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1、苔丝中修辞的翻译ContentsAbstract (in English)IAbstract (in Chinese)IIChapter I. Introduction1A. Relevant background1B. Significance of the study2Chapter II. Literature review3A. Review of the previous studies3B. Summary based on the above-mentioned literature5Chapter III. Theoretical framework6A. Developmen

2、t of foreignization and domestication6B. Foregnization8C. Domestication9Chapter IV. Foreignization and Domestication in the rhetoricaldevices translation in Tess of the dUrbervilles 11A. Foreignization in the rhetorical devices translation ofTess of the d Urbervilles11B. Domestication in the rhetori

3、cal devices translation ofTess of the d Urbervilles15C. The relationship between foreignization and domestication 17Chapter V. Conclusion19192021A. Summary of the studyB. Suggestions for future researchWorks Cited摘要苔丝是一部著名的文学作品, 修辞是该作品的重要组成部分, 分析苔丝中修辞的翻译有助于更好的了解这部巨著。孙致礼译文 中对修辞的翻译是苔丝 众多译文中的佼佼者,原因在于其翻

4、译方 法:归化与异化的恰当使用。 本文将从归化与异化两个角度分析孙致 礼对苔丝中修辞的翻译,旨在说明归化与异化是相辅相成的,在 翻译过程中,应以归化为主,异化应为归化的归途。关键词: 修辞翻译;异化;归化; 苔丝AbstractTess of The d Urbervilleis a famous literary work. Rhetorical device is an important part of the literary work. Analysis of literary translation in Tess of The d Urbervilleswill make the

5、 masterpiece understandable. Sun Zhili s version is remarkable among the versions of all languages, which reflect the rhetorical devices using different methods of translation. The most important thing is the strategy, because Sun prefers foreignization and domestication. The author will analysis pa

6、rt of translation of rhetorical devices from foreignization and domestication in order to explain to complement with each other. Yet the main method should be domestication, while foreignization should follow domestication during the translation process.Key words: rhetorical device; domestication; f

7、oreignization; Tess of the d UrbervillesChapter I. IntroductionA. Relevant backgroundThere is no doubt htat Thomas Hardy Tess of the D urbervisilles a treasure in the literature of England even in the world. Under Hardy s pen, the heroine Tessis created as an attractive and warm-hearted pure woman,

8、who has the quality of endurance and self-sacrifice. Hardy s descriptive language is beautiful, especially in relating the growing love between Angel and Tess at Talbothay Tsh.e passion shown is so beautifully described, especially considering that there is nothing even beyond the realm of suggestiv

9、e. The same descriptive style, which I felt, made the Mayor of Casterbridge and bit cumbersome, plodding and difficult to get into has a wonderful vibrancy and color to it, so that you can perfectly picture Tess and the little upward curve of her lip that drives Angel mad. The natural description is

10、 also thoroughly detailed in typical Hardy style, but once again has a beauty that the Mayor of Casterbridge didn t have.Hardy weaves a complex tale which clearly has dire thoughts of his eras views of morals and religions and the hypocritical stance which said that men were unable to control their

11、sex and drives and therefore upper class men could have sex with as many peasant girls as they wished and have no reason to feel guilty. Alec is painted as the devil, reappearing in different forms and appearing with pitchforks in all his mustached, Victorian melodrama villain glory. Hardy paints a

12、sad picture of religion too, where minor doctrines are given more importance than forgiveness and kindness.All in all, Tess is a beautiful book full of gorgeous language and suggestive passion, which in my view is unequalled. In old China, girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent,

13、and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character.They thought man equals power and power equals rights. Now, lets not be so bitter. Nowadays womens situations have b

14、ecome much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like Tess just a memory.B. Significance of the studyThis thesis gives a new definition to literature translation. It also states that literature translation should fol

15、low domestication theory and foreignization theory. The version of Tess of the d Urbervillesis a milestone of the culture communication and the development of translation. Among all the versions, Sun Zhili vesrsion is remarkable.Sun Zhili employs different methods of translation, with different purp

16、oses and yield different results. The most important translating methods are foreignization and domestication. And these two methods are not separated, but synthesized. But the main method should be domestication, while foreignization should follow domestication. Tess of the dUrdervillesis more impo

17、rtant than in other novels, because of different characters have various novels and his translations directly reflect his own temperaments.Meanwhile, Sun suggeststhe characters destinies and the storys orientation. The understanding of the novels will correctly influence the meaning of the whole wor

18、k. Analysis of rhetorical devices translation will make the masterpiece more understandable. It is a breakthrough point to research the translation of Tess of The d Urberville.sThe author will analyze part of translation of rhetorical devicesfrom foreignization and domestication.Chapter II. Literatu

