



1、精选文档College stude nt career programm ingUniversity students career planning directly impact on university stude nts academic performa nee, and also affect the job hunting after graduati on and eve n the success of future careerAs a junior ,career programming is a impetus for the future .Through thre

2、e years college life ,we have fairly doma in kno wledge. Now we n eed to do career planning based on our major, structure of knowledge, comb in ati on social en vir onment and market circumsta nces.Tak in gout a pla n about will en gaged in what career and require reach the career go directivity.By

3、means of myself career program min g, I can solve the problem of four to decide -directional ,fixed point, fixed position,centering. Thereby, as soon as possible to sure my career goal,choose career developme nt area and scope.As a girl, I want to live leisure life .To be a teacher for a girl is a g

4、ood choice,but I don thi nk I can be a good teacher. As a teacher I have no special visio n, no special urge ,no fight. I know my respect fields well. I have orderly minds.My course may be well planed and efficiently taught.BecauseI am a responsible person.l am more interested in the subject being t

5、aught tha n in stude nts or social progress. A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves. So I thi nk I will not be a good teacher.Choos ing a career is one of the most importa nt things in a pers on life. Fi ndi ng the right career,

6、 we will be happy and successful. Fin di ng the wrong one, we will not be able to fully display our talents. Unfortunately, many of us make cause mistakes, the trouble is that we ofte n choose a career for the wrong reas ons. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of their parents a

7、nd relatives, and many others cha nge jobs con sta ntly un der the in flue nee of friends who give them their advices. As a result, they cant make the best use of their tale nts, and they get no well in their work. These mistakes can be avoided by taki ng into acco unt some factors, such as our choi

8、ce of occupati on and a necessary information about the job before we make the decision. Above all, it is importa nt to make a fare evaluati on of ourselves. Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our ability is . Only by doing so, can we both excel in and enjoy our work.Now ,lear n w

9、ell professi onal kno wledge ,take full adva ntage of the rest time in college,do preparation for obtain employment.l need to successfully obtain a driver license,improve the ability of spoken En glish com muni cati on .read more books broade n my horiz on.Short-term career pla n( 2-5 years)Get a jo

10、b-this period is familiar and adjustment. I plan take about three years to find the job en vir onment and stati on for myself develop ing by con ti nue try and striven this period my focus mai nly on take up a occupatio n .Putt ing my major en ergy on job and finding a job which can meet myself basi

11、c n ecessary .In my opinion ,I can chose from corporate PR ,ordi nary staff ,secretary, assista nt.Medium-term career pla n( 5-15 years)Choose a job -not only find a job,but also choose the suitable for myself i n multitude job opport unity, in the long run, it is the one which can acquire better su

12、ccess.This period is steadily progress time.In this approximately ten years ,work hard ,I should acquire bus in ess skills and have some achieveme nts in the occupati on I take .un til that time , bus in ess bega n to transition, I will have accumulated some professional quality and in terpers onal

13、relati on ship.So I will able to chose the career I like.Lon g-term career pla n (15-30 years)Stable developme nt -this is a successful career stage.This is the gold time for career developme nt.l n eed to grab the opport unity to push my career to peak. The developme nt goal is steadily career ,har

14、m ony family, and a health body.It is the first step to be successful that have a certa in and reas on able pla n. For to achieve the goals I n eed to do persiste nee efforts. As a famous saying goes, ther no such thing as a free lunch. Ther no one but longs to succeed,but it not easy to get success

15、. I should have an active attitude. Eve n we can say, everyth ing depe nds on attitude. If I have a right attitudewill get half of success at the beginning .So, I cannot emphasize attitude too much. What more, practice is another importa nt aspect to success. Easier said tha n done, so we must put into practice in the course of lear ning. Last but by no means the last, a firm resoluti on plays an esse ntial role in gett ing success. All resista nee will be conq uered by a firm resoluti on. Man, once his goal is set, should not shift himself from his resoluti on of struggli ng for i


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