里森的宠儿邵阳学院学报,2006(2):44-45.王守仁,吴新云. 性别种族文化托尼莫里森与二十世纪美国黑人文学. 北京:北京大学出版社,1999.詹妮特a克莱妮编, 李燕译. 女权问题理论和应用. 北京:东方出版社,2006.毕业论文开题报告本课题研究的主要内容和拟解决的问题:主要内容: 托尼莫里森是当今世界文坛上的一位杰出的黑人女作家。她“以其富于洞察力和诗情画意的小说把美国现实的一个重要方面写活了”。她的长篇小说宠儿于1987年问世,并获得1988年的普利策文学奖,被誉为莫里森的代表作。因为作者将小说植根于自身的黑人文化传统,在创作中既吸收了西方现代文学流派的精髓,又运用了拉美的魔幻现实主义手法,形成了其独特的艺术风格。通过对魔幻现实主义的运用,莫里森在小说中充分将神奇与现实巧妙地交织在一起,创造出了强烈的魔幻式美学震撼效果,并深化了作品对现实的反映。本文从魔幻现实主义写作手法入手,阐述了魔幻现实主义的创作原则在宠儿中的具体体现,以


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