已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一篇tell,group,this,two,keep,well,valuable,for,since,besidesMost people dont have interest in rainforests. First of all, they seem so far away from us. 1 , they seem dark and dangerous. However Joft Corwin is different from most people. He has been interested in rainforests 2 he was a child.Rainfores

2、ts produce much of the air we breathe every day. Jeff learned this fact in primary school. Since then, he has had one goal 3 people the importance of rainforests. 4 , he is most interested in the special animals living there.Rainforests are home to half of the animal 5 in the world. Many of the anim

3、als there cannot live anywhere else. The rainforests are important to 6 animals, and they are important to the rainforests, too. They are good_ 7 the forests, as each one plays a role in 8 the rainforests healthy.Jeff wants to help people understand the9 information. He has started clubs for young p

4、eople. The clubs teach ways to help protect rainforests. Jeff believes education is the 10 way to protect rainforests. When people learn more about rainforests, they will try to help save them.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Keys:1.Secondly, 考查副词。后面有逗号与主句隔开,做状语。Second 和 secondly 都可以做状语,但 second 表示第二步

5、(与步骤相关),secondly 表是其次,此外。2.since, 考查连词。此句意思为从他是一个小孩开始,他就对热带雨林很感兴趣,从前后时态可以看出。3.to tell,考查非谓语动词。Have sth to do 有某事要做,此句意思为他有一个目标就是告诉人们热带雨林的重要性。4.Besides, 考查副词。考查前后句意思,他的目标是此外,他最感兴趣的就是生活在那里的一些特别的动物。5.groups, 考查名词。Animal groups 动物群体。6.these, 考查代词。由 animals 可以判断前面为复数。7.for, 考查介词。Be good for 对有好处。注意 be go

6、od to 对友好,意思区分。8.keeping, 考查非谓语动词。介词后面用动名词。9.valuable, 考查形容词。Valuable information 有价值的信息。10.best, 考查形容词。从前面的 the 以及句意可判断,教育是保护雨林的最好方式。第二篇from,story,the,which,or,imagine,invent,probably,see,useNexttimeyouholdabookinyourhands,stopandthink.Likemostotherthingsinthemodernworld,itistheresultofthousandsofy

7、earsofhumaninvention.First,cametheinventionofwriting,1 about5,500yearago.Withwriting,peopledidnothavetoremembereverythingintheirheads.Theycouldcommunicatewithpeoplethattheynever 2 andsharetheirknowledgewithfuturegenerations.Later,theGreekswerewell-donefortheirliterature(文学)andscience,buttheirbookslo

8、okedverydifferent 3 thebooksoftoday.Theywerecalledscrolls(卷轴).Theyweredifferenttouseandtookalotofspaceinalibrary.About2,000yearsago,bookswithlotsofpages 4 .Formorethanathousandyears,thepagesofbooksweremadefromanimalskin.Thatchangedin 5 thirteenthcentury,whenEuropeanslearnedaboutavery 6 Chineseinvent

9、ion:paper.ButthebiggestchangeforbooksinEuropecamein1439,whenJohannesGutenberginventedtheprintingpress.Beforethat,booksinEuropewerecopiedbyhand,sotheywereveryexpensive. Manymorepeoplecouldaffordthebooks 7 wereproducedonaprintingpress.Thesedaysitisdifficult 8 aworldwithoutbooks.Buthumaninventiondoesno

10、tstop.Everyyear,more9 areboughtase-booksandreadonascreen.Willanyoneturnthepagesofatraditionalbookinthefuture,10 willbooks,likescrollssoondisappear?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案1. 结合句意,首先,大约(probably)5500年前,书写被发明。程度副词作状语表示“大约”的含义,应该用所给单词的副词形式。故正确答案为 probably。2. 结合上文中 Theycouldcommunicatewithpeopl