19、re reviewA. Review of the previous studies“ Figuresof speech or stylistic devices ”which means “ waysof making our language figurative Feng 3”). W(hen people choose language units to express their meaning, in order to make their language more vivid and more powerful, they will use certain rhetorical

20、 devices.“ Rhetoric or”iginals from a Greek word “ PHTOP(KHETOR)” ,which is an art of using language for persuasion, in speaking or writing, or in oratory (J. A. Cuddon 570). Aristotle, the father of rhetoric gave hisdefinition of rhetoric asThe art of dischoevearvianiglaabllet means ofpersuasion in

21、 any given case ”(Aristotle 350). Obviously, rhetoric of ancient Greek was basically the methods of persuasion or oratorytechniques. Aristotle also stressed his view as“ focused his discussio the devices that an orator used in order to achieve the intellectual and emotional effects on audience that

22、would persuade them to accede to his view point H”e (326).In recent years, some western rhetoricians made more analyses and summarizations about rhetoric on the basis of new view points. These rhetoricians also attach great importance to the relationship between rhetoric and other subjects. George K

23、ennedy said in his book A Hook in the Dark: “Rhetoric in the most general sense may perhaps be identified with the energy inherent in communication: three motional energy that impels the speaker to speak, namely, the physical energy expended in the utterance, the energy level coded in the message, a

24、nd the energy experienced by the recipient in decode 327). Willia”m(Cavino and David Jolliffe gave their view about what is rhetoric as:“ Rhetoric is a priverbal, situational contingent, epistemic art that is both philosophical and practical and gives rise to potentially active text 327).”(Western r

25、hetoric originated from ancient Greek (fifth century B.C). At first, it was used at the court of testament inspection, and then became prosperous under the influence of democratic politics of ancient Greek. Around fourth centuries BC, Aristotle systemized the standard of rhetoric. Today, classical r

26、hetoric refers to the rhetoric system established by Aristotle and the further discussion of Cicero and Quinlian, which enriched this system. The oldest monograph about rhetoric is Aristotle Rhetoric. The rhetoric in the early stage mainly studied the basic elements of oratory. The development of rh

27、etoric can be divided into five stages: the Classical time, the Medieval time, the Renaissance time, the Enlightenment time and the Modern time.However, the rhetoric of ancient Greek was limited in the use of three forms of public oratory: legitimate oratory, political oratory, and ritual oratory. L

28、ater, rhetoric extended into the field of preach and all kinds of persuasive oratory and speech. Classical rhetoric divided the writing process of persuasive oratory into five parts: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. They are also regarded as the five basic elements of oratory. Th

29、ese five elements, until now, are still the basis of modern rhetoric.B. Summary based on the above-mentioned literatureThe history of rhetoric is almost as long as that of human language. If one wants to exactly and vividly express his or her ideas in communication with others, he or she should full

30、y take advantage of all kinds of language elements, and performs in appropriate language manners thus rhetoric came into being. In the interaction between human and nature, people created languages, and in the process of using languages,rhetoric was produced. So, rhetorical phenomenabear close and i

31、nherent connection with the development of languages. It is also the symbol of maturity, perfection, correctness and exquisiteness of language forms. Sun Zhili vesrsion is remarkable because he used certain rhetorical devices, which made his language more vivid and more powerful.Chapter III. Theoret

32、ical frameworkA. Development of foreignization and domesticationForeignization and domestication are first mentioned by an American scholar L. Venuti. And this term is directly from a thesis of German scholar Schleiemacher. In his thesis, Schleiemacher home discusses the relation between translation

33、 and comprehension. He also points out that there are two kinds of situations. One is to make the readers close to the author and the other is to make the author close to the readers. If a translator makes the readers close to the authors cultural background, the readers can feel the emotional appea

34、l. In this paper, Schleiemacher mentions a method: taking the author as the center or taking the readers as the center. This point of view influences the latertheories a lot.In the past, many translators have their different opinions of whether the original passage can be translated or not. To meet

35、the need of the culture circulation, translation has been a necessary tool of transmitting the foreign cultures and introducing the domestic cultures.In recent 20 years, translation research emerges two tends. One is that translation theory is branded with communication theory; the other is to focus

36、 more on cultural translation than language translation. Translation is not the transformation of language symbol but the transformation of culture. For translation refers to the culture transformations between two languages, the problem of the relationship between language and culture comes. Langua

37、ge and culture are undetachable. Without language, culture cannot exist, while language is meaningful only if it can reflect the culture, becausethe first part that translation refers to is the meaning. Meanwhile, the words are meaningful only if they relate to culture. Since translation concerns to

38、 culture, the problem is how to deal with the culture factor in the text especially when the source language texts culture differs much with the target language culture. The translation circle has different attitudes toward handling the culture difference. Generally speaking, it can be divided into

