已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit4Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsI. Put the following Chinese into English.实盘 firm offer虚盘 non-firm offer确认,保兑 confirm保兑的 confirmed不可撤销的 irrevocable汇票 draft/bill of exchange即期 at sight以为条件,为准 subject to及时,适时 in due course规格 specifications殷切地 with keen interest品名 commodity/Art.No.数量 q

2、uantity包装 pack(-ing)装运 ship(-ment)支付 pay(-ment)承诺过多 to be heavily committed / to have heavy commitments按照要求 as requested如所陈述 as stated如所约定 as agreed另邮 under separate cover/by separated mail分期付款 to pay in installments /to make payment in instllmentsII. Multiple choice1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.c 9

3、.b 10.a 11.a 12.d 13.b 14.c 15.dIII. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms1.sale 2.buying 3.priced 4.price 5.sell 6.price 7.bought 8.buys 9.sold 10.prices 11.selling 12.boughtIV. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1. We learn from you letter of April 3 that yo

4、u are interested in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools.贵方4月3日来函收悉,得知贵方有意与我方建立业务往来关系并欲购买我方工具。2. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in the US.承蒙我驻美大使馆商务参赞处帮助,我们得知贵公司名称和地址。3. Your company has been introduced to us by R.G. N

5、elson & Co., Ltd. As prospective buyers of Chinese sewing machines. As we deal in sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.承蒙R.G.纳尔逊有限公司推荐,得知贵公司为中国缝纫机潜在买主。本公司经营该产品,我们很高兴与您建立业务关系。4. As we are in the market for mens leather shoes, we should be pleased if yo

6、u would send us your best quotations.我们想购买男式皮鞋,请寄来最优惠的报价为感。5. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities.如能按要求的型号和质量供货,我们将定期大量订购。6. Your letter of September 2 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by yo

7、u fall within the scope of our business activities.贵方9月2日函收悉。很高兴通知你方,所需货物属于我们的经营范围。7. In compliance with your request, we are sending you a range of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive in time and be found to your satisfaction.按要求特寄我方系列棉布产品剪样,希望能及时到达并令你方满意。8. Thank you fo

8、r your letter of September 4 informing us that you find our canned meat satisfactory and that you consider placing a trial order with us.感谢你方9月4日来函,通知我方你对我们的肉罐头很满意并考虑向我试订。9. Enclosed is our pro-forma invoice No. 3422 in duplicate covering 500 Everlasting brand bicycles for shipment during October.关于

9、10月船期的500辆永久牌自行车,现随函寄去我方形式发票No.3422一式两份。10. As a result of the favorable supply situation we are able to offer you firm, for immediately delivery.由于供应情况良好,我们可报实盘,即期交货。11. As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to place your order without delay.由于所报价格格外低且有上

10、涨的可能,我方建议立即订购。12. We can offer you a wide range of sizes and types from stock.各种尺寸、型号的系列产品,我们均可供现货。13. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality.很遗憾地通知你方,所需质量的货物我们暂无现货。14. We are sure that those goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward to you

11、r first order.我们可以肯定,这些货将会满足你方要求,并等候你方首批订货。15. Packing charges are included in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.价格包括包装费,任何时候都可交货。V. Put the following sentences into English.1. 如果你方能降价5%,我们相信成交是有能的。If you can reduce your price by 5%, we believe it is possible for us to conclude t

12、he deal.2. 我公司是本地区最大的电视机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的电视机已有29多年了。Our company is one of the leading importers of TV sets in this area and we have been handling various brands of TV sets for over 20 years.3. 兹确认我们今晨给你们电报50公吨花生的实盘,一周内复到有效。We confirm having faxed you a firm offer for 50 tons of peanut, subject to your

13、 reply reaching us within one week.4. 因为订单过多,我们只能接受11月船期的订单。As we are heavily committed, we can only accept orders for shipment in November.5. 你方报的价格还是有竞争力的,但是交货期不能接受。The price you quoted is competitive, but the date of delivery cannot be accepted.6. 如果你方能报盘200辆飞鱼牌自行车,3/4月船期,我们将非常感激。Well highly appr

14、eciate it if you can offer 200 Flying Fish bicycles for shipment in March and April. 7. 关于支付条件,我们要求不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。As for payment terms, we ask for an irrevocable sight L/C.8. 按照你方3月15日来信的要求,我们给你方作如下报盘。According to your request of March 15, we are making you an offer as follows.9. 由于价格合理、质地优良,我们的棉

15、布很畅销。Owing to the reasonable price and fine quality, our cotton piece goods sell fast.10. 目前此项货物有限,我们建议你方从速接受我方报盘。As a result of the limited stock of the article, we suggest you accept our offer as soon as possible.11. 我们充其量只能给你方3%的佣金。The best we can do is to allow you 3% commission.12. 花生行市目前见疲,除非你

16、方能减价5%,否则我们无法达成交易。As the peanut market is declining, we can hardly conclude the business unless you reduce the price by5% .VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message.1. enquiring 2.direct 3.quotation 4.otherwise 5.receipt 6.subject 7.confirmation 8.discount 9.catalogue 10.brochure11.

17、separate 12.specific 13.appreciatedVII.Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese.(A)敬启者:很高兴通知你方,我们有意购买贵方羽绒被。为熟悉货物质量和工艺,我们请求航寄一些商品小册子、样品及有关各种规格货物的所有必要信息。同时,请报附单内每样产品的 CIF纽约最低价,含佣3% 。此地价廉物美的商品市场前景可观。若样品及价格令我方满意,你方有望获得大量订单。预致谢意,期待贵方合作。 谨上(B)敬启者:很高兴收到你方元月15日询盘。按要求

18、,现随函寄去我带插图的商品目录及价格单细目,同时另函寄去全套样品一份。相信贵方研究后会认同我方产品确系价廉物美。对于常规订购单项商品在50打或以上者,我方将予以5% 的折扣。因柔软及保暖性能好,尼龙床单越来越受欢迎。检查我方价格后,贵方将不难看出,我们的产品难以满足目前的需求。如贵方能在月底前下订单,我们保证收到订单后两周内可以交货。提请贵方留意我其他尼龙产品(详情见目录)并恭候首批订单。 谨上(C)敬启者:11月21日函悉,今晨已发电报作复。谅必您已从传真中得悉,我们可报250长吨钢管实盘,每长吨620英镑,CIF拉哥斯到岸价,即期信用证支付。此报盘以一周内复到为准。如您所知,市场上对钢管需

19、求甚殷,不可能持盘太久。还望贵方注意,需求活跃势必导致价格上扬。盼早复。 谨上VIII. Translate the following letters into English.(A)Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of September 15 and the enquiry enclosed for our White Rabbit pajamas.As your request, we are making you a firm offer for 20,000 dozen womens pajamas at USD48.5 per doz. C

20、FRC 5% Lagos for shipment in July/August, 2006. Payment is to be made by confirmed, Irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight. This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us within one week. The relative sample and catalog have been sent by separate mail.Please note all the prices quoted are bottom prices and no counter-offer will be accepted. If you agree to the above, pl


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