11、e可知,讲述过去发生的事件,应该用一般过去时。故正确答案为saw。3. 结合句意,之后,希腊人在文化和科学上做得很好,但是他们的书看起来不同于(differentfrom)现在的书。bedifferentfrom/to/than意为“与不同”。故正确答案为from/to/than。4. 结合句意,大约2000年前,有很多页面的书籍被发明出来。空格处表被动,应该填写所给单词的被动语态。故正确答案为 were invented。5. 结合句意,这点在十三世纪发生了变化。“十三世纪”为特定的时间段,前面要加定冠词来限定。故正确答案为 the。6. 结合句意,这点在十三世纪发生了变化,当欧洲人学会了一

12、种非常有用的中国发明:纸。形容词useful用来修饰名词,表示“有用的”。故正确答案为useful。7. 空格处为定语从句的引导词,引导的先行词 books 为事物类,应该用 that 或者 which。故正确答案为 that/which。8. 结合句意,如今,想象一个没有书籍的世界是很难的。Itsdifficulttodosth.意为“做某事很困难”,是固定搭配。it是形式主语,不定式作真正主语。故正确答案为toimagine。9. 结合句意,每年,更多的故事被以电子书的形式购买并在屏幕上被阅读。更多的故事不止一个,应该用所给名词的复数形式。故正确答案为stories。10. 结合句意,将来

13、会有人翻开一本传统书籍,还是像卷轴这样的书很快就会消失?空格前后两个疑问句为选择结构,应该用表示选择关系的连词。or意为“还是,或者”。故正确答案为or。第三篇drank,fill,happy,day,a,that,sit,of,what,andAmangotlostinadesert.Hewalkedfortwo 1 buthestillcouldntfindhiswayout.Dyingforwater,hefound 2 emptyhouseinthedesert.Therewasawaterpump(泵)inthehouse!Themanwassohappy3 herantodraww

14、ater.Butnomatterhowhardhetried,nowatercameout.He 4 sadlyonthegroundwhenhesawalittlebottlewithacork(软木塞)init.Onthebottle,therewasanoldnotesaying:Youmustaddthewaterintothepumpbeforeyoucandrawwater!Dontforget 5 itwithwateragainbeforeyouleave!Themantookthecorkoutand 6 foundthebottlewasfullofwater!IfImse

15、lfish,aslongasIdrinkthewater,Icangoout 7 thisroomalive.hethought,IfIdoasthenotesaid,Imightdieofthirst.ShouldItaketheriskornot?Atlast,hedecidedtodoasthenotesaid 8 begantodrawwater.Lotsofwaterstartedcomingoutfromthepump! 9 abigsurprise!Afterhe 10 enough,hefilledthebottlewithwaterandaddedhiswordsaftert

16、henote.Believeme,doasthenotetellsyou!hewrote.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 解析:1. 结合句意,他走了两天但他仍不能找到出去的路。day 为可数名词,前面有数词 two 修饰,用复数形式 days。故正确答案为 days。2. 结合句意,渴望水,他在沙漠中发现了一个空房子。一个为泛指,应使用不定冠词。empty是以元音音素开头,故an符合文意。故正确答案为an。3. 结合句意,那人很高兴,跑去打水。sothat意为“如此以至于”,so后跟形容词或副词,that后引出结果状语从句。故正确答案为that。4. 结合句意,

17、当他看到一个瓶子里有软木塞时,他伤心地坐在地上。语境为过去时态。故正确答案为wassitting/sat。5. 结合句意,在你离开前不要忘记重新将它灌满水。forget to do sth. 意为“忘记将要做的事”。故正确答案为to fill。6. 结合句意,那人把软木塞取了出来,高兴地发现瓶子里装满了水。happy 副词形式happily 修饰动词found。故正确答案为happily。7. 结合句意,“我”可以活着离开这个房间。go out of 意为“从出来,离开”。故正确答案为of。8. 结合句意,最后,他决定照纸条上说的做并开始打水。连接表示递进关系的两个动作,用 and。故正确答案

18、为 and。9. 结合句意,多么大一个惊喜啊!感叹句结构中What+ 名词 + 主语 + 谓语;How + 形容词或副词 + 主语 + 谓语,其中主语和谓语可以省略。故正确答案为What。10. 结合句意,他喝够之后,把瓶装满水,然后在纸条上加上他的话。全文均为表过去的时态。故正确答案为drank/had drunk。第四篇call,brain,still,mind,able,late,they,active,danger,whetherWatch young children in a school class.You will often notice that there are thr

