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1、河北省邯郸市大名县第一中学2020-2021学年高二英语3月月考试题河北省邯郸市大名县第一中学2020-2021学年高二英语3月月考试题年级:姓名:19河北省邯郸市大名县第一中学2020-2021学年高二英语3月月考试题注意事项:1. 本次考试由四部分组成,考试时间120分钟,满分150分。2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考生号填写在答题卡指定位置。3. 请按题号顺序在答题纸上各题目的答题区域内整洁作答,超出区域答题无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第1节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选

2、项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. wheredoesthemanwanttostay?a.inanapartment.b.inahotel. c.inadormitory.2. whatisthemantryingtotellthegirl?a.tobemoresocial.b.tobehard-working. c. tobecautious.3. howdidthemanknowwhichshirtthewomanlikes?a. byherwords. b.byherfacialexpressions. c.byh

3、erhandgestures.4.whatistherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?a. motherandson. b.teacherandstudent. c. shopkeeperandcustomer.5. whichmr. brownisthegirlsteacher?a.theyoungone.b.themiddle-agedone. c.theoldone.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每

4、小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7小题。6.whatisthemanworriedabout?a. playingasport.b.goingtoschool. c. meeting new people.7. howdoesthewomanmostlikelyfeelintheconversation?a.proud.b.embarrassed. c. nervous.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9小题。8. wherearethespeakers?a.atataxistand.b.atabusstation. c. ata

5、railwaystation.9. whatwillthewomandowithherticket?a.throwitaway.b.exchangeit. c. keep it for tomorrow.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12小题。10. whatisthewomansjob?a. anitassistant.b.anofficemanager.c. asalesperson.11.whyisthecomputerslowaccordingtothewoman?a.itisbroken.b.ithastoomanyfiles.c. ithasavirus.12.howlonghas

6、themanhadthecomputer?a.oneyear.b.fouryears. c. fiveyears.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16小题。13. whatdoweknowaboutthechair?a.itwasboughtontheinternet. b. itwasfromashop. c.itwasagift.14.whatkindoffurnituredoesthewomanwant?a.thesameasotherpeoples.b. differentfromotherpeoples.c. cheaperthanotherpeoples.15. whichantiq

7、uedoesthemanlikemost?a.thelamp.b. thechair.c. thecupboard.16. whatdoesthemanlikemostaboutantiques?a.theirvalue.b. theirusefulness. c. theirbeauty.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20小题。17. whatisthetalkmainlyabout?a.achinesevillage.b. achinesetradition. c. achineseindustry.18. howistheshowcreated?a.bylightingfireworks

8、.b. bylightingacoldbrickwall.c. bypouringmeltedmetalagainstthewall.19. whatisthemostaccuratedescriptionoftheshow?a. dangerous.b. dull. c. easy.20.whatdoweknowaboutwangdesson?a.heplanstostayinthevillage.b. hehaslearnedtheskillfromhisfather.c. hehopestokeeptheflamealive.第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;

9、每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的a、b、c和d四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。asummer holidays are back on as the government has released a list of quarantine-exempt (隔离豁免) countries britons can travel to from july 10 without needing to self-isolate on their return.francerequirements include strict social distancing at bars

10、, cafes and restaurants and face masks worn when walking inside. beaches have reopened. masks are compulsory on public transports.plane: returns from 30 in august.drive: eurotunnel le shuttle has resumed its folkestone to calais service and allows passengers to order food, drink and groceries to the

11、ir car. from 72 per car one-way.ferry: brittany ferries has resumed its portsmouth-caen route from 42pp one-way.italybritish tourists can travel freely within the country, with the exception of sardinia, sicily, apulia and calabria. beaches have reopened, with 1.5-metre social distancing. most museu

12、ms are open.plane: returns from 17 in august.drive: catch the eurotunnel le shuttle, or a ferry, to france and drive to italy.spaina royal law to wear lace masks has been issued for hotels, restaurants, museums and shops. failure to obey will result in a 100 fine.plane: returns from 25 in august.fer

13、ry: brittany ferries service has resumed. from 350 per car.croatiabritish tourists are welcome but need to fill out a form at enter croatia before arrival. restaurants, hotels and beaches are open. masks are required by law on public transport.plane: returns from 35.21. what can we learn about briti

14、sh tourists driving to italy? a. they can arrive before july 10.b. it is cheaper than taking a plane. c. they have to get to france first.d. it is free toget food and groceries.22. what will cause a visitor to be fined in spain? a. to travel the country freely.b. not to wear a mask in hotels. c. to

15、stand less than 1.5 meters away.d. not to obey self-isolation after arrival.23. in which country is registration needed before arrival? a. france. b. italy. c. spain. d. croatia.bcompassion and love are concepts that are often thought to be felt by humans only. as the most intelligent creatures to e

16、ver walk the earth, we tend to assume that we are the only ones who can feel emotions. we forget that the speechless beings who live here with us animals also have the same capability.during a cold night in ontario, canada, a passerby spotted something on the side of the road that made her stop a sh

