



1、关于春天的英文短文欣赏春天百花齐放,使人神清气爽。春天像冒尖的芽儿,喜笑颜开的, 摇着,舞着。精心收集了关于春天的英文短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于春天的英文短文篇1春天,人们更忙了。俗话说:在春天。你 看,在城市的街道上,忙着来回穿梭于图,农村土地,农民播下希望的种 子。教室的墙壁接近新学期课程,书和新书,有很多很多的知识等待我 们去摘水果。我爱春天,我喜欢闻到芬芳的花香,看到新的绿色树木和听到小乌 克兰的歌唱。我爱春天,因为它充满了活力,充满了新的希望!Spring, people are more busy. As the say ing goes: at thespr ing. You s

2、ee, in the cit y& #39;s streets, was busy shuttli ng back and forth to figure, rural la nd, the farmers are sow n the seeds of hope. The walls of the classroom close to the new semester curriculum, books and new books, there are a lot of kno wledge of many wait ing for us to pick fruit.I love spri n

3、g, I like to smell the fragra nee of flowers, to seethe new gree n trees and hear the singing of small Ukrainian. I love spri ng because it is full of vigor, full of new hope!关于春天的英文短文篇 2I like spring best of all the four seasons. When spring comes, its getting warmer and iiwarmer, and the world bec

4、omes rich and colorful.The sun is red, the sky is blue, clouds are white, and thetrees get gree n aga in.In spring, we can see beautiful flowers everywhere. The birds come back from the south, and sing happily all day. Everythi ng comes back to life aga in.Look, the boys and girls are flying kites b

5、y the river happily.How beautiful the seas on is!【参考译文】一年四季之中,我最喜欢春天。当春天到来时,天气变得越来越 暖和,世界变得五颜六色。太阳是红彤彤的,天空是碧蓝的,云朵是白色的,树木又变绿了。在春天,我们到处都能看到美丽的花朵。鸟儿从南方飞回来了, 整天开心地唱。万物复苏了。你瞧,孩子们正欢快地在河边放风筝。这个季节多美啊!关于春天的英文短文篇 3There are four seasons in a year.The spri ng, summer, autu mn and win ter. I thi nk spri ng is t

6、hemost beautiful seas on. In the spri ng, the flowersareblosso ming, the grass is gree n and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spri ng is not too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring. We can fly kites and enjoy the sun shi ne. I thi nk spri ng is the best seas o

7、n ever!一年有四个季节:春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。我认为春天是最美 丽的季节。在春天,鲜花开放,草地变绿,小鸟也开始歌唱。春天的 温度不冷不热,我们可以去春游,去放风筝,去享受阳光。我认为春 天是最棒的季节!关于春天的英文短文篇4Spring is the first seas on in the year. I n our coun try, it lastsfrom March to May. I n spri ng, theweather is comfortable, butit cha nges a lot. It rains sometimes. Many thi ngs come into lifein spr ing. The trees tur n gree n. People like to go outdoors tohave fun. Besides, farmers ar


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