19、ee or fourespecially boys who cannot sits 1 They have trouble paying attention to the teacher for longer than a few minutes,and they seem to forget things the teachers tells them What is the manner with them? Many doctors think they need medicine,so they give the children a drug 2Ritalin(利他林).It is

20、supposed to help them settle down and pay better attention It works,but it is also 3.Ritalin has some bad side effects(副作用),and it can even kill children who take too much.Because of the serious side effects of Ritalin,many people think it is not good for children Ritalin seems to affect both a chil

21、ds 4 and body.The drug does help children calm down and focus,but some scientists claim( 声 称 ) that Ritalin decreases the flow of blood to the 5 This effects a childs thinking and memory and makes it more difficult to learn Scientists also think that the drug might limit (限制)a childs 6 to grow and a

22、n cause trouble sleeping.Another problem is that children can take too much of the drugSome children like the way the drug makes 7 feel,so they take more than they should.They know this is wrong,but they cannot stop,much the same as people who cannot stop smoking.A third problem is that doctors do n

23、ot know 8 the drug is really safe or not.Doctors do not know what happens to children who take this drug for a long time.They do not know if these children show side effects after they grow up.Ritalin might help when children are young but are there bad effects 9 in life? Because nobody knows for su

24、re,some scientists say that Ritalin should not be usedToday,some doctors and teachers say that there are better ways than drugs to help children with attention problems.One good idea is to give children better food and make sure they get more rest.Another way to help children with attention problems

25、 is to find teachers who have special training with 10 children.Such teachers know how to help these children learn.Another idea is for parents and teachers to simply be patient.Most childrens attention will improve naturally as they get older.Parents and teachers just have to give these children ti

26、me to develop1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 【分析】本文讲述的是面对上课注意力不集中的孩子到底该怎么做?有的医生给孩子吃一种叫Ritalin的药品,这种药品对孩子产生了副作用有一些医生和老师采用了其他的方法来解决孩子们注意力不集中的问题【解答】1still 考查副词,本句的意思是你会注意到有三四个(孩子),尤其是不能安静地坐下来的男孩still 副词,安静地,不动地,短语sit still坐着不动 故填still2called 考查动词,本句中called是过去分词,在这里做后置定语,a drug called Ritalin一种叫利他林的药品 故填

27、called3brain 考查名词, 根据后文This effects a childs thinking and memory and makes it more difficult to learn(这将影响孩子们的思维和记忆,使得学习更困难),由此可知前一句的意思是降低大脑血液的流速,故填brain4limit 考查动词,limit a childs ability限制孩子的能力,might 后跟动词原形故填limit5themselves 考查反身代词,一些孩子喜欢那种(服用)药品产生的感觉,children对应的反身代词为themselves.故填themselves6later/l

28、eft 考查副词或过去分词,本句的意思是在孩子们小的时候利他林可能会起作用,但是后来(later)有坏的影响吗?也可理解为生活中会留下(left)坏的影响吗? 故填later/left7active 考查形容词,本句的意思是另外一种在注意力问题方面帮助孩子的方法就是寻找对活跃的孩子有过特殊训练的老师故填active【点评】短文填词的技巧,首先对文章进行整体的阅读,掌握大意,重在对单词词义的理解及其整个文章语言逻辑关系的判断然后结合上下文语境,固定搭配等填出正确的单词,另外一定要注意单词的正确形式.在平时的学习中除了多去积累记忆单词外,还需要适当做题,保持良好的语感与阅读的习惯短文填空主要考查考

29、生阅读理解的能力、分析句子结构的能力和熟练运用语法的能力第五篇attention,three,among,do,space,mean,if,empty,reply,sameOne day,a teacher did a special experiment(实验)for his studentsThe teacher stood before the students with an 1. glass jar(广口瓶) in his hand.First,he picked up some big stones and filled the jar with them.He then aske

30、d the students 2. the jar was full.They agreed that it wasThe teacher then picked up some smaller stone and put them into the jar.He shook the jar and then smaller stones ran into the areas 3. the big stones.He asked the students the 4. question.And they said yesNext the teacher picked up a box of s