17、aking dog curled up in the snow.when she approached the pup, she discovered that she wasnt alone she was cuddling five orphaned black kittens to keep them warm.the dog surely could have found a safer place to stay for the night, but she chose instead to help not just herself but other stray animals

18、as well.the good samaritan called pet and wildlife rescue and an animal control officer picked them up. when they got to the shelter, it was apparent that a close bond had already been formed between the dog and the orphaned kittens. the staff decided to name the kind dog serenity in honor of her se

19、lfless act.“its truly heartwarming!” a shelter spokesperson told the dodo. “it had been a very cold night so these kittens would have had a very hard time surviving.”aside from requiring treatment for worm and flea infections, the orphaned kittens are now safe. just like a proud and doting mother, s

20、erenity insisted on checking on her babies regularly to oversee their progress.the good news is that the kittens are now living with a foster family who will care for them until they are old enough to be adopted. serenity, on the other hand, is still looking for a family.according to the shelter, sh

21、e loves zooming around in the yard and is big on playing. she is also quite jumpy, so she would do best in a home without small children.24. what did the passer-by see on the road?a. a dog curled up in the snow.b. five kittens were in the snow alone.c. a dog was warming five kittens in the snow.d. a

22、 dog found a safe place to stay for the night.25. what does the underlined word she in paragraph 3 refer to?a. the passerby. b. the dog. c. the kitten. d. the spokesperson.26.where is the dog serenity now?a. living in the shelter.b. being adopted by a family.c .staying with the kittens.d. playing wi

23、th some children.27.what can we draw from the story?a. animals and humans should live in harmony.b .a sad end can be turned into a positive one.c. animals have the same capability with humans.d. animals can feel compassion and love like humans.ca robot navigates through the strawberries, detecting r

24、ipe ones, picking without bruising and placing them in its basket. it sounds futuristic but it is possible now thanks to rubion, the picking robot for strawberries. this piece of belgian innovation is not only an answer to the labor shortage in the agricultural industry, but also allows growers to i

25、ncrease the quality of its produce which in the end benefits the consumer.demographic (人口结构的) and socio-economic numbers show that the labor shortage in the agricultural industry is a fact. but for octinion the focus is clearly on adding quality. “thanks to robotics, we have so many possibilities, m

26、uch more than a human could ever do. harvest prediction, picking according to market needs, simply picking when the berries are ripe instead of when workers are available these are just a few examples of what is possible now for a grower,” says tom coen, ceo of the octinion technology group. “the co

27、nsumer will also notice the difference, as strawberries will be fresher and show less bruising.”introducing robots in an industry where almost everything gets done by hand is more of a revolution than an evolution. it calls for close cooperation with all stakeholders (利益相关者). tom coen: “not only hav

28、e we been working together with growers and test centers across the world for the past couple of years, breeders have also been keen on being part of the technological developments. ”in 2014 a team of belgian engineers started the development of the robot. in the meanwhile, octinion wasnt the only c

29、ompany presenting a concept. product manager laura guillaume says its not a surprise that the company from leuven is the first to actually present a commercial product: “by developing the robot from the beginning, we are able to make it practical in greenhouses or tunnels.” octinion plans on launchi

30、ng harvesting robots for other crops in the upcoming years.28. what can we know about the robot?a. it can help solve the problem of labor shortage.b. it makes little difference to the quality of the fruits.c. it is developed by a group of belgian engineers independently.d. it has been put into use a

31、round the globe.29. what is paragraph 2 mainly about? a. the good news of the robotic picking. b. the advantages of the robotic picking. c. how the robotic picking works. d. different attitudes to the robotic picking.30. what can we infer from the last paragraph? a. the robot was introduced to the m

32、arket in 2014. b. octinion is the only company to put forward the idea of the robot. c. the robot can be used in any situation. d. various harvesting robots are on the way.31. what can be the best title for the text? a. how robots pick strawberries. b. fruits will be picked by robots. c. strawberry-

33、picking robots are presented. d. a new robot was invented.d maybe youre depressed because you didnt sleep well. or you feel stuck when you read an email with some bad news that prevented your enthusiastic imagination. whatever the case may be, you tell yourself working now is in vain, because you co

34、uldnt possibly come up with anything inventive in this mood. several studies in psychology have shown that negative emotions narrow our vision and limit our thinking. however, positive emotions can improve creativity because they broaden our way of thinking by encouraging us to try new things or loo

35、k at situations differently. creativity is the ability to produce and carry out both new and useful ideas. creativity can result from a persons own creative ideas and observations, or it can appear as a response to a direct assignment or problem as well. both positive and negative moods can lead to

36、two different kinds of creativity that benefit different tasks. research shows that the key factor influencing our creativity is not our mood itself, but the strength of our feelings and the motivation behind our work. for example, anger or anxiety can help us to focus our attention on producing eff