39、to ways: one is alienation and the other is adaptation. The former stands for source language or author oriented, while the latter is target language or reader oriented. If points of the culture transformation, the two methods are source language culture oriented and target language culture oriented

40、 (Guo 272-73).Recently, a great number of translators argue that with which translating strategy, foreignization or domestication, we could translate better. There has been a heated discussion on which of the two methods is better, just like the debate between foreignization and domestication. Two a

41、ttitudes present the argument of it in China. Some experts believe that in stthe 21 century, China has more opportunity to communicate with other counties in economic, science, culture, and Chinese people tend to spread Chinese culture to the foreigners so foreignization will be used more widely.In

42、China, the dispute between foreignization and domestication originated from 1987, when Liu Yingkai bitterly attacked several bad things of Domestication, and considered it as the wrong road of translation. Sun Zhili said “ Chinesetranslation should tend from domesticating translation to foreignizati

43、on (Su”n 40). As the economic globalization and cultural communication developed, foreignization will be dominant in the translation strategies. Foreignization will get more attention in literature translation.B. ForeignizationForeignization is a term used by Venuti to designate the type of10 transl

44、ation in which a target translation is produced, which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. Venuti sees the origin of such a concept in Schleiermacher, who discusses the type of translation in which“the translator leaves the author in peac

45、e, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards h”im(Venuti 19). Early in the 1920s and 1930s of the last century, Mr. Lu Xun put forward the advocate of foreignization not domestication. He said, “ Translation has to cover the foreign appeal, that is, the foreign flavor or style. There is, in

46、fact, no completely domesticating or assimilating translation all over the world. It is, if any, seemingly in harmony but actually at variance. Strictly distinguished, it does not refer to translation (Lu 56). Unfortunately, his advocate did not evoke emphasis to a great extent in translation field.

47、 Domestication took the advantages for a long time. Since the reform and opening policy, with the coming of the Western translation theory, Chinese translators and scholars have had a new cognition between foreignization and domestication. They recognize the importance of foreignization. As a matter

48、 of fact, form serves content, and certain form expresses certain content. The application of the expressions of the original can often express the original meaning accurately and thoroughly.C. DomesticationDomesticating translation is a term used by Venuti to describe the11 translation strategy in

49、which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. Venuti traces the roots of the term back to Schleiermachers famous notion of the translation, which “leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the autho

50、r towards him ”(19-20). However, for Venuti the term domestication has negative connotations as it is identified with a policy common in dominant cultures which he are “ aggressively monolingual, unreceptive to the foreign”, and which he describe as being accustomed to fluent translations that invis

51、ibly inscribe foreign texts with target language values and provide readers with the narcissistic experience of recognizing their own culture in a culture other ”(15). The notion of Invisibility is important here, as this is the term used to describe the translators role in preparing a target transl

52、ation likely to be acceptable in a culture where domesticating translation is standard; indeed, it is the translators very invisibility, which simultaneously “enacts and masks an insidious domestication of foreign texts”(16-17). An approach based on domestication will thus involve such steps as the

53、careful selection of texts which lend themselves to being translated in this manner, the conscious adoption of a fluent, natural-sounding target language style, the adaptation of target translation to conform to target discourse types, the interpolation of explanatory material, and the general harmo

54、nization of target translation with target language preconceptions12 and preferences. Venuti argues that domestication is the predominant translation strategy in Anglo-American culture, and that this is consistent with the asymmetrical literary relations which generally exist between this and other

55、cultures, he further argues that, sine domestication serves broader domestic agendas,it is necessaryto strategies (Mark & Moira 43-44).ChapterIV. Foreignization and Domestication in the rhetorical translation of Tes of The d UrbervillesForeignization and domestication, evolving from literal and libe

56、ral, are also two methods in translating, which are different from literal and liberal methods. The main difference is that the focus of the literal and liberal methods is how to deal with the form and meaning in the linguistic structural forms of the original, but the contribution of foreignization

57、 and domestication breakthrough the restriction of language and consider such aspects as language, culture and aesthetics. Literal and liberal lie in the value of language aspects. Foreignization and domestication base themselves upon the value in the cultural context. In other words, a translator i

58、s required to approach the author in foreignization method, and employ the expressions the author uses, to convey the original content. In domestication method, a translator id asked to come towards the target language readers, and apply to the expressions that they are accustomed13 to and like, to

59、express the original content.A. Foreignization in the rhetorical devices translation of Tess of theD UrbervillesThe “foreign ”in foreignization is not transparent representation of an essence that resides in the foreign text and is valuable in itself, but a strategic construction whose value is contingent on the current target-languagesituati


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