31、and and poured it into the jar.Of course,the sand filled up everything else.He then asked the question the 5. time.The students still agreed.The teacher then poured water into the jarNow,said the teacher,I want you to know that this jar represents(代表) your life.The big stones and the smaller ones ar

32、e the important things.The sand 6. the small things.If you put the sand into the jar first,there will be no 7. for the stones.It is just like what you do in your life.If you spend all your time and energy 8. with the small things,youll never have room for the things that are important to you.So,pay

33、.9. to the things that are important for your real happiness first.The rest is just sandOne of the students asked what the water represented.The teacher smiled and 10. to the question,The water just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem,theres always room for a little more practice to

34、 make your life even fuller1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 【分析】老师用一个实验来说明,在生活中我们会遇到很多问题,我们要把时间和精力用于关系我们真正幸福的大事情上,而非无关紧要的琐碎事情上【解答】1.empty.考查形容词分析句子结构和语法可知,应填形容词,作为定语根据语境可知,老师站在学生前面,手里拿着一个空的玻璃广口瓶empty空的故填empty2.if考查连词分析句子结构和语法可知,应填连词,来引导一个从句根据语境可知,然后他询问学生,瓶子是否满了if是否故填if3.among考查介词分析句子结构和语法可知,应填介词,和后面的名


36、表语根据语境可知,如果你先把沙子放进瓶子里,那就没有空间来放石头space是不可数名词,意思是空间,故填space8.dealing/ doing考查动名词分析句子结构和语法可知,应填动名词,构成spend doing sth句型,意思是花费时间(金钱)做某事根据语境可知,如果你把时间和精力花费在小事情上,那你就没有空来做重要事情deal /do with处理故填dealing/ doing9.attention考查名词分析句子结构和语法可知,应填名词,作为宾语根据语境可知,因此首先要注意对你来说关乎你的真正幸福的事情pay attention to注意故填attention10.replie

37、d考查动词分析句子结构和语法可知,应填动词过去式,和前面的smiled作为并列谓语根据语境可知,老师微笑着回答这个问题reply回答故填replied【点评】首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握大意,然后结合给出的单词,确定某处需要的形式和词汇,就可以确定正确答案pay,before,courage,when,but,they,quick,work,because,hurt第六篇One afternoon,I went into an art museum while waiting for my husband.I hoped to enjoy the1. of art quietlyA young c

38、ouple walked in front of me and talked about the paintings between2. all the time.The lady did almost all the talking,3. the man kept listening to her.I thought the man was very patient4. nobody would like to be bothered(打扰)while enjoying the paintingsI met them several times as I moved through the

39、different rooms of the art museum.Each time I heard her talking,I moved away5. I 6. for some gifts at the museum shop when the couple walked slowly to the exit(出口)7. they left,the man took out a cane(拐杖).Then he tapped(轻敲)his way to the coatroom to get the jacket for his wifeHe is a brave man, the w

40、orker of the shop said.He decided not to change his life after his eyes got 8. .Though he is blind now,he never gives up.He and his wife come here 9. there is a new art showBut what can he get out of the art? He cant see! I askedYou are wrong.He sees a lot,more than you and I do The worker said,His

41、wife describes each painting so he can see it in his mindI fell silent.Then I realized that I learnt something about patience,10. and love that day1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 【分析】【文章大意】本文讲的是一位盲人的故事,以及作者从这位盲人身上学到的东西和得到的体会【解答】1.works 考查动词,根据题干,可知work在此处作作品讲,所以是可数名词,故填works2.themselves 考查代词,根据A youn

42、g couple ,可知是指一对年轻夫妇在他们自己之间在谈论这些话,故填themselves3.but 考查连词,根据the man kept listening to her那个男人一直在听她的,可知这跟前文是转折关系,故填but4because 考查连词,根据前文the man was very patient 这个人很有耐心,结合后文nobody would like to be bothered(打扰)while enjoying the paintings欣赏画作时,没有人会喜欢被打扰, 可知前后是因果关系,故填because5.quickly 考查副词,根据动词 moved,可知是