37、ective results. great excitement or joy, on the other hand, can encourage an instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear all of a sudden. in fact, one study even finds that while were 20 percent more likely to have creative abilities to understand mixed situations when were feeling good

38、, people in a negative mood perform better when the quality of solutions not quantity matters most. but of course, we are rarely entirely happy or entirely sad. more often, we experience mixed emotions. in psychology, these strong emotions, whether they are positive or negative, lead to greater crea

39、tive actions. it comes as no surprise then that highly creative people tend to be very familiar with their emotions. they report experiencing very strong emotions more frequently than less creative people and are more willing to experience those emotions.32. what is the authors purpose in writing th

40、e first paragraph? a. to expect us to be creative. b. to show the importance of creativity. c. to tell us negative emotions exist everywhere. d. to clarify how moods influence your creativity.33. what is the attitude of the author towards negative emotions? a. supportive. b. critical. c. doubtful. d

41、. objective.34. what can be learned in the passage? a. strong emotions play an important role in creativity. b. we should always try to keep ourselves in good mood. c. people feel either very happy or very sad most of the time. d. creativity only results from creative ideas and observations.35. acco

42、rding to the passage, what should you do to get more creative? a. avoid negative moods totally.b. face up to inner feelings positively. c. try out new things cautiously.d. understand mixed situations clearly.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。eyes not only let you se

43、e shapes and millions of colors, but also help manage the light signals that keep your bodys internal clock running properly. your eyes are among your most important organs, but you shouldnt take your eyes for granted. 36 .protect against eye strain. sometimes you pose the greatest danger to your ey

44、es. 37 . to help protect your eyesight and keep healthy eyes, you should take a 15-minute break away from your computer every two hours, and rest your eyes every twenty minutes by looking around the room. your eyes also need sufficient light to read, write and work on the computer or watch tv. in lo

45、w light or dark, your eyes have to work harder than usual, causing strain. 38 . healthy eyes start with the food on your plate. nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins c and e might help prevent age-related vision problems like macular degeneration (黄斑变性) and cataracts (白内障).

46、to get them, fill your plate with green leafy vegetables and other nonmeat protein sources.wear sunglasses with uv (紫外线) protection. the right pair of shades will help protect your eyes from the suns uv rays. too much uv exposure boosts your chances of cataracts and macular degeneration. choose a pa

47、ir of sunglasses that blocks 99% to 100% of uva and uvb rays. wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. and polarized lenses reduce glare while you drive. if you wear contact lenses (隐形眼镜), some offer uv protection. 39 .use safety eyewear. if you use dangerous materials that can be tra

48、nsported by air on the job or at home, wear safety glasses or protective goggles (护目镜). 40 . helmets with protective face masks or sports goggles will protect your eyes.be smart! visit your eye doctor periodically and take care of your eyes to keep them healthy.a. take in enough vitamins.b. eat well

49、 for good eye health. c. take these easy steps to keep your eyes healthy.d. sports like ice hockey can also lead to eye injury.e. but its still a good idea to wear sunglasses for an extra layer.f. overworked eyes lead to short-term and long-term eye and vision problems.g. so wear sunglasses when you

50、re outside or driving to protect your eyes from uv rays. 第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。it was time to start my afternoon run on the school bus. i drove up to the elementary school, parked and opened the doors.usually i enjoyed 41 the kids as they

51、 climbed aboard. today i kept my 42 fixed straight ahead. id just come from a(n) 43 family counseling (辅导) session with my oldest son, shayn. he started consuming alcohol at 17. i felt 44 . how did we ever get here? i thought. shayn was intelligent and had been a 45 to raise. the two of us were clos

52、e.the kids walked past me onto the bus. one or two said hi. a little girl 46 a small piece of paper on my lap gently. “this is for you!” she said.i absent-mindedly 47 the folded paper and looked up just in time to see wisps (缕,束) of long blonde hair 48 down the aisle (过道).id hoped family counseling

53、would help shayn quit drinking. 49 at todays session, shayn was angry. he said kids his age drink 50 and that his drinking was under control. what hope did we have 51 shayn couldnt see that he needed help?i moved to throw the note in the rubbish can near the drivers seat, then 52 . what if the littl

54、e girl sees you throw her present away? i thought. so i 53 it. inside was a four-leaf clover (四叶草), along with a message written in a childs hand: “this is filled with 54 .”as i read the note, my whole body 55 . my thinking changed. i couldnt control shayns drinking. there was still hope, even when

55、i didnt know what to do.i searched my rearview mirror (后视镜) for the child whod given me the note, but not a single one had long blonde hair.41. a. pullingb. teachingc. greetingd. separating42. a. gazeb. thoughtc. braked. schedule43. a. cheapb. expensivec. easyd. difficult44. a. neglectedb. hopelessc. abandonedd. homeless45. a. struggleb. pleasurec. failured. success46. a. laidb. coveredc. distributedd. returned47. a. toreb. cutc. grabbedd. recycled48. a. growb. hangc. disappeard. emerge49. a. forb. andc. o


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