43、副词修饰动词,故填quickly6.was paying 考查动词,根据 when the couple walked slowly to the exit(出口)可知有when引导的时间状语从句,主句往往用进行时,发生在过去,所以用过去进行时,故填was paying7. before 考查介词,根据they left,the man took out a cane(拐杖)在他们离开之前,老人拿出来一个拐杖 ,故填before8.hurt 考查形容词,根据his eyes got,get+形容词,表示眼睛受伤了,故填 hurt9.whenever 考查副词,根据He and his wife

44、 come here (when)there is a new art show,推出句意:无论什么时候有新的艺术展,他和他的妻子都会来这儿,故填whenever10courage 考查动词,根据 I learnt something about patience,可知此处是名词勇气,是不可数名词,故填courage【点评】灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、时态、名词单复数、代词、冠词、等判断空白处应该填写的内容第七篇on,mother,face,if,change,a,forget,however,real,helpOne day before final exam,my mother gave

45、 me a gift which completely1. my life On that day,I had a fight with my best friend and it was a hard time with my studies,too.I was2. under much pressure.Then I noticed the gift.I opened it and there was3. DVD inside.Its name was The Secret4. ,I was in no mood(心情) to watch it.I sat down to study,bu

46、t the problems in my life-the fight,the sleepless nights and my poor healthEverything came to my mind.I wanted an answer but I wondered5. there was any.Just then,I saw the DVD again.Maybe it would be6. so I turned7. my DVD player.I had no words to describe my feelings.The story was so moving that al

47、l my problems were8. Thanks to my9. gift,The Secret ,I learned a lot.Everyone has difficulties in the lives.The important thing is that we should be brave enough(10) them.Now I have started getting on well on my studies and friends.And I am in good health,too.I often hear people say Wow ,what a perf

48、ect life you have!1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 分析】本文讲述了作者原本因为最好朋友吵架心情低落,看了妈妈送的DVD改变了自己原本低落的心情,并且收获的心得:勇敢面对生活中所有的困难【解答】1,changed 考查动词本句是由which引导的定语从句,主句从句都发生在过去,表一般过去,故用一般过去故答案为:changed2,really 考查副词really修饰后面的介词短语under much pressure,real为形容词,此处应用程度副词修饰.故答案为:really3,a 考查冠词结合语境:有一个DVD在里面此处是泛指,故用不定冠词a

49、/an,DVD首字母的首个发音是辅音,故用a.故答案为:a4,However.考查副词结合语境,前面指收到DVD,后一句:我没有心情去看它可知此处表示转折,后面有逗号隔开,需要用However.故答案为:However5,if/whether考查连词此处为宾语从句,从句是一般疑问句,用whether或者if,故本题答案为:if/whether6,helpful 考查形容词此处be+形容词做表语,表示状态help是动词,形容词为helpful.故本题答案为:helpful7,on 考查介词结合语境:也许DVD能改变我的心情,所以我DVD,可推知此处是打开DVD,turn on打开故本题答案为:o

50、n8,forgotten 考查动词be+过去分词,表示被动,主语是动作的承受者,故此处用forget的过去分词故答案为:forgotten9,mothers 考查名词所有格结合语境:谢谢妈妈的礼物,名词所有格修饰后面的gift故本题答案为:mothers10,to face 考查动词be+adj+enouth+to do sth,不定式表目的,故本题答案为:to face【点评】学生首先要掌握基础知识,在理解文章大意的基础上,分析句子,把握填何种词性,从而做出正确答案第八篇leg, learn, two, they, the, also, use, like, afraid, thanHiph

51、op dancing(街舞)is popular with many young people todayThey like it because they can invent1. own movesThey use this dance to show their love for lifeIt2. shows that they feel good about life,that they just want to be themselves and enjoy life,and that they are not3. of problems Hiphop dancing has a history of more4. 30yearsIt first began in5. 1980s in the USIn early times,it was seen in New York and Los AngelesAt that time,many young black people often danced to the music in the streetsThey6. their arms,heads,7. and even shoulders to danceMany young peopl


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